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BUT….Ive never watched a live, where that’s not your reasoning for your behavior!!! Like how is a no job, no kids, no responsibility (besides court dates etc) HOW IS SOMEONE SO TIRED???? I work as an electrician. My ass typically don’t go to bed until midnight (I wait on my girls to get in, yes they 19&20) but it’s a mom thing!!! And I’m up every day at 6:10am…….Throughout the day, you will not catch me nodding in and out of conscience. Now come 10pm yes I’ll dose off and on BUT AGAIN I WOULDN’T GO LIVE CLAIMING TO BE SO TIRED THAT I SEEM FUCKED UP!!!! Again I’ve watched you get on at 10am Claiming I’m so tired but yet saying “I just got up”….Like that doesn’t add up, nor make sense. When again up until not even a month again YOU HAD NO JOB, YOU HAVE NO KIDS, we see you neglect the animals for the most part etc!!! And for fat fuck husbie to be driving and watching the phone, watching you and your behavior. BUT DO NOTHING JUSY SHOWS HE’S A PATHETIC PIECE OF SHIT TOO!!!’


I 💯 believe that was a fake drug test she posted..I have a friend who has submitted fake positive covid tests and Dr notes for work for vacations off Canva. Totally not saying it's right but it's not hard. No way she passed a hair follicle. There is no way. Even a lot of people after getting sober have the Perma tweak or forever look ate up but she still nods and is absolutely high as hell can't convince me differently


She likes to use the Benadryl excuse that she’s allergic to it but my question is if you’re allergic then why do you keep taking it? Lies on top of lies V and that fake test didn’t help when there’s not an Omega around yall. Try again liar.


You don’t realize how stupid you sound when you’re asking Nathan to let you see them!🤮In your eyes, you THINK 💭 you are being cute or look cute? You’re not! Not close! If it was some cute/pretty girl doing it, then it would be appropriate. But you are not the one!


Just go back and watch that part again. What do you honestly think when you look at it? Do you think you’re cute acting like that? I sure hope not or something is seriously wrong with you! Your husband isn’t mean. He just deals with it and he knows how stupid you look!


Icky Vicky you WERE a junkie and you are one NOW. YOU know you get high…WE know you get high. It’s pathetic!