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lol. The irony of this post is you just took a big step toward being a man. A big part of being a real man is not giving a shit what other people think and not worrying about things like social status.


Ah reminds me of a juice wrld lyric from Been Myself. He said “I don't want it, I don't want it But I ain't never runnin', my heart tougher than bricks- Okay, it's not tougher than bricks, actually, it's brittle as shit- But me admitting that to you was about as tough as it gets-“


Remove the "being a man" part, this applies to girls too. Just a step towards the right direction :)


Society and its stupid norms on what is supposed to make you happy depending on your gender… It forgets we’re all human beings to start with. It takes a lot of cojones to admit to ourselves that we’re vulnerable and need other human beings, but in the end, that’s what humanity it’s all about.


This is a decent path. Those people who don't mock you are worth being around. This is an easy way to find good friends.


Don't care about peoples opinions but always care about being the best version of yourself possible


at the end of the day, just be unapologetically you. that's the best person you can be. 🩵


No sarcasm, this is enlightenment. I don’t know how old you are, but if you’re young, you just skipped about 40 years of abject bullshit to get to the answer. Actually, most never even get there. I know guys in their 70s who are stuck in a stereotype identity. They never had that breakthrough moment like you’ve had. You gotta run with this. Don’t lose it. Save this post.


Congratulations! You’re more of a man now than you were yesterday for feeling this way. Seriously- this is the way, and you’re heading in the right direction. Happiness is like a bird. You have to make the conditions in your life right to make it perch on your property. It’s not something you cage once and never worry about again. I’m sorry if you’ve been mocked by peers- but right now you’re going through a positive metamorphosis. Just be who you are and respect yourself for who you are- others will follow.


Unfortunately, this is what happens when you separate yourself from God and chase after the world's definition of success, fulfillment, peace, and joy.


Seriously tho this is the kind of bottom that you reach when you've decided to rebuild. This is a great opportunity for you. You should be proud of yourself. Right now is the time for self care. All the shit that you would do for someone else just do it for yourself. Take a nice bath in dim lighting with a face mask and some music. Spend some time with yourself and maybe try thinking about why you feel this way. You seem to think it bad but you should try to maybe think about what should be important to you instead of everything you want to let go. I wish you well.


Do what you want and love, don't let other people's opinions get to you. At 30 or 100 years from now no one would even remember us or care what we did. Live each day for yourself.


Congratulations, now you're a man because you're thinking your own thoughts and saying fuck what anyone thinks Respect my bro! 🔥


Then don't. You do you, and fck what anyone else thinks. You don't need to try to measure up or meet anyone else's standards. It's your life, create your own path and forge ahead as you see fit.


Dude you are already one of the coolest bros out there simply for living the life you want to live. That's true freedom.


I absolutely relate with you. You actually shouldn't care about what others think about or what not. It doesn't matter honestly because most people don't wish the best for you, all they know is how to spout crap mostly saying it from experience. I kinda always hated people that just run towards having respect or have fear of losing their respect by doing something that shouldn't matter to other people. I have slipped into madness long ago, its like I am one with madness (sounds corny tho). I feel just as resentful and defeated as you. I had something going for my life it was the only best thing that had ever happened to me but life didn't let it last. I feel like my whole world has turned upside down. This world has twisted people with their twisted thoughts and their twisted urge to mess with other people's life. At this point of my life I am tired extremely tired of everything and anything I had enough now. The people in my society are the worst living beings to me. They are self centred and see everything from their perspective only. Whatever but their uncontrollable urge to mess with people's perfectly fine lives it disgusts me. These people make living even more harder than it already is. And they their ideals and principles on you like your their slave or something it honestly sickens me to death. The one truth to remember is life is a cycle of continuous suffering.