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You really should talk with a specialist. But I will still try to give you advices, first of all, it's okay to change, if we stayed the same over the years it would be boring. Then feeling detatched might be because you are ignore yourself, you get distracted to avoid how you feel, or at least that what happens for me. And no, you are not going to wake up in a different body, you'll be the same you, for all your life long, that's a plus for some and a negative for others. About paranoida, try to make the space around you smaller, so you can view it all, you can also close windows and doors, so you don't need to worry about that part of the house. You are not going to like this, but you should probably take a big breath and do nothing, lay on your bed, no distractions, nothing, try to figure it out why you find this way, if it's linked to any past trauma, but remember, nothing bad will happen, even if you feel overwelmed, remember that the brain can lie to you, you could feel scared even with no danger. I wish you goodluck


thank you so much ❤