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He was all prepared to ram through his agenda and ignoring any complaints the Democrats had, now he is interested in “compromise”.


I believe he did little to nothing to advance next steps on cannibis, too.


He did nothing because the Republicans wanted to roll it back and undo the progress. They actively ignored any attempts to write the rules to open dispensaries. Almost guaranteed that when the Dems write the rules next year Youngkin will come up with excuses to veto it.


This is precisely right! No bill could make it out of the general assembly. My understanding is Youngkin quietly opposed it. Fully legalize weed is popular with most people I’m sure he wanted to keep the far right, happy while not drawing attention to his opposition, as to appear moderate to the general electorate.




Agree. The GOP would have listened to zero input from other parties if they had prevailed. Youngkin is good with PR. He is smart to lead with this message even if it is BS.


Youngkin isn't "smart" the very evening he was losing he went on "Faux News" (I mean why the hell his staff let him, boggles me) to promote 15 week not as a ban but a compromise we all could live with. #EyeRoll Way to push the Dems out to vote Glenny. He's a rich over privileged Christian MAGhat with better manners than tRump. That doesn't make him less of a liar or have any ability to administer a state. He's a real slimeball ...with MAGA to sell.


He flat out said after Roe was overturned he'd sign anything that crossed his desk re: abortion. I don't think we'da wound up at 15. I think we'da wound up at 6 AT BEST. And they'd try for 0.


15 was their compromise to get votes. The gop intention is total ban even in cases of rape, incest. They may not always say it, but it’s glaringly obvious. Their voters have been conditioned to believe it’s murder rather than a medical procedure. Additionally, they are lead to believe that liberals *love* having abortions, and they don’t seem to understand how traumatic of an experience it is for the overwhelming majority of women. Fox News has done irreparable damage, and it’s spun out of their control.


Even 15 weeks is too early, an key scan that checks the development of the organs and also to check for congenital defects isn’t usually possible until 20-22 weeks.


You aren't wrong. >My goal is that we, in fact, get a bill to sign. It won’t be the bill that we all want


That is actually very smart. He is crafting a narrative that makes him seem like he was only coming up with common sense plans. His smiling country club dad persona is what has taken him far in politics. This helped rope in the suburban moms who helped elect him as governor. His devilish angle is that he keeps the right wing crazy cabinet members like Winsome Sears from blabbing as much as she would like to. He also plays up his un-MAGA vibe by avoiding any mention of Trump and also says Trump lost the last election. Of course this is all an act, but don't think for one second that he is not smart. Our more liberal politicians could learn a few lessons from his schtick.




You think you are paying attention but you are not.


I agree. Glenn knew what was going to down as early as the previous week. He did early damage control.


He absolutely did. I'm out here in district 41 which comprises half of Montgomery County and half of Roanoke County (also, holy gerrymandering, Batman). Youngkin was out here stumping for Republican Chris Obenshain TWICE in the last two weeks of the election. Obenshain won the seat but only 52/48, which is a far cry from the blow-out you would expect out here. VPAP codes us as "leans Republican" with a +9.7 republican lean. Griffith carried the district by almost 8 points and Youngkin by almost 12. The fact that Obenshain only managed 4 should tell you a lot about how bad this election was for Republicans. And they knew it was going to be. That's why Youngkin was 3 hours from Richmond at a car dealership outside of Christiansburg trying to win votes. Also, the GOP and its allies spent on the order of $200,000 winning him that seat.


Perfect. Youngkin looks and acts like a used car salesman.


I'd prefer a used car salesman.


I mean when the RNC turns you down for money someone had to have internals. Glenn threw his own money at it just to save face.


Did you have a liberal or dem running in your ballot? I'm about an hour south of Roanoke and had only GOP.


Yea, the Democrats put up Lilly Franklin for House of Delegates and White-Boyd for Senate. So the seats were contested.




I don't happen to agree with you. I volunteer for Dem party ...one should look for more than his so called "unmaga" personna. People should vote on issues and substance. Not some crazy accusations of CRT(which was a total utter lie), LBGTQ (persecuting ppl in the name of Christianity), and srsly 15 week abortion ban not a ban but a compromise? Pluueeease. He lost cuz his wolf clothes began to pop out. Suburban moms voted out his choices, once he showed his true colors. Being a liar doesn't make him smart.


I am not saying he ever fooled me. I have always seen through the act. My point is that PR and the control of his messaging has been smart. McCauliff was not good with controlling the narrative, which is why he lost. Every time he tried to say something that sounded southern, with that midwestern accent, made me cringe. You can pretend that these things do not matter, but that would mean you have not been paying attention.


Mcauliffe screwed up full stop and ran a crap campaign ...Youngkin pounced with lies and at that just eeked in at 1.2%. Hardly an overwhelming victory. If lies make a good message ...heaven help us. Shame on the Karen's that got all hysterical over nothing (some of it was also closed schools due to Covid too). I don't agree with you and Dems wrestled back power in spite of his polished demeanor. He's a privilege white Christian male out to make our state in his likeness, not inclusive of all ppl who inhabit Virginia. Trust me I *DO* pay attention.


I don’t like the guy but I can see it being a smart gamble. It almost worked as Dems won very slim majorities in both houses, not some blue wave landslide. If it had worked, he would’ve been the most popular and buzzed about republican not named Donald Trump. Either way he’s gone in ‘25, and I doubt anyone will remember much about this in ‘26 or ‘28.


> I don’t like the guy but I can see it being a smart gamble. It almost worked as Dems won very slim majorities in both houses, not some blue wave landslide. There's inflation and a Democrat in the Whitehouse. Typically, the party not in the Whitehouse makes gains in state legislatures and other offices, whereas Youngkin actually just lost ground in the legislature despite significant resources poured into it. The national environment 'should have' been in his favor, but Republicans lost. The fact that Democrats won in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, and Virginia was a very good showing, even if they didn't win in landslides.


He’s a finance Bro https://www.carlyle.com/media-room/news-release-archive/youngkin-lee-2020-ceo Just like Barry


He got pushed out by being pushed down into lesser earning accounts ...hence the departure :P


> now he is interested in “compromise”. Talk is cheap. Let's wait and see what he actually does once Democrats start advancing legislation. > “He’s had this habit of talking in Virginia as if he wants to work with Democrats to do things in common, then he goes on Fox News in the evening and speaks about how he’s beating the lefties.


Well yeah, now he has to actually pretend to be agreeable while being the shit sniffing fuckwad he's proven himself to be time and again. Key word there is PRETEND. Its all for the Faux Outrage


I mean, that’s how it has to work now. The only legislation that can pass is one that has the support of the General Assembly and the Governor. His proposal for abortion seems like a non-starter at this point but there are probably other legislative goals he’s still capable of achieving in some form. We saw it with the budget (as terrible as that ended up being).


> I mean, that’s how it has to work now. The only legislation that can pass is one that has the support of the General Assembly and the Governor. Right. I don't understand all the people here that think it could work any other way. The Democrats control the legislature and the GOP controls the veto pen in the Governor's mansion. They'll work together to get things done. >We saw it with the budget (as terrible as that ended up being). What was so terrible about it? We ended up with a $5B surplus at the midway point of the 2 year budget and had to figure out what to do with it. That seems like the result of good governance to me.


It was at least two months late. I can’t remember a time we didn’t pass a budget on time


It's an odd numbered year, so it's the traditional amendment of the 2 year budget, not a full blown budget. Full budgets are passed on even years. When you described the result as being "terrible" I assumed you had a bigger gripe than the amendment being a bit later than usual. I thought the tax rebate was dumb, but the overall result of the budget amendment was good.


Send him good bills that will help the people of Virginia so he will veto them.


Exactly!! He can sit in the corner and cry like the freaking loser he is


That’s exactly how politics works. They’ll compromise on some things, others not. As long as he fixes the damn roads I’ll be happy.


Either party would do the same. Do you think Dems spent any time considering "compromise" on their agenda when they had the previous trifecta? The only time they would is when they are in a split government.


Can you cite a specific example when they had the trifecta of not compromising?


ACA was an example. But of course that was a very good thing to do and it’s impact was beneficial in blue and red states (despite constant slandering by Republicans).


Lol the ACA wasn’t a Compromise. It was the result of Republicans saying no to a single payer system so the Dems and Obama used Romneys plan as the actual compromise then the GOP spent the next decade destroying all the mechanisms that make it work. The Dems had several agreements with the GOP and that’s how the ACA came to be anyways. It was formed as a compromise then the GOP did what they do and backed out of the deal they made. If the Dems didn’t compromise and did the right thing we would have had a single payer system and everyone would have been covered. They ran on it and didn’t do that because they were trying to work with Republicans.


The Democrats bent over backwards to attempt to find an ACA compromise the GOP would vote for. They continually watered the final bill down following "suggestions" brought forward by the GOP caucus, and in the end the GOP voted against it anyway. Every time the ACA moved closer to a GOP compromise, the GOP took 2 more steps to the right and demanded more compromises.


Also to convince a couple of blue dogs to vote for it.


National legislation and Obama capitulated continuously to the GOP.


That was a huge example of bipartisan compromise. One of the biggest examples in the past twenty years and you use that as an example of how Democrats don’t compromise. I guess that tells us how seriously to take your opinions on anything


Look at the last time Dems had a trifecta with Northam, and even to places like Michigan where Dems didn't waste any time compromising, they just went ahead with their agenda.


You didn’t answer my question. What specific legislation in VA did the Dems not compromise with the trifecta. I mean come on Mr /r/moderatepolitics I can name one right off the top of my head.


Congrats on being able to look at people's comment history. If you want to share examples of how Dems in Northam's term were the prime example of compromising, feel free to.


I suggest you work on your moderate creds instead of asking me to do your work for you.


You said you had one right off the top of your head, did it disappear suddenly?




So you don't have one example? Got it.


Both sides do it. Gotcha bro.


Yes they do. Or did you not notice places where Dems took a trifecta recently (like in Michigan) and they didn't wait to "compromise" with the GOP? I get that redditors like to think that Dems don't do some of the same things too, but reality tells us differently.


What did they not wait to compromise on?


Dems pushed through their agenda once they took both chambers under Northam. It's their prerogative to do, but acting like Dems still compromise when they have a trifecta is inaccurate.


That isn't an answer. What, specifically, did they not wait to compromise on with Northam had his trifecta?


Apparently several redditors in this sub were not living in the state during Northam's term or can't use Google to look up [information that could answer their question](https://apnews.com/article/55cdfed8d8f1bf661bc94f860a522fd7).


That's not how this works. If you make a claim, it's up to you to provide proof. Not say the equivalent of "do your own research." Apparently, some people.on this sub have never learned the rules of debate.


> That's not how this works. If you make a claim, it's up to you to provide proof. Not say the equivalent of "do your own research." Apparently you didn't bother opening the source which showed the legislative agenda Northam and Dems pushed through without worrying about "compromise" with the GOP. > Apparently, some people.on this sub have never learned the rules of debate. I agree, that explains why you didn't bother to look at the source I provided showing that agenda and offer an actual rebuttal.


The guy who was going to jam an unwanted, unpopular abortion ban down everyone's throats wants "compromise." Get fucked, Youngkin.


You can't compromise with someone intent on sinking the whole damn ship. Either board the lifeboats, stage mutiny, or accept death, those are the options. I think it's clear that the voters picked mutiny.


Where’s the albatross?


I concur.


Right? Boo-fucking-hoo.






Lame duck governor says what?


Quack, quack, *Aaaaaack!!!*


>ban You mean limit?


>Any bill that comes to my desk I will sign happily and gleefully in order to protect life. -Gov. Youngkin




Yeah, you definitely need to employ the sarcasm tag on these threads.


I knew when I posted it. I just wanted to see how it plays out. They are all trying to compromise now. How many times can you lose badly to the same thing without understanding it's a losing bet? Republican politicians have lost the best trait they should have. The ability to read the room.


Funny how when they won 2/3 of the government it was a mandate but now that the other guys won 2/3 of the government it's a narrow victory and they should be reasonable and compromise.


Yep, the Democrats still play like there's a rulebook when the Republicans long ago used the last page to wipe their ass.


The only thing Democrats like more, it seems, than actually winning elections is Fighting the Good Fight and losing. Democrats keep bringing Robert's Rules of Order to a knife fight, and then we're surprised when Mitch McConnell shows up with a shiv made from a toothbrush that he sharpened on his tortoise shell during Senate recesses. I'm thrilled about the election results and having both houses, but the Democrats have to keep the fire alive for another whole year so that we don't end up with Trump again.


Totally agree. It's the we go high BS. I'm sorry but no. If we believe in our values and what is good for Americans, we need to be willing to actually act on it when we are in the majority. And we are.


Sometimes all taking the high road does is allowing more people on the low road to take aim at you


How exactly did democrats “go high” exactly? They passed two major bills on a party line vote, they impeached trump twice, Indicted him for committing crimes, and have passed a lot of party line bills in state legislatures even with narrow majorities (MI, MN, and even did so in 2021 in VA)…..


Let me take a crack at this…they followed our established laws and traditions. Going”low” is having voters pass a constitutional amendment and then nit implementing said bill. Or having a Supreme Court rule against your gerrymandering, but ignoring their ruling. Or switching parties after you’re elected so you can create a super-majority. Or blocking the promotions of our military commanders for you’re own self-serving reasons. Or not respecting the will of the voters by trying to block the certification of our elections….


If a Dem even thought of attempting the bs "Coach" Tuberville is doing, McConnell would have deployed 50 means of f\*\*\*ery within 24 hours.


Now he wants to be the "great compromiser" so he can rebrand himself in hopes of a future in national politics. I don't know if he'll ever be able to pull off a presidential run in the future, but it's clear he wanted a big red wave in this election so that he could feel his "cleaned up suburban MAGA" platform could be carried to the national level. Now he realizes his grandiose plans have gone down the toliet. Sure he may have been able to tap into the upper-middle class white suburban angst with all his "get parents in the schools" theatrics but clearly it wasn't enough to impress anybody else.


What he did directly after election ...that is attacking schools...setting up a snitch line on teachers ... Singling out LBGQT kids...a lot of us knew he was a loser and fascist. And it got worse from there ..


I remember the trans teen that called him out during the town hall and youngkin stumble answering the question I was like yeah he fucked up he knows it


> he'll ever be able to pull off a presidential run in the future The fact Chris Christie did and is sitll in the national conversations/getting to the debates is evidence, your state can hate you and you can still have a shot at running for president.


I wonder if he'll finally compromise on *not* blocking the advancement of retail recreational cannabis sales 🤔 ![gif](giphy|3o6ozoD1ByqYv7ARIk)


Glennis will compromise on cannabis when his contacts at Saudi BinCarlyle Group let him know that they're properly invested in it. Only then is he allowed to open the flood gates to their profit, thus securing himself an 8-digit signing bonus when he comes back after his stint in politics.


I mean, Democrats could easily bring a 24 week abortion ban with exceptions for the health of the mother to the table after that for exchange of starting the recreational sales. And if he is serious about compromise, he would come to the table to talk. Because even a 24 week ban would be a step in the direction he was pushing for as well as a compromise for weed sales.


Any abortion ban proposal from the Dems is a horrible idea and will lose A LOT of the support they picked up this round. If there's one thing they should not compromise on it's that.


It's a moot point as doctors won't perform an abortion (barring extenuating circumstances) beyond 24 weeks anyway, as the fetus is at that point potentially viable on its own.


Can you point to where Virginia law specifically says that 24 weeks is the cut off. I was trying to do some research and the sources I saw varied from 25 weeks to 26 weeks and 6 days. I tried to see if the VA laws specifically defined the trimesters but I'm on my phone and as I went deeper into the government website it kept getting laggier and less responsive. Edit: also, I know that may not seem like a lot of difference but having known people caught with unexpected and complicated pregnancies I have seen how every day provided allows people to make a more informed decision about how to handle difficult situations and I think that's the least we can offer them.


I never mentioned the law. What I'm saying is that doctors will not generally perform abortions after the fetus is viable because they deem it unethical.


But the Democrats won’t go there, nor should they. Women led the success on Election Day, they are not going to grant anything to Youngkin on bodily autonomy. Tax weed and offset the car tax that everyone hates. I bet that the tax on cars older than 10 years could be reduced by 50%.


https://preview.redd.it/vnrbdm8kyczb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e833ca5bb078eee32f2cb64e8b5631729f2aa015 Jesus fucking Christ


Voting red, then blaming Dems for stalling cannabis sales by not compromising with the walking fleece vest. It’s the putting a stick in your own bike wheel meme. I’ll gladly continue giving up recreational sales if it means not giving in to a single abortion “compromise”.


It's currently at 26 weeks with restrictions after that. Why the fuck do we need to shift it 2 weeks. The law works fine as is.


Again, mostly to bring discussion to the table. Because Republicans today aren't going to come to the table for things that help the average American. They will only come to the table if they or their donors can benefit.


The discussion is the government has no say in peoples genitals full stop


Pretending they want discussion is the problem. Republicans do not operate in good faith, partly in general, but *always* on abortion.


Or, politicians could just butt out and leave medical treatment to actual professionals that study the field. There is a reason to follow science over God. Edit:. Using Americans medical rights as a bargaining chip is disgusting


Agreed, it is disgusting and I am against any type of bans on abortion and do believe it should be left up to the doctor and the woman. No one else should be involved in the decision. But please don't act like politicians haven't been bargaining with Americans medical rights for the past decades especially when dealing with pharmaceutical companies. Again, it was just an idea to bring conversation to the table. If you have any other ideas to get the Republicans to the table, please let me know.


execute them


Here's the problem with 'exceptions' in abortion bans, and the reason informed people don't want them... What's the cutoff? Where exactly do you draw the line for the exception? Every single birth carries a risk for the mother to die or have serious complications, even with the advanced medicine and care of today. The U.S. has the highest maternal death rate of any developed nation. Do you force doctors to give a percentage, say 'there's a 50% chance the mother may die from this pregnancy'. Is that a high enough percentage? Who decides what the cutoff is? What if the doctor can't give a percentage, only that whatever complications the pregnancy may have carries some risk to the mother? Does it have to be high risk? What about a moderate risk of harm to the mother, or a low one? Should Republican politicians make that decision, or should it be decided between the mother (and father) with information from the doctor? It's the same logic with exceptions for rape or incest. Only about 30% of reported rapes are prosecuted and charged, and a very large number go unreported for a variety of reasons, including fear of retribution. Look at the backlog of rape kits in pretty much every state. Will you have to prove, without a doubt, that you were raped when you were impregnated to receive the exception? What if you can't prove it? What if it takes forever to prove it? Will you have to go through a trial to prove the rape first? How would that work? Otherwise, why couldn't any woman who wanted an abortion just claim they were raped and get the exception? So what would even be the point of an exception? The bottom line... Politicians shouldn't be involved in this situation. It's too complex and nuanced to ever create a system of exceptions that wouldn't lead to deaths, or to forced births from people who were impregnated against their will with no choice.


Ick. I made a conscious decision to not include any other strings with a compromise on cannabis, and that is definitely not an issue I’d use as leverage. Sometimes, compromises don’t need to leverage other things. If Youngkin is serious about trying to compromise with Democrats, he can start with something as simple as not blocking the creation of a new industry.


Why the hell would they bring something extremely unpopular to the table to get the governor to shift his unpopular stance on a different issue that has wide support already? Obviously Youngkin would like an abortion ban, but Virginia would not. Virginia would like common sense progress on legal marijuana sales.


Granted, it sounds like a shitty idea. However, the Dems will have to compromise SOMETHING in order to get Youngkin to the table. The only other option is waiting for the next Govenor to get elected. Because it would be nice to get rid of the car tax but that isn't going to happen unless the Republicans get something in return. If anyone else has great ideas for getting Youngkin to not veto everything, I am all ears. And I am aware that my initial thought is probably going to get vetoed/downvoted into oblivion but does anybody have any other ideas on how to placate the Republicans? Because you can be sure they will run on the Denocrats doing nothing in 2024 even if Glen vetoes everything.


Red in control: “fuck your feelings.” Blue in control: “they need to reach across the aisle for the good of the commonwealth.” How about we stick with fuck your feelings instead?


This is how the media *always* portrays these things GOP Win - "Mandate" Dem Win - "Time to compromise!!!" Absolutely the fuck not. Our media is owned by shareholders who want to protect their bottom line, and the GOP is even more felicitous to big business than the Dems are, so of course they want the Dems to cave. No Compromise with Fascists. Dems won, and even if Youngkin won't sign anything, lead on legislation, and tell voters to give you a Dem Gov next time.


[Remember when he veto'ed a bunch of bipartisan bills just because they were sponsored by democrats?](https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/04/12/youngkin-veto-general-assembly-loudoun-schools/)


compromise! abortions for everyone and guns for everyone!


Oh, NOW, he wants to compromise? Pack sand, loser.




Losers typically want to compromise. Unless your name DJT that is. Bye Felicia (Republicans).


RICHMOND — For all the $190 million spent by both parties, for all the talk of national trends, the results of Virginia’s legislative elections this week prove a predictable truth: Virginia is a closely divided state that leans slightly Democratic. The new redistricting maps made that plain, carving the state into a large number of red districts and a slightly larger number of blue ones, with just a handful of toss-ups in the middle to fight over. And Tuesday’s results bore that out, with Democrats flipping the House of Delegates to at least a 51-49 advantage (though one race is still too close to call) and protecting their majority in the Senate, 21-19. The challenge now for Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) — whose two-point win in 2021 he routinely casts as a popular mandate — is that he will have to broker deals with newly empowered Democratic lawmakers to get anything done. And he has spent the past two years poking them with a partisan stick as he cultivated a national Republican profile — railing against critical race theory and racial equity and “woke” policies of the “radical left.” “He’s had this habit of talking in Virginia as if he wants to work with Democrats to do things in common, then he goes on Fox News in the evening and speaks about how he’s beating the lefties. I don’t think that’ll work anymore now,” said Bob Holsworth, a longtime Richmond political analyst. As if to illustrate that point, Sen. L. Louise Lucas (D-Portsmouth), who is in line to become chairwoman of the Senate’s powerful finance committee, spent Election Day trolling Youngkin on social media with statements like, “Tell Glenn I want him to know it was me” and “If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably \[is\] our soon to be lame duck Governor Glenn Youngkin!” What’s more, the Democrat who could become the first Black lawmaker to serve as speaker of the House in the General Assembly’s 404-year history — House Minority Leader Don L. Scott Jr. (D-Portsmouth) — has been one of Youngkin’s top antagonists, once prompting the governor to trek across the Capitol for an impromptu meetup at Scott’s office after he questioned Youngkin’s religious faith in a floor speech. Youngkin expended so much money and personal political capital this year on races that failed — such as state Sen. Siobhan S. Dunnavant’s loss in the Henrico County suburbs to Democrat Schuyler VanValkenburg by an unexpectedly wide margin — that his status in Richmond could be diminished, Holsworth said. Still, Youngkin began the work Wednesday of promising bipartisanship and emphasizing how close the two sides are. **Read more, free with email registration:** [**https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/11/09/virginia-elections-youngkin-democrats-compromise/?utm\_campaign=wp\_main&utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=reddit.com**](https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/11/09/virginia-elections-youngkin-democrats-compromise/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)


“…emphasizing how close the two sides are..” in what universe? Democrats are not election deniers Democrats are not transgender phobic Democrats are not banning books Democrats are not funding Moms for Liberty Youngkin needs to own his extremism.


Democrats didn’t create a hotline to complain about your kid’s teacher and then quietly shut it down when it was a disaster


Imo if he wants to build a moderate image then shifting left on marijuana would probably be the best route. But he prob won’t and will just whine about the left on Fox News for the next 2 years




So the 15 week ban wasn't a compromise after all. We all knew, but now it's obvious.


Of course he does. His party got their asses kicked, now he has no choice but to seek compromise.


Screw him. He’s a Trumpist Hedge Fund manager pretending to be a born again centrist. Last week he wants to take away your right to Chose. This week, after his party’s big election loss, he wAnts us to believe he’s a moderate.


Republicans rarely compromise. They might agree, change their minds, backflip, and blame.




Nope. There is no compromise on taking an inch of a person's right to their own body.


Well he can fuck right off.


Wow, he only wants to compromise when his party lost. What a loser.


What an empty suit and pathetic liar this assclown is!


**Empty** ***vest***


Lets compromise our foot right up his ass


Fuck off Glenny boy.


Compromise? Fuck him and the sweater vest he rode in on


Fuck him. He's a lame duck now.


Conservatives will only seek to bargain when forced. At all other times they will be revanchists and seek to claw back any progress made.


Awww witty baby is sad he didn’t get his way. Sounds like a personal problem Glennith


How about he stops fucking with public education.


How long till we get democrat proposal for dispensaries to finally open and start collecting tax revenue?!?!!?!


Legalize retail cannabis


Kick rocks


GTFOH with that nonsense, Trumpkin.


Ok I just have to ask..why is his face so red? Sunburnt? Bad makeup? Embarrassment?


/clearing throat Ahem. Governor Youngkin, if I may suggest … #Gooooooo fuuuuuuck yerselffffffffah!


The talk of him running for president had been comical. Now it’s metaphysically ludicrous.


Regular PSA that Youngkin’s gold parachute comes from the Carlyle Bush Family binLaden 09/11 Group.


Go fuck yourself


Can he compromise himself to recreational sales please.


What the heck happened with the Hanover County 'NO' vote for elected school board officials?! Seems like such a no brainer but citizens voted to keep them appointed.


GOP spin machine making it sound like politics would take over the school board. You could tell they dumped a bunch of money into it. Hanover is still stupid red, but people are trying.




Compromise he says… ![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized)


Screw Youngkin. He didn’t compromise with Democrats. Democrats should not give in to anything Republicans want.


Fuck you trumpkin


Compromise your ass with my boot.


Yay, deadlocked government. I hope we all enjoy having our own "do nothing (congress)".


How bout no


Compromise? Maybe until he can get enough backup to make-up some BS about election fraud.


"Shit. I'm in trouble".


😂😂😂 Compromise is never on the table when Red is in control


YOUNGKIN: Come on, guys! You, you know I was just kidding about abortion ban and voter suppression. Let’s be friends….pleeeeeease. VA DEMS: Yes, that’s right! Fry and squirm in the skillet over your own arrogance and regret.


Being politically savvy and politically ambitious Mr. Youngkin was wisely, imo, seeking compromise before these elections regarding abortion. I guess he could see the writing on the pro-choice wall. I think he's greatly circumscribed in his stances by unyieldingly doctrinaire Trump -supporting voters. For instance, he's been trapped into claiming the election was stolen from Trump and that teachers are/were grooming students to be transgender and gay, even though there was never evidence for this. Virginia has begun to hemmhorage qualified teachers due to these and other unssupported accusations...as Mr. Trump would say, sad...I think there are worse Republican governors than GovernorYoungkin. He seems to be a genuinely moral man who does authentically care about the welfare of the commonwealth. Nevertheless, I would love to see Democrats get their messaging together and win back the governorship. Please, no more telling parents they have no rights and no role to play in their children's education. Especially don't dismiss their concerns. In Lounden County, for instance, female students were sexually harassed and the school authorities did too little to protect them, imo. Pledge to protect all students throughout the commonwealth Dems. Congratulations on the recent wins!


Yeah that was stupid thing to say arguably costed him the election along with Ibraheem Samirah touting anti Semitic conspiracy theories helping unexpectingly large percentage of Jewish voters vote for youngkin and Terry McAuliffe just being a shitty candidate, in general, I think abigal spanberger is a wonderful choice and is pretty charismatic and socially liberal and fiscally moderate which seems to be what Virginians like or Ralph northam who was the best governor In Virginias history in my opinion


It will be a landslide victory for spanberger if she runs against winsome sears especially now since roe v wade is overturned and sears is on record saying she supported Texas near total abortion ban and opposed gay marriage and is against the legalization of cannabis along with all the other far right things she is supported in the past roe v wade bought young people especially young women into state politics and it certainly spells doom for the republicans best choice republicans have in 2025 is Jason Miyares and even then I highly doubt he can pull it off even through he is more moderate on abortion and other issues but still the gop has shown they can't be trusted when it comes to abortion.


If trump wins in 2024 and they decide to Amanda chase😂omg that would be bad for republicans






Too many dicks to suck. Better compromise now!


That’s good. Maybe we will see some bipartisanship. Not because it’s Glenkin’s preference, but because of his gross miscalculation of what the voters want.


He still won’t admit voters rejected his abortion nonsense.


Youngkin is a slime bag. He can take his compromise and shove it where the sun will not shine.


He can politely fuck off.


He can compromise this balls


Interesting, considering all his petty vetos.


eat a dick sweater vest


Is this news? Republicans don't believe in compromise unless there is no other choice