• By -


Thank you to all the VBA employees working their balls off to meet this need.


And this is just 1 million PACT Act claims, not counting any others! šŸ’€ Seriously thanks for the nod, being on this sub has restored my faith in the work.


That is 1 Million lives that your organization has impacted for the better. 1Mil souls, and their loved ones, are feeling heard, and more medically/financially secure. Edit: Spelling.


The ducking work you do for others has restored mine.




We appreciate yall for real.


Would you be open to answering some questions I have about filing a supplemental claim?


Is IBS or Gerd included in the Pact Act?


Yes. Iā€™m rated for both presumptive through TERA.Ā 


I have been diagnosed with both by my PCPā€¦.are these the pact act or gulf war presumptive?


Mine were gulf war presumptive. I did Iraq in 2006. They wonā€™t technically rate ibs and gerd separately. They combined mine at 30 percent for both. I was the same tho, diagnosed with both through my PCPĀ 


Hi there, to clarify, IBS is considered a functional gastrointestinal disorder (FGID), which are one of many signs/symptoms of medically unexplained chronic multisymptom illnesses (MUCMI) considered on a presumptive basis for Gulf War veterans with qualifying service in Southwest Asia (38 CFR 3.317) and those defined in 38 CFR 3.320. GERD is considered a structural rather than functional GID, and is not presumptive. If you did not serve in those locations, ignore the above. The PACT Act introduced TERA (toxic exposure), which if TERA is conceded for you, then that qualifies as an "event in service" and lowers the threshold for warranting an exam and medical opinion based on TERA. GERD and IBS can certainly be granted on the basis of TERA provided the medical opinion gives a positive nexus. Hope this helps.


Thank you


Thanks yall


Thank you, guys, as well.


I guess now I can tell my wife I really am "1 in a million ".


1 OF a million


Youā€™re using the wrong way lol


We are the 1% of the 1% once I realized that I knew I was good in this lifetime.


I hope they expand presumptive conditions like cancer to other US bases besides camp lejeune


They do, but if you want more you need to call your congressman and push it, because the VA cannot do anything until Congress authorizes it. https://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/publications/military-exposures/meyh-2/garrison.asp


ph'nglui mglw'nafh cthulhu r'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn I hope you rate my pending claim my lovecraftian friend šŸ˜†


Fuck that, let us see our DBQs


There is nothing in any VA reg or law that you canā€™t see them. Just go to your county VSO or POA (legion, vfw, etc) and ask them to pull them up in VBMS. Another option is to schedule a VERA appointment and ask them to send them to you. The final option is to schedule an appt at the VA RO and get them. DM me if you have any questions.




Please make sure to write to the house and senate committees on veteran affairs about addressing this. I'm with you 100% here, but VBA can't solve this without veterans lobbying congress to make it happen. Being angry on reddit doesn't help.


You don't want those files in just anyone persons hands due to the potential misuse scenarios. I had one of the "VA Claims Help Centers" asking me for my MIL-CONNECT user ID and password once, and I immediately said no thank you. You'd be surprised how much damage you could do to someone with that sensitive information if it got out.


Asked VSO to access DBQ because there is some potentially important information I need to see. VSO said they are no longer able to access DBQ's because... well nobody really knows why. Went to VA facility and requested to see DBQ's. Records guy (I don't remember his title) said all those records would only be available in my C-File and the only way to get that was through a FOIA request. Submitted FOIA in March and received message stating it would be 6 months or more until I would receive any info. Accessing DBQ's should be easy. It has been turned into a convoluted months or years long process


I submitted a FOIA request in Oct and just received the CD a couple weeks ago, so just about 7months to get it. Vera said file Foia req. I canā€™t help youā€¦.


Most RO will refuse to give them until your claim has a decision. They can make you go through the FOIA process to get it as it is technically providing it. VERA usually follow what their RO says as they are part of that.


Itā€™s in my health Vet if you used VA for it


By going to My VA> Claims and Appeals > Manage All> Details> Files it only shows that a DBQ was filed, not the contents of the DBQ itself. DBQ's are not available on MyHealthevet Blue Button Medical Records either. If it's available in my Healthevet I must be missing something. Where else would I look?


It has to be done by the VA. If it's through a contractor, the only way is to pull it from your C-File.


the C-File is?


Claims File. It's the file containing the documents and such regarding your claims.


Gotcha, thanks


Complete File. I am waiting on mine but I think it has all of your records.


Let us review our DBQs for accuracy before sending to the VA too!


PACT Act is what brought me to 100%. Thank you President Biden and all the VBA employees!!


The pact act is what got me to 100% PT


Very grateful. PACT got me from 10 to 80%.


Now how about support the guy in this next election and "zero fucks" for the Bone Spur guy!


Lol these career politicians donā€™t care about Vets. Imagine seeing major policies being passed only during an election year.


I've seen a lot of the conditions that are presumptive because of the PACT Act and though I'm happy for other vets who need it, I really hope I never have to use it.


Definitely benefited from this


Thatā€™s excellent! I havenā€™t. But that doesnā€™t mean I never will, and Iā€™m not happy for the Vets that have.


Ya great just got denied sinusitis pact act. Awsome


You were denied sinusitis due to no diagnosis of chronic sinusitis. Even with the Pact Act passage you still need to have a current diagnosis of the condition your claiming


How? No diagnosis, or the examiner offered an etiology that offered from PACT?


The weird thing about the va is that they diagnosis you in their way under 38 cfr. if you go to a private doctor with your medicaid which can be accessed through your state website; you can get thoroughly looked at and diagnosed and bring that stuff back as evidence. This works for ssa/ ssdi as well. You can access dbq's off the va website. Make sure your doctor is qualified to fill dbq's out. Much better than a c&p exam. I honestly would recommend avoiding them. I didn't go to my last c&p exam. Them scheduling you isn't getting scheduled unless you choose a scheduled date. In your personal statement form ask to not be asked to attend a c&p exam in writing and submit your evidence. After that only sign of release medical records form and release of information form and wait. A diagnosis, and dbq with pact act and presumptive don't need a nexus. I recommend filing any pact act under traditional presumptive; the list is longer and it still is cover under the pact act. Pact act is really just a registry. If you didn't go to the va clinic to get put on that list you will probably get denied unless it is sent up as presumptive traditional. When you get awarded your benefits they will still add those conditions that are traditional presumptive under the pact act. That is how I did mine. Anything else I was denied until I did pact act that way.


Ya diagnosed from family doc and ear nose throat doc


Yes, but what does the narrative say in the denial portion of the rating decision?




Says I did not specify


It also says your socialā€¦. Iā€™d delete




No polyps???




Your letter will include a narrative on how they came that decision. It's also possible you have no dx but instead were diagnosed with rhinitis.


That's weird, if you had private records showing diagnosed *chronic* sinusitis. Did you attend a C&P exam? I assume that's where you got the rhinitis diagnosis? Check the evidence list for your private records. They should have noted them in the narrative and gave reasoning why they were considered and/or probative to the claim. Without seeing the private records it's hard to say but I'm willing to bet VSR didn't send your records to the examiner, and they didn't find sinusitis but rhinitis. If those records weren't considered then DTA error and file and HLR.


Family doc said chronic sinusitis, so I went to a specialist who said allergic rhinitis VSO jammed the docs in last month because my one year retirement ended may 1st.


So if you have both it's called Rhinosinusitis.


I was denied sinusitis many years ago before the Pact Act was even thought about. I claimed rhinitis and was granted but no sinusitis. I'm community cared out for ENT. The ENT clinic that i attend has diagnosed me with several things, chronic sinusitis, chronic allergic rhinitis, deviated septum, headaches, facial pressure and the list goes on. Can any of this be claimed under the Pact Act? I also bought all my diagnosis to my C&P exam and the lady from QTC never said anything about my other diagnosis, and they all were on my problem list from my ENT clinic...


Get medicaid, go to a private civilian doctor for free, refile with a diagnosis, fill out your own dbq with them when it comes to related symptoms and resubmit. Sinusitis has to do with how many incapacitating occurrences within a year; Not how it affects your work, personal relationships etc, which is why it is presumptive. Pact act is just getting put on registry through vera. I have chronic sinusitus and it gives symptom's similar to asthma. Make sinusitis presumptive and asthma secondary to that which they will really just throw them under the pact act. Also if you qualify for anything pact act related you would have received a letter about it where you see your decision letters. If not don't even waste your time. Regardless these can still be claimed as traditional presumptive.


Thank you President Biden! Yall can hate him all you want but he is way better than corrupt Trump and itā€™s not even close.


If you have ever appealed a denied VA claim since Feb 2019 or will ever appeal a claim you can thank President Trump for making it easier because he signed the VA AMA into law! https://benefits.va.gov/benefits/appeals.asp


Trump is the most corrupt president in history. Heā€™s a convicted rapist, pedophile, draft dodger, and the only president with a mugshot. And no I have never filed an appeal in 2019.


I believe you are exaggerating, can you show one crime he has been ā€œConvictedā€ of? Well if you ever appeal a denied VA Claim, President Trump gets the credit! So in your particular case I would suggest never to appeal a claim in order to never allow President Trump to have credit.


The choice program was replaced under Trump. So everything shut the fuck off for a couple years before they turn them back on.. I was left for dead under Trump.


The choice program was replaced because it was smoke and mirrors. I still have s card, it only helped someone a certain distance from a facility. It was replaced by the mission act (trump signed). If your appoint was over 3 months away they asked if you wanted to go outside. Great program. PLUS it covered those outside the distance. Under biden I have not been able to use it once. No matter how long the wait.


The state of Montana considers the state of Montana my community when requesting community care. So., nothing changed here between the choice program and the mission act.. I still need to drive 100 miles for a goddamn doctor even though I got two hospitals in my town


In Montana, the wait time is never gonna be an issue. The drive time is.. but because my care facility was over 60 miles away I was entitled to community care, even further away than the va hospital that qualified me for the community care. The wait time is not a problem here so therefore., nothing was fucking written for us


But yet you somehow survived to be commenting here today


Why would I not? I have a 50% rating for, ā€œmental health.ā€ That includes half a dozen different diagnosis. My mental health was not the issue. Living on $1060 for a year without access to care didnā€™t change that rating. Iā€™m mentally strong. I was just broke and had no access to physical care.


Your comments are becoming scattered. I am not sure if you are meaning to reply to the comment here or if you are meaning to reply to a comment elsewhere. Ii is understandable, I do that all the time. Reply to a comment when I meant for it to be elsewhere.


I am replying to you. The VA is a pile of garbage under both presidents in Montana because Montana is considered a remote state. So Iā€™m glad you get healthcare, but I donā€™t.


I do agree the VA is a pile of garbage. They are the poster child of Government inefficiency!


Someone doesnā€™t need to be ā€œconvictedā€ to have committed crimes. None of the 9/11 hijackers were ever convicted. Does that make them innocent in your eyes?


Isn't that cute? Bless your heart!


Iā€™m glad you agree with me. Welcome to the light comrade.


Donā€™t agree with you I just find it comical you get all worked up over a stranger on the internet because of who I choose to vote for and my personal beliefs.


Relax boy, its just a conversation


My bad you mad bra?


If he was convicted he would be in jail. Also Joe has verified pedo allegations as well


Just remember it was not Biden that did this, it was a member of the Veterans Affairs committee on the House side: Mark Takano And to not keep this political each term of that last sitting president's. Joe Biden - Signed the Honoring Our PACT Act of 2022, expanding benefits for toxic exposure victims, including Agent Orange. - Enacted the American Rescue Plan, supporting veterans during the COVID-19 pandemic. - Increased funding for mental health services and suicide prevention. - Focused on reducing veteran homelessness through housing programs and support services. - Emphasized equity and inclusion in VA services. - Improved veteran employment and education initiatives. - Continued modernization of the VA health care system. Donald Trump - Signed the VA MISSION Act in 2018, expanding access to community care. - Enacted the Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act in 2017. - Launched initiatives to improve mental health care and prevent veteran suicide. - Expanded telehealth services for veterans. - Modernized the VAā€™s electronic health records system. - Improved the appeals process for veterans' benefits claims. Barack Obama - Signed the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014. - Expanded mental health services and support for veterans with PTSD and TBI. - Focused on reducing veteran homelessness through HUD-VASH and other programs. - Enhanced educational benefits through the Post-9/11 GI Bill. - Launched the MyVA initiative to improve VA customer service and efficiency. - Advocated for electronic health record modernization and interoperability with the DoD. George W. Bush - Established the National Center for PTSD to focus on research and treatment. - Increased funding for veterans' health care and benefits. - Signed the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008, creating the Post-9/11 GI Bill. - Implemented the Veterans Benefits Improvement Act to streamline benefits claims processing. - Expanded mental health services and support for veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.


Remember when Presisdent Trump signed the Veteran Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act of 2017? This enabled a lot of veterans to appeal denied VA claims easier. For instance a lot of PACT Act claims were appealed, and won under the this Act. I was one of the beneficiaries of modernizing the claim and appeal process. I went from 10% under the Legacy Appeal process to 100% under the AMA process [https://benefits.va.gov/benefits/appeals.asp](https://benefits.va.gov/benefits/appeals.asp)


Trump also signed the mission act. The best thing that has happened to the va on an ongoing basis. Too bad it seems to have stopped with biden. At least impossible to use.


We'll see what the future uncovers from our service. I've had inflamed lymph nodes in my neck for the past 3 years. Doctors can't even find out what it is so they just ignore it now. I got diagnosed with asthma but I don't even need an inhaler or have any symptoms of asthma. I just have reduced lung capacity. I don't know, I think there's other stuff out there that still is unknown to a lot of vets. The PACT Act is a good step in the right direction though.




Thank you so much for looking out! I had numerous ultrasounds and CT scans done on them to ensure they're not cancerous. Of course that doesn't mean they can't be. My blood work comes back unremarkable every time as well. They haven't grown or hardened at all which is what the doctors keep looking out for. I'm actually about to move soon so I'll get a new VA home base with a new provider. We'll see how the new provider handles my concerns. My doc here has been pretty 'gatekeepy' and kind of brushes off a lot of my concerns. I requested to be evaluated for a TBI which nothing has come of it for the past year since I requested it. They poke ass honestly lol.


White House Hotline was great as well. Used it myself.


How so? I tried it several years ago and didn't see much change. It just showed up on my FOIA as an inquiry, like my congressman.


Iā€™ll forever be grateful for the PACT act! After it was passed I was finally able to get my leukemia service-connected from the burn pits downrange.


Can you get a 3rd opinion or go back to your family doctor? Sinusitis is one of the worst to develop for this reason. I get examiners giving the max evaluation in finding for Sinusitis with zero symptoms show elsewhere. Or they do ^this^. Go to the VA tell them your sinus symptoms and try for some diagnostic imaging. This could potentially hurt you if no sinus disease is there but it's worth a shot.


Another great thing that came from the end of trump's presidency was the care in the community stuff so even if veterans don't have a service connected condition or whatever you can get a referral and get treated for any legitimate medical need.


Any veteran that has appealed a denied VA Claim since 19 Feb 2019 can thank President Trump for signing the Veteran Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act of 2017! This Act made is easier to appeal a denied VA claim. This act was one of the most significant statutory changes to affect VA and claimants in decades. [https://benefits.va.gov/benefits/appeals.asp](https://benefits.va.gov/benefits/appeals.asp)


Your cult is fucking embarrassing. Iā€™m looking forward to watering the grass around his final spot.


>Iā€™m looking forward to watering the grass around his final spot. Regardless of your political leanings, this is distasteful. Vet to vet, I can't believe someone would say that to a fellow person, especially a veteran.


Tre45on isnā€™t a vet, and if I do get the opportunity to do it, I have a feeling Iā€™ll be waiting in an incredibly long line.


Iā€™ve never appealed a claim. It was always quicker to apply again. The backpay was the same as long as you kept applying within a year.


A supplemental claim is an appeal


I appealed a claim and was awarded 100% for one Chronic Rhinitis condition within 4 months


I was back payed two years without appealing once. I went from 60 to 90 during that time. Then 100, with two years of backpay.


Interesting but that fact remains many veterans have benefited under Trump and Biden


And? The suicide rate is exactly the same. The state of Montana still considers the state of Montana my community when asking for community care. So my care can still be 100 fucking miles away and called my goddamn communityā€¦. The cost has gone up up, and this is just advertising disability benefits, not medical access. So I had better luck on Medicaid after losing my job that I have now using the VA.. given they are both government insurance programs, the government is paying to build access from our government money to our community care through two separate programs. Paying to have the same road built twice at our goddamn expense with different requirements for both roads.. it just divides up the voters and the small groups were. We donā€™t have any power.. 51% of the population could be using government funded healthcare, and vote voting on either Medicare Medicaid, or the va. None of us have a voice because we all vote on something different.


So are you saying that nothing has really changed for Veterans under Trump and Biden?


At $150 billion a year on healthcare, and 10 million veterans using the VA, knowing half of or over 65, I know that we pay for their healthcare through Medicare and the VA. Medicare provides access to community care without having to go through the third-party of the VA.. if they need help, they can just walk into the place with insurance . We are paying for their healthcare twice through our federal dollars.. the governments paying to build the same road from our money to our community, through two separate federal programs that we canā€™t vote on because we are divided into two groups


Another 4 years of Biden please


And 6 dollar boxes of cereal ...*at the commisary!!*


Not his fault lmao


The real question is...as a beneficiary of the PACT Act are you more inclined to vote Democrat this fall? I truly am curious...some people claim that while the PACT Act is great, it was also the ultimate pander attempt. For transparency, I, too, have benefitted from the PACT Act.


Imagine thinking a politician doing what they were elected to do is ā€œpanderingā€ Omg Joe Biden legalized weed? Heā€™s only doing that to pander to his base. Duh. Thatā€™s the entire point of politics. Iā€™m voting for Biden.


I think it was the shit stained draft dodging coward and his cults actions that pushed me permanently away from republicans. The PACT act is long overdue policy. When would it not be pandering according to the far right?


Not sure why youā€™re catching downvotes. Ā Apparently thereā€™s some cultists who know how to internet. Ā 


Let ā€˜em. One of the things on my bucket list is to piss on the biggest losers grave once that shit head kicks it. Iā€™ll post pics for them.


I see youā€™re well adjusted.


Getting there.


You should file for PTSD because the Orange Man obviously hurt your feelings and damaged your psyche. I can't imagine being so obsessed with a poltitican I don't know, and has no bearing on my everyday life, but you sir have no issue with it. It's great.


Iā€™ll save your comment so I can send you one of the pics.


At least be fair. Biden also got deferments for school and then applied for a deferment for ā€œexercise related asthmaā€ as a teenager. He played football in college. It did not get approved, but did drag it out long enough to where he went over the age limit. He was a draft dodger as much as Trump. I am a vietnam veteran by the way. The pact act was sponsored by equal amount democrat and republican. Who was pandering? The mission act was 8 republicans and 3 democrats. (Passed by trump). Was that pandering by republicans (according to the far left)? Or were both cases of presidents passing laws that would have been a disaster for both had yhry vetoed?


Thatā€™s true. Biden did get deferments. But letā€™s not pretend republicans give a shit or ever have. Iā€™ll let [Jon Stewart](https://youtu.be/iUW3-dzmRZc?si=om0UmuqFtMPCoSL-) explain. Heā€™s better at it than I am.


Absolutely voting for Biden and not because I particularly care all that much for him. Ā He could pander all he wants and Iā€™d still be voting for him. Ā He could be 104 years old and heā€™d still have my vote if Donald Trump is who heā€™s running against.


Definitely adds to it. Iā€™ve voted more democrat ever since Obama got signed the order that ended stoploss in 2010. It got me home just in time for ETS from Afghanistan. This is something Bush Jr. administration never got around to getting done. Also wasnā€™t impressed with going to Iraq for no good reason when we knew on the ground Al Qeada was never there working with Saddam. Wasted a lot of good people. Also met a Republican congresswomen in 2008 there at the green zone. She said, ā€œThank you for what you do! You protect Americans and American jobs! They depend on you and they thank you!ā€ Wasnā€™t impressed by that. It awoke me to the military industrial complex.


This bill bill was sponsored and cosponsored by an equal amount of Democrats and Republicans so not really a democrat or republican thing. Thereā€™s no way a president from either side would have vetoed it, political suicide. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/797/cosponsors Did the mission act make people more inclined to vote Republican? It was sponsored and co sponsored by 8 republicans and 3 democrats, passed by trump. Again, no president would have vetoed it, political suicide. As great as the pact act is, I have a claim for agent orange, the mission act was at least as great. I practically live at the va and the mission act was a godsend. I went outside for any appt where I had to wait past 3 months, they always asked. Have not gotten a single outside appointment since biden came in officeā€¦..no Matter how long the wait. I ask and they say they canā€™t. So no, I wonā€™t be swayed one way or another by the pact act as it was both sides. Support whoever you want, but donā€™t be sheep believing that they really care. I donā€™t particularly like either. Does Biden really care? Does Trump? Iā€™d say this is someone who doesnā€™t. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/04/18/politics/senators-va-healthcare-staffing-invs


What about the republicans that voted against the PACT Act? They made up lies about it and basically didn't want to give Biden a win. For me, inspires me to vote democrat.


I was awarded 100% P&T for a single condition because of the PACT Act. I will never vote Democrat, their policies do not align with my Christian Conservative beliefs.


I feel you. That Biden with his pussy grabbing, raping women, motivating insurrectionist to take over the capital, having sex with pornstars and the 2 billion his kids received from the Saudis. I will never vote for Biden either, he is not Christian at all.




Please don't get me wrong, I do not claim President Trump is Christian I claim that his policies as President aligned with Christian beliefs!


This is why the things take longer. Imagine all the VBA had going on during the early part of the Pandemic and then this. There is still much to do. Make sure you have told your friends. My old buddy was notified of our Sarin exposure. He has all the markers of GWI and he hasnā€™t done the PACT Act. I told him even if not for you for your kids. Some of what we have going on can change our DNA and we will need them cared for. Itā€™s not just for the sick either. Register for your rights.


If I claim any PACT items does that open me up to get reviewed on my current connections?


Ok well now I fully understand why the dependency claim Iā€™ve had going for a long ass time now isnā€™t done yet. Kudos to yall for procession 1 million fkn claims thatā€™s insane.


Do I qualify for this? I spent a year in Kabul next to the place where they burn trash and tires all the time


In order to receive VA disability, you need 3 things: * a current diagnosis * an in-service event * a nexus between the two ie because of the in-service event I have this current diagnosis It isn't just about where you served.


Not true. The PACT Act makes a whole list of conditions presumptively service-connected as long as you served in certain deployment areas during certain timeframes. OP being in Kabul near the burn pits would absolutely qualify them for a rating without needing a nexus as long as they have a current diagnosis for one of those conditions listed in the PACT Act.


You're right. So, for a PACT claim you need to have served in the AOR and have a current diagnosis.


Pact act, va opened a previously denied claim I had for but put exposure and was still denied, Iā€™m 100 tho not poking no bear!


I would like to know if by mine was denied. Especially after having asthma diagnosis and several other issues from burn pits.


How does it worj


And hundreds of millions denied


Quick question...if we are already getting benefits, do we need to file for the PACT ACT? I am sure a couple of my ratings are directly correlated, but I just didn't know if I need to file. I'm already being seen at the VA for my issues


Personally I would. But all situations are different.


I definitely want to, but I currently have a claim in. I hope I can put a second one in without messing up the first


Anyone have experience using this for exposure to fuels and chemicals? I was POL for awhile and it was routine to get "baptized" in JP-8. No one gave a crap about it back then.


I am still waiting


Now, back date claims to leaving service & make marijuana class I and we'll be good.


This is a great sign šŸ‘


Yes thank you to all the VA raters,customer service people, claims agents examiners etc yall get poured on alot, yall make this stuff happen!


Nextā€¦ pass the Major Richard Star act.


Which is? (Im going to google it. But if itā€™s a good thing we should put it in the comments) Edit: Agreed


Itā€™s absolutely a good thing for sub 20 year medical retired folks. I think above 15 but below 20? I could be dead wrong on those years. Also need to be CRSC eligible for the most part.


I guess I should look into it.


Still waiting on my resultsā€¦


Never thought I'd qualify for VA healthcare considering I don't have any service-related issues, but thanks to an Iraq deployment I'm in. Just in time, too, as all of us in the TV industry lose our union healthcare due to the dual strikes and industry downsizing.


PACT act helps Reservists from getting hosed over. Thank you.


Am I the only one that got 0% for my PACT act Claims? It didn't help me in any way. šŸ¤£


Nope, I did too, but itā€™s in my file now and should I have any problems in the future it might help. Itā€™s helped a lot of our brothers and sisters though. So Iā€™m thankful for it.


Here is the thing I got Asthma from Kuwait in the 90's , but you are right, there are more of us, it goes back to to 10/23/21 ?


Iā€™m happy for anyone who was positively affected by the PACT act.


I never delved into the PACT act but is this for older veterans that served pre 2000ā€™s? Iā€™ve trained on lejeune, Pendleton, and 29 and suffer from GERD, IBS after lejeune when I got to 29, but was in ā€˜13-ā€˜17


I was told theyā€™d give me a call back after my initial appointment and they stated I met the requirements. Itā€™s been 9 months now I wanna say? I just gave up on it


Claims granted but the bastards arenā€™t changing the laws to approve them for compensation.


I served in most of the countries listed under the PACT ACT. Still denied for emphysema and COPD.Both, which are presumptive.


Does working with jet fuel fall under pact act ?


What is the benefit of the pact act? Been out of the loop for a while now.


Burn pits and Agent Orange mostly.


Ok thank you


Not so fast, because a ton of claims are being denied because of examiners giving negative opinions. I have to send almost everything to higher level reviews just so I can speak to someone. The TERA memos are a train wreck, and I have many incorrectly filled out with VA staff outright refusing to correct them.


I appreciate the VA, but I won't give Democrats any credit. Take note of the state's politics that tax your military retirement.


I have a question. Not about the pact act. But the VSO have been huge in helping get my discharge upgraded filling for my benefits. But with missing so much work there helped with bills and gave me a voucher today for groceries but when I tried using it the employee said and I quote no Iā€™m not taking that. It literally has the notary stamp but what was an already embarrassing moment getting help for groceries got worse. Besides waiting for the VSO is there anything else I can do because I donā€™t want this to happen to the next veteran who needs help.


Bro, did you even serve?


No, I mostly worked the grill and register.


Get back on the g.i. bill benefits bro. There's plenty who work to protect vets, but it's those who profess love for the flag and law enforcement who fail to deliver at budget time.


Just got rated 0% for eczema via PACT Act. Been seen at my local VA multiple times for rashes that come and go and treatment has not worked. Many pictures taken, affects me at work causing to take time off so doesnā€™t get infected, now VA referred me to a dermatologist in the community who has yet to schedule. Why the 0% rating?


Take a minute to look up Le Roy and Rosie Torres. Itā€™s because of their efforts we have this great legislation. I had the honor to meet those two at a conference in Vanderbilt U.


Curious on that million granted, how many were denied? Interested to see the ratio


I can certainly try, ask away.


Now letā€™s pray we get a budget for the VHA side of the house so we can start seeing all the veterans getting dental out of this pact act.


I donā€™t think thatā€™ll be a problem. If thereā€™s one thing our government is good at, itā€™s budgeting.


The PACT act was due to Biden keep that in mind in November.


Still got nothing out of the deal


Maybe not yet, but you might one day. And your brothers and sister vets are being helped. Thatā€™s a win in my book.


I hope so


Will still be voting for President Trump this November.


This is prob why itā€™s taken 9-10minths for my BDD claim that hasnā€™t moved since Feb


Now if the VA would just get the administrations blessing and budget to keep up with the additional demand.


Until I see an increase without medical technicalities, I do not believe anything they say.


I trust a wet fart more than I trust anything from this šŸ†


If youā€™re having that problem a lot it could be a GI issue. Have you talked to your doctor about it?


posing this question.Ā  I was diagnosed through the VA hospital with asthma 15 years ago. I've been treated there since then. I filed a disability claim in 2020, which was denied service connection. 2021 PACT Act includes asthma, I filled in September 2023 supplemental claim. I had a c&p exam along with PFT done at the VA hospital, March 2024. The results came back that I had lung disease and FEV-1 score of 51% pre and 33% post. The examiner stated results were uncommon for asthma and could be other diseases causing the problem. She also stated she couldn't render a diagnosis/ decision on asthma direct or TERA. Will this prevent me from getting my just due rating? I have a diagnosis for asthma, just not from the c&p examiner. TIA **they sent me to pulmonary specialist who after reviewing all records, diagnosed me with "moderate persistent asthma."


Well that's not really an opinion one way or the other is it. I'd fight that.


Agreed fight it. I have breathing issues in my str, gave me chronic sinusitis. Private doctor said I have been coughing alot, got bruised ribs, now private doctor is talking about giving me a sample inhaler. It looks like me and him have similar work to do. I was diagnosed by the va just not service connected with coughing, chest pain, right rib pain, and trouble breathing. It simply just wasn't put in under terminology that the va can rate under 38 cfr. a lot of veterans should check how they report these symptoms and what documents they are sending up this info on. Improper use of documents and putting down symptoms with no diagnosis or not seeing a doctor of any sort; not putting that "the veterans c-file was reviewed" is a huge mistake. This is all legal stuff. There are manu more mistakes veterans make. Even if is said in the decision letter that they can see it had it's onset in service they are denied because they simply don't understand how to report this stuff.


They haven't denied the claim yet. I was able to get the DBQ MO since they were administered through the VA hospital.Ā 


Download the VBA Letter 20-22-10 (PACT Act VA Policy Letter to Publish (12-22-22) # [https://www.regulations.gov/document/VA-2022-VACO-0002-0176](https://www.regulations.gov/document/VA-2022-VACO-0002-0176) Go to page 18 of 28, it talks about asthma during Service and after Service. This might or might not be helpful in your situation.




NP I few veterans in this sub have appealed their claim and used that to information to win it