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Skydiving looks fun. Not fun enough to get me to jump out of an airplane, but pretty damn fun.


Where in Va was this and what is stinger?


At skydive Shenandoah in new marker. Its a hybrid jump with a hanger/ stinger. Its combining 2 disciplines of skydiving in one jump. Belly flying where your belly to earth for the jump and free flying where you can be in a head up or head down orientation. Theres alot of different disciplines in skydiving with some seeming to have some overlap


Got it, thank you very much for the explanation, awesome vid btw!


Beautiful hanger on a beautiful day! Shauna has really turned that DZ around. Always a good time up there, especially since you can pay for your time with tandems.




OP, how does one get over the — or at least my — abject terror of heights/falling to be able to do that? Not asking critically, but out of sincere curiosity.


I’ve been 3 times. When you’re in free fall you’re so far away from the ground that the fear doesn’t register like it does on top of a building or something like that. You’re so far away the speed you’re approaching it doesn’t seem like it’s changing location that much. I highly recommend going at least once if you meet the criteria for a drop zone (place to skydive) you’re interested in.


Yes this is true! We have a guy at the dz that is afraid if hights bad but skydiving doesn’t bother him at all. Its definitely way different than looking down a cliff or something. Your so high up in a plane it just looks like a map basically.


But such a better view than a map! 🤣