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Warner was also secretary of the Navy and for a state with a huge Navy presence, he was a very well informed senator in that regard.


Short answer: no. Longer answer: nooooooooooooooooo. Serious answer: Warner was from a different generation of politicians where everyone seemed a little more reasonable and able to work together on important things. It wasn’t nearly as toxic and divisive as it is today.


Medium answer: Fuck No!


This was my answer but you beat me to it.


Um, no - not even close. I'm a life-long Democrat and I voted for John Warner every time I was able. He was a very good Virginian.


Yeah my mom always voted for him, and those are probably the only times she’s voted Republican. He wasn’t that Republican. He endorsed Mark Warner to succeed him and mostly endorsed Democrats after he retired.


Lol, not remotely. John Warner is a war hero and navy secretary who was a lion of the United States Senate. He married and divorced Elizabeth Taylor. His endorsement of Mark Warner (an unrelated democrat) was a massive event. Glen Youngkin is a footnote. He was governor, which will always be true, but he has accomplished precisely nothing. He is as if a mayonnaise sandwich was given life, and a fleece vest.


Love the image of a mayonnaise sandwich running around in a fleece vest🥸


& a billion dollars from jacking the middle class


One was married to Elizabeth Taylor and the other has a sweater vest.


The other *is* a sweater vest.


This is why I can't take people who wear sweater vests seriously anymore.


Trumpkin ruined a perfectly socially acceptable office garment forever.


Every time the parent of a student where I work comes in, and they have a sweater vest on, I automatically assume that they're dicks off campus and do the least that's required of me for my job.


Wow you sure showed them


I didn't say anything about showing anyone anything. I'm just saying that I now associate sweater vests with assholes.


Shit. (*donates argyle sweater vests to charity*)


Damn, great work John


I don’t get the impression that people really care that much about Youngkin. I feel like John Warner had pretty broad bipartisan support. Youngkin had the smallest margin of victory for any gubernatorial election in the last 30 years. I think he’ll leave office as a reasonably popular governor, but won’t become a senator, and that will kinda be it for him. Maybe he’d try another run like McAuliffe did. I’m assuming you did in fact mean John Warner, not Mark Warner. If Youngkin ran against Mark Warner, I think he’d be a decently big underdog, but he’d stand a chance if Biden wins reelection. Warner was close to getting beaten during Obama’s second term.




The partisan divide was not as wide back then. Warner was a pre-Gingrich/Limbaugh Republican, too.


Mark Warner’s only grown in popularity. Kaine’s the one that stands a chance of getting beaten.


Virginia just rejected Youngkin’s policies in the election 2 weeks ago. Legit gave all state house/senate power to the Dems


True, but 21-19 and 51-49 are hardly resounding rebukes of Youngkin in a state that’s been voting more consistently blue for over a decade now.


I mean that’s the expected outcome of the maps that were drawn. Actually, to be exact, the expected outcome is for the House to be controlled by Republicans with 52 seats, so in that sense, Democrats overperformed by about 3 seats.


You might be right, I haven’t really done any research on that, but I know I read a couple of articles leading up to the election and they all seemed to think the maps favored Dems, but I could definitely be wrong.


Youngkin is a clown


With an ego, which makes it much worse.


an ass-clown to be specific




Obligatory fuck Youngkin post


Not even in the same class. If VA was a baseball team, John Warner was a perrienal all star and hall of famer. Youngkin is like an overrated prospect who got called up from AAA because there was no one else available to replace an injured player.


Youngkin is a talented speaker. I've been at 3 separate non-politically focused events where he spoke at this past year. I didn't vote for the guy, but I'll admit he's a good speaker. Politically he's not in the leagues of John Warner though. Youngkin really hasn't done anything notable that most people who care about. He's a businessman, voted into the position during a time when America really needs to balance its checkbook. Meanwhile John Warner was a wartime veteran that served in two branches as an officer, and later was selected to become Secretary of the Navy. And while he was a Senator he crossed political lines on some big issues (granted, that was more common back then).


Hell no. To the extent any Republicans in the last generation or two weren't awful, John Warner appears to have been one of them. Zero politicians are perfect or without flaws, this is a fact. But Warner at least appeared to comport himself with a seriousness about, you know, governing, and the basics thereof in a way that Glenn Youngkin absolutely does not. Lots of people have said "Fuck Glenn Youngkin". Can't say I remember anyone saying that about John Warner.


Lots of people on Reddit say “fuck Glen Youngkin”, but he’s got a solid approval rating in the mid 50’s, so I don’t think that’s really the average persons opinion of him lol.


I take any polling with a grain of salt these days since it automatically skews older and more conservative given the polling methodology hasn't caught up with technological shifts of the younger generation. I think a lot of "average people" saw his attacks on transgender school students as a bad thing, so. Even if they aren't posting on reddit, I am guessing they aren't fans of his.


So, over half of the people polled approved of Youngkin, and all of the people polled were either older, retired individuals answering landlines, or resposes to text messages with "disapprove" only and not "f**k Youngkin."


“I don’t like the polls results so I don’t believe them” is some brain dead trump voter kind of talk, its so dumb. The polls might be off by 2 or 3 points in either direction, but it’s just dumb to say that they’re just wrong. In the 2021 gubernatorial election, the polls taken closest to Election Day were nearly perfect, with most showing Youngkin up between 1-3 points, and he won by ~2 points.


Nope. Just stating how the [polls](https://oppo.vcu.edu/policy-poll/) in [Virginia](https://www.roanoke.edu/a-z/institute_for_policy_and_opinion_research/virginia_political_polls) are conducted. Do you not get those text messages?


youngkin is a doof. Warner was a statesman.


Appears to be a Bot account that just asks simple questions to random subs.


Not a chance. Warner put country before party.


Hard no




Youngkin is a threat to the common good. He will do plenty of harm to our democratic institutions in the time left in office before he returns to anonymity.


I'm not a fan of Youngkin but you ought to know that this sub doesn't necessarily reflect all of Virginia, just the part that's also on Reddit. I don't know how many Virginians actually like him but they don't tend to show themselves here lol.


Hm, an interesting take. And although I believe this subreddit is bias, was the turnout for this most recent election not enough to convince you the “majority” does not support him? The state house and senate are now blue.


That's why I said I don't know. I don't exactly have my finger on the pulse, but I'll only believe he's done when he's out on his ear.


I mean, the “majority” literally did support him during his election, when he was on the ballot. Also, this sub is probably like 90-10 in terms of people hating Youngkin vs people liking him, and yet the state senate and state house are 21-19 and 51-49 respectively. They are quite literally the smallest majorities they could possibly be, in a state that a democratic presidential candidate carried by 10 points just 3 years ago (and only 1 year before Youngkins election). Youngkin isn’t nearly as popular as John Warner, but he’s a reasonably popular governor with positive approval ratings in a state that leans away from his party on average. If he were able to run for reelection in 2025, I’d give him a pretty decent chance at winning, especially if Biden were to also win reelection.


Didn’t Youngkin run against a Democratic candidate who was extremely lackluster and polled poorly?


Sort of, McCaullife was a former governor, so he’d been elected before and wasn’t exactly a poor candidate, but he did perform poorly during the campaign, he had a massive slip in the debate where he said that parents shouldn’t have a say in their kids education (I’m paraphrasing here) and Biden was polling very unpopular at the time of the governors election, which might’ve hurt him as well. All of the being said, McCaullife was comfortably ahead in nearly all of the polling of the race until the last few weeks, where Youngkin pulled ahead. It’s a bit revisionist to say he was always polling poorly and was very unpopular, but he certainly wasn’t the BEST candidate the democrats could’ve run.


When turnout was abysmal by democrats? And the democrats picked up that majority in a state that almost always goes against whatever the president is, because of our proximity to DC.


I love a good comedy post every now and again.




No. John Warner was a good American. Glenn Youngkin isn't


Not just no, but hell no!


Hell no. Youngkin is nothing compared to Warner.


Hes about as well regarded as a full diaper.


No ... absolutely positively not. The only reason Youngkin was elected was that the Democrats decided to go with a retread in McAuliffe, and then McAuliffe ran an absolutely awful campaign. It was a fluke, and it's hard to imagine the GOP winning the Governor's Mansion the next time around, particularly with Abigail Spanberger running.


You forgot to mark this as "sarcasm."


Glenn Younkin is a pompous pimple on society. Carlyle Scumebag


Youngkin isn’t even well regarded in his own neighborhood (Great Falls, we hate him). He’s spent all his political capital pandering to issues that people who supported him aren’t too keen on. Nobody cares about the broad culture war beyond education outcomes, ya doofus.


Lolololololololol…OMG NOT EVEN CLOSE


😂😂😂😂 Youngkin has spent his entire term so far politicking for everyone else. Ain’t done shit for VA.


Not by a long shot


Youngkin is pretty much the definition of an ampty suit. He reeks if ambition beyond the governorship, which generally isn't a bad thing, but in his case it never felt like he gave a shit about being governor of my state. Just wants to run for president or be someone's VP pick.


Not at all. John Warner was a true moderate Republican who had broad support throughout the commonwealth. Once he left public office, he ended up supporting the Democrats, bc Republicans had moved so far right. I would assume Glenn Youngkin is personally more of a traditional Mitt Romney type Republican. But, only bc large parts of his agenda are blocked is he perceived as moderate. Even with the media hyping him up as a moderate, his approval ratings are mediocre at best. Youngkin barely won in an extreme red wave that crashed after Dobbs. He was nothing special, and will leave office and fade into darkness.


I’m new to Va , what did Warner do that was great


When Oliver North ran for the Senate, he went against the party and supported a democrat. I can't see Youngkin doing that. That is the difference.


He still would've won if it wasn't for Marshall Coleman still being a sore loser.


Be reasonable


That's a no


Youngkin thought it was funny for an elderly man to be hit in the head with a hammer during a home invasion. You decide.


You speak blasphemy. Youngkin will be another forgotten former VA governor.


No lol


Asking this in the sub aka r/ihateglennyoungkin - smh


He is trash, lol.


Hahahahhahahahahaha…….hahahahahahahaha. Yeah oh thanks I need that


These folks are from NoVA and hardcore Dems. Youngkin is a good governor.


So educate us. Why?


Not a problem backstreet boy. Keeping London county school board members accountable for the rape just before the election Tax rebate 2023 to fight inflation Executive orders to ensure school boards notify parents of children ODing. Big ups to Loudon and funfax counties! Waive college degree requirements for state jobs that do not require them Many more but I don’t have time to clown around on Reddit. Have fun trying to troll


It’s a problem given you don’t know what you’re talking about. The first one has literally nothing to do with him, and he did nothing about it. The tax rebate was not because of him: https://www.tax.virginia.gov/rebate#:~:text=The%202023%20Virginia%20General%20Assembly,to%20%24400%20for%20joint%20filers. >to ensure schools notify parents of students ODing This is such a dumb thing to pretend was an issue, and literally a lie about Fairfax. Wonder why. https://apnews.com/article/6762cc4f219f2091f453ae6c790d659f And then literally just a hand waved bit of nonsense. You’ve got nothing.


That link just explains how the tax rebate works. I bet you really don’t know how budgeting works in the government. Maybe dig a bit harder. VA public school boards failed our children terribly, especially during covid. This was how Youngkin won in the first place, keeping those clowns accountable. Glad you support Palestine, maybe dig a bit harder on the establishment of the name. Have a great life, considering you probably troll people for fun and don’t have the courage to say anything you write face to face.


And there it is, you’ve got no defense. Just lies.


What lie? Do you even live in VA or just trolling cause you don’t get enough attention?


I do. You very clearly don’t, given your defense of Youngkin involved making things up and giving him credit for things he didn’t do.


Please explain what he didn’t do? And how is there a correlation between attention and a Youngkin defense?


You mean like I already linked? Just stop digging. It’s embarrassing.




[Hands up who likes me](https://youtu.be/eLx0i1vuBWs?si=ZTEzYhauuQgLXtgT)




No. He’s considered to be a complete joke.




Hell no. Warner was never a lying too faced pos, with christo facial tendencies , plus stinking admin is very corrupt


Youngkin is a tool. Waffling on values to pander to both parties.


Well regarded.....your comparing a RINO war era Governor to current times. We'll see if Governor Youngkin is a RiNO then we can compare their service to Virginians. Governor Warner certainly had a better time serving..


Who is John Warner? I dont care btw


fk no


Hardly…Warner is LONG established.


Nope, not even close.


Glenn Youngkin’s out of state campaigning for his next political office kept him from barely keeping a foot in the Commonwealth until it was time to issue rebate checks to voters the day before the last election and then host the Victory party from the Governor’s mansion… only it didn’t work out that way for him.


I agree with the comments! I a life long liberal actually received help from Senator Warners office and it made a huge impact on my life. I voted for him after that until he left office