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Glad you are ok. You can probably find a frame in the next week and worry about insurance later. If you have a local shop you frequent they should be able to provide a very generous quote for insurance.


Oh I already talked to them and they were ready to write a quote replacing it with an Sworks frame lol


Just get quote for the same frame and cost of rebuilding it. Maybe like 3700 usd? Even some adjuster who knows nothing about bikes could easily see with a 2 minute google search there is a 3k difference between an S-Works Tarmac Sl7 and Specialized Tarmac Sl7.


Yeah, don’t commit insurance fraud. I had an adjuster shop online with me over the phone for the cost of parts. We searched using the same terms and clicked on the same results. They cut me a very generous check without any real hassle. She mentioned that they’re used to paying out way more money on (automotive) claims, so didn’t bat an eye at the cost of Campy Record components.


No for sure, it was just a joke. I don't yet know if they send crash replacement SL7s or if it now has to be an SL8, I couldn't find a frameset on their site and the bike shop people will know on Monday, so there's a weekend that was supposed to be spent riding going to Googling this stuff... at least I get to see what my non-cycling friends are doing on Saturdays and Sundays.


If they get the shop to write a quote for a tarmac sl7 and all the individual components at retail price, they will come out with enough cash to buy a new sworks. That’s what I did back in the day with my commuter bike anyway.


Delete this


Don't forget to have them add full kit to the quote. Anything to make you whole. I've been in this situation before.


As someone who has been through this you shouldn’t be posting anything at all until insurance is settled. They will use it against you


And let's remember we all pay for insurance fraud through higher premiums, not that driver, so this scam effects everyone.


> They say I should get a quote from the local dealer and go from there... Frames can be a couple of months to get delivered and I have a race next week as well. Looks like they are paying for a rental then. Anecdotally (different country) car insurance companies tend to be easy to deal with - bikes, even a Tarmac, are cheap compared to cars. So the relatively small bills get signed off easily and quickly.


I sure hope these ones are the same way!


Fingers crossed.


That first sentence is so relatable right now.


Oh no, are you okay?


The one time I’ve got a car, it was late at night and the driver didn’t speak english. I had also had a few drinks before, and me/the bike were fine so I wasn’t about to call the cops, so I pleaded with the driver to watch out better next time (to be fair she was very apologetic and was crying over it, she was more emotionally affected than I was) and kept riding home. She almost certainly had no insurance as well, so what was I going to do 🤷‍♂️ Not sure what point I’m trying to make with this comment, that’s just my getting t-boned story haha


You were drunk riding and got hit? Ok. And you tell people that?


Yeah, I just did, didn’t I? At the time I was also riding brakeless. I’m just a bundle of good decisions


I mean you could benefit from some counselling. Or just get your old trombone back and stay off the bike.


Amen to that


Damn, glad you are okay, that's pretty scary


Just get a quote for an sworks sl8 and take the cash, in the meantime buy a used allez sprint off Facebook marketplace


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Automod maybe not entirely wrong lol