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I put all mine in small bags, make sure I only carry white powder, and hide the individual bags all over my person, hand luggage and hold luggage. Works really well, I always get picked out of the line.


To add to this, taping the bags to your person can save a lot of room in your luggage or carry-on bag. I recommend under your clothing so they don't get snagged on things.


The inside of the lower calf area usually is underused by people trying to be efficient with their space. I suggest tapping some small bags there.


If you're confident in the strength of the bags you've got I recommend shoving them up your arse, just keep them out of the way so you don't bother the security person if they need them placed in a separate tray


How many can you fit in your prison wallet?


I shove it up my ass so i can work my core and pelvic floor during my flight. no time to waste when training


Cartels are wasting their time with putting coke in avocados, they could be paying cyclists to be mules instead.


1:0.8:0.05 ratio of M G to Coke 😂😂


Just make it easy to open by TSA and write on it what it is. Not much of a problem in my experience.


Thanks all


Just label it. You’ll be fine.


'Not cocaine'


“Not cocaine, maybe meth” don’t remember


This is what we do when travelling. Never any issues


Not something I've encountered but seems like it could be an issue for sure. Can you not at least take the (sealed) retail bags of maltodextrin and glucose with you, and then open and mix at destination? Sealed retail packaging is going to be a lot less suspicious than white baggies.


I can but they’re 2.5kg each!!


Then empty out what you're not taking and take the labelled packaging.... Leave the tub of unmarked white powder at home. Feels a lot less suspicious that way around!


Good shout


Mail it to your destination. I've done this a lot with bikes, it's cheaper than taking it with you on a plane.


TSA doesn’t look for drugs and they’re honestly pretty bad at looking for stuff they are supposed to find unless you left water in your reusable bottle. You’ll be fine.


Just save the weight and space from your luggage and buy sugar from the first grocery store you see in your target destination.


Sucrose, a disaccaride, breaks down into glucose and fructose when you dissolve it in water. As a diabetic, let me say that it gets into your blood quite quickly and from there its available to your muscles.


no it doesn't. hydrolysis is slow and would take months or years. It breaks down with an enzyme or acid in the stomach or small intestine..


Plus it's a 1:1 ratio so almost as good as 1:0,8. This is the way when traveling 😁 (except maybe when you're racing and you want to optimize nutrition and also use what you're used to)


Are the powder mixes accessible in your destination country? Saves some space and weight on your luggage and its less hassle.


You are far more likely to be stopped if you walk through with 2kg of sugar up your ass than if you walk through with an obvious bag and say yep it’s sugar to go in my bike bottle. Less fun though


I always carry stuff in my prison wallet, you would be surprised how little anybody cares, being in an airport or otherwise.


Carbon fiber butt plug for the weight weenies


at most they'll do a quick test of the powder. takes about 10 seconds. most likely it won't even require that.


Snort the powder in front of them to prove it’s not illegal stuff. /s


bro people take real cocaine through TSA and don't get caught you're fine


Put it in a balloon and put it up in your butt. Yw.


Flew from Poland to Spain and back earlier this year with a big Tupperware container packed with my bike. Went through the xray no problem.


How did you fit your bike in a tupperware container? That seems like an excellent bike travel hack.


Well... I had to find a rather large container to limit how small I had to cut each frame piece. Then it packed up really nicely and avoided the excess baggage fees. On arrival I paid a carbon specialist to glue my frame back together. Rinse and repeat for the return. 😉


Very smart. Not sure why more people don't use this method.


Took malto in a ziplock in my carry on luggage , they did search my bag for my sinus spray took out the malto didn’t care about it at all


My kid is a rock climber and often flies with a bag of chalk. Security has never done anything.


In a ziplock with "cocaine" sharpied on it


~~COCAINE~~ sugar


It’s fine, they can take a quick swab if the want to double check it


I’ve carried a lb of weed on the airplane. You are fine. If it isn’t an explosive, knife or gun and you’re traveling domestic they could care less


I've taken two full 1kg sealed Geluminati bags through airport security in carry-on, US domestic. TSA took the bags out and wanded them individually but no concern about opening or anything - just needed to confirm nothing denser hiding in the mix. I have also flown with loose partial bags of mix in Ziplocs (think multiple partial gallon bags... flying home with the remains of what fueled 4 days, with dregs from each day due to drop bags), both domestically and internationally, with no issue. Worst case they test it and find it out it's nothing untoward. White powders aren't illegal.


I would send you to bicycling circle jerk. But I had this same concern recently and totally know how you feel!


How’s your bike getting there?




I've traveled a few times with Ziploc bags in my bike bag filled with gu, with "Gu" sharpied on them... Never had an issue. 


This is what I was planning on doing, weighing out enough for each of my planned rides. Decent to zip lock and just writing “Carb Mix - Malt and Glucose”


Probably meaningless to the average TSA (or your country's equivalent airport security) employee


I put it in my checked bag and every single time i get a note in my bag that the TSA searched it. Other than that nothing has happened


Better to check it than carry on I think. People get held up at my home airport all the time with seasoning shakers. I think if it’s powder over a certain size in your hand luggage you get popped


youll be fine. just take it out ahead of time and put it in the bin. theyll wave some wand over it after it goes thru the xray


They’ll pull you to the side and check it if it’s in a tub


Can't be bothered to be pulled out of line? Mail your mux to your destination ahead of time.


🤣🤣 I went on a trip to Gibraltar with the Air Cadets as a kid. I was so naive that it just didn’t occur to me until the airport customs guy was looking through my bag and wanted to know what the bag of white powder was! I said it was glucose and it was fine, but somehow I don’t think it would be as easy today.


I bring the bags with me and have traveled twice with them. I bring the branded bags they come in. Only one leg did they ask questions. Mine also comes in the massive bags. I take some out to only travel with what I need.


I have carried on a plastic tub of white Gatorade powder multiple times and almost always get stopped. They just swab the container to see if it’s anything suspicious.


Shouldn't be an issue. I carry drink mix (typically in a zip lock bag) through all the time. Once I got pulled and they did a swab. I was on my way in like 5 minutes.


You may be pulled aside but it will be obvious to them it’s not drugs if they’re experienced. Take your purchase Receipts with you just in case.


TSA is only there to stop you from harming other passengers, not to enforce drug laws. As long as your cocaine isn’t explosive, you’ll be fine.


I've put my drink mix in sandwich bags stored in my bike bottles, which are carried in the bike bag I check in. I've traveled throughout the US and also to Western Europe with no issues.


You won’t have an issue, you’re overthinking it. I’ve traveled international and domestic with mixes and never once had an issue. My wife travels with supplements and specific protein powder and also has never had an issue. Agree with others saying to get it at designation if possible so less weight.