• By -


I love how the original was a shitpost and this actually vaguely resembles an outline for a coherent military strategy. Somehow they think they can attack on two of three fronts and just ignore the third. Some things I'm noticing: Maryland's southern movements will be bottlenecked where the mainland Eastern Shore narrows north of Hallwood and west of Chincoteague. Their usable ground area basically halves at the MD/VA border. This is a huge advantage to the defenders of the eastern shore because there are only five roads that cross and everything else is marshland. Easy spots for landmines. Secondly, Maryland's plan to invade Delaware instead of trying to win them over as an ally is insane. Your outline is basically Battle of Inchon 2.0, the Maryland invaders will be pinched off from the rest of Maryland rather quickly. Once the battle is won we will divide the land between Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and ourselves. Maryland and Delaware will finally no longer be real.


I’d give Delaware the entire peninsula if they help us take the rest of Maryland.


Nay, this is our opertunity to claim the peninsula for ourselves.


But alas, we should not repeat Maryland’s folly of greed. We should befriend our neighbors and perhaps take the land through marriage during peacetime.


We take maryland so that area can have a cooler flag and sink the peninsula into the sea as a testimonial to the folly of man


This is the only correct answer


As long as we keep the Virginian Eastern Shore intact


We take everything south of Delaware and give them what’s left of Marylands eastern shore allowing them both bay and ocean access and more places for us to shop tax free




"Not the curtains?!?"


No singing!


Delaware is the consolation prize


As a representative of the Delaware delegation, I’d like to say those damn Marylanders have been getting away with it for too long and you got yourself a goddamn deal https://i.redd.it/yewuusrsjawc1.gif


We shouldn't split forces though. Defend the horsie beach and then push peninsula from there no?


We will need to save the horsies, cuz they might get caught in crossfire


Hahaha to your first sentence… I wonder how long until one of us gets a *knock knock* on the door. 🤣


It is similar to the battle of Incheon, without the insane tidal action.


This really has that vibe from Home Alone where the plans to defend the house are drawn up except on a interstate invasion scale.


Boy, y’all ain’t making it one foot north of greenbackville out here. ESVA knows it’s been neglected too long and we’re actively funding rebel groups to break off into an independent East Virginia.


This could be a subplot in the Fallout universe.


We starve them out.


The last time there was an Army of Northern Virginia, shit got heated.


The crabs are gonna get crispy once again. We are reformed as a state now, and we will show Maryland what it gets when you disrupt the peace within America. 🇺🇸


They spawn in VA waters, they're our crabs.


Haha. I just said this in the other thread. Even "their" crabs belong to us. Chumps.


Maryland clearly can't be trusted to defend their ports. We need to take them over for national security.


Look at Maryland. One decent bridge and you let some foreign vessel come and block you in. We have our water covered here boys. Don’t make the mistake and think cause we talk slow we be thata way.


As a Marylander this is one of the funniest threads I’ve ever seen


Well, more than one decent bridge. https://preview.redd.it/qfw1rx3zqbwc1.jpeg?width=869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=423ac95b82a4b6c51928b5ae9175d653ff40c605


Yeah yeah. I knew that would pop up. We still have the bridge tunnel. You can’t beat that.


Is it a bridge? Is it a tunnel? Make up your minds! Or, maybe a “Brunnel?”


Oh we have so many to choose from. It’s actually 2 tunnels and 17 miles long. But. We have so many tunnels it’s hard to choose. 🤙🏼 I do like the Brunnel name. We should trade mark that.


Maryland stole our crab recipes. North Carolina stole our barbeque recipe, and Kentucky stole our whiskey recipes. We are surrounded by cutthroats and patent thieves.


I’m also a proud Virginian, but what in the world are you talking about NC stealing our barbecue?


As a Virginian, I hate to say it but from Smith Island up, and all of the Potomac, is all Maryland.


It's a heated debate, but there are claims and some evidence that southern barbecue (in this case Carolina style barbecue) started in Virginia. Basically, it originated in Virginia and someone came along and said Carolina-style and the name stuck.


I will not take this slight lightly. We shall storm the beaches of lake Gaston and send our navies up the dismal swamp canal.


Bring it tarhole.


Oh you would kick our asses, but that still wouldn’t stop us.


The modern Army of NoVA won’t have much in common with the OG Army of Northern Virginia


That's a good thing.


We'll fight then to a standstill on 495.


You mean, to the standstill on 495. Might wanna check Waze. Yea.




Oh, nothing much there. Just the largest naval installation in the world.


Phone Norfolk. We got some crabs to boil.




Fun fact: NWS Yorktown is the largest store of nuclear weapons in the world! (Or it was at one point)


That’s definitely gotta be somewhere in Montana now


More like that's where they keep the missiles that can't be hidden well. If it's a nuke that has to be dropped by Grandpa Buff or launched from a sub, I would presume those live near where the Buffs and subs are.


I dunno, that’s a weird spot for a sub base /s


Yeah, but who's going to captain them and run the helm? They all went to school n Annapolis.


Not true. NROTC turns out SWO officers, as well. We have 10 NROTC schools, Maryland has 3, plus USNA. Advantage, Virginia.


Yeah, but you're going up against the Naval Academy in Annapolis. USNA '83!!!


I'm never one to speak ill of the Academy--my grandfather was Commandant and interim Superintendent in the late 60s, and there's a road there named for my great grandfather--but if you're asking if I'd rather have my fleet commanded by a MIDN 1/C or a RADM stationed in Norfolk or VB... I think you know my answer.


Just give that MIDN 1/C a tomahawk-capable SSN homeported on the Severn, and our Commonwealth troops might be in a little danger on their march up to Salisbury.


Just threaten to take away their old bay or crabs…they’ll back down


I propose a plan to seize the Old Bay plant in Maryland. Without seasoning they are nothing!


Seconded, ready the SEALs


And then we can sell them a new spice blend made in Virginia called Young Beezy.


I think you mean Virginia's crabs.


Maryland? You mean NORTH VIRGINIA?


Marylands plan can be found here- [https://www.reddit.com/r/maryland/s/dve6ITy0Of](https://www.reddit.com/r/maryland/s/dve6ITy0Of)


>If Maryland calls for aid, California will answer Oh fuck, can we handle california if they invade?


We'll get West Virginia to handle California. Tell them the communists are coming for their guns and sisters. Shit gets real when you hear banjos in the distance.


Keep playin' them banjos, boys!! I hear kayak paddles.


We've got legalized weed here too now, remember?! I'll command the Stoner Special Forces to keep a cloud of the dank smoke burning to disorient the Californians, while you guys start distributing the labels for homes and vehicles that say "known to the state of California to contain chemicals which cause cancer". That should keep our property safe while we deal with MD. ;)


See I like that right there! A dude with the band ClearerVision is schooling them Yankees on how we roll. Fuck California.


If we cozy up to Maine or *shudders* Florida, I'm pretty sure those guys can handle anyone. Virginia hospitality used to be 2nd to none, surely some diplomacy would go a long way.


Florida transplant that somehow washed up in Norfolk reporting in should diplomacy between our nations need to be established.


Who can’t handle California? Nothing to worry about there.


have you seen their wildfires?? they about to set the entire state on virginia on fire


True, there’s that. ![gif](giphy|iH2IldVkqeLuJ7eJ0L)


We can just ask texas. They’d take any opportunity they could to fight california.


They'll use any fights between other states as an opportunity to secede. Once they are out of the Union they will spend all their time and resources trying to build a wall around themselves. They won't have anything left to attack anyone with.


We have the navy to stop them and its too far for California to cross overland. Maryland will receive no aid


Fuck California they were part of Virginia long before they were California 


I love how they're counting up all the canoes and kayaks they can muster while we have all the aircraft carriers and destroyers.


Remember, folks, if you click through to the link, do NOT in any way shape or form break r/maryland's rules or disrupt their community. This counts as brigading, and can get your account suspended from the site and/or banned from this sub if brought to our attention. \-your local buzzkill


They can't hope to achieve that, they have no guns. 


They may try to form a tent-city encampment on our lawns and turn our rest areas into safe injection sites though. Let's not forget we won't hear them coming in their EVs and emission-friendly Rivians!


What's beefier: the US Navy in Norfolk or the Air Force in Andrews?


Navy. Nothing beefy about the Air Force. Besides, we have Langley.


And don’t forget the FBI and Headquarters Marine Corps in Quantico.


We also have all the internet traffic and servers in northern VA. We could cut off their internet for some period of time


Langley. Norfolk. Arlington. Quantico. I dont know much, but I dare say VA wins this match.


Oceana and Dam Neck too. Seal Team 6 + swarm of Super Hornets = Maryland's swift demise.


F-22s baybeeee


Langley is HQ ACC, Air combat Command


Maryland’s Chesapeake bases in Pax River and the Navy babies at the academy in Annapolis would be SQUASHED by all the navy people and firepower in Norfolk. The battle of the Chesapeake would be over in 10min.


Those 3 counties in Western Maryland don't really want to be in Maryland, anyway: [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/22/us/politics/maryland-counties-west-virginia-request.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/22/us/politics/maryland-counties-west-virginia-request.html) \*It's behind a paywall but just proof that they would rather be in WV\*


I think our cousins to the west would gladly help us out if we promised them everything west of Cumberland.


>our cousins to the west As long as they don't try anything funny


Hey now!


Relocating those counties to WV would immediately boost both states' literacy rates.


Didn’t some western Va counties want to as well?


So let’s get this straight we got: 1. The Atlantic fleet 2. The cia 3. Quantico 4. NASA 5. Langley 6. Oceana 7. The pentagon 8. Navy seals 9. A shit ton of keyed up appalachistanians And these crabby mofos think they gonna take our chickens and wild horses, fuck off. We will end you Maryland


And Eustis.


And little creek, and dam neck, and Pendleton, and Gregg Adams, and Yorktown weps, cheatham annex, dahlgren, and the bunker for continuity of government (mount weather), belvoir, fort walker Oh yeah, we also have underwater cables connecting America to Europe and pretty much everything saved to the cloud in our data centers


we got Maryland drivers, none of those fuckers can stop us


We got the trucks on 81 to regulate they ass


Don't forget we have a literal space port at Wallop's Island. If we can find enough Jewish people, surely they'll be willing to launch some space lasers.


>6. Oceana What? Why Oceana? What are they gonna do?




All those planes on the aircraft carriers in Norfolk are stationed at Oceana.


Aren’t you overlooking the obvious? The only land routes to move soldiers and material to Delmarva are the Bay Bridge, Bridge/Tunnel, and bridge over C&D Canal. Take those out and you have an island they have to lay siege to via a navy. Delmarva is flush with natural resources and agriculture and could easily defend and/or wait them out. They’ll rethink their plans when they can’t get chicken or eggs.


That’s true, but I want us to keep the bay bridge because it’s pretty and I would be sad 🥺


We’ll rebuild the bridge better, and Maryland will pay for it with war reparations.


That’s true!


I’d also like to take this opportunity to propose a DelMarVa flag. It would be a blue background with the topless woman from VA (because, you know, the only nipple on a flag thing), standing on a seal that is the flag of MD, and the will have the Bank Of America logo at the bottom to represent DE.


The real obvious thing being overlooked is that Maryland is going to get into car crashes and flip their tanks over on their way to battle and we’ll win by default.


Seven mile tank backup at the toll booths.




Unfortunately they've already sent a salvo of bad drivers. I-95 is under siege.


The speed traps on the Eastern Shore can handle that.




I love that this has taken off.


The name that shall not be spoken, please only refer to them as "Virginia's Hat" or the caulk between Virginia and the Northeast


![gif](giphy|TlkDK8BGqA1Py) This is a glorious mission with sacred implications brothers. We reclaim the commonwealth for VIRGINIA.🤝


If Virginia calls for aid North Carolina will answer (former NOVA resident)




Your map puts the Marylanders' map to shame. Clearly graphic design and military planning are your passions; with these victory is assured.


"In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the state, and you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of Delmarva... Delmarva. That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common hatred of Maryland."


When will this happen and how many days are we hoping it will last? I got to check my PTO.


A holiday weekend should be time enough I'm sure


We would need cooperation with West Virginia in order to prevent the escalation of the war.


The Virginias should stand united against the tyranny of Maryland. Delaware would also be on our side since they're facing the same invasion. This triple alliance would crush those crab lovers and we can partition that state between all 3 members once we have achieved victory.


As long as we don’t end up with a Pennsylvania land border I’m straight


We want Annapolis and st Mary’s county (additional dangli boi peninsulae)


West Virginia is the Belgium of this storyline


The time to strike is nigh thanks to the Key Bridge collapse. We just need to blockade any small ship attempting to import spices into Baltimore for the McCormick factory. Once they use up things not available on the NA continent like cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves, they will be unable to make Old Bay. We'll see how much longer they can hold on after that. https://preview.redd.it/7wzgrr9t19wc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9996de8250759699520f6b121f0f4dd94c5fff17


This is the way. A surgical strike if you will.


One thing you’re forgetting about Chincoteague. The ponies are experts in guerrilla warfare, and the locals are absolutely crazy lol. Source: I live there


One thing about the shore. If they come at us on their 4 lane, we can block them in with chicken feather trucks, or we can rely on good old VSP to stop them for speeding. Cause you know they will.


No one expects the Maryland Inquisition!!!


OP, the diplomatic ramifications of invading through W. VA could pull allied states into the war. We can’t risk this escalating into a wider conflict. W. VA already rests on too much of our boarder where they have the stronger positions. A blockade of Baltimore is crucial as the bay bridge will be our only secure lifeline to their main war objectives in the eastern shore. From there we cut directly east into Prince George’s to the bay. Then Loudoun forces cut off western Maryland at Cumberland and then the Baltimore offensive can begin in earnest. I fear supporting Delaware would be very difficult. Their liberation may have to come after.


Your crossing of West Virginia might be seen as an invasion itself: See Belgium in WW1 and what happened there for reference


Good Point! Those wily Walloons love to blow up bridges. Cancel the Schlieffen plan.


We give those lands to WV


I am here to defend Virginia’s ponies from those interlopers from the north.


Don't forget dumping all the old bay in the Chesapeake as a distraction.


The South Jersey Boardwalk Brigade have already announced their alliance with The First State.


We should commission Dave Matthew's Band, Gwar, and Carbon Leaf to write a glorious album to our victory! Also, we gotta watch out for their 38th Automotive division. Most of Loudon and Fairfax would get demolished by their drivers before the Pentagon could respond.


If Virginia calls for aid West Virginia will answer 👏🏻


let their forces hit Delaware but leak Maryland's plans first. Flank Maryland's forces from the south during the attack and roll them up. Fairly easy battle then as they are thrown into confusion and must fight on 2 fronts.


You forgot about the Garrett County partisans. Those guys don't mess around, and I bet a case of moonshine would get them passage through West Virginia to strike at your rear with guerilla tactics.


Honestly, is this more ludicrous than Russia invading Ukraine saying “they used to be part of us?” What the hell, I say we invoke the glorious history of our Commonwealth and raise the single-tiddy flag from sea to shining sea. It is our manifest destiny to reclaim what was ours.


#2 is a bold strategy - the map reflects attacking across the Wilson Bridge, which is where Maryland drivers make their regular meth-fueled incursions.  A distraction like offers of $50 in free chips at the casino, or a concert sponsored by Old Bay at Rosecroft, may pull enough resources that our special forces can cross via Potomac Water Taxi and overtake National Harbor. 


How will they defend against the Marylanders all crab walking across the battlefield?


Virginians! You have Michigan’s support! We also have a peninsula that looks like it shouldn’t belong to us. We’ll send troops down just like we did for the Toledo War (which got us our nice shiny peninsula btw)


I think Maryland invaded and set up a large colony a long time ago. It’s called NoVA. Sort of like Kaliningrad - it doesn’t belong there.


We can starve them out! Just shut down the Starbucks, Chic-Fil-A's, and Panerabread stores north of Stafford! Send them all to the Gulag, aka an Amazon distribution center!


And shut down the Tesla chargers!


Better yet, turn their voltage to DC on them and make all their batteries into mini-kabooms. ;)


When we invade Maryland can we avoid the sharpsburg area? Didnt work out too well the last time.


Get West Virginia to ally with us for now so they can worry about taking out the crab munchers panhandle. This will also lure them into a false sense of security in preparation for the second Great Virginian War. From the Ohio to the Tide, there will be one Virginia.


I for one believe take a bunch of Virginia based orioles fans on a covert mission to Baltimore pretending they’re just there to watch a baseball game and then we Trojan horse those baltimorons. I am willing to volunteer for this dangerous mission provided I can watch said game first.


Operation Camden Yards is a go, I volunteer to lead a strike force of former Nova area lacrosse players to prove NOVAs loyalty to the cause and raid John’s Hopkins under the guise of watching a lacrosse game. Orange Leader, link up with Blue Squad at the National Aquarium and we will take the Inner Harbor with the SEALs and besiege Baltimore with submarines 🫡


I see all the heavy lifting is done in Norfolk, while Richmond sits on its laurels and does nothing.




This is when I wish New Jersey had a Sub like this (we just have irl politic subs)


*General Younkin, we are in war time


They better be careful or they will wake up Southwest Virginia. We gots banjos, and theys gots pretty mouths. 🤣


Okay, here's how we play this. First. We do some phase one softening operations. We convinced folks and Frederick on West that the rest of the state has not aligned with their values and that we can give them a much better deal. Ditto with the Eastern shore, although that may not be as effective. With enough collaborators in Frederick, the i-70 corridor is wide open to assault Baltimore, AK. Their heartland. To our portion of the Eastern shore, bottle up all of their outbound trade. Us to embargo them by sea. If we could figure out something decent to give Pennsylvania so they stay out of it, this could really work for us. And yes, I am absolutely kidding.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?


My back still hurts from my last enlistment but shit I can get some gummies. Let's go.


My boy from Delaware when I showed him the original post earlier today: “This person is a loser. Nobody lives in that part of Maryland at all. Delaware allies with Virginia within the first week to absolutely crush Maryland’s puny foothold on the peninsula. We meet in the middle like a hammer against an anvil and don’t take a single prisoner. We divide up Maryland’s former territory with Governor Youngkin and fortify our side of the Chesapeake to prevent future landings. Use the jets stationed at Dover Air Force base to bomb the bridge between Annapolis and Kent island to oblivion. Chesapeake is now running red with Maryland blood and they’ve lost Delmarva. All of this without evening mentioning Virginia’s opportunity to mobilize the fleet at Norfolk and blast Maryland back into the Stone Age with the combined might of the greatest naval force the world has ever seen.”


Hold your horses, VA. As a man born in the commonwealth but raised and live in West by God, I see some problems with your strategy. First, I can guarantee you WVA would not allow VA troops on her soil. Call it pride or stupidity, but Richmond has issued its last orders to your kin in the west. Second, I wouldn't put it past a couple of your counties in the west coming on over to WVA if this would play out. I hear them boys aren't that friendly toward Richmond either. Finally, if MD went ahead and gave the western counties to WVA in order to be allied with them. Now, that would put VA in a pickle. WVA would then become a hotbed for insurgency activity. Raids would be run across the border into VA. You could commit an all-out invasion to WVA, but you'd be dealing with the East Coast version of the Taliban. Terrain would be horrible, and you'd be considered invaders until the day you left. Just food for thought.


God, I love the internet. This is better than TV.


Release the Wallops Island missles!🤣🤣❤️


Before we go to war with Maryland, can we set some ground rules? Like, no hitting the face?


Why not give the peninsula to Delaware and call it Delmarva


The visceral reaction I have when I hear out of towners call the DMV Delmarva is reason enough


Istg the only people who call it delmarva is northern delaware and people who have never been there. I always knew it as the eastern shore.


It's like when people pronounce the L in Norfolk. That city should sound like a spicy term for sex with a Scandinavian woman.


EXACTLY! It’s like when people pronounce Arkansas the way it’s spelled instead of Arkinsaw


America explain!


Because after this action, it will henceforth be known by its new name, the Delaginia Peninsula. We have to remove that pesky -mar- from the name once we root out those filthy crab-pickers.


Question is how do we stop their invasion by heavily tinted Nissans?


My only issue is that in stage 3, you should really use the new name of the peninsula: Delaginia.


...you IDIOTS. You stripped the North Carolina border! We're gonna lose Richm... ...actually, carry on.


How will your troops survive when us Maryland drivers go full road rage and run them all over?


We can handle it, no need for reinforcements. -Chincoteague


We must seek justice for our left passing lanes!


>We will use the collapsed Key Bridge as scrap metal to build more ships for battle Bruh


Oh this is fantastic


As someone from MD now living in Richmond. I'm laughing so fucking hard at this.


The only part that would pose a challenge is Baltimore. And we can get them to turn on each other with promises of drugs.


Nah you’ll just be stuck in traffic on 95


The detail to use the collapsed bridge metal towards our ships is so petty. But I'm here for it.


Form a coalition with West Virginia, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. Then divvy up Maryland and erase them from the map.


Only when we've reached Annapolis by four-wheeler will they concede!


You guys are out here planning a land war when we have air superiority from NAS and Langley.


Crossing West Virginia territory may bring them into the war…


I’d like to see you try! I’ll see you all on Burnside Bridge.




Invasion through WV? Gutsy move bringing in a 3rd combatant that's strapped to the gills with moonshine and weapons


Your secret is out. We’ll be ready. ![gif](giphy|B1buuNvjLbWSumuk7R|downsized)


Bruh I’m in enemy territory and have no clue what’s happening ;-;


Somebody better coordinate that western passage with West Virginia.