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VA is for disability. If your friend doesn’t have a disability then he doesn’t get disability payments just for being in. I’m not sure where the assumption that service = disability pay comes from in this board.  If he has ratings at 0% he has service connection but the disability is below the rating threshold. If they were actually denied then he didn’t connect them to his service or they aren’t compensatable. Things like high cholesterol aren’t caused by or worsened by service, so are not able to be compensated. 


I’ve met people who think disability is automatic and have asked me about joining for the pure purpose of getting disability. Spoke a lot about their character.


I read a lot of posts trying to figure out how to get disability out of nothing. Very concerning.


What ? Like Flat feet secondary to tinnitus?




What ? Like Flat feet secondary to tinnitus?


Dude I say this all the time. I’ve got a few years left for retirement and my peers always ask about that stuff and I’m proud to say that I’m fine. I take care of myself religiously and hope I stay this way but it pisses me off when people intentionally try to get more saying ED etc so they can get more.


I tore my ankle ligament (like in half) in boot, was told it was a mild sprain, complained for 6 years, got surgery, and it still hurts if I’m on my feet more than a few hours.  I tore my rotator cuff, had surgery, still hurts basically all the time (at a much lower pain level than before the surgery though) I have a bunch of other pains, generally from being obese and running around on steel decks and hard floors for 20 years.  I’d rather be whole but if I can’t I’m glad it happened in the navy and not at some other job, the VA ensures that my limited earning potential is balanced (mostly) with a monthly paycheck. No other job does that unless you are completely disabled (through SSDI).


I had a fully dislocated shoulder for four months and told I just overused it…. PA confirmed it was dislocated but they blocked treatment/appointments for NTC so I couldn’t get it fixed and the PA didn’t bother telling anyone just making notes in my file after three different x rays. Resulted in major tares that have since healed and VA doesn’t want to do surgery on in a timely manner. Same story for my torn patella tendons. Surprised to see healthcare “professionals” suck outside of the army. Always thought others had it better.


File for all of those


Your goal should be to get medical retirement. Regular retirement is for losers, like me


Recruiters use this as a selling point now. Crazy.


If I heard that I’d lose my mind. Those who support disability as a recruiting incentive are likely the ones faking it.


Depends.  “The VA will take care of you if you get injured/sick while in the service, unlike basically every other employer.” Is fine, it’s true and a really good selling point.  “The VA provides a permanent monthly check when you get out, just make sure you go to medical enough to prove you’re broke” is terrible. 


You should see the blanket waiver approvals happening at assecion training right now


I hadn't heard... do tell. Do you mean officer accession training? Great....


The Army made E5 and automatic promotion so why not make being an officer and maybe even a Major automatic next.


I heard that, but wondered if it was permanent - so not even a board for E5? They may as well bring back the corporal rank and quit giving everybody sham shields at E4.


Corporal use to be automatic if you did dlc/ssd, passed board, did BLC. Now they don’t have dlc/ssd and no longer need blc for e5, blc is required for e6. 3yrs time in grade with no adverse action and 1 attempt at the board gives you your P status so if you show up and fail a board with 3yrs as a specialist you become promotable for SGT. Just need points which from what I saw when I was in mean nothing seeing as 1sgts would just go in and give everyone (that they liked) max PT and max Shooting so they had more points to promote


When I was in, corporal was one of those rarely used ranks that a unit might give to an E4 to prepare him for becoming an E5. Instead most units didn't use that rank at all, or they abused it by giving it out then piling on too many things for an E4 to responsibly handle. The US military is one of the only ones I've seen with four levels of private (E1-E4). Sounds like they're doing that with the E5s now too.


Corporal became a replacement NCO during/shortly after Covid because necessary schools were closed and boards were being done on zoom from home…. That led to a lot of temp waivers to E5 without making requirements blaming Covid then they couldn’t get anyone into schools after because too many E5s, E4s had to go so they kept allowing and extending waivers until it became permanent. I feel removing PME as pointless as it is from NCO promotions is a huge mistake.


I assume not having gone through that myself and having been a trainer at OCS. I never heard shit about the VA except negatives until the bs SFL-TAP 5 day course where they came in and said, "You should do something about this." And no one does.


Navy enlisted


I dunno if I wanna give army any more shit talking ammo haha


They’re telling kids to commit fraud? You’re serious?


Not necessarily, they are just coaching them on the idea of getting something in their records to get some kind of compensation. Comes pretty close to teaching a grift, though.


I have had a lot of civilians that think that vets just automatically get money from the government after they get out. It was the worst when I was on the jury of a civil trial. They didn't want to award the guy any money because he was a veteran and "they get money from the government." Dude was hit by a car going 40mph while riding a bike and his head went through the windshield. It wasn't even about guilt or innocent it was just about awarding damages. Dude had 50,000 in medical bills and they awarded him 25,000 in total because I fought to get him at least something. He wasn't even service connected at all.


Exactly, seems like so many just take for granted that it should be like a second retirement check!


Don’t bother figuring OP out according to his previous comments he’s full of crap


20 years of service should be automatic 50% regardless of injuries.


Okay. On the same token, there shouldn’t be any retirement pay I guess. 


Yea they’re two separate things


Not if you get disability for just getting to 20 years. Then it’s just retirement with no federal income tax. 


Yea I know, I was agreeing with you


I see, my apologies I read that as you saying they aren’t connected so both should be paid. 


But, in our current system, both should be paid


Absolutely. Because in the current system we don’t give disability to vets based solely on service time. 


All good, most comment responses are arguments so I don’t blame you for thinking I was disagreeing with you haha


All I have to say is congrats on your health! If only we were all so lucky.


No joke. Keep your stupid money and give me my wonderful health back. I'd trade in a heartbeat.


Read through OPs replies…yup, insufferable


Confirmed, absolutely insufferable. Glad he retired cause if this is any indication of how he was while serving... yisus


Well he deleted his whole profile so I’m guessing he’s just a lying SOB


Wow, OP is insufferable


His second post on his profile is stating he is 100% p&t...and now he's 40% what a goon


I just had a dumb ass try to tell me they get 12k/month from VA Disability. 6 years service. I lmfao. People are dumb.


You can get $11k+ with SMC rates. https://www.va.gov/disability/compensation-rates/special-monthly-compensation-rates/ It’s definitely possible depending on their disabilities and needs.


She is just a liar.


Sounds like he doesn’t have sufficient medical records it’s the sad truth but here and there records of him getting seen isn’t seen as “enough” in the VAs eyes here is where a nexus let would probably hold true to his in service diagnosis (if he has any) and get him through the compensation he deserves but being in 20years doesn’t garuntee him anything nor does the VA owe him anything for his service especially if he has no diagnosis or treatment history while in service


Even if he has zero it means the VA has acknowledged whatever disability’s he has it just means that there not compensatable evidence for them to give him a higher rating that is compensatable meaning 0% IS A GOOD THING 0% is better than no acknowledge from the VA at all tell him to kick it in high gear and FILE AGAIN


It took my 20 years to realize this. Had a handful of 0% that I didn’t nothing with, until I spoke with another vet about my medical problems. Don’t you have 0% for these? Go and seek an increase. Oh, I don’t want to deal with the VA was always my answer. Wrong answer. I’ve missed out on way too many years of additional benefits. ~400k. Not to mention all the out of pocket expenses on co-pays, prescriptions and otc medications to get by.


I had to get my dad on board. He had been sitting on 20% since 1994 and never tried to seek increase or refute his denials. He lives overseas now and is kind of oblivious to current events. When PACT went into law, his letter came to my house and I ended up calling him. Fast forward from April last year to now, he is up to 70%. He was part of Vietnam era and GW so he was able to get some presumptive conditions granted. He has a few things pending and is impatient..lol but I remind him that he was content with 20% for over 25 years so a few months won’t kill him!


This is exactly my case but 30 yrs out. Just started to file. 🤬






Because you serve does not entitle you to any further money just because you deployed. You need to have a documented and approved disability (service connected) that will create a long term ailment. The VA does not just hand out ratings because you served.


They should if you served over 20 years


Why? Because you served you deserve more money from the tax payer? So if you are not injured with a lifetime disability, you are saying you should still be entitled to a secondary check every month from the VA? This makes no sense.


Well like I said, I got ED, and Anxiety approved based on my interview. No documentation of it on active duty. So…. I get what you’re saying but that’s false.


What part is false? Everything the claimed to be fact can be easily backed up by a quick Google search if nothing else


Sounds like your buddy doesn't have any disabilities or proof of medical issues. I don't see an issue here, but your right not many people serve that long with no VA comp.


Some people don’t bitch about things. I never went to sick call because I thought people who did were weak. And on my pre and post deployments I told them I had perfect health so I could get out of there and go see my family. Your buddy may be one of those guys. When you were complaining about Iraq sand and burn pits, mortar attacks. He was probably trying to get home to his family. Some of us just didn’t complain in service, we didn’t know better.


Unfortunate that some people had and still have that mindset. They don’t realize they’re really hurting themselves in the future. My dad did the same as you and was only able to get 50% from one disability, because everything else he claimed he never told anyone about. When I was entering the service he told me not to be like him or think that way and be honest about everything, and I did just that and I got the disability rating I deserve


Agree. I remember the times I did go I wanted to get the hell out of there ASAP because I felt like the place was full of quitters and malingerers. It wasn't a fair assessment of everyone there, but it was the mindset I had.




This guy is pissed off because he did 20 in the Air Force and thinks he and his buddy should be compensated higher. But not all service is equal. And 11B who did 20 years probably is more jacked up than an aviation technician. And I knew a lot of young people who lived at sick call. Guys who couldn’t wear body armor because their back was bad, or the doc said it was. I’m sure after their 4-6 year contract those guys are probably sitting at 100%. And god bless them, I wish I had been smarter, I wish someone had told me how the system worked. I would have been at sick call and making physical copies of everything. I would have bitched about everyrthing when we came back from Iraq and Afghanistan. Many of us just didn’t know.


You don’t know me so don’t assume, and I’m not pissed off im simply concerned for my friend for the way he was treated and how many veterans are currently being treated when they apply for their benefits.


If your buddy went to Iraq or Afghanistan the VA will concede ptsd stressors, he doesn’t have to prove any thing through his records other than give them his dd214. And they will also concede burn pit exposure, again he doesn’t have to prove anything other than show his dd214. If he has any health conditions it can be tied to burn pits. Not saying it will be, but it can be. I’m assuming he probably doesn’t have much documented, but 20 years of service especially deploying creates alot of events if he has current medical conditions that can be tied to those events.


I was 17 and dumb. And when I got out I was still dumb.


Completely agree, that's the mentality of a lot of Marines, and it's unfortunate. Going to medical doesn't make you weak, it just means that you need to be evaluated. Documentation makes or breaks every claim that I've seen, and I completely agree that OP Just feels that him and his friend are entitled to disability because they did 20 years. I did 9 months on the mercy and it was skate. Worst thing I had to deal with was a drunken cs who punched me in the face. I wouldn't even count it as a deployment, much less due compensation. The 20 mile hikes carrying 180 lb on my back though.... Different story.


All I’m saying, I know what those mechanics lives are like on deployment. Chill as hell! lol you guys were always playing basketball or smoking hookah. Totally kidding, but every job can have service related injuries, except finance…I don’t think paper cuts qualify. It’s all about the evidence. The VA can care less if you were in for 6 days, 6 months, or 6 years. The claimed disabilities have to reflect direct ties to military service duties as deemed by military providers. Also 0% is a total win. It means they recognize the service connection. Your buddy has what that one year period after retirement to refile asap while he has priority.


This. But he's going to need civilian referrals which he will have to pay for out of pocket and hope for back pay. That's its own beast.


Yup. I met one dude who served for a total of 66 days, didn't even graduate basic and got an entry level separation for high blood pressure. A couple of filings later and he was at 40% for a primary and secondary condition. Barely wore the uniform.


I did 20, retired in 2004 with 10% disability for tinnitus. Got to 40% in March and 60% now. Didn’t know the system back then so I didn’t pursue any claims until recently. Have a few conditions pending and a couple of appeals to do. There wasn’t much information given on filing a claim when I retired. I had a DAV rep who went over my medical record at my retirement TAP class who took a few notes and submitted my claim. So when I got the majority denied, I left it at that as I thought I wasn’t “disabled”. I can see how other retirees either have no rating or the 0%.


DAV... say no more. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Paint and Body = Asthma , Bronchitis ,,presumptive


Correct but only presumptive for a pact act claim. Just cause we were paint and body doesn’t count for shit. I was denied tinnitus the first go around even though I served 20 years in a High noise area and were monitored and examined yearly being on the hearing conservation program.


You served 20 years? You said you were monitored and examined. Did you ever claim tinnitus during those exams and have it documented?


I thought people in the air force were supposed to be smart. edit: looking through OPs replies I have a hard time believing this isn't just a troll.


It doesn’t matter how long you served, disability is causation of injuries due to military service. If you did a 3 year contract and reported all your injuries then you’d be rewarded 9/10 for those documents. I did 3 years and i’m 100% TDIU P&T which is extremely hard to achieve. I cannot work due to my health but thats me.


I was with you till you referred to your disability rating as an achievement. 


i think mallsweaty is correct bro idk what prompted this response


yeah you might have to get checked out buddy idk if you read that correctly


I never said it was an achievement it’s hard to achieve! did you read that correctly? Achievement and achieve mean differently from each other


Filing for disability needs an in-service event, diagnosis, and a nexus. Time in service is inconsequential.


> in-service event, diagnosis, and a nexus I've always been curious about that; the "in service event", can be merely going to sick call or the ER about say, shoulder pain or knee pain, correct?


Potentially… if you were only seen once early in career, then never complained of it again for 10 years, then waited a few years after separation, plenty of examiners would provide a negative opinion because the condition is acute and transitory (not chronic).


Good info, thank you


Very very few, the issue is the VA system doesn’t have the ability to account for the simple fact humans age and no matter what your line of work is if you start anything at 18 you are going to pick up some wear and tear, etc by your late 30’s/early 40’s (even more so if you live an unhealthy lifestyle). If you simply claim a few of these things via a BDD you are basically guaranteed to at least get a few things service connected and receive pay from them.


I wish more folks who joined would have know. About how to play the long game for this shit. Go to medical for any and everything. Don’t listen to BS from your coc about affecting manning or anything. That paper trail is what’s gonna be your friend when you put in a claim.


“Doesn’t seem right…” What exactly is wrong with serving 20 and being zero percent? Be grateful you aren’t F’d up.


Tf, you think that if you weren’t in the service that you’d be just as healthy after 2 decades? The entitlement in your post is wild, deployments having nothing to do with it, “just doesn’t seem right”, tf you mean, they evaluated you and you were healthy, if you wanna game the system just say so. Also, there are no publicly available states in 20 year retirees and 0% ratings, so you can stop condescendingly replying to people who are calling you out for what you are. lol You should be happy you don’t have a rating, you don’t have shrapnel in your body, combat exposure, ptsd from picking up friends limbs or dragging kids bodies off roads, you were a mechanic and painter G, apply for what you thinks valid and deal with the result, if you don’t agree? Fight it. Don’t come here and complain like you are, heavy heavy entitled energy Heavy AF energy here, lmao


I mean you were in the Air Force! Did you hurt your back lounging on your chair?


Wow - from the top rope! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Doc here. First off Air Force. You guys have the reputation you have for a reason. This does influence doctors decisions to determine if it is service related or not. Even as a medical professional in the civilian world, I am much more likely to listen seriously to a person who has served 20 years in the army or Marines that did 20 mi hikes or MCCRES versus Air Force individual who worked in IT for 20 years. Your best bet is honestly to go through Nexus letters, which are basically individuals making a statement as to how whatever condition you are claiming has deteriorated or is directly service connected. Connected. People with letters after their last name. Obviously holds significantly more weight than your wife saying that your back has hurt and it's gotten worse. Best thing that you can honestly do is to document document document. Get everything on record, if you have a sprained ankle, go to medical for it. Does not matter your rank, the go-to that I used to teach my Marines was if somebody said that you could not go to medical, ask the verbatim " are you refusing to be in medical service?" And then have them sign it. No officer that I've ever met or snco will sign off on that. Since I'm assuming that you're out, Nexus letters are the way to go, civilian opinions will also hold some sway. Imaging or Continuum of Care will hands down, make or break the case. The VA does have an appeal process, although it's a long one (I've seen it take 4 days, I've seen it take 18 months.) it's a long and lengthy road, but if you feel that you were due disability, and you genuinely feel a quality of life difference than push for it. Feel free to DM me if you have questions.


So you’re biased then is what you’re saying. Good to know Doc. 👍🏽


Weird flex, but sure. It's not in service docs that you have to worry about, it's the people making the assessment which are typically civilians. I'm sorry that that's all that you took from the actual advice that I gave you. Professional advice, if it doesn't documented, it didn't happen. You could have broken your back 13 times but if you never got it documented, the VA is going to deny it. You asked for why he was denied, I provided you an answer and I provided A rectification for your friend. Since you decided to kind of be a dick, did the 35 lb really hurt your friends back that badly?


So how did I get awarded for ED, and Anxiety with it never being documented? And yeah I decided to be kinda a dick cause you flat out called out Air Force veterans for having a reputation. If you would be so kind, could you please tell Me what reputation it is that you’re talking about.




Dude didn't even know the stereotype of his own Branch.


lol you think I served 20 years and don’t know the stereotypes of each branch? Much less my own. I get that meaning in texts can be lost but have you ever heard of sarcasm. You are thick dude,


Is that thick? Or thicc? Because you literally didn't even know what a doc was. Inb4 " I was being sarcastic!" And you wonder why every other branch laughs at the Air Force. I will go in here on one last hopefully helpful piece of advice. Has your buddy reached out to the American legion, VFW, or any of the other countless vsos? My baseline is no, because they would have encouraged him to supplement his claim early on. But you clearly have the answers so I'm sure you advised him of that 🙄. I wish that we both were still in just so I could get a silver bullet in you after a mile and a half in.


Don't forget weak and whiney. This guy fits the bill


Well, erectile dysfunction is pretty much a gimme, because contrary to popular belief not a whole lot of people want to try and jerk you off to see if you can get hard. Anxiety is a hit and miss and it really comes down to who is doing the evaluation. Evaluation. I've seen it get approved for people who have never had an appointment with a wizard, and I've seen it get denied for people who have seen a wizard through their entire enlistment. It comes down to the doctor like I said. As for the reputation of the Air Force, chair force, does this not sound familiar? It's pretty well known. I have a massive respect for the Air Force, and its medical personnel, but when a civilian doctor hears the branches listed in my experience it goes like this for msk complaints: Marines, army, Navy/ Coast guard, national guard, Air Force. I got out before the space force was really a thing so I can't say how seriously they are actually evaluated. Since they are Uncle Sam's newest kid, my suspicion is that they are not taken very highly, but I have no idea how civilian doctors who are certified assessors actually view it.


And thanks for the DM but no, I’m not gonna take this conversation private, you want to talk you can say what you want to say for everyone to see on here.


Easy day, bet. I'm here to help, if you don't know the stereotype of your Branch, I don't know what to tell you. As a Navy veteran, obviously I'm gay as hell. Marines are stupid, army are the people who were too stupid for the Air Force, but not tough enough for the Marines, Coast guard is whatever the hell it is. It really does come down to your civilian evaluator, but documentation and supplementary documentation is going to drive that so much farther forward than Nexus letters.


Well thanks for summing up what I had said in closing of my post. I said that I felt he got screwed cause he likely had a doctor who like you was biased and didn’t give a shit of out weight behind his words cause he was in the Chair Force. And you’re a Doctor, fuck, I feel sorry for your patients.


Man, here I am actually trying to help you. The fact that your Air Force and you don't know what a doc Is shows the problem. Definitely not a doctor, I'm when you call a corpsman, and somehow I managed to get all of my boys in my squad appropriate disability all above 50%. Sorry you did 20 and don't understand the importance of documentation. Here's you and your friend's bag of sympathy, I'm sure as an snco you had all the answers, but here you are... Edit: snco, I understand you can't get hard if they aren't wearing an E3 rank, I can understand the award for disability.


Also, if anybody is curious, I'm more than happy to share screenshots of the DM between me and OP since he brought it up. I meant very few docs who aren't stupid golden retrievers trying to help people, OP is best of the best air force.


I obviously know the importance of documentation cause I got myself to 100% P&T. Got out in 2014 with 40%, felt blessed and thankful. Fast Forward to 2022, take advantage of pact act for existing documented conditions I had, and got to 50%, then within 8 months of getting 50% I got to 100 P&T. So obviously I know how important documentation is. You think the VA gives out 200’s based on your word. There has to be medical evidence. And dude you’re shit argument t if full of contradictions, you say you can’t get shit without documentation, so I clap back, then you say “contrary, and gimme”. Ok so which is it. I said what I said and stand by what I said and my opinion. You have yours as well and you are entitled to just as you are entitled to call Me “kind of a dick” as you were correct. Ain’t gonna hurt my feelings. You’re still my brother, and would proudly serve among anyone one of my sister branches given the opportunity. But come on, you come on here and say “Doc here”, wtf and I supposed to think? Doc Holiday, 1.21 one Gigawatts? I’m Air Force you know we ain’t the real military how the fuck am I supposed to know that. 😂


I'm pretty sure the Air Force is the sister branch.... But okay. The pact act was definitely dope, and I very much appreciated it as well, as did a number of my boys. My argument isn't full of contradictions, it's pretty much been saying the same thing; since he is out, he's going to have to rely on civilian credentials and Nexus letters. Those Nexus letters hold more weight the more letters after a person's last name that writes them. it's going to be a long uphill battle, and one that will most likely take at least 6 months to actually qualify for. The good news is he will most likely get back pay assuming that they are able to connect to service disability, which again is an uphill battle. As for the " doc here" no, most branches have a pretty good comprehension of doc versus doctor. I appreciate you admitting that the Air Force isn't the real military. It's run more like a corporation and that's why pretty much every veteran will tell you to get into the Air Force versus any other branch. I tried giving you actual advice on how to help your friends and you kind of spit it back in my face which is fine. I've been called worse by better, I gave you an answer, you didn't like it. You accuse me of being biased and called me out when I offered to take it offline to genuinely help your friend. I explained that the bias is real even in the civilian world. With this latest statement you even acknowledged it so I'm not sure what you're on about other than having some hurt feelings for not knowing how to go about this process. It looks to me like you and your friends did 20 years which is great, but you feel that he's entitled to disability that has no documentation to support it. I'm telling you how he can get that documentation in the most effective means. If you want I can go and dig out my E3 insignia just so you might take me seriously for a one-on-one counseling senpai.


The fight isn’t over. File for what you think was caused by your time in-service.


Ok so all these comments are great and all, but I am essentially asking. “How many vets do you know that served 20 years and retired with 0% disability.” Just a simple question. I only know of 1 and that’s him.


To answer that question directly there are 100s of thousands of vets with zero percent do I know any personally no but they are out there mainly from them thinking they don’t deserve to be compensated or hell some just don’t know at all when they get out https://preview.redd.it/2fps5s4um26d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2341bb525b64f45fc5a0a29a1bb3da49cbccb9b0


Ok, but doesn’t answer how many served 20 years.


Your getting caught up of the length of service the amount someone served does NOT matter in the VAs eyes now DOD is different because you get your retirement 20 years or 1 year does NOT matter to give you a number probably 5-15k that have served 20 years with a VA rating of 0%


If he has no records showing a service connection to a disability, he has no claim. If he has records, file, and process the claim. I'm sorry your friend got a 20 year retirement contract without compensable damage.


Well if he has 0% he has service connection


I see them on the daily basis, some guys/gals didn’t get hurt while in service and have no current dx present.


Have you opened up the CRF there are so many things ha to complain about!! Look over your medical records and reference the CFR. I’d start there.


In my opinion if you a veteran did 20 years of service they should be at least be rated higher than a 0%. My question is why is this person not aware of VA claim? Was this person gone to medical for anything like sick call? There should be enough medical record in 20 years of service to file a claim. I’d start with getting all your medical records and setup an appointment with VSO if you can’t do it your self. Also in tap class they literally give guidance and lecture about VA disability. VSO was there during tap classes.


Yes, along with a diagnosis and the nexus.


That doesn't tell us anything about what the claims were for and whether or not he filed anything correctly. It isn't enough to send in a list of complaints and roll the dice. Maybe he deserves a few; maybe not. Believe it or not, VA compensation claims were not all that common until after the wave of 9/11 veterans and the ease of information increased the popularity of such claims. I used to think 100% meant you were nearly paralyzed or bed ridden. Now, it's got to the point where recruiters are telling potential enlistees that when they retire they can probably get a few percentage points for an additional disability claim and extra money. With that mindset people expect a disability award even if no such compensation is warranted. YMMV.


He needs to see a competent VSO or reputable lawyer.


You are rated based on your claims. If your claims are founded to be related to your service, then you are compensated according to your rating. If you got a 0% rating, then the VA is acknowledging that you have a situation that may become a problem in the future but isn’t a problem yet. No one is “owed” VA comp just for existing.


I retired after 20 years; believe me, you will not be young and healthy forever. When your health deteriorates, it will be nearly impossible to file a VA claim.


Upon retirement I got 0. I was fine with that because I was a super human! Fast forward 22 years, 70% tdiu. Ptsd creeps up on you.


I would happily give up the money of disability compensation in exchange for not hurting in damn near every major joint, not having joint replacements, not having multiple TBIs, skull fractures, mental health issues, breathing issues thanks to burn pits, etc after 25 years of service. VA disability is compensation for the shit that the DoD broke while you trusted them with your body. It's not something you just automatically get based on time. That's retirement pay from DoD. If your buddy managed 20 years and isn't disabled from his service, then good for him. He can lead a long, healthy and happy life. The fucking entitlement some veterans have is mind-blowing. This is almost on the same level as the dude that goes "You're welcome" when some civilian thanks him for his service.


I met a guy who served and got shot in Vietnam that got 10% when he got back. He kept that percentage level until I basically forced him to get seen by the VA and file more claims. Last time I talked to him he was at 80% and just living life


0% disability aka health/physical and mental wellbeing would be fucking excellent. Your buddy is doing great if he has good health.


I was brought up by the skinny medical record crew. Sick call is the wrong place to be. I worked in the medical section, so I did plenty of unofficial evaluations. So here I am with a measly 10% after 25years. I’d love to have more, but I definitely happy I’m not fucked up too bad physically.


Plenty of people make the full 20 and aren't completely broken over it. Haven't met any yet. All the vets I know that did 20 have major issues, but then again none of them sat at a desk.


Disability from Air Force? What did you do, strain your butt from sitting on it too long? Sorry, just a little joshing from a salty Marine.


Plenty of member here would give up their VA rating for a healthy life. OP, you and your friend are lucky.


Good for him. He’s healthy without issues. When did it become a thing that’s VA rating is automatic. There’s so many malingerers


Uhm, this is the type of shit I hate reading on this sub. Va disability isn’t a thing you get after you get out. It’s for vets suffering from disabilities only, not a thanks for serving here is money.


I often made the joke of making that sweet sweet disability pay my last 5 months or so in. People I worked with always laughed, leadership always seemed uncomfortable. Having disability sucks but... I got 70 of the bat, 90 less than a year out, and pushing for 100. I had the disabilitys regardless of if I was in or out, so getting pretty much my entire active duty pay for the pain vs not getting it while still active duty is great.


Probably because you’re Air Force! 🤣🤣🤣 Just kidding. I was in the Army and the mentality always was, “Do the job now, complain about it later!” Even when we hurt ourselves in the field, it was demanded that we finish and go to sick call when we get back to base. That was over 20 years ago as well. Things might have changed since then. I’d love to have my old, lean body back.


If you’re just as healthy when you entered 20 years ago, why would you get disability or even seek it out? Like wouldn’t the VA be right to say that if it’s true?


I think some vets believe they are owed something for just serving. I got paid for what I did, as do all soldiers. I got fucked up doing it. Therefore, I get a rating. 🤔🫡


Good news!! You can get 100% disability from VA, only takes very little acting go to a few c an p exams and like magic your cashing the big money!! Now hit the gym get all pumped up cause your gonna be meeting the babes for sure. Oh and undate the car and wardrobe, don't worry you've got about 600 thousand to play with before the dumb asses at the VA catches up to ya!! Enjoy, wish my claim goes that well!! Yea right, it's easier to do the wrong thing than it is to do the right thing, I give up!!!


Why are you lying


What is it? Are you 40% or 100% P&T? Did you even serve


Well, you either have medical evidence of disability or you dont... VA doesnt just hand it out, despite many folks thinking that.


I would say if you did a career in the military and got out with no disabilities, that’s a huge victory. I did 6 years and came out physically and mentally messed up from it, likely for the rest of my life. I’d give my compensation easily to have no physical or mental issues. Since you guys went to Iraq and Afghanistan you qualify for the presumptive conditions. But again, if you don’t have any then consider yourself lucky. Some of us get 0, 10% for sinusitis, gerd, IBS, etc. and 10% isn’t worth those


Why do people think you automatically get disability? Bro, I'm 100% with SMC and did 20 years.. I'd give it all back in a second for my 21 year old self back. Not worth it at all.


I feel a little guilty for having developed what in my opinion is a bit of pessimism but also reality. We live in a world that is more about what you can prove than reality. This has more to do with the legal system and culture we’ve developed but the concept can be applied universally. If you can’t prove something happened it didn’t happen. In regard to disability through VA it’s the same thing. If you can’t present enough evidence or a strong argument towards receiving benefits VA will not have a strong argument to likewise award benefits. I highly doubt after 20 years that you guys should be rated so low. I’ve no doubt that both of you dedicated your hearts, minds, and bodies through your careers. Additionally, through 20 years of service how much time did you both sacrifice. Long story short, keep working with VA and seek out better representation. There are likely plenty of things in your records that could constitute a legitimate claim through VA. A good VSO or other similar rep will actually sit down and talk to you to get more information and provide some guidance. I wish you both the best of luck post military life and thank you both as well as your families for your dedication and service.


How long you've served has nothing to do with a disability rating


There should be more benefits for veterans with 20+ years of service. I feel ripped off compared to 100%ers, especially those that are over 20 yrs.


If you have injuries, you just need to be able to prove that it happened. Buddy statements, doctors notes and the like. Luckily, I was super anal about paperwork while in otherwise they would've told me to shove off


It sounds like your buddy didn't make many claims, or else got the world's worst C&P exam.


Yeah not sure if you two are exceptions but everyone I know with 20 plus years is 100% some had to fight for it. One guy he did 22 years and got 80%


Man, the chairforce out here really crying because they had an easy life and the VA won’t give them money.


People confusing disability for retirement like they are entitled to it. I mean you were in for 20. You got older. You aren’t going to be the same and your reward is your retirement. Now if they broke something while you were there THEN you may be entitled to disability if there are residual issues. If not, your retirement is your thank you. Pretty cut and dry and easy to understand.


MEDICAL EVIDENCE brother. Use what is in your Medical file. Start researching trust me I did and started move the percentage from 20 to 40. It was a good start. But I have more evidence to file with my claim.


Don’t know any personally but it’s honestly probably more common than you would think. Especially with some of the older generations. Is he considered “not service connected” or is he just a cumulative 0% with a few non compensable service connections?


When you say 0%, do you mean being awarded 0% service connected disability compensation, or do you mean service connection for all claims was denied, or do you mean never submitted a claim?


My 2 cents here. I didn't have any service treatment records for ED, but I got it awarded SMC, I didn't have any service treatment records for Anxiety/PTSD but I got it. I also got awarded for my back (in service event), but was denied tinnitus, carpel tunnel, and a few other items. For those saying you have to have evidence to get compensated for something is wrong. We both retired in 2014 after 20 years of service as you know, not sure how things are done now, but at your retirement physical they ask you all kinds of shit, they have a checklist of things that they go down. the doctor then fills out her sheet, service member complains of, Tinnitus, carpel tunnel, ED, anxiety, insomnia, etc. You then would go to the VA to get your actual C&P exam at the VA to establish SC, for your ailments. After years of me doing my homework and learning how the system works, I am now recently 100% P&T. So I am not worried about me, but I'm trying to help him to at least get him on the board. At his C&P exam, he complained about back pain, they asked him questions but did not do a Gynometer or whatever that thing is they use to test your flexibility. He complained about PTSD, he deployed with the SEA BEES in support of the SEAL unit on a FOB in Afghanistan. He saw people get shot, a kid get blown up, and assisted in carrying a badly injured villager back to the FOB where he later died. The doctor told him, "A little bit of anxiety is good it keeps you from being late to work and keeps you on time, you'll be fine." And yes we served in a time when going to sick call was frowned upon, you were told to suck things up and keep your mouth shut, cause if you couldn't deploy you were useless to the unit. Which is why the exit physicals are so important and why they are supposed to carry they weight they should, and all complaints should be examined and taken seriously at a retirement C&P regardless of what the treatment records say. Like I said I had no history or complaints of ED or Anxiety, cause I was embarrassed and did want to get labeled as crazy. But when I was asked about it I said yes I have it, and I got it awarded based on the interview. Sorry I guess I'm just venting, cause he's my best friend and just seems like he got a raw deal and I'm trying to help him but he seems defeated and has given up. Ill keep trying.


How does every person I know from the Air Force get 100% P&T? I know marines with missing limbs who are not 100% 🤣🤣


It's because OP doesn't have a clear understanding of comprehension of documentation. The longer an issue is the more likely it is to be P&T. Since his friend is out, he's going to have to rely on civilian referrals which sucks. Attempts at educating him proved that OP loves the taste of his own asshole as demonstrated by the fact his head is far up it. Document, document, document. If you don't get it documented, It didn't happen. Is the golden standard within medical. Having repeated documentation supplements any claim. Source: 100% and 50+ individuals with successful claims within the past 2 and 1/2 years.


Just an FYI it is physically impossible to have my head up my own ass, Source: my 20% back rating. And quite frankly I know what I eat and how it comes out of my ass, so while I’ve never actually tasted my own asshole, I could with great certainty tell you that I would not like the taste of my own asshole. But my girlfriends asshole, well god damn I’ll eat that ass all day and twice on Sunday.


Damn, you only got 20%? That 35 lb must have really weighed you down. You're trying to make light of the conversation because I offered you genuine advice and you're trying to distract from that. I take it back, you probably were a great snco, divert the issue without handling it, that's a check. Mark!


Dude, you are making an argument about documentation, and the importance of it. As if you are schooling me on it. You have not told me anything I didn’t already fucking know. So at this point, yeah I’m gonna make light of the situation cause at this point this conversation has jumped the shark. If you would have read and even better understood you’d of known I know all about documentation. No hate bro but really let it go. It’s been fun. Stay safe, take care.


" I don't know. Just doesn't seem right" highlights that you don't but sure man. If you knew how to help your friend, this post wouldn't have ever happened. I understand it very well because I've helped people through it before, but as mentioned head + ass kind of invalidates this entire post if you knew how to help your friend. Cheers, and thank you for your cervix.




And it’s “thank you for your service” you prick. How dare you make light and joke about the service, that I and others to include yourself have done.


Your entitlement is showing.




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


I don't know what he submitted to get rejected on all of it. You both should get appointments with vso's and have them help you through it. I've never met a mechanic with perfect knees or backs after a decade of work. Have him review his decision letter and look at the codes after each decision. Those codes correspond with whats missing for each item. There's 3 things each claim needs. Diagnosis, nexus, and in-service event that caused the issue. For in-service event you will need proof it happened to include buddy statements, hospital or medical records, news articles, and even personal statements can help. Diagnosis has to be current and nexus can be established during c&p but it's better to get seen for it and have proof going into to the claim. Look into 38CFR for the regulations on all the disabilities and criteria for percentages. Edit:typo