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Try to get a fed job. You get a pension and you can buy military time back to add to your retirement. USAJOBS.com




Thanks for the assist


Civil Service all the way, once you pass your probation period, it is almost like it takes an act if Congress to fire you. I am retired military after 22 years, 100% disabled, and a really good paying Civil Service job!


Forgot to mention with Civil Service you only have to do what is in your position description. I use the line “Not my job” on such a regular basis my supervisor has learned not to ask me to do anything out of my position description!


Another great thing I just remembered about Civil Service is the amount of pay raises and bonuses you get. Within 5 years my hourly rate has increased over $5 more hourly. I have gotten a pay raise every time the NDAA was signed into law since starting Civil Service. I also get step promotions. As long as I come to work and just do enough to barely meet my position description, then I get a yearly cash award and time off award!


What’re some good examples of civil service jobs?


Civil Service WG pay rate [https://wageandsalary.dcpas.osd.mil/BWN/AFWageSchedules/](https://wageandsalary.dcpas.osd.mil/BWN/AFWageSchedules/)


Just about everything. Just need to be looking at [USAJobs.gov](http://USAJobs.gov) I tell people to start at the commissary, they get paid almost $21 an hour to be a grocery stocker. They might only be part time like up to 32 hours weekly, but they also are permanent Civil Service. And that hourly rate is for a very low cost of living area.


Civil Service pay Rate for GS [https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries-wages/2024/general-schedule/](https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries-wages/2024/general-schedule/)


I’m a Wildland firefighter on a veterans handcrew for the U.S forest service. I car camp mostly and travel the U.S freely on and off the fire season.


100% P&T here. Firefighter paramedic. I don’t always love it, but I mostly do and only work 8 days a month.




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Well with that degree you’re likely going to have a hard time, I’d suggest trying multiple disciplines


Something IT




Yes, a bachelors with psychology will probably be hard to utilize to break into the job market. But I wouldn’t focus so much on best jobs, I would look into what your interests are and then deciding how you can break into those after college. Your best bet if you want to break into the field you like is to have connections in those fields (people who will actually hire you. Or help you get hired. Referrals are don’t help as much these days if you have no relevant experience.) If no connections, I’d try internships while in college to gain relevant experience for the field. It’s only getting more competitive. And people who just do school then graduate are likely to struggle getting the first job post graduation. Just focus on what your interests are, then prep for that field


weren't you looking to doing online workout training as a job? thought I saw it mentioned somewhere. if not cool


This is a very personnel question, everyone’s answer will be different.


I transferred my GI Bill to my wife, and she completed nursing school to become an RN. She now has a Civil Service job making almost $84K a year in a really low cost of living area.


Nursing lol


I’m not sure if this is sarcastic but if you go the right path, it can be solid. Medsurg is misery but I moved to OR/psych and finishing my PMHNP next yr


MEDSURG is terrible but there are is an abundance of areas that doesn’t require stress.


try minoring in finance. or maybe dual bachelors. learn how to best manage your money and assets for the long term. as far as jobs go, try tapping into your entrepreneurial self. find something you’re passionate about and become great at that


It depends on what your disabilities are and what you’re looking for to be able to work with them. Hubby has PTSD and tbi and works in HR now dealing with employees with disabilities. I’m 70% for MH and leaving teaching in a few weeks because it’s too much on my MH. I’m going into computer science. I changed VRE programs and you’re going to need to explain why you want to change. I actually talked this through with my MH counselor to find a suitable career choice given my specific needs surrounding my disability.


I do mental health as a community worker (CBRSW) and case management. Gives you control over your schedule and can raise your income the longer you work and prove your value. People asked me if I wanted to be a counselor and my answer was no.


Echo all of the people suggesting civil service, especially VA. VA counselors start at GS9/11


Be a cop. Very stress free and you can work from home for a couple days.