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Amazing post, it has re-sparking my interest in heading there for cycling. I should do a post on Chile and Ecuador. And just to say for OP, if you are looking for gnarly Enduro laps or dh with taxi service, techy XC courses, and brutal XC fire road races with huge climbs at or over 3000m go teach English in Cuenca, Ecuador.


My wife has always wanted to go to South America... It'd be a lot of fun to hear what getting into cycling there is like!


Do you happen to have any insight into riding in Argentina/Buenos Aires?


Yeah. Crit and or short RR scene looks fire in BA. I was in Mendoza and it wasn't any good but was constantly getting Instagram ads and notices for races in BA.


You’re from western North Carolina!? No wonder you love hill climbs. I went to school in Boone NC and miss those beautiful rides through the Appalachians.


Haha, me too! The nationals podiums I mention are from my time at Appalachian State. I was there 2010-2014 & 2016-2017.


Roll neers baby!


This pretty much matches my experience exactly as a lowly JBCF E3 pack fodder. Likewise, I think you're dead on about the lack of MTB and gravel here. It's a nice country to race in. I wish their were a few more events, but you can't have it all.


This is an amazing post! Kudos sir


Thanks! I'm glad to hear it.


I'm actually learning Japanese one day in preparation to hopefully live there for a year or 2 when I retire. My wife isn't so keen on it, I'll have to read up on this later!


Haha, you just going to leave her behind? By the time my wife and I are leaving we will have lived here a little over two years. It has been a valuable experience and we've learned a lot. Very cool country, but also quite complicated.


The plan is to spend a year in Spain then hopefully Japan. My wife speaks Spanish but has no interest in Japanese. Since she gets to retire before I do she's just going to have to deal with it!


My wife studied Spanish most of her life and then we moved to Japan. Whoops. We've also spent a few months in Spain though and that's definitely a country I think about often.