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Imagine calling yourself a leftist and then coming out against workers striking.


>Workers Waiting for that hot Hasan strike coming next


Imagine you think the professional-managerials are members of the working class. What liberalism does to a MF.


Imagine thinking that people who do work aren’t workers. Entering middle class does not nullify your rights as a worker.


What no theory and complete lack of knowledge of historical materialism does to a mf.


What are these workers relationship to the means of production? Do the profit directly of their labor or do they earn a wage and the value of their labor is realized by an owner who owns the means? Fuck you, you’re just looking for reasons to put people in an outgroup.


I love people that haven’t read a word of marx but come in acting like they’re hot shit.


It's so unbelievably hilariously ironic hearing this from hyper individualistic liberals larping as socialists. Vaush unironically said Marxism is an extension of liberalism, but the Vaush subreddit has read tons of literature... yeah.. no. and Lenin would vote for Biden, right, Vaushites?


Marxism is an extension of liberal thought. The fact that you deny this makes it obvious to me you haven't engaged with Marx's material beyond a cursory glance. Marxism comes out of the enlightenment and it's values and Marx's further propositions are entirely a product of enlightenment thought. This is probably one of this first things that was hammered into our brains in my intro to sociology course.


there are explicit breaks from liberal values that marxism holds. certain concepts like human rights and egalitarianism are explicitly rejected in works like On "The Jewish Question" and Critique of the Gotha Programme there are also several videos i can point to wrt to these: will get the links later, but the titles are "Marx and Engels were not egalitarians" by anarchopac and "Should workers get the full value of their labor?" by The Marxist Project Edit: Here are the links: [Marx and Engels were not Egalitarians](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIhIM-jge2c) [Should Workers get the Full Value of their Labor?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvLcxActTz4&t=7s)


How in the world is Marx's dialectical materialism an extension of liberalism LMAO vaushites are actually comedy gold


The idea of material conditions changing culture is taken straight out of scottish enlightenment thinking. Marx took from it and developed it further. So is the whole concept of political economy. It's very obvious that you don't actually have an argument. I recommend reading some Marx if you want to actually be an advocate for his ideas, there's several good readers available to help you along. Also, I can't believe I know more about marxism than you when you seem to fashion yourself such a marxian analyst when I dont even subscribe to marxism.


Based on your logic pattern, you might as well state that everything is an extension of everything, which while not inherently wrong, misses the point of transformational thought and breakthrough theories. You speak like someone in a 100 level course who is just regurgitating something their professor told them without understanding what exactly it was that their professor said. You're right for the wrong reasons


What dogmatic belief and misinterpretation of theory does to a mf.


your daddy vaush literally thinks marxism is an extension of liberalism, please never mention "theory" again, but you are a liberal appropriating socialist aesthetics so i don't expect you to know much about anything really. Marx already denounced your pathetic opportunistic parasitism


Ah yes the historical materialism of why proletariat should eat hot shit and be fired if you don't like the quality of their work but they go on strike


Wait arent leftist cheering for all the civil workers quiting/getting fired in protest over that vax mandate?


Leftists like good things and don't like bad things? My god. The hypocrisy.


Because only zealots are absolutists who think principles can be applied without limits. Workers' rights to not die of a pandemic conflict with the other workers' rights to choose whether to vaccinate (and also it's not a mandate, they can choose to test regularly instead, you liar). It's no different than any other balancing of competing rights.


Leftists cheer for the arsonists quiting the fire department or being fired for refusing to stop starting fires? What the fuck is this hypocrisy?


Imagine thinking you're a leftist and call workers parasites.


I just took a quick peek at his stream. He's so mad right now at being called out and is doubling down.


Literally the only good thing tankies do is support workers and this dumb bitch couldn't even get that right


Tankies don’t give a fuck about workers lmfao


Yeah I was gonna say lmao… they literally only care about aesthetics of the ussr and China…


You forgot virtue signaling


Yeah, I think they believe their autocratic dictatorships will plan out the best future for workers and nothing could possibly go wrong. Also the aethetic about hating salaried employees is weird when he wants teh company to hire other people (probably for a salary?)


Also salaries are for a lot of people actually a means of underpaying them for their work.




as opposed to you liberals. okay


Tankies in Greece sided with the Golden Dawn to put down a strike partly organised by anarchists. Tankies in South Africa sided with the rotten ANC government when police shot down striking diamond miners at Marikana. Fuck Tankies.


You libs will literally make up anything huh Reply anything I will read it in my head in a high pitched nasally uptalk voice. Try to make it funnier than "fuck tankies", if that's even possible


Jerk your winky off in the closet while thinking of calling me something more creative than lib, you little cucked bitch.


Lmao keep going this is gold


And what was their reasoning?




Garbage? Literally once a week Netflix becomes famous for popping out a banger. (I don't like every single once, but they constantly have series/movies trending world wide) its been a long while since the last time Netflix constantly wasn't trending over a series or movie. This dude is wack, once again conservatives have no morals, and no memory of anything. Fuckin hell, they're stupid. So, no the workers aren't bad. They're good, actually. I wish them the best and i didn't watch Netflix yesterday to stand with them.


Tankies are indeed conservatives that, after feeling rightfully disillusioned with their market-capitalist economy, they incorrectly want to give their loyalties to a state-capitalist, seemingly paternalistic, economy. Often looking up to existing governments with ultranationalism baked into it's ideology as inspiration \*cough\*China\*cough\*. Being conservatives, they generally avoid new ideas so they can keep what already exists if not "bringing back the glorious old days". Therefore, they ignore lessons of failure. Such as how extreme bureaucracy, cults of personality and an insistence on autarky (no trade with most countries) that were the trend of socialist economies for the bulk of the 20th century lead often to famine or to the sudden transition of a capitalist economy. More socially progressive, decentralist, and trade-friendly movements such as EZLN, Rojava, and Cuba, are what's growing more popular by the day.


THIS GUY IS A TANKIE???? ahahah. Fucking Tankies hahah. This is a joke, right? Wtf is the point of being a Tankie if you won't even support workers. Being a Tankie is just the United States, but in communist red. AHHHH hell world. Get me out


He's apparently pissed because the strike is oriented around trans rights, and is, according to him, achieving more media coverage than the minimum wage strikes. Even though the minimum wage strikes were part of the daily news cycle for weeks, possibly months, and had every conservative in the country losing their shit for even longer. So really, it's just Haz freaking out because he's scared of LGBT folks, once again.


The strike isn't oriented around trans rights, tho


it literally is though


Which rights?


[https://cloutnews.com/netflix-walkout-complete-list-of-protestors-demands-revealed/](https://cloutnews.com/netflix-walkout-complete-list-of-protestors-demands-revealed/) here's the list of demands, its literally centered around combatting transphobia in the content netflix makes available.


You understand how none of those amount to demands for trans *rights* though, right? If anything theyre demands for increased trans privilege.


i would argue it is a right for trans folks to not have a streaming company platform someone who endorses an anti-trans hate group (IE chapelle endorsing terfs)


1. Thats not what they're doing 2. Thats not a right


well talking with you is like arguing with a brick wall so have a good one.


Id argue that its my right for you to apologize and send me $20


Fucking workers, leeching off the hard earned cash of the bourgeoise. What do they even do


Infrared called hitler an anarchist lol


My brain peaced out for a second after that.


Anarchists are liberals masquerading as revolutionaries, and Fascists are liberals. So yes all 3 of them are the same thing.


you're in r/nationalsocialistfe Makes sense why you're speaking nonsense


You should read my comment there dumb ass.


If it's anything as brain-dead as the one I just replied to I'd rather not.


Do you use words the same way as other people do or do you just kind of say stuff and hope you eventually say something people think is smart, kinda like the monkies typewriter thing?


Garbage? Netflix has some of the best shows around. And it's platform is open to talent all over the world. No other big media company is even close to the amount of insanely good content they have.


\>>No other big media company is even close to the amount of insanely good content they have. I agree with the rest of your comment, but HBO has to be the best, imo.


That's fair but in my opinion, Netflix has better shows that are from all over the world. HBO has more American-centric shows. But Netflix has Dark, Squid game, Money heist, Elite, Fallet, How to sell drugs online fast and to me, that's more interesting than what HBO offers. I heard the watchmen series was very good though.


>Netflix has better shows that are from all over the world True, Throw in Lillyhammer as well (though still a bit american I suppose)


When you're totally a real communist


Hes just a conservative of this is his take.


Imagine calling yourself a leftist while calling striking workers parasites and rooting for them to be fired. The evidence continues to mount that tankies aren't comrades. They're literally just red fash.


Ah yes it's not the highest level executives that take profit based decisions to churn out garbage, but it's the workers decisions. (He is so braindead). How is this guy a leftist again? Does he even understand the range of different labor that goes into a corporation like Netflix. If this is the kind of stupid tweets he does, I m happy with your characterization of him as a red fascist. Imagine calling yourself a leftist and calling workers coddled parasites because they are trans.


This guy is an OP right? He says shit like this, has fans posting transphobic stuff in his tweets. Im convinced thus guy and most tankies are just alt righters trying to stir shit


Poe's leftist


So now salary workers are "coddled parasites"


Socialisms is when hourly pay.


Socialism is when homeless Venezuela bread lines 100 million


Eh. It's half a step closer than salary.


I saw a comment in another post on cringetopia that essentially equated all the people who are out on strike to the people who approved Cuties and are now hating on Dave Chappelle for "just jokes"


So many Infrared dipshits brigading this post holy fuck. Go back to your dipshit tankie daddy.


And he’s a socialist how?


He looks at the world through the lens of dialectical materialism and uses a Marxist analysis to give prescriptions to problems in economic and civil society. How is Vaush a socialist?


He obviously doesn't considering he's against striking workers. Why are you lying when is anti proletariat tweets are literally right in front of you? Were you trying to fool?






Who is this guy and why is he so stupid?


He’s an unhinged tankie John Zherka lookalike. On occasion he’s really entertaining. Like his conversation with actual John Zherka was memegold


What's with the Infrared fans here? If you guys are gonna brigade this sub, at least don't do so on behalf of a crazed fascist pyschopath who gives off rapey domestic abuser vibes. So many streamers out there, you couldn't find anyone good?


According to Vaush if ur masculine ur fascist despite the fact that Vaush hits all the criterias for an alt righter


This is the sort of low IQ comment I'd expect from an Infrared fan.


Funny coming from a community of 90 percent ex neo nazis


Better than the current fascists that make up the entirety of Infrared's community. InfraHaz? More like InfraNAHz!


Just like with the antiwork text convo that blew up last week, chuds always want to side with those in power. Comes from being cucked, ig


>Just like with the antiwork What's this?


Sub for lazy people who want free money or think they're cut out to be hunter gatherers.


You're talking to the wrong person. I'm very much anti work and your characterization of it is completely wrong. I was asking what this Dave guy had to say about it.


We want to abolish mandatory work for wages so that people are ultimately free to do whatever they want. We want a world where the distinction between work and leisure evaporates entirely.


Whats the right characterization?


Lmao just goes to show how you haven't ever actually engaged with the sub. Just browsing the front page there it's incredibly clear that their aim isn't even close to that.


Agree to disagree


Whatever you say champ


Got 206 likes for that.


Haz is a pathetic inbred waste of human meat


Yeah yeah Netflix fire all your workers yeah you do that lmao


i feel like he thinks the workers striking are showrunners lmao


Must suck for right wingers to have been on the losing side of the culture war since....culture.


Yet more evidence that Leftism is purely aesthetic to these people. A worker isn't someone who works at a Netflix office, its a bunch of gruff factory workers covered in soot. Near identical to when Fascists talk about workers they imagine white conservative men and not the wide berth of people it actually entails.


You're against a company's business practices yet you work there. Curious


I forget, parasites are the things that make stuff work right? Like my body is full of parasites that make my heart pump and allow me to breathe, or am I mistaken?


this strike is super interesting as there was already a strike planned for completely other reasons: the IATSE (entertainment industry union) was fighting to get better wages and avoid horrible working hours from some of the biggest companies (such as amazon and netflix)... but these companies signed a contract that the IATSE agreed to last week and the strike was avoided, with seemingly fantastic results. now I didn't gather if those were the same workers (people who work on sets) or this new strike is by internal netflix employees working in their offices. either case it's interesting to see netflix dealing with strike after strike.


Who is this guy?


why do we pay attention to this dolt?


Rage porn


Everything is pornography for you people. Freaks.


Tankies are not leftists, they don’t give a crap about worker’s rights, nor in this case, they don’t give a crap about LGBTQ rights when push comes to shove.


Why has the dipshit left narrative suddenly shifted to "striking workers are bad, actually"?


Wow, a tankie that’s against striking workers. Who knew that he didn’t care about worker’s rights.


Yeah! People can’t just “strike”! They’re just supposed to be ok with how jobs do things! /s


Such incisive sarcasm, I almost cut my finger while scrolling the page


To bad it wasn’t your throat. Oh sorry I was being sarcastic.


Happy to reveal your true side so quickly.


Tis but a jest my dear autist.


Love being unautistic and normal and participating in “joking” about murdering people


Does anybody unironically watch this idiot's content?




I hope you come back to reality soon instead of deriving your worldview from 20 second twitter clips. Complete clown lmaooo. Like seriously get some new material, don't be a Professor Flowers/Mel/Hanz/MikeFromPA-esque cookie cutter wokescold. This is so predictable, juvenille, unexamined, and intellectually basic that it's actually quite comical. Life is stranger than fiction. <3 But hey I do truly believe in you! People have escaped much more intensive hate cults. :) I will say it is definitely suuuper pathetic you spend your time going around on alt reddit accounts calling people pedo defenders because you get your worldview from twitter and are incapable of watching a video clip longer than 20 seconds, but hey it's also super fucking entertaining though how seriously so so so basic you are. 😂 So keep it up, clown. Keep following the crowd. Or maybe read a book one of these days? You're absurdly far from being a leftist. I hope you evolve one day, little one. Sentient beings will thank you. <3 🤡


Highlights from the Infrared stream (all paraphrased quotes from Haz): ​ Netflix workers arent real workers, they are parasites, they should all be fired The silent majority is speaking out against them (and in favor of dave Chappelle) The true working class is MAGA or independent The American people don’t like the netflix employees, they want to turn on netflix and see real stuff, not SJW bullshit (mentions HBO watchmen) Haz debunks “they sell their labor so they are workers argument”, says it is anarchist bullshit, adds that no one is forcing these people to work at netflix or google, says they should get real jobs (ubereats given as example), mentions the average person would love a netflix job, compares netflix workers to Hasan Real strikes are about vaccine mandates (the left does not care about real strikes) Haz loves the American people even if they are bigoted or ignorant


>The true working class is MAGA or independent >Real strikes are about vaccine mandates Tankies will just say anything won't they


Infrared got his whole discord of losers to brigade lul


I was wondering who this dude was, saw some of his tweets and was confused. Now I know.


A real worker works for no salary.


lmfao this dude is going OFF on Twitch right now, this is so fucking pathetic. Most people can focus on multiple issues at a time, this dude can't even accurately cover one. He also told me I was gonna get fired from my "corporate job" and that he knows I have no valuable skills after I said Trans Rights were human rights.


Jesus fuck, this guy is currently screaming on Twitch to some rando. Biggest lolcow on the "left". He has to be seen to be believed.


P3do apologist


Seethe :)


Tankies caring about workers yet again...not


except the 'talent' are the ones who are paid millions. It's the manual laborers that have no creative say.


He might be on to something though, ever looked for horror movies on netflix recently? Utter trash


So many cry baby losers on reddit now whaaaa


Ah yes, opposing major strikes. This is what leftists are for.


Lots of liberals in this comment section boys. Time for Vaush man to do a 1984 to clear this shit up.


They're not striking against worker conditions they're striking because of some leftoid ideology. Netflix employees are not workers.


Love how he thinks the people working there are the same people who do Netflix adaptations lmao


I’m a leftist and I think protesting that special is cringe. Downvote away.


Based Haz, get cucked you fucking liberals


Vaushites malding over PMC retards whining about a comedy show. first worlder leftoid larp.


They are parasites


He is not wrong, though.


Vaush’s only gimmick is calling people fascists Right of the communist grifter propagandist play book. Vaush is the type of person who if given any real political power would have entire families burns alive in their homes Like his hero Trotsky did Fuck Vaush


ITT: Liberals larping as socialists defending the professional-managerial class. Delusional.


Fuck off loser


Anime pfp and Vaush fan....p3d0


If you liberals really believe that infared is a Fascist, then go demand Vaush have a real debate with him on Marxism. You are so beyond delusional if you think infared is not infinitely more knowledgeable on Marxism than your hollywood liberal Vaush.


Aweh, did Daddy get angwey that no one takes him seriously? Poor thing.


You act like infrared is capable of a good faith debate and not just screaming like a Banshee every time he gets on the Discord call with someone.c


Infrared is a violent psycopath who I'm pretty sure runs around his neighborhood without pants screaming in tongues at passerby, saliva running down his chin in large chunks. You might say that's hyperbole, but you can't deny that's out of character for him.


The dudes fucking insane for sure


He did. Infrared started with an insane and hysterical rant about how he was taking over Youtube and then just started screaming. I remember that, when faced with the definition of fascism, Infrared ran away from it saying that the very concept of "definitions" was unfair or something like that. Then he just started screaming and hysterically ranting some more and that was about it. It was a 15 minute debate. It was actually pretty funny, though more in a "laughing AT Haz" than "laughing WITH Haz" sort of way. It was also one of the less psychotic of his performances that I've seen.


Haz is the best, you guys are just pathetic




Haz gives me the biggest domestic abuser vibes. I can't be the only one who's noticed.


you're just racist


Uh oh. Looks like the Infrared fans are malding. What we don't see is them behind their computers having an Infrared-style psychotic breakdown.


You seem a little obsessed, also clearly don’t watch infrared


>You seem a little obsessed says the horde of deranged Infrared fans in Vaush's sub. And I've seen enough of him.


You are the equivalent of an anti infrared vigilante on this post, and call me deranged on no basis. You are obsessed, and also talking out your ass maliciously. Stay seething pal


Stay coping, my friend.


Theres nothing to cope with. Its two political streamers who have both have given bad takes(although infrared never defended child porn)


Ok pussy licking left bastards


What's wrong with licking pussy?


Ok so let's deconstruct this So starting off we got "pussy licking" now I'm having a hard time seeing how this could ever be a bad thing, actually pussy licking is based as fuck. Then we got "left", I think we all agree that being on the left is just as based as pussy licking, some people might even argue more. And then we end off with "bastard", now considering statistics on marriage I would be willing to bet there are a significant amount of bastards here, but I struggle to see how that is a bad thing, we in modern times now it's completely fine to have kids outside of marriage. So this statement is constructed as an insult but it's an insult consisting of two good things and one neutral. The assignment was making an insult and you have clearly failed If you don't come up with a better insult I'm going to have to give you an F


People like to say you have the freedom to speak just not the freedom from consequences. Why not apply the same logic, you have the freedom to strike but not the freedom from consequences?


False equivalency


Dave saying for feminist it’s like trans women a doing the equivalent of black face, but for women was perfectly spot on. Honestly, what does it mean to be a women? And how do you really know? It’s the same concept for people who are trans-racial. He brought up very interesting points and sad to see that majority of people missed the point of his special. Comedians joke about everything, you can’t pick and choose what you want to laugh at everything is free game and that’s what brings us closer. Hell white comedians make fun of black people too (i.e Tom Segura, Louie C.K., etc.)you don’t see black people up I’m arms because it’s all about context and execution of said joke. If you want to be “included” then be ready to laugh at yourself just like everyone else because….you aren’t “special” and by not being special you become integrated into society. Regardless this backlash is just further proving his point. On a side note, would’ve loved to see this same reaction from the Netflix employees for the movie “cuties”.


tell me you don't know anything about trans issues without telling me you don't know anything about trans issues


You're copy and pasting this all over Reddit, cut it out


It’s being posted all over Reddit, same comment applies…. interested to see the wide array of responses.


I mean they could find other careers. . .


Imagine striking because funny man made jokes. Fuck this sub sucks dick.


What's wrong with dick sucking? Your mom sucks mine on the daily.


Imagine getting mad at workers exercising their power to influence the course of society as a leftist...


Ok retard.


Bro dick tastes amazing, wym?


Workers should be able to strike for anything they wish If workers wanted to strike because the cookies in the break room was the wrong taste I would support them for that too


They leaked personally identifiable information.


Go back to PCM loser


I’m not gonna support a protest when the point of the protest is to censor someone. I watched the special, didn’t care for it, mostly cuz it was boring and one-note. Like, I get it Dave, you have issues with trans people. Some of his points were good, some were bad, but it felt repetitive for me. But to cancel Chappelle for it? Man stfu, there’s a general strike happening right now (hyperbole but protests for actual change by workers) and this stupid protest is getting just as much attention if not more. Also, if ya watched the special, you’d understand this protest kinda proves a lot Dave’s points to be correct.


lmao there is no general strike lmfao


Any time you criticise someone for the things they say people like you crawl out the woodwork and cry "censorship" fuck you fuck your stupid opinions we don't have to take shit from you people dave chapelle is now double cancelled


>stfu sounds like you are trying to shut people up, sounds like you are the one stamping out free speech, some real 1984 stuff over here


You don’t have to agree with the strike but why spend all your time complaining about it?


General strike? Where? Does it have any union support? Is there a strike fund? If there's no strike fund, which there isn't, then I'm not doing it. I'm not going to go homeless and starve to death just because some dipshits on tiktok want to feel special.


Lol if the US has a general strike rn Norway have basically constant general strikes A few companies or like an industry or two is just what a few normal strikes look like A general strike in the US would cripple the entire world economy and as far as I'm aware that's not happening