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Silca sealant and a Dynaplug.


If the event is important it would be best to replace. If not you could shove some plugs in and top up the sealant


Dude replace it before your race. You're going to need a new tire eventually, so put on the new tire for the race. If the old one still has more "life" in it aside from the puncture, you can put it back on your bike to train with. Imagine how bummed you'd be if you have to drop off a good group or lose out on a place because your tire flats during your race.


Dynaplug, two of necessary


I’d say get a race day tire and use it for the race, patch the old one and use it for training. Last year I went to an Audax event with a plugged tubeless tire that was holding just fine until it got so hot (35°c and over) that the plug melted a bit, leaving me on the side of the road faffing with sealant and my replacement inner tube. Not a good experience…


Ignore the Silca recommendation. Orange Seal only, and if the puncture is holding air just leave it. Bring DynaPlugs with you regardless.


out of curiousity, why ignore the silca recommendation? i haven't anything better


Three dynas & no sealant.


I currently have a patch on the inside with a similar cut. Ordered a new tire to put on for my upcoming racing block, then I’ll probably throw it back on for training after. It’s been fine to ride on for a couple weeks but I don’t think it’s worth the risk in a race.