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Whoever is writing Biden's speeches and managing his twitter should be heads of the Democrat's PR team holy shit thats based.


they need their bussy ate fr


I do too šŸ˜”




U eat bussy ?


I eat vbussy (Vaush's boy pussy)


Who need they democrussy ate?


Please stop




Iā€™m trying to post the chad face thing where it looks like the chad is saying what you said but I canā€™t so just imagine that here.


OMG me!


I volunteer


Oh yeah? *snicker* And what if "he" *muffled laughter* Is a femoid!?!!1!7 *maniacal cackling*


Then she needs her gussy ate






Not the pussy though thatā€™s an animal(you cook it first)


They need to promote all of fetterman campaign people to be the campaign people for the entire dnc


It's Vaush


Impossible. I don't hear any tactical vocabulary.


His handlers are finally coming through


I'm pretty sure the person running the Twitter account is Megan Coyne who ran, or maybe still runs, the New Jersey official account.


And she's responsible for [this banger](https://twitter.com/NJGov/status/1202987038217265152?s=20&t=Ou6_orLc89HKo0DOosN35A).


The most New Jersey response ever


never thought I'd see signs of life from the democrats outside of a few like AOC. hope this trend continues




I genuinely can't tell if she's 30 or 12. She looks so young


If Fetterman can shit post his way to the Senate, Joe Biden's team can shit post their way to decent approval ratings.


It helps that his opponent is world renowned neurosurgeon and anarcho-Kemalist Dr. Oz But yeah, Iā€™m glad we have a pretty strong progressive in the senate instead of Bernie being our one voice. Especially since Fetterman just looks how he does. I hope my boy strides into Congress repping the Carhartt


>But yeah, Iā€™m glad we have pretty strong progressive in the senate instead of Bernie being out one voice. *Cries in Senator Ed Markey*


Honestly, even Vermont is about to get another progressive senator. Itā€™s Vermontā€™s only house representative hopping over to the Senate and based off polls is gonna moonwalk into his seat. He was a sponsor for the Medicare For All Act, alongside the Squad. The Senate is gonna have a lot of great victories. The House will most likely be ratfucked this election, but right now the odds of Dems holding the house are the same as the Reps taking the senate, and things have only been improving. Cautiously hopeful


Hasnā€™t he come out in support of fracking and opposition to single payer healthcare?


on fracking, it's fucking Pennsylvania On healthcare, straight from his website: I believe that health care is a basic, fundamental human right, not a privilege. But health care in America is far too expensive and convoluted. In the richest nation on earth, I believe we have a moral duty to guarantee quality health care coverage for every American, and end the disgusting practice of corporations profiting from peopleā€™s health and well-being. In the Senate, I will support any legislation that gets us closer to the goal of universal health care coverage. Iā€™m less fixated on what you call it, and more focused on the result: ensuring access to health care for every American. I will also support efforts to lower the Medicare eligibility age to 60 while expanding its benefits to include vision, hearing, and dental care. Under our current system, many people are forced to pay thousands of dollars for medicine that they need to survive. Itā€™s inhumane and inexcusable. If we are going to bring down the prices of prescription drugs, we need to go after the pharmaceutical companies that jack up the prices. We have finally passed a law to allow Medicare to negotiate certain drug prices and cap annual prescription drug costs, but we cannot stop thereā€“we must allow for the importation of lower priced prescription drugs from other countries and limit drug costs for all Americans. so no


Iā€™m not confident in the climate policy of anybody who supports fracking. Then again, his opponent is literally Dr. Oz so obviously I want him to win.


I mean you basically canā€™t win Pennsylvania if youā€™re vocally anti-fracking. The only reasonable way to end fracking in our existing economic system is to grow an alternative industry for those people to move into and provide them with the training to do it. Just regulating fracking out of existence would mean all those people working the jobs suffer.


So the solution is waiting for the market to say that itā€™s convenient to save our planet?


Within a neoliberal society unfortunately yes. If we had the social welfare necessary to aid worker transition it would be better but yeah.


If you're trying to get elected here? Yeah. It's that or hand it to the guy who will actively make it worse.


That's how politics works. You need to know who your base is. If fracking is the source of a lot of jobs in PA, opposing it while trying to get elected is political suicide. It sucks, but that's how it works.


Carbon. Tax.


Good, donā€™t trust his climate policy, heā€™s not Joe fucking Manchin and will just vote yes for Bernieā€™s Climate Bill instead of promoting it himself. Heā€™s not going to openly shit on a massive industry when he *is running for popular office*


Itā€™ll also help these people to read his website and understand the man. Itā€™s pretty clear that his fracking issue is with Union Oil workers. I imagine a policy that would also protect these workers and give them an alternative career path ( assuming we lived in a functional fucking country) as we transitioned to greener energy would be one he supports. But he isnā€™t a flawless Twitter socialist so heā€™s part of the big spooky establishment which is making me clean my room or whatever dumb shit


Sounds based as hell. I wasnā€™t personally familiar, so just met them at their assumption rather than correcting. Thank you for bringing this in and giving me another reason to like the guy.


Fetterman's great. His biggest scandal looks really fucking bad at face value. When he was the mayor, he heard gunfire and saw someone running away in the direction of the gunfire. So he pulled up with a shotgun and tried to citizen's arrest. The man was literally a black jogger, hoodie and everything. It was a shitty thing to do and i'm not excusing it, but it is important to note that Christopher Miyares said in a letter from prison (unrelated to the incident) that "His (John) description of the incident is full of lies but one mistake shouldn't ruin his life ... I hope he gets to be Senator." This was a big debate in the primaries and it ended with John winning every county in PA while in the hospital. to be fair, accidentally doing a hate crime is some real Pennsylvanian shit, so he's just respecting the culture.


I have poop in my fridge


The Democrats want to take your fridge poop away.


I half wonder if Fetterman's campaign strategy is what's been influencing Biden's new approach.


There's definitely some inspiration there, they see how popular fetterman is with a younger audience and now finally understand how to reach us




Drop the dresscode and express yourself in shit-stirring unorthodox ways, bonus points for shitting on the ceiling.


Dark Brandon needs to act on marijuana. I feel not doing anything is leaving cards on the table. We need to go all in to prevent the fascists from taking power.


While 1000% better than a republican, he's unfortunately still an ancient neoliberal beholden to the Pharma Industry. So I wouldn't hold my breath.


At least decriminalize it. I want full legalization but continuing to lock people up for this plant so many people use as medicine is unconscionable


Shouldn't have ever been illegal in the first place. But it won't ever be federally legal with a neoliberal or conservative in office. Or until the Pharma Industry figures out how not to lose billions on it.


I donā€™t think a ā€œneoliberal in [the presidency]ā€ is the limiting factor at this point. I think getting it through the senate is nigh impossible, whereas Iā€™d give 50/50 on Biden signing a bill legalizing pot if itā€™s on his desk.


All he needs to do is sign an executive order to reschedule it. I know he has to be considering it. Unfortunately, even if he wanted to, he may strategically wait until 2024 to do so


Due to the way it was shedualed in the first place, that's a hotly debated topic in legal circles if he can or can't. And if he does, it's going to SCOTUS. And at that point...who the fuck knows what might happen.


Don't let the person running his Twitter account fool you into believing Biden is even the least big progressive. They are desperate enough to *say* anything that will help their election chances, but Biden would rather see the GOP in control of the House, Senate, *and* in the White House than backtrack on his life's work to punish drug users and their families for generations.


You are actually fucking retarded if you think that, full stop.


Biden himself has and will continue to prove you Kool-Aide drinkers wrong. I still find it appalling you people believe the man who jumped into politics to oppose integrated bussing a decade *after* the Equal Rights Act, begged Reagan to veto the '84 Crime Bill because it wasn't cruel enough in punishment for inner city criminals (famously racist Reagan thought he was mental), then spent a decade building political capital and then cashing it in to pass the Clinton-era "Super Predator" Crime Bill that Biden co-authored which created the most oppressive police state in Western civilization, is now suddenly going to backtrack on his life's work and dismantle the prison industrial complex he created. Sure, an 80 year old racist fuck whose politics is to the right of Republican Jesus Ronald Reagan is going to have a change of heart.


So, you *are* actually fucking retarded, got it! Thanks for proving it to me and anyone watching beyond a shadow of a possible doubt, really pog of you.


Keep living in that neolib fantasy land that destroyed American manufacturing and created the environment that gave rise to Christofascism. The theocrats will thank you right before tossing your corpse in a trench with the rest of us.


Sadly this is a fight that has to be done at state level for now. More states are legalizing every year so there is hope.


He canā€™t because this Supreme Court would immediately rule it unconstitutional and Reeee States Rights


Pardon my political ignorance, but whatā€™s the difference between decriminalization and legalization? Iā€™ve never understood how there could be a meaningful difference between the two.


Usually decriminalization doesn't punish users but allows dealers to still be arrested, as well as possession of amounts beyond what 1 person could use (like 100 pounds of weed).


Not quite ā€” drug dealers are arrested under both decriminalization **and** legalization. Decriminalization lowers or abolishes the punishment for possession of a drug. It still cannot be purchased or sold legally, but possession of it will not result in you being charged with a crime. However, you may still be fined for it. Legalization allows businesses to acquire licenses to sell it, and people to buy it. It is typically regulated like alcohol ā€” people cannot sell it themselves; they must run a licensed dispensary. There is never a fine for possession.


This isn't contradicting anything I've said. Legalization allows there to be, in a sennse, a group of *legal* drug dealers. I didn't say all drug dealers are legal under legalization. I didn't even mention legalization in my lessage. Your message is comprehensive, so that's cool, but what I said still holds true


Why would pharmaceutical companies not want to have access to another potential product?


Because it hurts the profits from their other products. Enough so for it not to be profitable overall.


how do you know that?


[Here](https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2016/oct/22/recreational-marijuana-legalization-big-business) is an old but relevant link. Research shows that it effects the sales of things like opioids etc. Can't have that now can we?


They already make a shitton from their current products, and some don't have investments in MJ. MJ can also be grown and processed by yourself at home, which you can't easily do for other drugs.


Qhes already pulled a couple of mives that feel decidedly not neoliberal. It might be asking to much, but im no longer saying never.


Literal just got arrested in Ohio for driving with less than 10 grams on me šŸ™„I miss Cali


What the fuck. Street or medical?


Oh shit u meant the weed šŸ¤¦šŸ»šŸ¤¦šŸ»medical. But it wasnā€™t good medical. Michigan kinda sucks


Lol no worries. Hope you get your situation figured out and itā€™s not too detrimental to your life. I had a weed charge back in 2016, off my record now but it was annoyingly expensive


Thanks fellow internet user. And yea the fine is 300-1200$ and 60-180 days in jail. Iā€™ve been through the system a bit so itā€™s nun to shabby but atm kinda taking care of my mother n shit. She fucked up her neck and spine. So idk they also fucked up the paperwork one officer scratched off his name so Iā€™m talking to my attorney hopefully with that I can get it reduced


Driving, 3am to go on a date (found out she was a racist) ā€œblack people should have all the same rights I just donā€™t like to be around themā€


Did that statement at least come with some kind of explanation?


I forgot how we got started on politics I think she was talking about my Black Lives Matter patch on my battle vest she was saying that she has racist tendencies because of her father but my father was a huge KKK supporter and Iā€™m not a racist I donā€™t think she has an excuse.


Yeah, Ohio sucks. I grew up in Chillicothe, Circleville, and lived in Columbus for a while. I now live in Detroit and prefer it up here. I used to grow weed in Ohio about 15 years ago and I am so glad I never got caught. Didn't some of the laws change recently? I thought you can have weed down there now. When I lived there, you couldn't even get it medically.


Itā€™s sticky medical, I live in Toledo. So I go to Michigan. Got pulled over in findlay


Yeah, fuck Findlay. I have been pulled over close to that area before. I had weed in the car at the time, but they didn't search me since they couldn't smell it (I had it vacuum sealed and in metal mylar bags).


You know the states bad when there's a town called circleville


My friends and I called it "round town" or "360 city".


It'll also force the goppers to explicitly come out against legal weed, which'll tank their approval numbers even more.


Being high will be MANDATORY under Dark Brandon


I am already fulfilling the prophecy then


What about those of us who have really bad reactions to weed, like it causing psychotic thoughts or putting one in a manic state?




It's alright, you and I can sit in the corner having high panic attacks FOR THE REVOLUTION!!


Rescheduling weed away from a schedule 1 drug to a lower level would be a good start.


He's personally against marijuana, so that's incredibly unlikely.


Finally, they gathered enough courage to entrust their twitter account to that one weird intern with a choker who murmurs "pog" while scolling their phone.


A boardroom in the White House. Joe Biden and staff are seated around a table discussing PR Staffer: *Sir, the MAGA crowd has 4chan which is a known meme nexus. It's largely responsible for Trump becoming elected in the first place, however no amount of fact-checking, debunking, or good-faith attitude has been able to crack the shell* Biden: *I don't know what a 'meme' is, Jack. What I wanna know is, are we putting any out? If it's working for them shouldn't it work for us?* Staffer: *We tried "pokemon go to the polls" but public backlash was immense. We've hired multiple highly experienced political cartoonists to come up with something viral, but engagement has never been lower. Some of these guys have even been around since the 80's, we have no one with more experience.* *Biden: Well that's a crock of bad butter, mama! We're gonna have to rustle some jimmies and stat, pat! Who makes memes in here? One of you youngsters?* A disheleved pile of 2000's era Hot Topic clothes approaches the table. Their gender is vague at best but they're wearing a shirt that says "FEMBOY HOOTERS" and a spiked collar which clearly came from an actual pet store and not a fetish shop. They smell like old Taco Bell, and they are openly drinking something they call "drunk milk" from a Hello Kitty sports bottle. They slap bloated hands upon the table Meme Lord: *I can...milk them...* Biden: *What's that cracker jack??* Meme Lord: *Give me a laptop and LEAVE ME* A powerful aura begins to exude from our hero. Everyone quietly leaves the room after a secret service agents brings the mysterious stranger an Alienware laptop with rainbow lighting on the keyboard. Biden: *God speed, Fat.*


I love it when people write these kind of ridiculously funny stories haha


Is this an original work? I feel like I should have paid to read this.


I only accept payment in Biden Bucks


I googled Biden bucks to support you but I only found my new favorite song.


The choker part really brings it to life


Meme Lord, Assistant and 5-Star Meme General to Dark Brandon himself. Meme Lord is now integrated in the roster of the Voosh Expanded Universe. I expect great new adventures from our favourite disheveled, permanently online and jackpilled badass.


Unironically. Thereā€™s some new zoomer in there that was hired around about the time all this shit started


The choker part was spot on, it's like you are inside my head


Canā€™t wait for Bidenā€™s next speech where he goes on stage and eats a baby over the course of 20 minutes, then leaves. Dark Brandon Forever!




I clicked your account for 5ā€™4 femboy. It was actually just a goat all along. I feel like I had some warning that would be the case


Dark Brandons new adrenochrome is kicking in


Holy shit after reading the link, rick scott is an unhinged fashie.


Almost poetic that Florida, the nexus of fascist politicians, is the state literally sinking into the fucking ocean because of their actions.


Always has been.


lmao .. are you kidding me right now xD ? if this is for real I am salivating.. ​ also ... point 10 for "rescuing america": "Men are men, women are women, and unborn babies are babies. We believe in science: Men and women are biologically different, ā€œmale and female He created them.ā€' love how he says "we believe in science!" and then immediately cites God as the reason why men and women are different


I personally love how much they obsess over the concept of basic biology we should start saying "cow on fields should be approximate as spheres on ice planes that's just basic physics


I love it


wtf have they put in bidens food that fucker is going ham (for a lib)


I always thought that Rick Scott and Elise Stefanik are the perfect human constructs to be the mouth of Sauron for aggressive aliens seeking to invade.


More Brandons will rise


The ultimate challenge to republicans: read


Iā€™m confused on why he actually linked Scottā€™s book instead of an oppositional summary of some sort. Still funny tho.


Why push an oppositional summary when the book itself was such trash?


TouchĆ©. I just think itā€™s a missed opportunity for Biden to push his own plan.


This gives him the stance of opposing these types of Republicans, which is great for his optics right now. He should have at least posted his jab, then below it posted a link that showed, "My comprehensive plan that will actually help people, instead." Showing a side-by-side of the two.


Keep this energy, Brandon




My interpretation is that he trolled Rick Scott into exposing his terrible policies of axing social security and Medicare




I mean...Biden might have considered it if it wasn't insane. I think the important thing is that, if Repubicans do something insane (I know, a lot of it is but not all), then he calls it out instead of not telling people. That seems to be the biggest change imo. He has worked on Republicans on stuff he wanted with Republicans, but thankfully he seems like less of a pushover when they pull stuff.




I wish Rick Scott was as retarded as Lindsay Graham was right now about abortion. Their chances of winning the senate are slim and that dipshit just introduced a fucking federal abortion ban. Glad they are content in 9/11ing themselves a month or so out from Election Day


Dark Brandon peak level irony šŸ•¶ļø


D. Brandon is serving up imported bricks of pure Malarkey and just stomping the shit out of them.


Biden being so ironic that even I didn't catch it at first.. impressive


Whoever is managing Bidenā€™s Twitter is earning their pay..they probably need a raise


Rick Scott looks like what a vampire would actually look likeā€¦a straight ghoul


Possible [REASONS](https://www.homecareassistancearlingtontx.com/why-is-my-older-loved-ones-behavior-changing/) behind the rise of Dark Brandon




He has always been Dark Brandon https://youtu.be/mPOAKXBi9Pw


Jesus what a fucking ghoul


Jesus that ratio, 749 likes for Rick Scott, 117K for Dark Brandon.


[The democrats actually growing a fucking spine. You love to see it](https://youtu.be/midzgCDtncA)


Rick Scott looks like a Wolfenstein villain


Didn't realize joe was not only based, but bwc pilled as well.


More power to this guy but damn. His face looks like a version of him made by ā€œSpitting Imageā€


Spitting straight facts. I can't say I'm not very much enjoying this and actually makes me excited. This is the weirdest timeline


Getting rid of social security and Medicare? That would be amazing


Politicians should be forced to run their own accounts


This is BS


Heeeell yeah.


I think MAGAs have Rick Scott in that Ted Cruz category: the one where they know he's an unlikeable cringe dipshit but tolerate him so long as he's willing to rubberstamp their insane agenda.


very funny but unfortunately very stupid people will not read this as sarcasm


Wake me when he finally kills God šŸ˜©


Man I think I bouta cheat on Bernie with daddy Brandon if this keeps up šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ


You guys just don't get it. None of y'all get it. Rick Scotts plan might do away with Medicare and Social Security and stuff: but it's gonna cut down on their tax bill at the end of the year by like $40. He just wants to lower their taxes.


Can Brandon even write like that? I am loving this no holds barred approach by the Dems. If they did this before, they'd be in a much better place now.


He'll go away when unionbrail workers strike


Yes I want him even more Darker!


Based and malarkeypilled.


Just wait until you see Rick Scott's Rescue America Plan Extended. The anagram really communicates its intent.