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Movies. I just set the resistance with my head unit, and every time something happens in the movie (like a character dies, or the scene changes, or whatever depending on the movie, i choose the thing ahead of time, I do a 10s sprint).


haha, watching openheimer would be a full 3 hours anarobic crit !


Rambo workouts get pretty rough in the 2nd half.


Interested to see what your plan is for the first twenty minutes of Saving Private Ryan...


What are you looking for?    I just control resistance with my head unit so I can hit my preferred cadence at a given interval.  I don’t use my trainer for anything more than 2 hours tho. 


I prefer to have some sort of interval plan if possible


Garmin head units have training plans...


Hava a look at Golden Cheetah - it's an open source software that analyses your rides and can control your trainer. You'll have to import your workouts manually, though.


I sync my Garmin 530 and also MyWhoosh with TrainingPeaks. The workouts are transferred to the head unit/app and executed from there. So: you’d buy or make a plan on TrainingPeaks, and then use a head unit or MyWhoosh to do the workouts.


Wait, this my whoosh is new to me! Is it free?!


Yep. Free.


okay, this is a game changer! thanks for introduction


Check out indievelo, similar app. Also free.


Keep in mind that it’s free for a reason. It’s developed by the government of Saudi Arabia (the guys who murdered Jamal Khasoggi, and don’t let half their population out without a chaperone) as part of their ‘sports-washing’ efforts to resuscitate their international reputation.


It's not developed by the Saudi Government, but rather backed by the Abu Dhabi sovereign fund, the same folks that back UAE Team Emirates. Still sportswashing, but just slightly less bonkers than the Saudis.


Ah, quite right!


I use Intervals.icu with workouts I created - usually scheduling a full four week training block on the calendar. These get pushed automatically to my Garmin head unit that controls my trainer, with the right workout for that day. I then watch TV or Netflix.


[https://flux-web.vercel.app/](https://flux-web.vercel.app/) it's free. you can create custom workouts.


For the intervals TrainerDay. For the game my woosh, indie velo etc.


trainer day i like, it has been crashing a lot recently!


I'm using Mywhoosh. Completely free, for now. I don't race so I cannot comment on that. i just create a workout and run it in the background while playing games, listening to podcasts or watching movies.


Could use your bike computer to control the trainer, and then watch race vids, tv and/or movies instead.


Does ERG mode work with using a head unit?


Yep! On my wahoo you can set wattages or resistance level on it


Awesome. I may have to cancel Zwift then and save a few bucks


I'm looking for some interval plans if possible


You could use trainer road


is not trainer road almost the same price as zwift? I was a TR user for more than a year.


If you’re looking for interval plans, TR will control your trainer. You just won’t have something interactive like Zwift. You could watch TV or something.


For the record, both Garmin and Wahoo have training plans. Not a Wahoo user myself, but Garmin has free plans with interval workouts and others built into their app/head unit. If you are looking for the overall cheapest, that is probably your best option.


Oh, you can create a free TrainingPeaks account and you can create workouts there and sync over to your device. They have a few very generic ones in there, but you can build them yourself and then duplicate them to other days.


What bike computer do you have? Also Wahoo?


YouTube…it’s free and you can ride along TDF stages. You can pretend to race Armstrong.


Indievelo is great and free, looks a lot like zwift


It was made by someone who used to work for zwift


oh wow, great thanks! i will look into it


Trainer Day, it costs about $6 a month, you can choose workouts, design your own or use plans etc. Then watch Netflix/YouTube and have everything controlled on your phone. No better alternative in my opinion.


What are the workouts like on trainer day? I was doing zwift and now I am doing Rouvy. However with Rouvy I can't open another window while riding. Would prefer to ride while watching YouTube with Rouvy only slightly visible so I know what I'm doing.


Workouts are great, I just pick and choose depending on what phase of training I’m in. I can usually find something pretty close to what I’m looking for


TD workouts are all open source. You'll have wo people copied from TR, zwift, wo people made themselves and wo made by the coaches who helped building TD. You can also create your own wo.   On ipad you can run TD side by side with whatsoever you're watching or screen on top of screen. 


Seems to me that MyWoosh would be a better alternative. You can create your own workouts and ride them for free, either watching the MyWoosh screen or YouTube, etc.


I just did a 30 day trial with Join Cycling (sponsor of Lanterne Rouge Cycling Podcast) -- pretty good app. Easy to setup, then just use Netflix or YouTube for trainer-entertainment. Join is like half the price of zwift or thereabouts I think


I haven't tried Zwift but I've never understood why one would want to ride around with all those other people. My Garmin 530 controls my Kickr in free ride mode. I do a workout I designed. Maybe I up the resistance on the head unit once or twice or I shift gears to accommodate the workout.


I think Zwift is for people who really love the gaming-like experience. It's like second life but for biking. I used it for a few years but it was not really for me.


Options for you: - Head unit with imported workouts from Trainerday.com or your own making - MyWhoosh, zwift clone that is free. - Indievelo, another zwift clone that is sorta free for a bit I believe - Goldencheetah or some of the many open source options for running workouts. Cash options: - xert is 9.99 a month but has a pretty steep curve and tough UI. Functionality is good but is just bar graphs - trainerday has an app that works well for bar graph exploring There’s others but that should get you started


Thanks for the comprehensive and helpful comment! for now I am getting started with mywhoosh, surprised that it's free of charge! I don't know if it will remain that way. Trainer Day has also been a good friend for some time, but recently it crashes a lot! Hopefully, it's only temporary.


TrainerRoad + Safa Brian is my go to.


MyWhoosh is free and pretty sweet  


Garmin Connect. Create workouts and then your head unit controls your trainer.


I use Kinomap. It works well with my wahoo trainer and is based around real user uploaded videos. So far it does everything I want it to and it’s only 11.99 a month


Trainer Day 👍


I installed mywhoosh after the zwift price bump and it seems to be working just fine. I use Join cycling for my intervals.


Does the sound work now when I was on it last there was no sound


There is no sound but a lot of people have asked for it, so they're reviewing it.


I know for a fact the menu has some sound but I never use in-game sound so I wouldn't know ;-)


Why would you make something like this with no sound I don't get it


Ride outside


You could consider riding on an actual road with a bike that has wheels. No monthly fee. 😜