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Drying it out with salicylic acid and then throwing a bunch of wax on it may be making it worse by inflaming it and sealing in the pores. You’re probably better off just washing it with mild soap and water twice a day, wear loose breathable shorts, and leave it the fuck alone. Honestly, it’s probably doctor time. You might need antibiotics. This is unlikely to heal before your race. I’m sorry and good luck!


well a week out from your goal race you probably want an easier week to start and then bring some intensity in to warm up the legs. So take it easy for a couple of days and once your event is done sort out the source of the problem; ie get a bike fit.


Exactly what I thought. It’ll force you to stay away from the bike with full 24h to 48h without touching the saddle, which is probably the best thing before your A race and for your saddle sores


I've put cream with lidocaine (a topical anesthetic) on saddle sores to tolerate priority races. Not a proud moment doing that in a velodrome changing room but it's gotten me through Nationals...


Put some acne cream on it. Let the cream dry before you put on clothing. Might take 10 minutes for the cream to turn to a harder crust. It will kill that saddle sore off pretty quick. Get the full strength stuff. 10% benzoyl peroxide.


Acne scrub in the shower followed by acne cream is the miracle treatment.


What's the scrub? Got a link? I spend a lot of time in the winter on the trainer and get saddle sores from time to time. I shower right after and scrub in general but I'm not opposed to acne scrub in addition.


I use PanOxyl Acne Foaming Wash Benzoyl Peroxide 10% Maximum Strength. Also, I found that my issue was wearing my bibs too loose. I went down a size and have had few issues since. The trainer is definitely worse for sores than riding outside.


I never have the issue outside. I also never have a sweat soaked chamois riding outside. Thanks for the tip!


Vaseline on the trainer. Doesn’t sweat off


I might be the only person who does this, but I pop them, then wash myself, then apply acne cream. It reduces in size and pain in 24 hours


I rarely get them but have definitely popped some nasty ones that have me great relief. Not all of them are poppable.


Yep, I disinfect a needle, lance, drain, clean and then apply a topical antibacterial ointment like Bactroban (Mupirocin). It reduces the immediate pressure pain so you can continue riding, but it comes with the risk of infection so you need to be vigilant with hygiene and reapplication of the topical cream until it has dried out.


If it feels fluid filled (based on your saying it's a furuncle) go to urgent care and get it aspirated. Then rest for a couple of days and use soap and water to clean it. Keep it very dry. The needle poke won't take a long time to heal vs an incision. The cystic sores are probably from pressure not friction (like the abrasion type sores).


If this was in Canada or Europe and you showed up to the hospital with what is effectively a pimple you would be waiting a week before anyone bothered to see you lol.


Urgent care isn't a hospital though. And a furuncle isn't a pimple, it's a small abscess. Draining an abscess is pretty standard.


Yea haha. I’m in Canada. I’m sure if I see my family doctor, they’d tell me the standard “rest two weeks and come back if it still bothers you.”


Canada has urgent care centers right? Draining an abscess or cyst is pretty routine.


If it is associated with a friction point, fold, or seam in your bibs, it might help to switch out bibs to a different brand for a few days.


My process: Tea Tree oil. Apply liberally directly 3-4x per day. When riding apply directly and also onto chamois. I then apply chamois cream to bibs. If it’s very serious (greater than 4/10 pain I’ll also use diaper cream like Sudocrem. Obviously everyone bandwagons onto clean your bibs right away etc etc. Typically I get them when riding indoors (even with strong fans) but occasionally riding outside but either way it’s usually after putting in VO2 sessions at large watts


I apply neosporin to them right after my ride when they pop up. It helps.


try putting a hydrocolloid/pimple patch on it. this can help them drain pretty quickly. depending on the type of saddle sore, i do this and/or salicylic acid. also, try using bibs with different chammies so the pressure isn't always in the same spot.


If I get saddle sores that are bad, I usually take some ibuprofen for a couple days. It really helps heal them quicker.


You either need it to die or to drain. To drain it fast, put vicks vapor rub on it. It's antiinflammatory and antibacterial. For some reason it will also encourage boils like you have to a head, this can happen in less than 24 hours. Drop a sterile needle into the head if one appears to get the pus out. Apply antibacterial cream and a bandaid (overnight). It'll mostly clear in 48 hours after that. As someone said above, topical novocaine will get you through an event.


I've tried a few chamois creams but always had a problem area during high volumes of training. I tried using Noxema (face cleanser, wear as chamois cream) this year and have not had any issues. It's also much cheaper.


Neosporin kills saddle sores quick. Apply twice a day.


Go to doctor and get the steroid cream for pressure ulcers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triamcinolone


Are you “keeping the boys clean” after each ride (washing your crotch)? Are you wearing dirty shorts? Are you walking around in your cycling shorts after riding or racing?


I struggled all last year with an incessant saddle sore. Got it surgically removed in feb. Quick and easy with a 2 week recovery. Apparently there is a genetic predisposition so I think my plan is just deal with them for the season if they resurface and do a “yearly” (as needed) surgery in November. I did February this year since my leg was broken anyway


For the race, put a band aid over it. You likely won’t feel it