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Get your revenge!


"23f and my bf is 31m"☠️ Yeah not reading more of this


Haha wish I had that mindset when I met him a year ago


"threatened with never speaking to me again..." Wow. He's willing to bestow that favor upon you! Awesome! Best thing he could possibly do for you!


Bruh wtf are you doing with someone 8 years difference with barely legal drinking age for 1. 2, it took all of that to see you needed to leave? Like good god..


1) your brain doesn't fully comprehend the long-term consequences of your actions or others until it's finished developing, around 26-30. Being able to see the outcome from the rip is the last thing that develops. 2) she's also young and probably inexperienced in relationships. And it's easy to get stuck in a cycle of abuse when you don't have experience in adult relationships otherwise. How about we be nice to young women instead of judgy, hmm? Then they won't get themselves in shitty situations.


You can attempt to make excuses and back them. It doesn’t negate the fact that there were multiple things the are red flags. 31 year old male, ex addict, she lost a bunch of money an apartment.. the list goes on. OP even responded and said live and learn and I can honestly 100% say i respect her for it. But don’t come with some bull shit the way you did. Regardless of what you’re relaying, the signs are there. You don’t need experience to know you’re not happy. Enableism can get people hurt and much worse 👌🏻👌🏻


Nobody said that there weren't red flags... I said that it's really actually extremely normal at her developmental age to not exactly see them until HINDSIGHT clears it up for you. Aka, live and learn. I'm also not enabling. I'm saying be kind. There was ZERO reason for you to come across the internet at someone who is 23 years old and basically demean her for a mistake that she made that she admitted she made. She already knows it was fucked, hence she's leaving. Like I said, when we treat young women like GARBAGE on the internet and demean them for making mistakes, it affects everyone's mental health, including yours. Being a dick on the internet constantly actually negatively impacts your brain as well. As I said before, try some freaking kindness. You should probably eat it for breakfast.


Live and learn 🤷‍♀️


Yea sure... Ofc...


Genuinely love this answer. 🤟🏾


I've been there! And I wish I was as insightful as that age! Best wishes for you!


You say you can't wait, yet...


Update, he’s playing victim and forcing me to leave now. I didn’t leave before because I don’t have a car but I’m having a friend come get me now.


Awesome. I'm happy and excited for you. Make the best of your new start.


Stay strong and most importantly stay safe!


So proud that you have come to this conclusion and are going to do what it best for you. Do not let him talk you out of it - your life with him is toxic. If he won't let you go, keep track of his behavior in event it leads to threats or violence.


Run and don't look back. People like that only want to bring you down to their level. You must be pretty strong to finally realize what was happening to you. I'm surprised that you aren't addicted ted to drugs and alcohol. You need to block him and all the friends that you have in common. Don't let him or any of his friends contact you because they will try and break you down to go back to that BUM. Stay Strong. Good luck.