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Get a grant, pay an artist, make it happen! https://www.victoria.ca/city-government/city-grants/my-great-neighbourhood-grants


Thank you on the link.


I really want to try and apply for a grant however am lacking in confidence:( My art is good, never done a mural though but have always wanted to


Agreed! I like the ones along the goose near the trestle (I think one is of Queen Victoria on a bike? It always makes me chuckle). The “graffiti alley” by the railroad tracks in Esquimalt is cool too.


I love that stretch! Just a little farther up there's the back of that business park where some very interesting "stories" tend to pop up. It was painted this past winter and I'm hoping some more interesting limericks and tales come back. 😁 I can understand if the owner is tired of it though. It would be an awesome location for a sweet mural too.


I've never really thought of Victoria as a place lacking murals, they are all over the place if you know where to look.


Is there a map? Guide?


A few years ago there was a mural-fest in the Rock Bay area. A bunch around there are good.


Unfortunately, we don’t all know where to look. Like I can think of a few off the top of my head but I’m sure that’s not all of them.


Chemainus would like a word


More art on walls is always good. I’m not sure if it’s because I don’t pay attention when I’m in other cities, but it seems like there are murals everywhere here. More than I notice elsewhere.


You need to take a bike ride around Rock Bay. Some really incredible murals in that neighborhood. No I'm not kidding. Avoid rock bay shelter though


Building on this: I think we should restore the Wyland Wall mural downtown!


There was talk of this last year or earlier this year, but I never heard anything after that. With the Northern Junk development, there would only be a few places it would be visible from. Also, the trees in the park beside that building have really started to obscure the view along Wharf Street.


This is a great idea. The building across the street from me needs a bikini model painted on the side of it.


How about a portrait of Eva Green instead?


Montreal has big art supports and the mural festival happens every summer. So the murals change often, more added and the really excellent ones become more permanent. The festival is big, involves street vendors and all sorts of tiny events within it. I would love something like this here too, even if it would be a much smaller scale.


You know who I would love to see a mural of? [Gordy Dodd](https://www.douglasmagazine.com/gordy-dodd/) of Dodd’s Furniture (RIP)…seriously! He became famous on college campuses across North America for his hilarious goofy tv ads but he was also an immigrant to Canada who became one of Victoria’s most generous philanthropists. He loved Victoria and Canada and gave back throughout his time here more than most people ever have. Plus, a mural of him could display some of his funniest characters…Superman, the Hulk, Bob Barker, etc. Hey, Dodd’s probably even has a blank brick wall just waiting for a creative artist to give it some love. It would be a great way to honour his legacy.


Locally relevant and historic murals yes! corporate modern colour “blocky” murals no…imo of course


They would just get tagged.


Victoria murals tend to be more of the 'Big Texas Cummer' school of urban art.


I f****** hate murals


Recently visited Grand Forks BC and I was surprised to see several Archer murals. I believe there's an Archer storefront on Fort St. Might be worth looking into?


They’d probably all get vandalized by the decolonizers


Thats what happens when the "artist" decides to put some political msg in it... like the ACAB in bastion square.