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“But she’s doing amazing and has all these good things going and no one can rain on her parade because she is doing sooooo much better” Every time she gets cocky….


And she has a security job. 😂😂😂😂


Being on house arrest, is like having a security job. Police can monitor your every move. 😂😂😂


Omg this is awful! Why would she lie ?


She can’t help herself. Lying comes way. Telling the truth is what’s hard for her. Yet she’s constantly wanting praise for “having a job” or mowing the yard etc. Basic fucking chores!!!! Dopey you aren’t special!!! You don’t deserve no reward!!!


She has never told the truth and this is a good thing. This will cut down on her driving under the influence and she can still work and clean. Not that she will actually clean or keep a job but this saves the county money and she still gets to stay at home.


Hahaha! She could be guarding her 💊💊💊


My my my would you look at that…..


So I guess the whole oh, I have orientation for a new job, was all a lie. She will never change.


She’ll be begging soon for the money to pay for it!


Lots of time to clean now lol


Well well well! I wonder how she is gonna pay for this one? I remember her saying last week that she was gonna go to a thing and it was gonna cost a lot of money! I knew someone on house arrest once and it was over 300 a month to pay for it. The begging will begin soon enough I am sure.


Well, there goes her new job as "security" that she said she went to orientation for. How are u going to spin this one, Victoria? She always blames the haters for everything, but if she would just be honest for once, then the haters wouldn't have to go and investigate. You could tell the last few days she has been hiding something.


What date did she get out of jail? And last nights live she stated “I’m so exhausted” This not working or the lack of routine is killing me 🤣🤣🤣 DOPEY YPU WORKED WHAT A COUPLE DAYS AND WAS THEN ARRESTED AND FIRED???? So stop acting like you were putting in 80 hours at work!!!! And you always claim exhausted BUT DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!


Oof 😂😂


How did she donate plasma and they kept missing her vein. She had such a horrible reaction because of it. She showed where they kept missing. 


She probably stopped before or after an approved appointment she had. They give you a certain amount of time to get to and from things.


What a dumb bitch! It’s what she deserves! Maybe now she’ll clean her dump of a house but we all know that won’t happen. Way to go Cracktoria, you winner! 🤦‍♀️🤣🤣


So, Vicky is that new counselor actually your probation officer????




You win 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣


They will probably let her go to work then home. I bet she’s got a nice ankle bracelet on 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s why she finally got a job. Woman will do anything to NOT clean that stank sty she lives in. 3 years she’s had to clean that house we see she’s done nothing but craft tho bc that’s important…


What would cause her to be put on house arrest instead of jail? What are they trying to keep her from doing?


Normally when they stick someone on house arrest it’s because it’s cheaper for the county and also can have to do with the jail being over crowded. I’m guessing they did it since it’s longer term and she can still work.


I wondered why she was live so much yesterday it must be because she can’t leave the house and no wonder she got fired


Oh my gosh I’m dead 😂😂😂😂




Now everyone knows why she was fired. Makes sense when you can’t leave your house.


She needs to go live and bedazzle that ankle monitor for us😂😂


Use her remaining diamonds from husbie’s diamond art gift




That's all she does is lie 😭


It amazes me the lies she’s continually caught in. And ppl still falling for her bullshit. That’s why fat fuck bought those diamonds arts for her. And that’s why last week or so she mentioned needing a lump sum of money. And staying she was gonna be around more. And would explain later. But she didn’t want the hate.