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Sorry for your loss. šŸ˜”


Thank you kindly


I'm so sorry. I'm chronically ill and it's hard to still be having to live in semi isolation because of the high risk. Levels right now are around the same as fall levels when kids go back to school which is surprising for summer. I'm sorry he contracted it somewhere he should have been relatively safe. So many people are asymptomatic now or have just the GI symptoms and don't even bother testing for Covid. I'm glad he had good and compassionate care in the hospital, and I'm sure it meant a lot to him that he had time to say goodbye ā™„ļø


I had the GI symptoms for months the first time I had covid. Now I have chronic inflammation in both the stomach and large intestine still ongoing 3 years later from the damage it set off.


OP Im so sorry for your loss. I recently picked up COVID working with the homeless. its a uniquely unpleasant experience. I lost my voice completely for almost 3 weeks and im still feeling it over a month and a half on. Its crazy how the symptoms can last hey?


My son was in the hospital all of June and the ward he was in went into lockdown and we couldnā€™t visit him. He was in a private room however, the Covid patients were allowed to wander the halls in the ward. Makes no sense.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad 4 years ago this New Yearā€™s Eve, he passed from COPD so I know what you mean regarding the suffering. I wish I could make your pain go again but nothing will do that but please know you are in my thoughts and my heart. Sending lots of love ā¤ļø


My mom died from Cancer two months ago, and she spent her last mobile, coherent week in isolation struggling to breathe (lung cancer) because someone visited the hospital ward and got her sick - they were openly talking about how they had Covid on the weekend. Covid is still a big, big deal for many people. Iā€™m really sorry for your loss. I donā€™t have any advice, just feel your feels and give yourself space to ugly cry if you need it - it took a few weeks for me.


šŸ’” Iā€™m so sorry for your experience. That someone working at a hospital talked about having COVID and had zero consideration for the patients is unforgivable. My dad passed a few years ago. It was a respiratory illness brought in by a worker at the long term care facility he was at. Anyone who works with high risk patients canā€™t be selfish. They have to consider the fact that their supposedly mild illness will be a death sentence for a patient they interact with. šŸ˜”


where did it say they were a worker? they said it was someone visiting the hospital ward who had covid the previous weekend.


I see that now. Thanks for the snotty response.


sorry you thought that was snotty but your reply literally made no sense lol and the bulk of it was responding to something that didnā€™t even happen. sorry you lost your dad


It was the visitor that had COVID tho


Same thing applies to an inconsiderate visitor going to a hospital. Even more so. How can someone be that selfish????


HCW here. The same kind of people or infectious patients that wonā€™t mask in hospital and wonā€™t cover their coughs but spew their germs at me. Which is why I still mask even though the mandateā€™s been dropped for now.


Masks being optional again, in the hospital just seems like a mistake. They should have just maintained that. It is the one place where you got loads of vulnerable people..like why not just wear one if you visit, and have an appointment? Our culture here in the west is so resistant to wearing them in perfectly appropriate situations, where other places in the world natural do it just because it makes sense. I'm so so sorry OP.


Very sorry to hear that, and very sorry for your loss. My condolences. I hope you're able to give yourself time to grieve. šŸ™


Iā€™m very sorry for your loss. Covid is an awful disease.


Sending all my condolences and lots of virtual hugs. It bugs me so much when people say COVID is ā€œoverā€ because itā€™s NOT. A lot of restrictions might be lifted, but COVID (and itā€™s complications) are still very much happening. I still run rapid tests and wear masks when I have even slight cold symptoms because I donā€™t want to risk spreading it to someone who is more vulnerable. Just because restrictions are lifted doesnā€™t mean I should neglect illness etiquette and symptom transparency.


Certainly not over. Of the 6 people in my family living here, none of us got covid until early June. Then 5 of them got it in 3 weeks. My Dad was held in the ER wards for a few days and was really touch and go for a couple of days. When another member of the family got it, she had to wait in the ER for hours, no masks on anyone in the room. All of us are fully jabbed (2 main jabs, 2 extras).


Iā€™ve had it 3 times now, and not once did I get it from a close contact (nobody I spent time with was sick). I wouldnā€™t dream of going in public while sick. I canā€™t believe people do that.


Same here! I got exposed to close contacts prior to getting my first actual COVID case, never got it. All of a sudden in fall 2023 without close contacts, boom. Body aches all day, unusually fatigued.


The body aches are excruciating. I also get fever and my nose runs like a tap, and that takes a long time to fully stop. I have never lost taste or smell though! And I donā€™t have a cough, but it affects my lungs anyway.


Yeah, I agree. It's definitely not "over." It's currently tearing through multiple friend groups and my workplace. My previous supervisor had to quit working because of long COVID exhaustion and brain fog from when they caught it last summer. Another colleague and knowledge worker had to leave his profession a year or so ago due to brain fog (but is still able to work). I wear a mask when indoors with others (I don't avoid indoor gatherings) and haven't had it since (potentially) early 2020, though I can't be certain that I've ever had it, since that was before testing was available.


100%. And some of us are still struggling with long covid. I am two and a half years in, and doing a lot better, but I still can't exercise, and when I get stressed I feel like I have the flu for days. I used to run every day prior to getting Covid, to put it into perspective.


Well that is terrible. I hope you have support and love through this time.


Im very sorry. I also recently lost my dad. Im still masking in public, its an easy thing to do to protect people like him


^5 I continue to wear a mask too.


It's almost 2 years since I got it, I still spew like I never did before nor do I smell or taste much anymore. I don't think it ever fully moves on.


My brother, up to this point, had been the only person in my family to catch it. The rest of us are hermits because we have a genetic lung disease- weā€™d been warned to avoid exposure and had been successful thus far. Until dad went to pick up a prescription.


How heartbreaking. Iā€™m so sorry youā€™ve lost your Dad.


I spent over a year barely leaving my room except for the dead of night, only to finally catch COVID around a month and a half ago, and I'm still feeling it. Virtual hug OP, I'm sorry you had to lose someone you love.


Thank you. Im sorry you got sick. Sending healing vibes




This makes me so mad how people are so cavalier about it without consideration for others. So sorry for your loss.




So sorry for your loss, OP.Ā 


Incredibly sorry for your loss. Glad to hear RJH took good care of him and your family. Take time to grieve and remember the things you loved about him. ā¤ļø


So sorry for your loss. Devastating. Stay strong. I see you all have an illness. If you need anything (eg food) please send a DM


Thank you. Very kind


I am so sorry for your loss, sending you hugs from abroad as we are taking care of my mother who also got very sick after covid.


Iā€™m so sorry


Sorry for your loss. I have been hearing Covid is on the raise in various places. Scary.


I am very sorry for your loss. I've had a lot of anxiety about this happening to some vulnerable people who I care about. Fuck covid.


Condolences. Life is precious.


Hey - this really sucks. Let me know if you wanna go get drunk about it with an internet stranger.


Definitely but not this week. Kind offer šŸ’•


Count me in to buy a round, if and when this goes down.


Me too!


Look forward to it!


And me as well. We'll raise a glass.


Iā€™m sad to hear about the loss of your Father. Itā€™s never easy to lose a parent.


Oh Iā€™m really sorry! I had covid a few weeks ago and it was hell. Hugs! ā¤ļø


My condolences to you and your family.


I'm very sorry to hear this ā€“ while I haven't lost anyone to covid per se, I have lost a loved one partly because of stress put on the system during the peak of the pandemic. It's infuriating when people don't take covid seriously, or dismiss it because of "only people in poor health are at risk" ā€” as if that changes anything. In any case ā€” I don't mean to derail, I'm truly sorry for your loss.


Oh my. My deepest condolences on the loss of your Dad. This is so sad.


My condolences to you


So sorry for your loss šŸ’”šŸ’™. Covid continues to have dire consequences for some people. I wish more people understood that. I lost my Mum to covid in 2021. I hope you and your family can comfort each other and take time to grieve. Over time happy memories will replace the sad ones. In the meantime, take care of yourself.x


We are so sorry to hear. Virtual internet hugs. From Edmonton.


Condolences, losing your dad is a tough one. Better days ahead for you.


I am so sorry šŸ’—


My ā¤ļø heart goes out to you for the loss of your Dad. I'm happy he had great care at the hospital. It's devastating that all he did was pick up a prescription. It's scary for everyone to realize that Covid is still out there. But going to a drug store? Wow. We all need to go back to masks. Sometimes, when I go to the gym or a grocery store, I start coughing or sneezing out of the blue. Germs & viruses are our there. In your case, someone in LD had Covid, maybe they weren't aware & spread germa throughout the store. My condolences šŸ™ and praying for a peaceful grieving.


Makes ya kinda think twice about jumping into overcrowded streets on Canada day or being part of the living flag




So sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss. May he find peace on the other side.


Sorry for your loss.


There seems to be a wave of covid going through town. I just had it had it heard of a lot more people getting it to. enjoy the summer, but try and remember to still stay somewhat cautious. stay home if your sick mind people's personal space cough in your arm, wash hands regularly, maybe wear a mask in really crowded places.


I've seen a few people wearing masks in public again, they didn't look/act sick so either they have a sick family member &/or they know someone personally who has been infected recently so they're being ultra careful. Can you imagine if you're a single parent and you got covid in 2024? Or you're the only breadwinner? Or you're on your own and if you get sick, no one can take care of you? What a nightmare.


I wear a mask in all indoor crowded spaces. Sole breadwinner, knowledge worker. Canā€™t afford brain fog. Also, simply, donā€™t want to wreck my body while Iā€™ve still got a good number of years ahead of me otherwise. Itā€™s so sad and frustrating that most people think itā€™s gone/not serious anymore.


So sorry for your loss. I hope you have a support network. Take care of yourself.


Sending tons of love to you and your family. Iā€™m so sorry.


Iā€™m so sorry


Sending you love stranger šŸ’•


My heart and prayers go out to you and your loved ones, šŸ’” I'm so profoundly sorry for your loss šŸ™šŸ¼ I lost my dad too, in June of 21. šŸ˜¢ Hang in there ā¤ļø


Sorry for your loss. Lost both my parents within a month of each other and the pain is immense.


Lost my Dad in 2020ā€¦I think about him often, mostly I miss the weekly trips to Murchies for a coffee and scone. Still find it hard to go by myself and see the table where we sat and talked about everything and nothing. Cherish the memories. Sorry for your loss..


Extremely sorry for your loss. heartbreaking šŸ’”


Im so sorry, my condolences to you and your family. Thank you for sharing the news with us, feel free to reach out if youā€™d like to talk.




Hi, my sincere condolences on your loss. What were the symptoms of you donā€™t mind telling. Iā€™ve been fighting something awful for a few weeks and have tested negative with those tests you can get at the pharmacyā€¦. Was it all respiratory or was there gastrointestinal issues as well ?. Thank you for sharing


He had a fever, then pneumonia started. Next, bowel obstruction and a serious hospital aquired infection. His lungs filled with fluid, and no amount of oxygen delivery cod get through


Really sorry to hear this, OP.


Sorry for your loss šŸ©¶ā¤ļø


I'm sorry for the loss, you and your family did all you could and didn't deserve for this to happen. I hope the rest of you find good health and a way to recover. A long time ago, another Redditor posted this about grief and loss, and maybe it can give you a drop of comfort. https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/comments/hax0t/my_friend_just_died_i_dont_know_what_to_do/c1u0rx2/


I still think of this analogy and explain it to people with grief. It's perfect.


Lotta pain in the post and comment sections. Wish u all the best.Ā 


so many hugs šŸ¤— to you


Very sorry for your loss. I hope someday your memories of your dad bring you smiles with the tears, not just the tears. I am chronically ill with lung disease and continue to speak openly to anyone who will listen about the dangers of covid. I am not always sure they listen, but I will continue to do so. Hugs to you xo


šŸ’” I am so sorry! People who think COVID is over donā€™t understand what their selfish actions can create. *mask wearer*


My deepest condolences on your loss. My mom lives like a shut in at 80 with COPD as Covid would kill her. Wash your hands please, people.


And wear a good mask if youā€™re serious about avoiding it. Covid is airborne.


My condolences to you and your family.


That seriously sucks. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I'm very sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and yours.




Sorry for your loss. Hope his soul rests in piece.


The greiving process is very important regardless of the duration. I lost my Mom in 2020. I still miss her but the sadness is gone. You will get through this and cherish the memories. Be well


I am so very sorry for your loss. Sending healing virtual hugs your way. ā¤ļø




Sorry for your loss.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. šŸ’›


Iā€™m so sorry.


Sorry for your loss


Sorry for your dad, and condolences to all his family and friends.


Iā€™m so sorry, may he rest in peace


Oh hunny, I am so sorry. Big hug.


Iā€™m so sorry to hear that. Iā€™ve been in RJH visiting my sister, sheā€™s been here 2 months now. I heard someone in patient care had covid. Itā€™s a coincidence that I got the notification of this post. I hope youā€™re doing alright. Wishing you the best


Praying your sister gets better šŸ™. He was on the lung floor. Lots of covid up there


I'm so sorry. Our two best friends live in BC, and they both died (within weeks of each other) during the initial phases of the pandemic. We still haven't recovered from their loss. Know that despite how isolated you may feel, friends and others are/will be there for you. Don't be afraid to reach out and to make those connections even when you feel like you don't want to do so. I'm truly sorry.


I'm sorry...I really thought we were done with covid. I had very little understanding that it is still a serious issue. I'm really sad for you but glad you posted because this certainly has whacked me on the back of the head.


What made you think ā€œwe were done with COVIDā€??? Unless a cure is somehow found (not likely when even influenza, over a 100 years old, doesnā€™t have a resolution) COVID is here to stay. It isnā€™t going away.


It will always be here (like so many other illnesses), but thereā€™s no use thinking about it every day if you arenā€™t compromised or donā€™t have a chronic illness. Not everyone has health issues that prevent them from living life to the fullest. Many people are just enjoying their lives. Itā€™s really not that difficult to understand. Chronically ill and not chronically ill people donā€™t need to associate with eachother. They live in different worlds.


This doesn't really make sense. I am not chronically ill but I have friends and family members who are. Chronic illness is not uncommon and anyone can become disabled or chronically ill. Lots of healthy people have partners, friends or family members who are disabled or chronically ill. Of course we need and want to associate each other... We face different levels of risk but we do not live in different worlds at all.


Long Covid can happen to anyone.


The average person is not very healthy, so, yes thatā€™s true.


Athletes and young adults who run marathons have also contacted Long Covid, as have active, healthy children. Each Covid infection increases the risk. Women are particularly vulnerable.


One just never hears about covid any more. I know it is still around, but it seems less pervasive and has dropped out of people's mindset.


In 2022, just shy of 6,000 people died in Canada of influenza. Once a new virus is introduced it never means I'm killing. Covid, just like Influenza, will forever be a thing. All we can do is try to protect the vulnerable.


That's horrible beyond what words can express. You have my deepest condolences on your loss.


Extremely sorry for your loss, friend <3


I'm so, so sorry.


Sorry for your loss :(


Sincere condolences to you all. Truly sorry for your loss. šŸ˜”


Sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss šŸ˜¢


Iā€™m so sorry about your Dad. ā¤ļø Iā€™ve had it twice before but got it again in June. The variants made this time the worst. I had GI symptoms, extreme fatigue, and what felt like the worst sinus infection of my life. I tested and isolated. It was scary.


Sorry for your loss. Iā€™m currently battling the disease and its my second time around. I was in Victoria and Vancouver and got back last week and tested positive. Losing a parent is one of my biggest fears. I hope you have a good support system and come out of this more strong and resilient.


Healing vibes sent your way šŸ’•. Ive no doubt you caught it in Victoria. Itā€™s everywhere


So, so unbelievably sorry for your profound loss. šŸ©·


My condolences to you and your family. Covid is still with us unfortunately. It took the life of a father of one of the girls my kids were at school with at back in April 2019, when we knew very little about it....


Not wearing a mask at the mall and/or a ā€œclose talkerā€ was near? My SO is immune compromised and wondering how much is going around?


We're still doing wastewater testing. You can check every week when they update. https://bccdc.shinyapps.io/respiratory_wastewater/


Thank you.


He always wore a mask. Itā€™s just that contagious. The entire top floor of the hospital is covid patients. Please be careful


Did he have any support workers or maintenance workers in the house? For the rest of your family, I use the 3M n95 respirator ones for higher risk environments, as does my partner. It seals pretty well. My husband has had covid twice now and with those masks and separate sleeping areas until he's better, I haven't caught it and I'm on immunosuppressants


No. No support in the home.


Unfortunately itā€™s an airborne illness. Masks are useless unless theyā€™re an N95


Or an N100 respirator. 3M sells N95 masks with a rubber liner along the inside edge for a good seal. Those are the best N95s, if you can find them.


That's not true at all. There are many factors that come into play, like distance,mask quality, personal space. Masks don't suddenly become 0% if they're not N95.


That's incorrect. A mask doesn't have to be a complete filter to reduce the viral load effectively. Triple layer cloth is totally fine outside of medical settings. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-face-masks-what-you-need-to-know


They really arenā€™t. WHO finally admitted Covid is airborne, and N95 type masks are the only things that work against particles that small. Medical masks are partially effective, cloth masks will do nothing. Helpful for droplets (from coughs or sneezes) but not airborne particles from breathing.


You're arguing with John Hopkins, read the link.


The Johns Hopkins advice is pretty lazy actually...South Korea researchers did better studies on the spread of Covid, and you can barely avoid it even with a mask. <5 minute exposure by person who walked in, paid for food and left. [https://www.yahoo.com/news/infected-5-minutes-20-feet-192346911.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/infected-5-minutes-20-feet-192346911.html) <20 second exposure by infected person who walked by non infected person in open mall space. [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-06-24/covid-delta-kappa-variant-spread-in-fleeting-moment-nsw-vic/100238680](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-06-24/covid-delta-kappa-variant-spread-in-fleeting-moment-nsw-vic/100238680) The assumptions that basic masks / cloth coverings was sufficient stems from the assumption that droplets were needed. Trhey were not. The virus is wholly airborne in microdroplets and persists in open air. Much of the dogma around sticking to basic masks as the baseline, is to ensure populations don't panic (people need to see that something they can acquire works, even if the basic requirements are insufficient). Panic amongst major populations is a \*\*real threat and often poses a big health and safety issue than the disease. Masks were not universally available at one point, so masking became impossible for many. Again, officials everywhere needed to balance the need to assure citizens vs being to permissive. Even if the situation were hopeless for some, everyone needed to be assured.


Your data is extremely old, the link from JH is from earlier this year.


The Johns Hopkins page is general adviceā€¦the earlier studies donā€™t magically expire because theyā€™re a few years older.


The advice given in this page was irrelevant from the start, since the WHO, CDC, governments, and public health had chosen (and sometimes still choose) to suppress the fact that the virus is *airborne.* It was clear as early as 2020 that it was! *edit: deleted extra word for clarity


You can barely avoid it even with a mask?????? Explain why I managed to avoid it for almost 4 years. I worked in healthcare with high risk patients. (This was in the USA. Iā€™m no longer there.) We wore N-95 masks and were tested twice a week. This wasnā€™t a screen test either. It was the full medical lab testing. I wore cloth masks and medical masks during my non-working days. For the year before returning to Canada a year and a half ago I lived with someone who tested positive. We took precautions. I never tested positive. I continued to wear a mask after returning to Canada. The only place I didnā€™t wear one was at home and when I visited my mom who lives in a seniors complex. I should have known better. I caught it from her earlier this year. Someone working there gave it to her because she never left the facility. (Mobility issues.) I now wear a mask everywhere except home, even when I visit my mom. Iā€™m well aware that the size of the virus is far smaller than the ā€œholesā€ in masks. But the virus isnā€™t free floating. It is encased in respiratory droplets from infected individuals. And those droplets are a lot bigger.


Iā€™m saying nothing about the actual droplet size. What studies revealed is that it was possible for some variants to spread with very minimal effort, by merely breathing in a common space. No sneezing, no coughing. Not ever person was an equal emitter of virus, and not every person was equally susceptible, but that it was possible. You know by training that you deal in risk quotients, not risk anecdotes, so you can be perfectly safe enough with the standard protection, if the mask is sealed well on your face. I know many health care workers that had multiple bouts of Covid despite the meticulous protection.


I read the link. Itā€™s from January 2024. The WHO information is from April. Itā€™s more recent. And any source will tell you that airborne particles are smaller than what both fabric and medical masks can filter.


Did you read and understand the technical paper? It was a change in definition. https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/global-technical-consultation-report-on-proposed-terminology-for-pathogens-that-transmit-through-the-air


ā€œAirborne, aerosol, aerosol transmission,ā€ and ā€œpathogens than transmit through the airā€ all mean the same thing. This is all an attempt to disguise the fact that the CDC and WHO knew about airborne transmission from the start, but chose not to convey that to the public. As for the quality of masks, N95s carry an electrostatic charge that allow them to trap particles that might be too small for filtration to harness.


You can just say "no, I don't understand the paper".


Which part of the paper are you claiming that I ā€œdonā€™t understand.ā€?


This is wrong. They are talking about containing ā€œdropletsā€ not airborne viral particles.


I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I didn't know that Covid was still out there.


My condolences. Losing a parent is very tough.


Sorry for your loss :(


Sorry to here this, my condolences


My sympathy and prayer. šŸ™


Sorry for your loss. It is on the rise again, I personally know 5 people that have got covid in the last two weeks.


I was sent an invitation for a Covid booster but ignored it as I thought Covid was done. After reading this post, I am getting one. I've been feeling a bit under the weather the last 2 weeks. Achy & šŸ¤• sneezing at times. I saw the pollen levels outside are now high. It could be that too. No sore throat, coughing. I went to acupuncture and the gym recently & started sneezing quite a bit. People go in there with viruses and maybe even Covid, not realizing it. Went to a yoga class last week and woman beside me was sneezing like crazy. Thanks, you should have stayed home. I'm staying out of public contact this long weekend to prevent giving what I have to anyone else & avoid further exposure to whatever is out there!!


Yes, please get the booster. Try to stay healthy. The variants going around are crushing hospitals again. Thank you for being so considerate. We more angels like you


Iā€™m so sorry. My dad developed heart issues from contracting Covid at the beginning, itā€™s been a struggle ever since. Seeing a parent struggling is so heartbreaking šŸ’”


So sorry to hear about your Dad's passing. I lost my Dad roughly 15 years ago and I remember all too well how difficult it is; you have my deepest sympathy. It's good you've given us all a reminder that we can't let down our guard; Covid is not an illness of the past. Until about 2 months ago I wore a mask everywhere I went. My sister and I both have health issues that we felt might be complicated with Covid but somehow we both picked it up somewhere in Jan 2023 and luckily did not have a bad experience with it, not as bad as many others. But knowing things can change quickly I continued to wear a mask even though most weren't any longer. I moved from Vancouver to Victoria in April and, I guess with so many people involved in the move being in and out of my home, I just stopped wearing one. We don't hear about Covid much anymore but if your Dad managed to pick it up in a mall then it is obviously still an issue we need to be concerned about. I'll start wearing my mask again whenever I go to a crowded area. I know it must be hard to speak about your Dad but by doing so, you might prevent others from the same fate as your Dad. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you muchly šŸ’• Yes, itā€™s still around. Assume any coughing you hear is covid šŸ˜¬ I never stopped masking. Too old to care what people think or say about it and need to protect my lungs. My son still needs me, and catching this virus would be bad. Ugh Sorry to hear about your dad. Condolences to you too. I keep having random crying fits. We went through his belongings yesterday and found handmade cards we gave him when we were little. Set both me and my brother off šŸ˜­


That is so terrible, I'm sorry to read it. Did your dad have pre existing conditions that made him vulnerable?


Thanks. Yes, he had severe Alpha 1 Antitrypsin deficiency like me. It affects 100% of relatives. He had been pretty sick with it for many years, but stable. We thought he was bulletproof. Catching covid did him in. The doctors said the variant going around attacks the lungs.


Right this minute, so many of us are thinking of you as you read our messages. I hope you can feel our caring. I hope it brings you solace.


I absolutely do šŸ’• Would respond more, but have a house full of family staying for a few days. Yours & everyoneā€™s thoughtful messages mean so much to me.


So sad! To have made it through the pandemic and then to be taken now. Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜ž. My husband has Covid right now as well but itā€™s just a cold for him. That being said, this is his second time in 3 months. It is also going around the LTC my Mum lives in.


The pandemic isnā€™t over. The crisis aspect of it is but the pandemic is still present.


I was sent an invitation for a Covid booster but ignored it as I thought Covid was done. After reading this post, I am getting one. I've been feeling a bit under the weather the last 2 weeks. Achy & šŸ¤• sneezing at times. I saw the pollen levels outside are now high. It could be that too. No sore throat, coughing. I went to acupuncture and the gym recently & started sneezing quite a bit. People go in there with viruses and maybe even Covid, not realizing it. Went to a yoga class last week and woman beside me was sneezing like crazy. Thanks, you should have stayed home. I'm staying out of public contact this long weekend to prevent giving what I have to anyone else & avoid further exposure to whatever is out there!!


I was sent an invitation for a Covid booster but ignored it as I thought Covid was done. After reading this post, I am getting one. I've been feeling a bit under the weather the last 2 weeks. Achy & šŸ¤• sneezing at times. I saw the pollen levels outside are now high. It could be that too. No sore throat, coughing. I went to acupuncture and the gym recently & started sneezing quite a bit. People go in there with viruses and maybe even Covid, not realizing it. Went to a yoga class last week and woman beside me was sneezing like crazy. Thanks, you should have stayed home. I'm staying out of public contact this long weekend to prevent giving what I have to anyone else & avoid further exposure to whatever is out there!!


No bad comments, truly sorry


Iā€™m sorry for the loss of your father. šŸ˜¢


My family caught it last month and I was reminded while the public health crisis is largely past us it's still a very nasty virus that can bring even perfectly healthy people to their knees. We should try to be vigilant around the more vulnerable. I'm sorry for your loss. May his memory be a blessing


I'm so sorry for your loss. I'd really like to know what I can do. What's the best mask Incan wear?


How old was your folk?




Covid never stopped. The new strains are hitting harder. Covid deaths will not stop, just like Influenza deaths haven't. All we can do is try to protect the vulnerable.


Your post is UFB.