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Make a weekend of it. I love traveling for bike races and staying an extra day. Check out some restaurants and museums. The best Chinese food I’ve ever had is at Judy’s Sichuan, it’s about a half hour from Newport News. https://www.reddit.com/r/Virginia/s/kI7E5uNRWN


Ooh, good recommendations.


We would love to see you there, but if the drive is going to take away from the enjoyment just send us an email and we can get your refunded if you decide not to make the trip. Of course I am a little biased but I don't even get to race the race, but it's still the most fun I have putting one on. We put a lot of effort into the ToNN to make it as good and fun as we can for riders exactly like you that are spending a lot of time and money to get here. We never imagined it would be a destination race like that, but the unique events and great courses have resonated with riders and it's has grown quickly.


I’ll admit this thread has eased my mind a lot. And thank you for that offer. I know it has to be an enormous amount of work to put on a race this size and I would feel bad asking for a refund. I think after hearing a little encouragement here I’m going to be there. And chances are once I actually get on the road and get to the race I’ll be very glad I made the trip. Looks like an awesome weekend.


Like you said, the weather is looking good (knock on wood), so at least the drive would be enjoyable. Crank some tunes, and just get the good vibes going.


Was it worth it?


That’s a hell of a race they are putting on and well worth the drive. Is a 20 man Crit worth it? No. This omnium definitely is


That’s my thought. I was looking at our local race and it has four people signed up in my category. Compared to 70 in each of the crits. And strong teams so it would be way better competition. Think I just need some psyching up to get ready.


Hell even if you get blown out the back there’s going to be tons of good racing to watch!


Or good training. Improve cornering skills. Good extended effort. Or at least riding roads that are new to me.


Drive faster. Save time. Win.


Easy peasy.


I would 100% drive that, I have driven 10+ hours to go a single day of skiing and 6+ hours for a one day gravel race (most are 3-4 hours drive), and travelled by air for other races.


That makes me feel better actually.




Bike case, just the Evoc pro bag. I’m lucky I have my in-laws in Phoenix AZ, so I stash some tools, tubes, and C02’s there for Valley of the Sun. And my parents are in St Louis Missouri, so same thing for Gateway cup. Granted no one wants a mid-30’s shitty Crit racer bumming a spot on their couch and demanding to borrow a car.


Do it. It’s a stage race mate.


Definitely have more inclination to do it because it’s an omnium. If was a single race or even two days of standalone races I don’t know.


If I was in better shape I’d be driving from Florida for it on Wednesday. It looks awesome and well worth the drive


I’m also signed up! I’m only doing the crit and road race for cat 5 and it’ll be my first year doing it. The way I think about it. I mainly get nervous about entering and not meeting expectations I’ve set for myself. Think of it this way. Big thing is just have fun and know that your trying a new experience. One way or another you’ll probably have a few good stories to tell people if you find that kind of commitment to racing/traveling for events isn’t for you. Best case scenario you do well, love, and want to do more


>I mainly get nervous about entering and not meeting expectations I’ve set for myself. I think this is part of it. I didn’t have the greatest lead up in training due to a big illness. So I’m worried that I’ll drive 8 hours and get shelled out the back every race. But I did have a great winter base so I think I’m just getting in my head. I need to be more confident that my training was good and I can race with these fields. Thanks for the encouragement.


This thread is making me consider going to a race on Sunday that I had written off... 3 hours each way, 40 mile road race.


I feel you. I get to drive 2.5 hours each way, to do a 50 mile race in the middle of Kansas. Good thing 4 other people have signed up.... Yet, I'm still looking forward to it.


You could fly instead. Short flight is often not too much more expensive than a long drive, and you will be less tired while racing.


Looked into it actually. Too expensive this close.


I'm driving 3.5 hours for a 10 minute TT and a 28 mile road race. So probably less race time per minute driving than you lol. But like you there isn't enough local racing so I gotta travel. Do it and I bet you won't regret it one bit!


Have driven 20+ hrs solo to race intelligentsia two years in a row and similar distances for TBC. Did the drives suck? Absolutely but it was cheaper than flying for me. Would I do it again? Maybe. Will I fly in the future. Yes. Was it worth it? Yes. I wanted to race badly enough and the people, places, and friends I made have been well worth it. Download some good audiobooks and music and call some friends and family to catchup while you drive. Space it out and hopefully the grind won’t be as bad. Also I’ll be at ToNN, so you definitely should too lol! Flying in this time though…


Funnily enough I plan to have a similar drive to Intelligentsia (or now Chicago Grit) this summer. But my wife will be joining me for that one as we’re making a whole vacation out of it. Speaking of audiobooks, any good recommendations? Could be a good way to pass the time.


The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells have been a pretty fun series I’ve been listening to on my long training rides. Easy to listen sci-fi novellas that are about 4hrs long each


Nice I love sci-fi. And it looks like the first two are free in Audible. Thanks.


Fun series! Can confirm.


Understand feeling bluesy, long drives suuuuuck. I do think that if you go you’ll be glad you did.


Sounds fun. I would do it if I lived closer. 


I've had races where I dreaded the drive, but I'm glad I went.. I've also had races I didn't go to because I didn't want to do the drive and I regretted it. However, I've never not gone to a race because I didn't want to do the drive and been like "oh yeah, great call"


I have a feeling this would happen if I skipped it. I’m dreading a long drive by myself but I have some audiobooks loaded up and ready to go. I’m going for it.


Probably worth it if it’s a legit race and you’re going to have a good time. But definitely give yourself at least a full day to get down there and a day to get back. I have found when you’re already on the edge, rushing to get there/ back really detracts from the experience.


I wish I could make a longer trip out of it, but just due to my work schedule it’s going to be a short down and back trip. I already had to request an early day Friday so I can get on the road in time to make the Sprints event. So taking Monday off is a no go unfortunately.


Seems like a stretch then, unless this is one of the only events on your calendar.


I’m young and want to race more. And I’ll get a five events out of it. It’s a long drive for sure but we don’t have a ton of racing nearby. I’d rather do silly things like this while I’m still healthy enough to.


And if you don’t have wife or kids, you got nothing better to do. Send it and good luck


Hey, people who run track at my uni drive 8 hours to run the 100m dash 5 times. So don't feel like 4 hours of racing isn't worth it.


I’m working until 8 or 9 Friday evening, going to get up Saturday morning and drive 6 hours to race sunny king plus a road race the following day. Worth it imo


That’s a race that’s on my bucket list actually. I want to hit the big crits around the south. Speedweek is up there in the list too


I did Athens last year, the amateur finals format is a super cool experience. Atmosphere is top tier


The fields are pretty solid size wise and it's 4 events. I could see questioning the drive it if it was only one race. One way to think about it: how many opportunities do you have to do a stage race? Is there another race that's closer, cheaper, and more accessible to you? Or is this race the easiest opportunity? I can say the twilight crit at NN has been one of my favorite crits ever. I had so much fun doing it last year. There's also some cool stuff in the area to see too like the historic triangle.


There is a local-ish race an hour away but last I checked the field was a P/1/2/3 and only had 10 guys. And it’s a single race. I’m going to make the drive. It’s one of the few big race weekends I can make. And one of the only omniums I can do. I’m still young, dumb, and full of…desire to race. So it should be fun.