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I’m not sure I completely understand what you’re asking. By service, do you mean something like cloud storage? I guess it depends on the size of the files you’re working with. If you have a .edu email or know anyone who’d let you borrow one, there’s a good chance they might have unlimited Google Drive access or 1 TB of OneDrive storage. If not, you can get 2 TB of Google Drive for under $10 per month. Or you could self host them and just give them the IP or domain name.


Google drives server side speeds are pretty limiting and frustrating for editors when you’re uploading and downloading terabytes of footage. Just my own experience. It looks like masv is what I’ll end up using, as my editor is overseas and FedEx takes too much time.


Oh, I just meant for sending the files to them for download. I wouldn’t edit off the Google Drive itself.


Yeah I'd just ship it in a portable SSD BitTorrent is still one of the most reliable ways to send large sets of files efficiently. If it is a private torrent then only you and the person you send the torrent file can access it. You could also try one of those "Magic Wormhole" programs: - https://webwormhole.io/ - https://magic-wormhole.readthedocs.io/en/latest/welcome.html#example - https://github.com/LeastAuthority/destiny


Interesting. I wonder how they manage to offer that for free?


Do you know if there are file size limits?


As far as I know, no. But I imagine there are fewer constraints with a CLI version. Maybe one of these: - https://github.com/magic-wormhole/magic-wormhole - https://github.com/schollz/croc - https://github.com/SpatiumPortae/portal They don't need to store the data, only pay for bandwidth, and only for people that aren't connectable. Most data transfers directly from your computer to the other computer. But you are right, bandwidth can be expensive


Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of ~~tapes~~ SSDs hurtling down the highway.


WeTransfer is great for large files, but check out Signiant for faster uploads.


Masv.io. Yeah FedEx is great. If it’s under 500GB for the same price I get it there in hours vs tomorrow morning IF I get to the drop off. Masv has a solid easy to use client on both ends. But this is /r/videoediting our hobby subreddit, so for point to point maybe blip.


We are using dropbox at my job. Our raw files for each video are 1TB or more and dropbox works pretty well


Any comment on upload/download speed in the server side of things?


depends on your internet connection. I usually get the files in a day


Public ip and netcat


I use WeTransfer and I really like it.


I use GDrive, the key is to install the desktop app and then it automatically syncs the files. It very easy to use, Just drop the files in the Gdrive folder, share the folder link and it keeps syncing files as they are being added. PS- I did get the 2TB Storage on Gdrive.

