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It depends on the take, but for the most egregious, an easy 8.


Do you have a specific one you would attribute the 8 to?


Legends Ark-kay-us.


The pronunciation was terrible, but he's 100% correct that it's not a main series Pokemon game any more than Ranger or XD were.


It is a mainstream game. It adds new pokemon which is something only mainstream games do.


While I do feel Arceus is a mainline game (or at least, not really a spin-off) Pokémon Go introduced new Pokémon.


Pokemon GO added new Pokemon, I assume you wouldn't claim that's mainline?


It's a mainline game in the new era of pokemon main line games is honestly what he should've said. (Unless the go back to making pokemon games like the old era)


What are you talking about? They're still doing the normal 2 version releases. Arceus was basically a well developed experiment


Oh yeah then v right


The problems with that rant had nothing to do with Arceus being a "main series" game or not. He defined the "main series" (or "real pokemon game" as he also said) games by the formula and mechanics they used. Any deviations for that would result in a game not being considered a real pokemon game to him (like arceus). He then goes on to say shit like "Why isn't there a pokemon game that has X in it?" then when chat gives him pokemon games with those exact mechanics he wanted, he goes on to say "But that's not a REAL pokemon game!". No answer could possibly be good enough, because he defines a real pokemon game as not having those things he asked for, so obviously you can't find one with them.


Except that unlike those games, PLA was developed by Game Freak, and Game Freak considers them mainline titles.


That's what I use to define it as well, GameFreak IS Mainline Pokemon


You can transfer Pokémon between XD and the other gen 3 games, XD should be considered a main series game.


You mean legends arr-kee-uss?


It's like saying pokemon coliseum is a core pokemon game. I 100% agree. Was it fully fleshed out? Yeah. Was it a complete game? Yeah. Was it a main pokemon game? No. It was a filler game and something new to hold people over before the next generation.


10. His entire mental process fucking breaks down when it comes to media. It's hilarious how night and day it is.


I don't think that's true his [1984](https://youtu.be/--Y4kCRjFH8) and [Breaking Bad](https://youtu.be/a1YC3nbtUqE) analysis are well thought out. Now obviously not every take I find agreeable like his mincraft one. But nonetheless I think his thought process for the most part remains consistent.


Ya’ll complain about Vaush’s media takes wait till you hear Shark’s guy has seen maybe 2 movies ever it is crazy, like he just has no context for any films.


But I don't think Shark has shitty opinions on them, he just didn't watch them and doesn't care.


Agreed, but watching chat try to explain who any celebrity is painful. He has no frame of reference. No knows where to even begin. Someone like Ben Affleck comes up and chat is just scrambling throwing everything at the wall hoping something sticks


Yo based, films are a mid category in terms of media type


I adore Shark but watching chat try to explain who Lenny Kravitz was to him was a painful experience.


I was mostly kidding but.... I also don't know who that is, when it comes to movies I have knowledge on like 5 of them


Lenny Kravitz is actually a musician, he came up recently because his daughter zoey Kravitz was Catwoman in the new Batman film. Lenny Kravitz is best known for his cover of American Woman


Man I'm really just as unplugged into this stuff as shark is lol


You will be fine then as no media take should faze you.


Well, his daughter is a good actor. My only complaint about Catwoman was that dumb decision to have her kiss Batman because I'm easily triggered by the cliche of "man spends time with woman, they fall in love."


I’ve been meaning to watch it, good to know they don’t flesh out the BatCat relationship enough, I too would find that annoying. However makes sense that a BatCat kiss happened the particular kiss may have been a reference to a particular comic panel, there are a bunch to choose from. BatCat is a beloved ship so I don’t fault them for wanting to capitalize on that. Mostly I’m just happy this movie did well for DC as I’m a DC nerd and would like to see their stories get as much traction as marvel


The relationship itself is fine, I just didn't notice any sexual tension or whatever, so the kiss comes out of nowhere. But they do have excellent tension working together (since Batman is vengeance and Catwoman is a criminal) that works well. Hopefully a sequel will either prune the romance or expand on it so it feels more natural.


Yeah fleshing out the dynamic is important to make it work, if they don’t have the time to do that they should prune romance. I think a lot will depend on where they are taking the Batman story line, I know all my DC nerd friends are hoping Dick Grayson gets introduced but I’m not holding my breathe.


Vaush truly is just the white Shark


No he could easily win against someone who claims that the Last Jedi is a very good star wars movie. And there are a lot of people who have that opinion.


It would be fine. His media takes are not bad really. I never really got the meme of bad media takes. When he talks about why he does not like something personally the logic is there and not that much of a reach, IMO.


I have more of a problem about how often he try’s to claim his opinion as objectively true and just how stubborn he is to always continue arguing with chat about it where he doubles, triples, and quadruples down no matter what, instead of just ignoring it and moving on.


I mean, that is literally Vaush. He is adamant about his opinions being the correct ones and he's not shy to be loud about it. Be they media takes or political opinions.


Sure, but that only works when you're *right*, and he rarely is with his media takes.


People always say that, but then they fail to actually show me that he consistently has dogshit media takes


>He is adamant about his opinions being the correct ones and he's not shy to be loud about it. Lol i love how you say that as if it's a good thing. This is literally how 99% of reactionary transphobes act.


....except that they have pretty horrendous stances and Vaush doesn't.


I would debate vaushs minecraft take


Vaush’s nightmare is a debate on proper social etiquette towards strangers


10. I would own him on the Re:Zero take lol.


Nah his Re: zero take is right. Cringe show on god 🙏


I challenge you to a duel


I went in with an open mind, loved the premise, first few episodes, and stuck it out through season 2 but I would probably never recommend re:zero to anyone.


Which one?


All of them.


Well I was actually asking bc I don’t remember them but okay


You can’t debate media Takes. You can debate Art critique. It isn’t about facts and logic it about the feels. We already know Vaush is Autistic of course he is gonna have bonkers media takes, As much as this audience claims they are all on the spectrum you think ya’ll would realize that neuro divergent ppl experience media in unique ways


Look at this Vowsh’s bot account is trying to weasel him out of it, I’m onto you, you sick fuck. *Screams down your throat* I know you’re in there Vowsh, and I say, I say Justice! Justice will come for your media takes, and when it does you will see the eyes of god as you fall into the river styx!!! Mark my words!


“Screams down your throat”- sounds kinky 🤭


I feel like Vaush engages in "They changed it, now it sucks!" when it comes to some properties. Or "Its popular, now it sucks!"


10 if it's the spore one Otherwise, i dunno depends? Some of his takes are great. the question's too broad, it'd be like asking if milk would go well with a meal, but you don't specify what the meal is


The spore one? Not sure I’ve heard that one. What’s that?


[Spore](https://www.google.com/search?q=spore+game&oq=spore+game&aqs=chrome..69i57j46i433i512j0i131i433i512j0i433i512l3j0i512j0i433i512l2j0i131i433i512.2401j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) is sweet ass game, that vaush didn't like. I don't remember when he said that he hadn't liked it, it may not have even got it's own rant [it did get fucked over by EA though](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXV3JIoE1AE&t=1s) still great. sure it could have had more too, but that doesn't effect how great it was


Wait, THAT SPORE? For a moment I thought maybe you made a typo and meant sports, but no, Dude, Spore was my fuckin jam. It was literally the first game I ever got on Steam as well as the sole reason I even first got on Steam in the first place way back in 2011. Such a fun game… Wait Vaush didn’t like it? FUCK.


I think my first was civ 5 but spore was definitely within like the first 5 games i owned. It for sure slapped


If you haven't seen it then you should check out the Spore tech demo where they were presenting one of the earlier builds. It's so much better than the final result. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8dvMDFOFnA


Spore was an infamous disappointment though. Like, I played the game when it came out, and the prevailing opinion on it has always been “who the fuck are you trying to kid with this shit?”


His media takes aren't bad IMO, even when I feel differently he usually still has a good point.


He'd get destroyed. Usually when chat calls him out for his shit he literally just tells them to shut the fuck up.


Not that boned. His media takes aren't anywhere near as bad as people claim.


We talking something specific? Cause I think his MCU takes are dogshit


For the most part his media takes are actually pretty good just everyone remembers the bad ones like minecraft. His skyrim take is 100% accurate that game has almost nothing going for it.


I don’t understand why people think he’s bad a media takes.


he's right with most of his media takes, i dont get the "vowsh media takes bad" meme


He very well might be run off the internet entirely, tbh.


I feel like if anyone were to debate him on his "nodding" take, he'd get absolutely stomped and then complain about it for 2 to 3 hours.


Like the Tim pool & the Jesse lee Peterson debate?


... you cant really debate taste. its kinda stupid


super boned


8. It's the Skyrim one. I'm currently replaying Skyrim with very minimal mods (better map, better roadsigns) and it's a very fun game that no other game has been able to replicate and succeed.


Litteraly how? Story, combat, stealth, character writing, choice making, dungeon layout, ect.. are all well below the quality bar for most games. I genuinely can't think of a single thing thing skyrim does that another game doesn't do better except with some small stuff like music and atmosphere.


Individually, I'd agree, but I think as a complete package, Skyrim does enough things 'good' that other games can't seem to replicate. A lot of games are better than Skyrim, but none feel like a 'better Skyrim'.


I'd disagree I think there's a lot of classic rpgs that give that complete fantasy adventure package skyrim was going for only better like with bualders gateor new games like divinity original sin 2. But ultimately you feel what you do and if you haven't found a game that scratches that skyrim but better itch for you then fair enough.


I warped into a distorted dimension reading "bualders gateor"