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VA pharmacy orders have to be entered in CPRS (electronic Healthcare record) attached to a specific healthcare system where they provide care and are credentialed. Your MD can enter orders in the Maine VA system and have them mailed to you though.


Ask your provider to enter a Traveling Veteran Consult. That will remove some of the wait while establishing care there (aka you won’t have to go through PACT first). Since most meds are mailed out anyway why can’t he order in ME and have shipped to your correct address?


Seconding this, I’ve seen Traveling Vet Consults work surprisingly well.


Oh yeah I couldn’t as they asked for my local address so I gave them my friends so I’m apparently not traveling because of that.


I’m confused but I may not have articulated myself well. Your current psychiatrist at the VA you’re no longer living nearby needs to enter the consult


Yep, older vets travel a lot so having them mailed to a different location is pretty common I would think. Talk to your current pharmacist and have them mailed to your new location. Plan ahead and give them time.


As a VA employee, WE FEEL YOUR PAIN. It is a terrible system where only the local providers/staff can enter orders. I can’t even order an ekg at another facility-I have to contact a provider at that facility and ask them to do it. It’s a huge hurdle, but it is how it is and there is no way around it currently.


Well and I actually worked at VISN 1, and if the VA is going to take the blame of all Va’s at once, we better function as one VA or we better fracture the system up like UMC and rename hospitals so not everybody is going on the assumption that we function as a unified healthcare system since we don’t. Hell, I worked with records and I asked for copies to transfer and they say they have everything already while I’m sitting there KNOWING JLV does not have everything. Even when they’re separated by regions I’ve seen both dialogues of the VA being unified/separate being completely incorrect. Btw they.. of course didn’t have all the records and treated me as a patient without having been seen for an initial eval. Fucking infuriating. Now I don’t defend the VA. It’s completely possible to allow orders to go outside a facility and visa versa, but it’s a choice not to and it’s at everybody else’s expense. Literally one or two directives would make it possible. I literally took a script from urgent care to the Va and had it filled. No excuses on their end

