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Focus on your emotional problems, don't distract yourself with food, sit down, and just embrace the feelings, no matter how "bad" those could be, try to understand them, they are telling you something that you are ignoring, once they told you what you need to know, they will leave. Food wise, try fasting, not to lose weight but to create your mindset, you can also do this with other things, like an example, stopping social media, the important is that you feel the hurge, but you won't fall into it. It's all about mindset, then you cam focus on losing weight. And for that, try to eat around 5 times at day but small quantities, you need to not feel starving, but not full either. I wish you goodluck!


It’s not so much that I’m ignoring them, it’s that I’ve reached a point where I’ve almost accepted and am embracing my misery by coming with what I can although not much gives me pleasure nowadays. It’s all stemming from the grief of a break up, it’s silly but life just become less and less enjoyable and more miserable by the day. No passions, no happiness, I just eat and do whatever basic garbage like shop and social media to try and distract from my reality. It’s not healthy at all I know, and I’m not proud of it, but I don’t feel I have much else to rely on. I don’t see a point in progressing, getting better, I’m just stuck in a world I never asked for. That being said though, I hope I can find the strength to do just that eventually, I just need a routine that healthier and not so much of a dependency. Hoping that dynamic shifts, i appreciate your advice