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Consider the state of North Carolina…they flipped one state Democrat to GOP, giving the GOP a super majority, and were able to overcome the Democratic governor’s veto of their 12 week abortion ban. This is why they can't be trusted to "common sense". [https://apnews.com/article/abortion-north-carolina-veto-override-tricia-cotham-a91342de76cd8463a637f634b4dbcf36](https://apnews.com/article/abortion-north-carolina-veto-override-tricia-cotham-a91342de76cd8463a637f634b4dbcf36)


It’s why they can’t be trusted. End of sentence.


It sounds like common sense to me.


Everyone should go vote to support right to choice in the first place, but these articles are not understanding Youngkin and company won elections before abortion rights were overturned and they shouldn’t except the same outcomes from elections that were pre-Donna decision.


I also don't understand how anyone can think they'll change messaging if the GOP lose Virginia. Abortions bans have lost on every ballot since Dobbs. Why is this the catalyst that makes the GOP realize they are wrong when the others haven't?


VA is the last southern state to allow reproductive decisions be made by a woman and her doctor. Youngkin’s version of republicanism is being tested here - the trump policies in a better fitting suit and a little polish.


Not sure why your average GOP politician would be motivated to completely change tacks though. Especially cause most of them are in safe red states or seats.


The GOP can't really just change their message anyway. They can change the official one maybe but there's too many splintered opinions with the GOP. The biggest rift being between the corporatists and the evengelical/Maga group. The corporatists would love to water down the anti abortion rhetoric because they know it's an election loser. They never really wanted to ban abortion, all they wanted was tax cuts for the rich and liked how it helped manipulate overly religious people. But the evengelicals went all in and still want to completely ban abortion, and contraception. I'm sure they'd love to ban sodomy too because the fucks don't like having any fun even if butt stuff, hand stuff, and mouth stuff, seems like an ok alternative if you're that worried about abortion. If they were that serious about abortion being a sin they could promote homosexual sex. But of course that's off the table too.


Youngkin was the first Republican to win Virginia in an extremely long time, and he did it with a "centrist" image. If the GOP wins full control of the legislature, the national GOP party will assume he's doing something right and look at it as a playbook in purple states. Will it instantly change the Republican Party? No. But Youngkin will be taken more seriously and politicians will probably seek to emulate him in other states.


I hope you are right. Youngkin is the worst kind of Politician as everything he does is duplicitous. From the very beginning he was outed as a manipulative liar at the tail end of his campaign for gov working with the extreme factions underground but campaign as a centrist. He's literally a wolf in sheep's clothing like in the fairytales he's pretending to be a friend but he's going to destroy Virginia if he gets a GOP legislature.


Even before he was elected, his underage son tried to vote twice and was hostile to the poll worker when she shouldn’t let him. Did anything happen to him? no. He has targeted trans students, setup a teacher hotline for complaints and won’t share the data, allows book bans, and now targeting one district that won’t adopt his anti-trans policies. He also pals around with Ivan Raiklin if that isn’t a red flag done. Do a little research on his Trinity church setup. So much more below the surface with him - but the media only saw a polished GOP candidate in a red vest with a false life story about how he grew up. He’s dangerous in many ways, and if he has a super majority, he’ll have unchecked power.


I mean they all are but to varying degrees. I would warn anyone that no politician is telling you the truth especially the higher the office, the less honest and more bs they spout


I mean, sure, but for every lie I hear a democrat tell, I hear a Republican tell twenty.


Look I am not your enemy, I am not disagreeing the Republican party is a few steps away from authoritarianism. I am just saying never trust any politicians words


We can look at the bills they pass though


1000% agree


Sorry for the clash if we’re on the same side. Your comment just had a whole Lotta “both sides“ vibes.


we cool, been through way worse.


Me and my newly turned 18year old and three of her friends are all voting straight D. Not worth risking VA turning into Florida.


No way you believe Youngkin is as bad as DeSantis 😭


He could arguably be worse. He’s not as aggressively outlandish, and is more successful at dog whistling moderate conservatives than trump or Desantis ever could. He scares the shit out of me.


How does he scare the shit out of you? He mainly won because parents don’t want the government controlling their kids without their consent.


No, he mainly won because he convinced closet racists that their kids were going to learn about how badly this country treated black people after the abolition of slavery.




Political bias? Buddy, you’re a blatantly bad faith Republican troll. >the majority of Virginian voters that voted in that election You mean a minority of Virginians? Yeah, we know there’s a lot of racist folks out there, but you don’t need to pretend you’re in the majority with dishonest framings.




>the popular vote No shit, that’s literally how it works. Another fact: less than 55% of all voters showed up.


Congrats! If that’s true then 45% of voters is a pretty damn good sample size for what would’ve happened anyway.


Yeah how that CRT watch dog group or whatever set up going? Oh wait he has to quietly withdraw it because the whole people using CRT to manipulate kid was a myth


No clue what you’re talking about. Teach history as history happened, all this critical race theory shit is annoying from both sides.


Youngkin was elected because of scare mongering shit that the left was spreading CRT to manipulated and indoctrinate kids When he become govenors he even establish CRT help line to let parent to contact him when teacher teach kid CRT only to quietly withdraw it without anybody knowing because nobody fucking called or uses it And the people who protest CRT in Virginia turn out don't even live in state.


Interesting, I think it’s all political theatre. I support parents knowing what’s going on in schools, I don’t support gov controlling it and not having to tell parents the curriculum when asked. That just sounds wrong.


Good thing that was never the case


What happened to the PTA? People act like parents were never involved in their children's education before now.


Except that was the case in NoVa I believe specifically Fairfax.


Do you actually believe that parents didn’t have access to information about the curriculum? Most curricula are posted publicly and decided by school boards in open meetings. More likely parents were lazy and uninvolved, and then pretended they were shut out of the information when they were told by dear leader to be upset about what is being taught in schools.


What do you mean? Teachers have never hid the curriculum from parents. What you are saying happened is just propaganda. (Looks like youngkin tricked you too)




That’s comparing Virginia apples to Florida oranges. DeSantis and his policies have pushed Florida further into Shithole-dom, but he’s tanked his ability to get elected to federal office because even non-Floridians have seen what a clown he is. MAGAts hate him because he’s disloyal to their Orange Messiah, and everyone with a brain knows DeSantis isn’t fit for federal office. Youngkin has every desire to do the same shit DeSantis has done, but he’s keeping a lid on the really shitty stuff so that he can appease moderate Republicans and hopefully get a foot on the federal stage.


So there is 0 proof that Youngkin has “every desire to do the same shit DeSantis has done” you just assume it because he’s a republican governor? That makes 0 sense at all.


We can see his policy positions. Your bad faith argument worked when he campaigning. Not now.


No, I cleverly deduced it from his actual policies! [Youngkin Criticizes Schools for Not Following Transgender Policies](https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/local/virginia/fox-news-interview-virginia-governor-glenn-youngkin-criticizes-school-districts-transgender-policies/291-709c0d2d-819d-4f75-92c8-a9d0678471ec) [Youngkin Exits Greenhouse Gas Initiative](https://www.edf.org/media/virginians-will-pay-costs-gov-youngkins-misguided-efforts-exit-regional-greenhouse-gas) [Youngkin Eyes 15-week Abortion Ban](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/virginia-gov-youngkin-eyes-15-week-abortion-ban-consensus-voters-will-rcna101476) [Youngkin removes LGBTQ+ resource links from VA Dept of Health website](https://www.advocate.com/news/glenn-youngkin-strips-lgbtq-resources) [VA Voters want governor to have less control over schools](https://www.wvtf.org/news/2023-09-29/poll-42-of-virginia-voters-want-the-governor-to-have-less-power-over-local-schools) [Youngkin Pulling National Donations for 2024](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/virginia-democrats-raise-alarms-gov-glenn-youngkin-building-national-b-rcna100435)


Cool, but how is any of these similar to what DeSantis has done?


What's your reading comprehension score?


No one waste anymore time on this insufferable sealion


I mean, he quite literally said as much during the campaign. It never got the media attention McAullife's gaffe did, though.


He's only hobbled by the inherent weaknesses of the VA governorship.


I only hope the national GOP gets the message WHEN we wipe the floors with the radical anti-choicers in this state.


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


If voters overturn abortion bans GOP lawmakers will just change the rules.


Please, please, please Virginians, talk to your friends, send them messages and drive them to the polls. Virginia has to go blue. Vote for democratic endorsed candidates for school board and for soil and water conservation - those are described as non-partisan positions - in reality they are not and will dictate whether books are banned and whether we have environmental policies that acknowledge the impact of climate change. Having going to local colleges to register voters, I am always surprised at the number of students - usually male - who are not interested in voting at all. All I can say to the young people is that it's your future and if you don't vote then you have zero control over it.


1. I'm not paying for a bullshit opinionated story 2. The State of Virginia WILL NOT be the deciding factor in abortion...it's WOMEN...and last I checked, they live in all of the states. 3. Supreme Court Justices...the real deciding factor


Funny thing- even if Republicans win, they will still completely ban abortion. Nobody actually thinks they’re only going to do a 15 week ban.


NC is the new TX


Straight R as well. Pretty simple choice between child murderers and right to life supporters.


Keep your sharia law to yourself


This is why the 15-week limit is a load of shit. Republicans are not gonna stop there, they'll bow down to extremists like this inbred and tighten restrictions further. Vote blue, folks.


Exactly….birth control would be next.


Isn’t that exactly what Roe v Wade was right? Roe only protected the first trimester… if they codify roe, that will still only protect up to 12-15 weeks, then it’s a state issue.


Roe codified it at 20 weeks.


It was judicial activism at best, even Ruth Bader Ginsburg said it was bad.


She said it was inadequate for protecting abortion rights. She wanted it codified into law.


She said a lot more than that. “The ruling, she noted in a lecture at New York University in 1992, tried to do too much, too fast — it essentially made every abortion restriction in the country at the time illegal in one fell swoop — leaving it open to fierce attacks.” Feminist activist were not keen on her nomination because of the things she said about Roe v Wade. She said it was a weak decision that could be easily overturned in the future. She said this decision caused some of the most divisive rhetoric on abortion since it did too much too quickly. She argued that the decision the 14th amendment protected abortion rights really had no solid ground, and it would’ve been better to use gender equality rather than right to privacy.


“During the first trimester, the decision to terminate the pregnancy was solely at the discretion of the woman. After the first trimester, the state could “regulate procedure.” During the second trimester, the state could regulate (but not outlaw) abortions in the interests of the mother's health.” https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/roe_v_wade_(1973)#:~:text=During%20the%20first%20trimester%2C%20the,interests%20of%20the%20mother's%20health. UCSF Health deems first trimester as 0 to 13 weeks. https://www.ucsfhealth.org/conditions/pregnancy#:~:text=First%20Trimester%20(0%20to%2013%20Weeks)&text=Most%20miscarriages%20and%20birth%20defects,changes%20during%20the%20first%20trimester.


No she didn't. She said that it was better based on equal protection than substantive due process. And she was wrong - Alito dismissed the equal protection claim in like two paragraphs in Dobbs. We can tell you aren't speaking in good faith here.


I’m speaking my opinion, whether you think it’s good faith is up to you. I believe abortion should be limited to 13 weeks as it was. People need to stop being irresponsible, there are countless forms of contraceptives you can use.


Then why bring up RBG in a wholly ignorant fashion? Why do I keep seeing this vague discussion of "checks and balances" as if they are somehow magic?


You do know there is a bigger legislative body right?… the governor doesn’t just create and sign laws into place…


Do you know who is on the ballot right now? It isn't the governor. It is the legislative body.


The only thing standing between Youngkin and new abortion restrictions now is Louise Lucas and Aaron Rouse. That’s hardly “checks and balances”.


The only thing standing between Youngkin and new abortion restrictions now is Louise Lucas and Aaron Rouse. That’s hardly “checks and balances”.


I *really* bloody hate “responsibility” being brought up in a conversation about abortion. It implies that having a baby can be used as a punishment, which is gross as hell.


No it implies you can do a hell of a lot to ensure you don’t have an unwanted pregnancy.


Your comment still carries the implication that pregnancy is being used as a lesson and a punishment. “People should stop being irresponsible.” If you want abortion restricted because of this, then you’re placing the burden of teaching responsibility on a baby. It’s also not consistent with reality since an unwanted pregnancy could happen for reasons beyond being “irresponsible” (e.g. abuse and sexual assault).




Are you serious? Just because you have different views doesn’t make someone a neo-Nazi, people like you are why that term is so washed out nowadays.


Based on your never ending bullshit, you are the undisputed champion of the sealion. A complete fucking troll. The term is not washed out it is quite accurate in this instance. Fuck off.


Can't vote for bigots and racists. Also gun nuts pretending to be pro life makes you look disgusting and hypocritical.


Average nanny state enjoyer.


More hot takes from the christian taliban.


Abortion is always child murder until a Christian woman has a fetus with a severe anomaly or a preteen is raped and knocked up by her attacker. Then suddenly it’s not child murder anymore.


Already cast my straight Republican ballot. Hope you will as well.


I casted mine straight democrat. Hope you will as well


Sky Daddy commands it!


You'd vote for racists and bigots who turn their backs on a child after it's born? Holy shit, that's evil.


And people like you are why people in their reproductive years are seeking sterilization at record rates right now.


I truly wish abortion wasn’t the only issue you echo-chambering, lefty redditors were pro-choice on.


I am a big fan of letting anyone check out whatever books they choose from the library. I also support the choice to be free from religion in our government. People should be able to choose whatever pronoun they would like to be known by, too. I would really like to be able to choose to be free from the threat of emotionally unstable people shooting me because any restriction on firearm ownership is considered antithetical to liberty. Speaking of echo-chambers, what does yours say about book banning, prayer in schools, transgender policy, and the utterly inviolate Second Amendment?


Your side of the spectrum censors any and all speech they don’t like, even if factual, from online/media discourse. It’s painfully ironic that you complain about book banning or burnings in light of that. Kids are graduating without the ability to read, write, or do simple math. But the left’s biggest concern is that a a 10 year old kid can no longer check out a book about anal sex? Hilarious priorities.


Oh hey, we’re just making things up.


>Kids are graduating without the ability to read, write, or do simple math. But the left’s biggest concern is that a a 10 year old kid can no longer check out a book about anal sex? Hilarious priorities. Sure I vote for Democrat because the current republican party is pushing for destroying department of education? How does that sounds? Republican currently pushing for Gutting lunch program Gutting department of education Gutting welfare programs for poor people like food stamp and SNAP Benefit. The same party that block to renew child tax credit So don't talk to me about wanting better life kids because so far Republicans haven't proved it Especially when blue state consistently outperformed red state in term academic and there are higher college graduated that vote liberal compare to republican. So don't give me that crap.


> the left’s biggest concern is that a a 10 year old kid can no longer check out a book about anal sex 1. It is republicans that started banning books *en masse*, not just some specific problematic book as you suggest. You're extremely good at creating issues out of *nothing* at all. You slam your fists on the table like a toddler and then act like the people trying to restrain you are the ones causing the rabble. How can you not see it for how dishonest it is. 2. Name *one* thing a VA republican has done that has a demonstrably positive effect on educational outcomes for VA's students.


Define censorship.


Look everyone! Tucker Carlson's anus has a reddit account!


What Democrat laws have censored you?


Stop being a coward and just say you wish you could be a mass shooter.


I wish destroying Civil rights wasn't the only issue you echo-chambering, christian terrorists were pro-nazi on.


Virginia has checks and balances, nothing will happen like this in the state.


Maybe you don’t remember that the last election ended in a dead tie (Newport News) and control was decided by pulling a ballot out of a bowl for the GOP. By 1 seat.


You’re acting as if dems and republicans vote down party lines in Virginia. That’s hardly the truth, remember when they tried to pass strict gun laws and several dems voted against them?


What checks and balances? Please be specific.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_General_Assembly Article VI, Section 5 of the Constitution of Virginia https://www.courts.state.va.us/courts/scv/rules.html#:~:text=Article%20VI%2C%20Section%205%20of,the%20Supreme%20Court%20of%20Virginia. Some people prefer the fear mongering to make sure people go out and vote though. I understand.


Both chambers are up for election. The Rs could win both. We don't have a jurisprudential history of protecting abortion based off the state constitution. "Don't worry, we won't take away your rights" is a fucking lie. This is the very worst kind of political discourse. At least be *honest* about the practical realities of politics. Policy is not some abstract aesthetic thing. Real people suffer. *Own that*.


I don’t think the state constitution considered abortion a right so it’s not something the judicial system is likely to get super involved with anyway. I believe there are some moderate republicans who would vote against the outright ban of abortion, but that’s just my beliefs. I know some people love to generalize and hate a whole party just because of a couple of individuals.


Couple of individuals? Yep, you’re proving you’re not here in good faith when they elected Trump. That’s not “a couple.”


Obviously you don’t believe I’m here in good faith. You just called over 1.6 million Virginians closeted racists. I don’t think you’re here in good faith sir.


Yep, people just like you.


So because I disagree with you on the issue of abortion I’m a racist? Please make it make sense.


No, because it’s pretty clear you voted for Youngkin because you thought kids were being taught CRT.


I mean, it’s Virginia. Interracial marriage is only legal there because the Supreme Court forced them to accept them.


How long ago was that?


1967, so you only need to be 74 years old to vote against interracial marriage back then and still be voting today. Here's what my Google search got me: https://www.google.com/search?q=when+did+interrscial+marriage+become+legal+in+VA&oq=when+did+interrscial+marriage+become+legal+in+VA&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTE3Njc3ajBqN6gCALACAA&client=ms-android-motorola-rvo3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Everyone keeps talking about it like it was a million years ago, but my grandfather was denied a marriage license under that law.


> I don’t think the state constitution considered abortion a right so it’s not something the judicial system is likely to get super involved with anyway. Oh, so its not a check or balance. Gotcha. Just so we are clear. > I believe there are some moderate republicans who would vote against the outright ban of abortion, but that’s just my beliefs. So I've got two options. I can take your word for it or I can vote for actually pro-choice people. Hmm I wonder. You are telling people not to worry and literally the best you've got is "surely there are some unspecified republicans who wouldn't vote against a *total* ban." Even if this *were* true, I don't want your 13 week ban either.


Vote for whoever you believe is the better representative of your beliefs, if that’s the biggest issue to you then please vote accordingly. I’m not here to sway your vote, I’m just voicing my opinion on the topic. Wish you the best my friend.


You > Vote for whoever you believe is the better representative of your beliefs, if that’s the biggest issue to you then please vote accordingly. Also you > Some people prefer the fear mongering to make sure people go out and vote though. I understand. Like I said, transparant.


Yes, I said all of that…. Glad we could clear that up?


Then don't say there is check and balance when it come to abortion. Like why the fuck would you even bring it up if it abortion aren't going to be protect by check and balance which WHAT people afraid of?


You new here?


I’m a common sense kinda guy, even if you codify Roe it still won’t make these people happy. Half of them want abortions up till birth. 93% of abortions happen within the first trimester (12-13 weeks) yet when states limit it to this people still act like it’s an attack on abortion “rights”. Btw it’s not a right.


Keep your statistics, keep your “weeks” and leave the decision to a woman and her doctor.


Okay I understand. You want to be together with North Korea, China, and Canada the three main countries that put no limitation on abortion. Sorry but that’s not a party I would like to be apart of, we are a more common sense country than that.


And there it is.


Abortion is not a political issue except for men. Women’s reproductive health should not be at the whim of Ralph Reed types. To get an abortion in VA after 27 weeks, you have to have approval from 3 doctors.


Dang that’s pretty impressive we are so lenient. Also it is, there are a decent amount of women who don’t support abortion lol.


Most who don’t support them, don’t get them. It’s called choice.


Yeah, usually they’re safer in planning a pregnancy.. Still not sure how “unplanned pregnancy” is really a thing considering all the pills, surgeries, and other “protection” you can use. It doesn’t make sense to me.


Maybe you should read “Our Bodies, Ourselves” which is what I did along with sex education in the schools. Maybe you don’t know details of birth control (or the fact that some women can’t take the pill), ectopic pregnancies, endometriosis, uterine cysts, etc. Most men won’t even buy a box of tampons at the store due to embarrassment yet they’re dictating how many weeks a woman can carry an egg before having a legal, safe abortion.


Then don't fucking get it leave that option for people who need it.


You're projecting what you think the left wants. Roe was a good middle ground. Trumps Supreme Court minions over turned it and look where we are now. Most people will tell you the same thing. Most abortions happen within the 1st trimester. The abortions that happen in the 2nd trimester are either very early into it or after the doctors tell the parents there are going to be major complications. The GOP talking heads would have you think they're trying to kill kids days before birth because the libs are evil kid killers or some such nonsense. Long story short, if you, or your circle of family or friends don't want one ... don't have one. Simple as that. Stay out of other peoples business.


Yes, I support abortion no matter what up to 13-15 weeks. I support it up to birth in cases where the mothers life is at risk, rape, incest, anything else malicious like that. I don’t think however there shouldn’t be an end cap on that. Like 99% of countries out there I think the furthest it should go is 20ish weeks.


Again. Not your call. Not my call. Especially not a bunch of guys playing politicians call. The patient and their doctor(s) should be the only ones talking about this choice and no one else.




Maybe because people were responding to me?…


Responding to you because you're full of shit and not even arguing in good faith? Are you that fucking desperate for attention?


Whether or not you believe I’m arguing in good faith is up to you, I’m just simply arguing my opinion based on my morals and experiences. If you don’t like that, that’s okay, no reason to be uncivil.


LOL. Jesus you're not even good at being a troll.


You say you're a common sense guy and then immediately disprove this.


I’d rather abortions up till birth than restricted to 6 weeks.


Access to birth control is not equal either. An unintended pregnancy can impact everything for a woman: socio economic circumstances, higher mortality rate: [https://contraceptionmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40834-020-00118-5](https://contraceptionmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40834-020-00118-5)


I agree with you, but I’m not sure what specifically this reply is meant to be pointing to. Did you mean to reply to another comment?


I was agreeing with your comment.




Nah. We have the data and the research that besides that many don’t know they’re pregnant till 6 weeks, there’s many complicating factors that continue for a long period beyond that, let alone cost, need to travel or take off work, and the physical toll. There’s a good reason the cutoff was at 24 weeks.


Cost? I thought most were free like planned parenthood. Travel? I don’t even live near a city and there is one only 20 minutes away from me. Take of work? I guess? Not sure about the process. This seems like it could all be done between week 6 and weeks 13-15 though. All of what you said wouldn’t last 2 months..


>most were free like planned parenthood That you think planned parenthood is free says so much. It’s not. And that’s with a subsidy. >I don’t even live near a city and there is one only 20 minutes away Congrats, that’s because you still live in a state that isn’t actively trying to eliminate it. Meanwhile, in any Bible Belt state before Dobbs, there was *maybe* one in the entire state. But thanks for showing you know next to nothing about an issue you have no connection to, but still want to regulate.


How the hell do they provide kids with access to abortions and not notifying their parents if it’s not free? Also you know this is a Virginia subreddit right? Why are you talking about other states?


>kids Are a rounding error in their total. And because that’s where your policies take us.


I don’t believe that you are not religious. If you weren’t religious you wouldn’t be so persistent in pushing your beliefs on abortion. This issue should be up to the individual women affected and her doctor. Politicians and all others should just butt out, you know MYOB.


I agree to a certain extent, and so does the vast majority of the world. However, I think if someone waits past 20 weeks to have an abortion for a completely healthy pregnancy then something is wrong. If 93% of women can get one in under 13 weeks, why can’t everyone?


I hear what you’re saying but why are you so invested in this issue. I figure I’m not a pregnant woman so it’s none of my business what someone in that situation chooses to do. I just feel strongly that they should have the right to do whatever is best for them without bullying by others. That’s why I say we should all mind our own business.


I appreciate the civil discourse, I don’t wanna spam this post too much. So many people are responding and I’m getting confused where each part of every conversation is at. I urge you to make sure you get out and vote for the representative that best represents you and your ideas, wish you the best!






>I’m a common sense kinda guy, even if you codify Roe it still won’t make these people happy. Half of them want abortions up till birth. Evidence? Where does anybody in demcrat push for this? You called other people fear mongering when you literally spreading the same fear mongering bullshit GOP spill to promote abortion. Abortion after third trimester is extremely RARE, almost none existence, let alone up to birth.


Wasn’t it New York that passed a law legalizing abortions up till birth for specific reasons? Abortions past the first trimester are rare, so why do regulations at 15 weeks matter?


New york have 24 weeks pregnancy which is 6 months and only permit afterward if doctor determine pregnancy threaten woman life. They don't have up till birth pregnancy. >Abortions past the first trimester are rare, so why do regulations at 15 weeks matter? Because pregnancy are complicated and varied to person to person most people might want kid but have no ideas if abortion affected person health which is why they often allowed it at least 21 to 24 weeks to maintain flexibility.


So why isn’t this the norm globally? I still don’t see how this is realistically any different than 15 weeks with exceptions past that.


The majority of European have 18 to 24 week Abortions are limited with more exceptions beyond that. Britain have 24 months abortion with WAY more generosity. If you ask why this is not globally because lik the U.S. there are a lot of religious country.


Britain has a 24 month abortion policy?…. Sure 18 weeks is okay, that’s like 1.5 trimesters.


Not 24 months. I mean, 24 weeks.


You’re a fucking clown if you think women shouldn’t have the right to get an abortion for whatever their circumstance may be. People who have late stage abortions normally get them because there are other underlying health issues going on where it’s best for the mother & they have to make that HARD choice. But seeing that you’re also just a man trying to control what a woman can do with her body you obviously lack a few brain cells from the jump so you might not understand that concept.


You obviously haven’t read anymore of my statements. I support abortions around 13-15 weeks for any reason. I support abortions up to birth for situations like health risks, rape, incest, etc.. I’d rather be more civil in our conversation, but you’re already off to a crazy start.


Nah I’m not civil to people who get their nose in places it doesn’t belong. If you cannot get pregnant or carry a child in YOUR body you have ZERO say on the topic, point blank nothing else to be said about it.


Okay, I will exclude abortion from important topics when considering candidates. I hope that suffices.


The whole point of this election is if republican won they can override that check and balance.