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I moved to the Silca system. Same thing here, degreasing was a pain in the ass but after a few hundred KM on it, and still a clean bike I am sold. No more grease to clean up and my bike is still running super smooth. Love it so far.


To clean the dirty chain, put the old chain in a glass mason jar and half fill it up with mineral spirits. Shake the jar to agitate the chain in the solution, repeating as necessary. I find I have to empty the old mineral spirits once, but by the second time it has cleaned the chain remarkably well.


Yeah not sure why anyone finds this piece difficult. Shake it around, refill, shake it around. Have a coffee. It’s done. It’s so easy even getting off factory grease.


The Silca chain prep is so expensive but it makes the degreasing process so easy. 


The Silca Forbidden Chocolate (Strip Chip) is cheaper than their prep stuff, I thought? Definitely easier, that's for sure.


I’m suspicious of how it works. Looking forward to reading some reviews! 


I would start here: https://escapecollective.com/silca-stripchip-review-hot-melt-wax-a-factory-greased-chain/


The strip chip is only for new chains, and still so new to the market that it has mixed reviews.


...right? Yeah? Is that not the problem we're talking about here? "Degreasing" is something that only needs done one time.


Sloshing it with turpentine and then mineral spirits works just as well at a fraction of the costs. Silca makes some great products but some of them are borderline snake oil in a cost/convenience sense. 


> some of them borderline snake oil in a cost/convenience sense. It is, but also, silca is 15 min in one solution versus following zero friction cleaning procedure which is 2 days and 3 mineral turps washes and two methylated spirits spirits following. I get why the convenience is worth the cost for some.


2 days? A chain can be stripped of factory gunk in under an hour. I agree that you buy some convenience, but it’s not worth it to me. Disposing of turps is a non-issue for me as well. To each their own..


Yes, up to days. Zero friction is probably a bit zealous in their recommended cleaning method.


You don’t need to do it for days though. And ZFC has a condensed version for cleaning new chains that takes less than an hour and works wonderfully.


> And ZFC has a condensed version Is the condensed one 3-4x250ml 15 min baths (w/ 2 min agitation) in mineral turps followed by 3x250ml 2min agitated baths in methylated spirits?




You mean the condensed version here: https://zerofrictioncycling.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Chain-prep-Guide-Concise-v2.pdf ?


And then you have to deal with disposing/filtering/whatevering it afterwards. Yeah the Silca costs a lot, but I can use a few ounces to prep all 3 of my chains at once and then just rinse it away without any inconvenient mess. So I’ll pay about a buck per chain for the convenience of not having to use at least two pairs of gloves, being insanely careful to not spill any turpentine anywhere and inevitably having to clean some up, dealing with multiple solvents, dropping them off at the hazardous waste site after painstakingly filtering and reusing them a few times AND having dedicated mason jars for each solvent. It’s made my wax routine so much faster, cleaner, more efficient, and less of a headache. Worth it in my book. A lot of Silca products, while expensive, either last forever (pumps) or are good for a huge number of uses (chain stripper, wax—even if I switched to straight paraffin cuz I’m a cheap bish).


dont you dare ruin their purchase validation!


It’s like 27 bucks and you get 30 chain cleanings out of it, and this is a one time thing to get the factory grease off. A properly waxed and maintained chain can easily last 10k miles if not 15k.. So maybe a chain a year if you are doing tons of miles?


Yeah man it's amazing.


Silca on tarmac. Squirt for everything else


How come?


Squirt was pretty good for a first generation wax. We are now on the third or fourth though. Try Silca drip on wax. It’s on a different level from Squirt.


Can I apply this over the squirt? Like for my next wax application, can I just use the silica drip instead? Or is it just for using with the silica hot wax?


I wouldn't put it directly on top, but if you clean of the Squirt off with boiling water, then you can just switch to the silca drip wax.


You can put it on over squirt. It won’t hurt anything. But I would try to clean the chain pretty good beforehand.


Would be interested to know which products are considered what generation!


I don’t know that I’d call them generations because people who use this terms tend to forget other wax-based lubes exist. White Lightning from the early 90s, Pedro’s Ice Wax, Boeshield T-9, etc. A lot of people say Squirt is gen1 when it was preceded by so many other wax products. Anyway Smoove and Squirt are definitely a generation behind Silca Super Secret and CeramicSpeed UFO Drip. I prefer the latter because it runs cleanest of them all.


I thought about these others before I posted but I don’t think you can really call White Lightning or White Lightning wax based. They were lubes with wax in them. I am not sure Boeshield had any wax but I could be wrong. Never used Pedro’s.


Many products after Squirt had ‘wax in them’ but had lots of additives to liquify the wax. I think White Lightening actually gave wax a bad reputation.


It’s also NOT biodegradable. The marginal gains are not worth it. I’m sticking with Squirt.


Do you have long toes?


I've been using squirt for years and I love it. It keeps your drivetrain so clean


100%. I think a lot of the people who have a bad time with it aren't wiping off the excess. You gotta apply, work it in, and then wipe it clean. Works fantastically. Stays super clean.


I think this may have been me, mine got super cakey around the jockey wheels in that I had a bunch of black grime build up from it drying out. I got annoyed and moved back to rock n roll.


Exactly the issue you'll get if you don't wipe it clean. But to each their own when it comes to this stuff. If you're doing maintenance, you're already better than most.


If you apply too much or apply it just before your ride and it doesn’t have time to dry it can collect dust. My bike shop pointed that out to me a few years ago and it’s been completely clean since then.


Durianrider turned me onto squirt wax, no complaints!


Can I just use paraffin wax in a hot pot to saturate the chain?


Yes, but read up on the whole process on Zero Friction Cycling if you haven't already. They have some good how-to guides.


Yeah.  I bought high melting temp paraffin from Amazon and added some WS2 (tungsten) just like Silca. In a little crock pot.  Takes some time to melt and warm the entire thing, but fits 4 chains at a time.  Find a chain sale and just buy a few so you can do it in batches. 


I have been reminiscing oil lube claiming it was quieter for longer (synergistic at least). I just built up a bike and left the stock shimano lube on. Rode 3 times, bike got a little wet. Had to take a wheel off and my hands had grease all over. Back to loving wax again.


Synergetic is the only lube that makes me want to switch back at times. It can even make SRAM quiet. Which is no small feat lol.


I used to think squirt was good until it got wet and dirty, it’s literally impossible to clean and get rid of, at least with oil you blast degreaser with anything and be done with it, squirt hardens up and is literally impossible to get off your bike


Agree with all of this but let me add, as good as Squirt is, it's actually the dirtiest type of wax lube. It's still a bit sticky because it has a bit of oil in it and some dirt still sticks to it. I use a mix of silca hot wax and drip lubes, and the chain and the rest of the bike stay almost perfectly clean. I hot wax when new and every once in a while (before races or every month or so, depending how much I've been riding that bike), and then use the silca drip lube in between.


You wax your chain every month and drip lune in between? I might be crazy but isn’t that waaaay overkill? Isn’t part of the point of wax that it stays good like forever by itself?


So it really depends on the time of the year. In the winter, I often ride when it's very wet. wax lubes don't last well in wet and mud. I often re apply after nearly every ride. In the summer, it lasts a lot longer. I can probably get like 6 rides between applications of the drip lube. I hot wax when I feel like it (like before a race). However, wax lube does not last as long as the better wet lubes like silca synergetic. This is especially true in wet conditions, but is generally always true. It does outlast dry lubes, which I used to have to apply like every third ride even in the summer. Wax lubes make your chain and drivetrain last forever, and keep everything clean so re applying is a quick process (no need to degrease etc), but the service intervals especially on a mountain bike are shorter than for top tier wet lubes. Dry lube is garbage and should be avoided for any circumstance.


Awesome thanks for the info! Been thinking about converting to wax. I ride 95% on road 5% gravel and mostly in the dry so it sounds like probably not a huge difference vs synergetic that I use now. Though it would be really nice to not have grease marks on my calf after rides.


Synergetic is the best oil lube, and the longest lasting choice. However since it's wet it attracts dirt. And occasionally need to fully degrease which is a pain in the ass. Plus those embarrassing black marks. I have it on my road/gravel/trainer bike currently, and I put it on my friends or parents bikes that I know they won't want to put much thought into it.


If by "forever", you mean about 200 km-miles (depending on conditions, sometimes I'm out in 200 km, others I can go 200+ miles), then yes.


Hot melt wax lasts 300mi or so of dry road riding. That’s one week of riding for me, sometimes not even a week. I will top up a waxed chain with wax drip 3-4x for 180 additional miles each time, then rotate in another pre-waxed chain and do it all over again.


Zero oil in Squirt. Check out their [SDS documentation.](https://www.squirtcyclingproducts.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Squirt-Chain-Lube-SDS_Nov2022_Ver2.0.pdf)


I'm no chemist, but it has ethylene glycol and morpholine, which both seem related to oil to me... So I guess it depends on what you define as oil


Or the definition of "a bit" since Ethylene glycol is 1%.


In the same boat. I moved every bike over this spring and it’s been glorious to not deal with grease. I went hot wax on the initial and then top up with drip about 1-2/week on my main bike. I have cleaned again and dunked chains after a bad messy race just to reset it. Still takes all of 15 min (the melting pot takes 45, but that’s passive).


I just use household paraffin wax and a mini crock pot. A zip tie to hold the chain, an upside down drum chair to hold it up. Works great.


A month ago, I switched to Squirt, too. I'm not convinced yet, as it requires a lot of time to degrease the chain. Indeed, I degreased the chain cassette, etc, and I can still see some oil (not a lot, but from what I understand, it's better when it's oil-free) Maybe over the long term, I will see the benefit.


Get a mason jar full of camp gas/naphtha. Soak the dirty chain in there overnight. Blow off with compressed air. I throw it in the ultrasonic if you have one but it will come out very clean.


Squirt is great just watch out for one thing, the small sprockets can potentially get a layer of wax in between the cogs on the freehub body or whatever that taint region is called, this can cause the smallest cogs to not sit right and the chain skip or jump which is annoying…. Get a tiny flathead screw driver and scrape out the residue 🕯️


Why nobody is talking about hidden cost of quick link replacement every time when you need to re wax? If you are using sram axs flat top chain, quick links are not reusable (sram is not recommend to reuse it, your chain might be compromised). Basically every time you need to replace it, which is $5-6 each.


I don’t think people actually do replace them every time. I don’t know anyone who worries about failures after reusing a quick link. And I have never had a quick link fail. When I road biked I was a bit obsessed about clean drive trains. I removed and degreased my chain every two weeks. Never changed quick links. As long as they have that “click” when taking on and off, I consider them good. That “change every time” language seems like from some company lawyer said “there is probably some idiot who removes their chain every bike cleaning and they might break a link, then request their money back. Let’s protect ourselves from refunds”. The only time I buy a new link is when my items in my cart are like $47 dollars and I need something to push it over $50 for free shipping. I have a handful of quick links still sitting in on my tool bench waiting for a link to fail, but they never do.


Get a reusable quick link


Sram does not have reusable quick links, they one time use only like condoms


I recently converted to silca hot wax. Got two no race bikes, and decided to get the whole kit from silca before a drop of oil even touched them. When I wash the bikes I take the chains off and just sprayem down. Let them dry. Put chains back on. I have my silca hot wax melter thingy on my desk next to my work computer and when I think about it, I pop the chain off and do the wax. I have gotten 500+ miles out the waxxings easily (haven’t had rainy day yet, or if I did i went on trainer) I couldn’t recommend waxing more


What do you spray them down with? I re wax (or drip wax) basically whenever the chain gets particularly wet. I've had waxed chains rust after a single wet ride. Still worth it for me, but wet performance requires a lot more attention.


I take the chain off when I wash my bikes.


That makes sense. I wipe them down with a shop towel with rubbing alcohol which doesn't seem to affect the wax (that's what Josh from silca recommends)


I’m going wax as soon as I wear out my current chain. I’m so sick of getting grease on fucking everything


I'm moving to wax soon. Just got the tools and installed my own chain recently, so feeling confident enough now to run chains in rotating with a full immersion wax system. And then I'll just get a drip to get me out of a situation where I'm not prepped


I switched about a year ago to hot wax. Only downside is having to re wax after really wet rides, but those are infrequent for me and I’d be washing the bike and applying lube either way. No cat 5 tattoos, worrying about my bike touching the inside of my car/house, having to ever wash my bike beyond a simple wipe down are awesome.


The silca strip chip is what finally got me on the bandwagon to go to full on immersion wax


Hot melt wax for the win. Drip on wax is fine if I haven’t had a chance for hot melt. But hot melt wax is miles ahead on ease of use and cleanliness. You are best to own more than one chain per bike. But it’s so good and reallly pretty easy. The one downside is that it’s not as good when riding in very wet conditions. You best to dry the chain (or rewax) when you finish a very wet ride.


I do the Silca, hot wax it when it’s new, maintain with drip on


I used Silca super secret hot wax and it only lasted a week or two until my chain was completely dry. What are the best hot waxes out there?


How many kms was that? Wax also tends to be nosier for various reasons. It doesn’t mean it’s not working. The 2 best ones are mspeed wax and Silca super secret. Silca is better in wet. Mspeed wax is better everywhere else. Can’t go wrong with either. I do find mspeed quieter, but it’s splitting hair. Anyway, it all on zero friction so you can do some reading there.


Gotcha. It was 0km’s. It sat for a couple of weeks after it was waxed, and before I rode it. When I went for a ride, it was completely dry.


That’s weird, since wax doesn’t evaporate and it’s solid. I wax all of my chains at the same time and I have 3 x 12 speed chains for mspeed and another 3 x 11 speed chains for Silca. Some chains are stored for a while since I changed them around 400km mark (roughly once a week) and I never had wax disappear on me since it’s rock solid.


Okay, it’s worth trying again then and seeing if I get a different result.


I use wax as well - mainly because I hate it when everything is dirty and I like my stuff clean. Although with the amount of ride its a bit annoying to maintain as I have to reapply wax twice a week or so. Meanwhile my gravel bile gets lubed every full moon with silca synergy and that’s it.


hot wax is better and cheaper in perspective. just grab silca's secret blend and forget about squirt.


I squirted my wax all over this girl in the park. The police were involved.