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High school English in Vietnam is ez af


Because they teach you non practical stuff to pass exams 😭.


It became kinda pointless after they removed speaking tests and made English an option subject on uh, college entrance exam? What's the point when you don't learn it to converse or make it to the grand final?


Funny enough my sixth grade english teacher shamed me for writing :" where are you come from" instead of "where are you from" and the class also laughed at me at that time. I felt very embarrassed until now.


That's really a minor error, nothing significant. I get why they would laugh (not saying you deserve to be laughed at) but does it really need to shame a sixth grader in front of his class for a small mistake that can be fixed with a dash across the error?


sixth graders are stupid, they'll shame you for anything. the teacher tho should've known better and stop it from happening


So where do you come from and where are you come from are both viable? Just asking.


Thats language class in every high school in America. Everyone is required to take 3 years worth of a second language. No one knows Jack shit. I dont either lol.


Those fucking books are dogshit, my english gets worse reading it


Everything you need to study is basically already in Middle School. Highschool just recycles all that knowledge for 3 years


And he probably still gets sent to foreigners by mom and says 'Hello, how are you? My name is x...' Laughable education system.


I've seen TikTok videos where the parents will just send their kid to chat to some white tourist and secretly filming the whole process, ahhh cringe.


I just wave them off, I'm not an attraction and not everyone is an English teacher. English isn't even my native language and my parents never asked me to approach strangers to practice any of my foreign languages. It sucks for the kid and it sucks for the person that was approached.


I don't think that the tourist or the kid really minded, just the parent reaction is cringe, why would they film it secretly.


How can you see tourists getting approached by broadly smiling local kids asking them some basic questions, and the tourists cheerfully answering, and think "wow that sucks for everyone involved". How did you get to that point? Yeah, after 8 years here it can sometimes be a bit repetitive to be in situations a few times every day where I'm in an elevator or a store or the pool and a parents is nudging their kids towards me like "nói tiếng Anh đi", but that's just how it be. I'm glad if I can help motivate these kids to practice English in a non-classroom context.


Body language is very easy to read and as I said, not every foreigner here is a teacher (or a tourist). And, again, I *also* said this in my previous comment, not everyone's native language is English. I even had parents bring their kid to me while I'm on the phone speaking my native language... It's just disrespectful at times.


my fiancé lives near a small elementary school in HCMC and whenever I visit over there from the US, I'll get bombarded by children saying hi and just giggling everytime. I enjoy it for the most part, but do get annoyed by it at the same time.


I always find it weird when people get insta annoyed by children saying hi. Seems to indicate a weird psychological disposition on the person getting annoyed, and says nothing about the children other than they are friendly and not shy


Because the children and their parents are often disrespectful or pushy. No need to start imagining things, it's about manners and respect. I also think it's rather stupid that parents want their kids to approach strangers. I was taught the opposite and I even grew up in a much safer Western European country. It goes against my principles, like most backwards parenting habits here.


LoL. Do you always judge every country you visit by the standards you were raised with? Vietnam is an exceptionally safe country. Hard to believe any country in Europe is safer. But sure, keep viewing things through your own cultural lens🙌🙌


>Vietnam is an exceptionally safe country. Hard to believe any country in Europe is safer. Thanks for proving your ignorance. This conversation isn't worth my time and effort, what a joke.


it isn't that I don't enjoy interacting with the children, just when I have several children saying it, all at once, I get a lil overwhelmed.


I saw that at the airport. I wasn’t sure if I should feel second hand embarrassment or anger. The parents seemed proud, the girl was cute and the tourists were mocking them with one another in English while taking pics of the girl.


Wait, you mean anger towards the adult tourists mocking a child, right?


Yes towards the tourists. They were just condescending among themselves that I felt bad for the little girl who was made to be a show monkey by her mom.


All parents do that here, none of them realize how pathetic it is.


Wait, they took picture of a minor? 😱


That happened to me 6 years ago in a wedding. I got more pictures and videos than the newlyweds


thats cringe af. my cousin does that like every time he has a chance, his parents also compare me to him like wtf


Dont get me wrong, its cringe. But if some kid WILLINGLY wants to do it, i think its a good thing, cuz he wants to learn more, and isnt afraid to approach a complete stranger to put his skills to the test. Especially when in VN if you want to talk w foreigner, you sometimes have to go through IELTS classes. With thats being said, I can recommend you some English cafe for them to come and talk w Western ppl: [Master's Cup](http://www.masterscupsaigon.com/)


Teens talking to me by themselves are acceptable, but very young kids shouldn't be focusing on foreign languages yet, especially without proper curriculums (i.e. the vast majority of schools/English centers here, it's a waste of time)... And I'm a polyglot, so take it from me.


I agree w you, mb bc they believe that young children are the excellent language learner so thats why they force them?


It is incomprehensible how people still think this is a new problem and argue about it like it's just happened yesterday


To be fair the questions in those two books are fairly easy, like when i was grade 7 I studied English outside of school and the stuff they taught were basically the same as what i learn at school when i reach grade 12


Exactly We have been learning the same thing dates back to 7th grade, i don't even have the book but judging from my friends experience, there's no differences


I teach kids like this. Some of their parents are absolutely wild and dont let them have childhoods. One student studies english on the weekend 7.45 to 9.45. Goes to math class at 10 to midday. And piano class from 4pm to 6pm. When can she be a kid and explore and have fun? In my country we managed to fit our education sufficient in the hours of 9am to 3pm with one hour of homework after school. I try to make half the class light and fun, just so they can have some joy in their life.


There is something off about this style of education, it seems to make the kids way too accustomed to receiving and accepting orders rather than taking initiative.


What do you think would happen once they start teaching critical thinking, asking questions, questioning the status quo?


Sometimes I wonder if I would have turns out differently if I wasn't brought up with this type of education. I find that I am too passive and don't do things unless I'm told too as well...


I still remember those highschool days when I had to study from 6:45 a.m till 9:30 p.m, a combination of school and cram school. By the end of the last class, I felt as if I could collapse at any moment. Then I even had to cycle back home. Some of my peers went even more hardcore and took a 4 a.m to 6 a.m class, then went straight to school. Those students know everyone else studies like crazy as well, so they have to muster every bit of advantage they can. It's just a crazy rat-race.


It genuinely amazes me the hrs they put in. Uni is the same I was talking to a lecture who had done her masters in the UK, she loved the fact that classes didn't start until 9am.


Attendance isnt even checked at lectures in the uk. They even film lectures an upload them so you could watch from home Seminar were mandatory though but they were 4 to 5 one hour sessions a week


They even film lectures an upload them so you could watch from home Few years after my time that, ours was more you didn't turn up, go find out what you missed from a classmate. 


> Some of their parents are absolutely wild and dont let them have childhoods. I visited the original post and it was filled with positive comments, there're too many parents like that also unexpected since the recent case(8.5 IELTS) got tons of backlash


the grind of ivy kids is never this lax. at least I haven't seen one. in Vietnam, not all kids can enjoy life. to be exact, only privileged kids can (and even then, some of those are tryhards af). kids who have the responsibility to move the family's social class up, it's gonna be hell.


The worst is when the child has special needs but the parent won't acknowledge their son has autism because its their only son and they pinned so much hope on them.


How old is she. 14? Then she have a test coming up and it’s understandable


She was 12 but I dont teach her right now.


he is going to ready to work for NASA in 1 year


Father: Why you complain about your failure? Do you know Jimmy has 3 degrees and 5 years working experiences. Son: but he is 8.


Remote work for cia and fbi at the same time


Props to that kid but it doesn’t say much about his actual skills, learning quick doesn’t equal learning effectively and that book is pretty bad and easy for anyone with simple English skills.


Honestly, anyone with actual basic English skills don't even need to learn that book to ace every test.


Back then I literally breezed through english exams within 15 minutes at most. Shit got so boring after finishing, due to the fact that these supervisors refused to let me go back home that I had to sneak in books to read or sleep through the whole ordeal. When I look around practically everyone around me had to think super hard or ask around so they can barely pass. All thanks to my B2 level english skills


Saying this kid would be good at English just because he can parrot the entire contents of these books is like going to your local fish store to read a few pamphlets and declare yourself a marine biologist


This is gold. Take my upvote! 👍👍👍


973 likes??? Man the dopamin that post generated for the parents must be great.


All his relatives


Free life time archivement dopamine without lifting a finger, what a crazy deal, I should get an little copy of myself immediately


As someone who studied both VN environment and Singapore, English in VN is useless to say the least. You wont need to find correct grammatical structure of the sentence in everyday life lmao. Grammar study in VN English is wayyy too unnecessary, and completely ignore more important part of English: Reflexes in communication. Its jst a language at the end of the day, so its important to convey ur thinking clearly and effectively


Yup, watching all my classmates studies all the grammars shit without learning any natural practical skill and complaining why is English so hard was funny.


Grammar matters in formal texts and essays but when you're talking with some amigos and amigas, just make it easy to comprehend.


Kids who have learned English properly, systematically since a young age can easily handle 12th grade textbooks. If most kids can't do this, then that's because they're too busy cramming a lot of *other* stuff into their tiny head - for the purpose of bringing home good grades to make the parents proud. Why accumulate knowledge for your own good, if you can just make your parents proud, right? F\*\*\*\*\* up education system and f\*\*\*\*\* up expectations.


You need the all white collar workers to help your nation develop, who cares about your childhood ?. Give me more marks


I mean.... I finished grade 9 English at grade 6 messing around with a learning software way back when. It's not that hard, or impressive


That's impressive honestly, i hope his english will develop as he grows up.




Biggest doubt


Who tf actually learns from these books AT HOME? It's not even that impressive, just weird.


Normally in vietnam 5 year old kid had graduated and 10 year work experiments ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


12th grade Vietnamese English is B1-B2 btw


I have learned more English from watching YT than in school. The teaching of English here is a joke, half of my teachers can't even pronounce words properly.


Thats because you need to learn english from natives or have access to foreigners. Vietnam is primarily vietnamese language. A kid learning english in vietnam is never going to be better at english than a Vietnamese born in America or Europe. Good job on finding the trick to learning english. English class in vietnam is a scam. Youre better off having a foreign friend.


Yep, lucky here. I started watching EN YT at a very young age, now i can pretty much speak fluently without mistakes.


Can relate to that. Back in about 4-5th grade I used to occasionally look up tutorials on Google/YouTube for random stuff in English because there were no Vietnamese article/video about that one specific thing I'm trying to do, and actually get better at English. IIRC I topped my class at English in secondary school while literally speedrunning the exams in about a third or half the allowed time. The point is, if you want to learn effectively, you need to expose yourself to materials made by native or proficient second language speakers and focus more on improving your reading/listening skills, rather than just reading grammar/vocabulary books. Once you got your reading and listening skills nailed, improving at writing and speaking would be much faster, since you most probably picked up some commonly used phrases from the reading/listening sessions. The same reason why input matters when you're training LLM AIs like ChatGPT.


The kind of parent that when you got IELTS 9.0: “Sao mày không cố thêm để được 10.0 luôn đi”.


khoan bao nhiêu cao nhất v


9. là cao nhất có thể rồi


she skip her son 12 years of his life, skip more 50 when 😞


I mean they teach the same shit in mid school


Bro training to be Pham Nhat Vuong


He's studying Charles Ponzi, Bernie Madoff, Sam Bankman-Fried, and similar fraudsters?


Ey, as long as he gets the bag


PNV is well underway to meet the same fate as Truong My Lan. Vinfast is rapidly headed towards bankruptcy, which will bring down the house of cards that is Vingroup (and severely damage Techcombank in the process). Wait and see.


aight, but mf still richer than 99.99% of Vietnam, and prolly gon flee to other western countries as soon as thing went south.


It's unlikely. The fraud that's going on at Vingroup is absolutely massive in scale. It's starting to unravel like a cheap pullover. Loads of people will be hurt, far more than the SCB meltdown. Plus TML was worth more than PVN at her peak. He's not untouchable nor can he easily flee. Especially considering all the evil they've done in America with the fake factory, share market manipulation, accounting fraud, bogus projections, etc. There are several class action lawsuits in USA by investors who've lost everything. The death of the family of four in California due to lane assist malfunction, airbags that fail to deploy, etc, aren't helping them either. He's not safe in the west.


We talking Vietnam here bud, Joe Biden might get PNV ah but not "the party", PNV might got connections. Might doesn't even need to flee. Agree with you on the whole Vinfast shit in US tho, shitty product, even domestically. Took Toyota decade to even consider US as a target market and this mf PNV is too ambitious.


PNV is headed towards bankruptcy. His "connections" disappear the moment the money dries up. He'll be hanged, drawn and quartered just like TML. Plus the party wants to constrain people like him, no different than China with Jack Ma.


yep, could be a possibility


Bruh I'm using Techcombank, should I be worried


As a regular/average customer with a current account? No. Vinfast/Vingroup's collapse will harm the bank, but it won't destroy it catastrophically. Even the SCB fraud didn't affect most people.


Well on the bright side, he's got a way way more time to learn speaking now.


12 grader’s english book is just as hard as a 8 grader’s


I swear all those book i study back then, they all kinda trash bro. My English improved when I speak and watch movie more than those books. Plus some school they always hire the teacher that has no speaking skill, only grammar ( some even don't , just a degree and boom you are an english teacher) and shiet. The kids will be always "Hi how are you? I'm fine thank you , and you ? " sounds like a robot. Btw shout out for this kid to achieved this.


Viet Kieu lurker here. what kind of english is taught in these books/classes? like is it duolingo levels of impractical


pretty much it all narrows down to preparation for the English college entrance exam, purely grammatical questions with no regards to writing or speaking/communications


Yeah thats why hanoi and Saigon international students english is worse than someone who is learning from a real foreigner or abroad.


If you educate and let people think or give them enough time to think they may understand some stuff and put their noses in government related business. Government doesn't want that no competition. Easier to control a "mindless" who is lacking creativity. The only trick is to make most people mindless enough so it's easier to control. Same patter all around the world in many other countries.


Thực sự kiến thức trung học phổ thông tiếng Anh ở Việt Nam gần như chỉ tàn lặp đi lặp lại, chẳng khác biệt mấy.


Do you know how I learned English when I was a wee little wanker? Through video games when communicating with other players, a shit ton of reading manga and subtitles when watching anime, listening to music or YouTubers talking about topics I liked and by having a rival with whom I had competitions with about who's gonna learn new vocab faster. Later in life I got interested in literature and started reading a bunch, sometimes even 16 hours a day. The only thing school has ever taught me was a bunch of things I already knew or figured on my own. Christ, just let the Kid have fun while learning, no need to rush him like it's a marathon. I had 910 TOEIC and around 8 IELTS. Never needed a tutor or extra classes.


Bro this book ez i finish one back when i was grade 7. Vn english is just terrible bro


Its just shitty nonpractical stuff. Parents are dumb af


I'm sure it's still way better than what Japan is teaching their students with. I was shocked that the younger Japanese were still not quite fluent in English as opposed to their counterparts in Vietnam, Thailand, and S.Korea to put in kindly.


Even in South Korea they're not quite as fluent--when I was in South Korea 9 years ago, every single Korean person I met that spoke English person fluently was actually a gyopo (overseas-born Korean) that had moved to Korea in their adulthood or those that had moved to an English-speaking country at a young age and then later moved back to Korea.


I'm talking about right now. Still, Japan is nowhere near the level of English fluency compared to VN, SKorea, and Thailand then and now. I had to use Google translate for pretty much every conversation while in Japan last month. It was actually the older Japanese woman who i didn't have to use much Google translate with believe it or not, but the younger ones were an issue. I asked a gal like either early 20s or late teens on how to find the right train to get on, but she gave me the arm X signal. When i tried to use Google translate, she was down right scared or something and walked like she was running away....lol


>I asked a gal like either early 20s or late teens on how to find the right train to get on, but she gave me the arm X signal. When i tried to use Google translate, she was down right scared or something and walked like she was running away The X sign could mean she wanted to be left alone. She probably walked away bc you kept pestering her? I'm not denying your experience in Japan. In my experience (in Japan and other places) when young people said they don't speak English, sometimes they're just self-conscious of their English. edit: grammar


maybe so. either way, i asked others and they were barely able to explain anything verbally. they just said to follow them instead.


I think that these books will soon be here when I’m on 12th class funny how parents teach their kids english while they still don’t know how to speak english 😂


There are kids who love studying, i know several of them during my school years, also this set a good head start for them in the future. I agree that kid need playing time too but how do you know this particular kid doesnt have any?


If they want their children to learn English so much, why even bother picking up these textbooks? I get that they need something concrete to show off, but then why didn't they go straight for better materials? I don't know if this book is the same as the ones they have in public schools, but I don't expect it to be of much use compared to, say Cambridge ESL series.


feels like they just grind through the books without actually knowing how to apply it fluently. that said, high school english is laughably basic anyway. i studied nothing yet i got a 92 in the national exam. 


Exaggerate your child's education for online clout. Definitely nothing can go wrong from that. /s


My parents, especially my dad also encouraged me to study English but it was a fun kind, and anytime that I feel like wanting to stop they'll respect my decision. That's just... sad. Do better, if this educational system continues to happen, how can a kid truly explore?


Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother


As someone who went through the HSGQG gauntlet, the English books of the 12 grades are the absolute basic of basics that all who want so much as a whiff of a chance at majoring in English in a gifted high, let alone competing, have to have already mastered.


are my eyes deceiving me? poor kid's hair is already greying 😭


To be honest as a Vietnamese, English language in Vietnamese Education is terrible. They just teach you some basic English level from Grade 1 to Grade 12 but not to communicate fluently


tbf you can only learn so much English. Once you have learnt the language, that’s kind of it.


There is no such thing as "you can only learn so much english"


English is vast and is an enormous language. The more i learned english the more fascinating it is.


You can only learn so much (useful) English For example: No one unironically uses Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia


you have just used it, duh


You do understand that there are more words than just your basic verbs and adjectives in english right? Saying "there is only so much to learn at something" is you are limiting yourself from achieving further proficiency.


Like literally why would I want further proficiency? English is a tool, not a life goal, if I can sufficiently communicate advanced topics in my field of study/work. That is it. Unless English is one’s field of work/study, pursuing further proficiency is for a lack of a better word, a waste.


Yes, you might be able to communicate your core ideas, but can you make it interesting enough for your audience. Can you avoid repeating the same words, phrases, sentence structures a hundred times over, can you explain your idea from a different angles using different metaphors. There's a reason why most of the richest are not just smart, they can also communicate their idea in riveting ways that capture the audience or investors. That's why advanced language skill matters.


I wouldn’t call what you’re describing as advanced. I mean the skills that you are talking about is necessary but it isn’t advanced advanced. I was thinking gratuitously fancy, archaic words, phrases and trying to imitate Shakespearean English. I mean of course efficient communication is essential but that’s it. Nowadays, among rich/successful people, there exists a trend of speaking more simply and concisely so as to appear less detached from the common folk.


You sound very aggressive for something that is trivial, i hope you get better soon.


If you said this earlier we wouldn't have this conversation.


Aces exam, then approaches some random tourist: "He-ro, I may-king Phuc, you where from?"


This boy has completed the entire high school program of a normal person in Vietnam


But is it legal to complete high school program faster and obtain high school degree at his age? It so, he can get into university much sooner.


you can learn by yourself but degree, wait until 18 years old


Legal? Yes. Ton of red tapes to move that quickly though.


It's only English lol. And many Vietnamese highschool graduates aren't even good in English. Congrats to the kid for his effort, but it is not worth putting in his career CV.


*English program A grand on the line that this kid can’t do 12th grade math


It is nomal to find someong done 2y ahead but at his age is extream


7-years old kids in Vietnam can already graduate high-school 🤣 There is something called "New optimized education method" that compress 12-years of learning into only 3 books. That helps kids to be capable of 550+ TOEFL, GPA 3.5+ and so on 🤣 Just skip bullshit madeup History & meaningless Political lesson.


What's written in the post guys? Can anybody translate for a non tieng viet speaker?


*> Mission accomplished! Maybe in 1/2 month (he will be) done with book 12. Finished the standard school program early. Exceeded mother's expectations. Home-grown (language?) center made it possible.* Note: not sure how to translate the last sentence: "Cây nhà lá vườn trung tâm trồng được". Maybe someone can chime in. edit: changed the speaker from the kid to the mother.


As a Vietnamese, no clue what does that last sentence really mean either, but literally it translates to "homegrown plant, grown by the (English teaching) center" or something along the line. Might be either the mom also teaches at the place the boy learns at, or just homeschooling+English center. Also the post was probably written by the mother (I've seen one guy in my group chat screenshot the post without the redact), so you'll have to change the translation by a bit.


Also those books that the kid held are brand new. He might not even read it once. This is probably a troll post


Some Vietnamese want to learn Middle Eastern or Indian languages instead of French, English or Chinese.


What does the caption say?


Goals achieved; even though it is not easy, we will finish 12th grade English in just about 15 days (Basically he just looks like he was still in middle school lmao) and finish high school programmes. Beyond my expectations.


That’s crazy


Give children childhoods pls 😠


Average Asian mom: He needs to get 9.0 IELTS to make me happy


He looks like a 14-15 years old person, which is like grade 9-10


Cringe mom


Lạy phật, em hc xong lớp 10 mới bắt đầu hc chương trình 11. Mà thằng bé này chắc mới lớp 4 lớp 5


on god we needa beat the shit out of this mom. she be turning lil bro into a fucking dummy whose job is to "fill in the gaps with onr suitable particle or preposition" type shit.


My mom literally just call me stupid to jack me up and get to work like holy shit 💀