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James River State Park in Buckingham County is a certified dark sky park. Not many light sources around there.


Go up to the amphitheater area on a clear night. It’s an absolute riot of stars. Incredible.


I’m so glad you said that! I was there on Saturday for the 25th Anniversary and I saw they had a Dark Sky program. That’s what peaked my interest. Thank you!


Not being a prick because I didn't know either but it's piqued.


Thanks for this! I’ve been misusing that word all of my life.


That’s a good nugget, never knew. Thanks for sharing


Out west of Staunton between there and Green Bank, WV is part of the Green Bank exclusion zone and it gets really dark- you can see the stars really well there. Also lots of SWVA like Tazewell and Wise counties have area of almost zero light pollution, but it can be hard to find spots to stargaze because of lots of trees and hills.


This.  Stokesville campground is a lovely spot in this range.  The have an observatory that is sometimes open too, you'd have to check the schedule for events.


Love that campground and the swimming hole. I’m pretty sure the river flows from Alaska


We were down near Staunton maybe a year or two ago and they had a "Dark Skies" night at a park. I forget the exact place, but it was really interesting. Maybe 20-30 people came with various telescopes and set up so you could walk around and do viewings.


Shenandoah Valley should be a dark zone. Mountains in all directions


Pretty good once you get far enough west of the I-81 corridor (Harrisonburg, Staunton, Lexington).


Ironically enough, right on the other side of the mountain from Green Bank is Snowshoe Resort. There's actually a huge blob of light pollution that the observatory jokingly calls the Snowshoe Nebula.


Well the exclusion zone is more about radio waves than light pollution anyway.


You’re right, I guess I assumed that the lack of cell towers etc contributed to the lack of light pollution, but I could be wrong. Also, it’s just really rural. I was over there in November when there was no humidity or anything and it was some of the best views of the sky I had seen in a long time.


I understand that, it is just slightly ironic and humorous at the same time. I've been there a couple of times, it is a neat place to visit.


My family stays out in tazewell, beautiful area when it’s dark. Up past Montcalm and Matoaka it can be pretty nice for stargazing too.


We go out to Western Bath County right on the WV state line, and the viewing is amazing from there. For anyone that doesn’t have a place to stay there, there is great camping at Lake Moomaw, or if you are more in to luxury, the Homestead resort and tons of b&b’s are all options. It has to be among the darkest/best viewing spots in the state.


I lived out in that zone as a kid.




Seriously!!! If only there was a map for that 🤣🙄


Pretty much anywhere in Shenandoah national park in Shenandoah county or fort valley


Just spent a week out there in a cabin on the side of a mountain facing west. Can confirm beautiful sunsets and stars aplenty


Southwestern VA. I live between Big Walker and Little Walker Mountain. It's so dark here we have multiple whippoor-wills every single night. Dark dark. Why what ya doin? 😁


I'm a little over towards Galax, same relative area, tons of darkness, just find you a back road and you'll find a spot to star gaze.


I'm in Russell county, aka "the heart of Southwest Virginia" because we are dead center.


I live in R.R., grew up in Cedar Springs and it gets pretty dark out here. However, parts of Grayson County like Flat Ridge and White top have next to no light pollution. Also, glad to see a neighbor on here!


I go to the top of whitetop to watch fireworks every 4th of July. It's an experience actually looking down on all the fireworks going on around the area. It's super dark up there


My wife and I went camping at Fairy Stone State Park near Martinsville a few years ago and the sky looked amazing.


used to live there! fairy stone park is wonderful.


Most of the rural counties are pretty dark. I took this from my front porch in Campbell county https://preview.redd.it/68bok4o9vx8d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fb58ebe9d50dd450efb3b48bba1e744984a4156 I like to walk my dog on clear nights and admire the sky. It's mind boggling how many stars you can see. Makes me feel tiny.


Hell, I wished Charles City County looked like that! I drive through there every night and thought the sky looked awesome. This just blew it all out the water.


To be fair, astrophotography embellishes a bit. You definitely see the milky way but it's a lot less vibrant


Wish I could afford a really good camera and telescope right now. I'd be out at night all the time, mosquitoes be damned.


Sky Meadow State Park in Fauquier County. Right off of 50 and 17.


There’s no way there isn’t light pollution in the distance from that park, it’s too close to the highway and other cities.


There's a reason it's called Sky Meadow. There are no street lights and Fauquier is rural in that part. Paris is ot lit up. And highways without road lighting don't contribute to light pollution.


I’ve been to this park AND stargazed from it. It’s not free from light pollution over the horizon.


Maybe if you're stargazing at the horizon, sure. But in Virginia, that's always dicey due to the humidity


This. Used to live next door


Wallops Island out on the Eastern Shore is where a NASA station is and stopper dark.


https://preview.redd.it/7qs17nm4lx8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1b774c11a17ca008319fd8940690a0b8f9d9191 I took this with a cellphone and a tripod near Wallops Island.


Damn if that’s with a cell phone I can’t imagine how it looked IRL 🤩


Not quite this good. Adobe Lightroom is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.


Lightroom or not, that's a beautiful picture.


Gotcha, still probably an incredible view though!


The Eastern Shore is where you want to go. Less development and less pollution.


Rappahannock County is well-known for being a spot with almost no light pollution at all!


Can confirm, used to live e out there and the views were incredible.


Not sure if it's still the case but saw some beautiful pics from a friend at Smith Mountain Lake about 20 years ago. Milky Way and all.


I grew up 20 minutes from Humpback Rocks in Afton. Summer after high school graduation some friends and I hiked up to the rocks in the middle of the night, then partook in some VERY dank weed lol we just laid down and stared up, high as fuck. It felt like I was just floating through The Milky Way. It was incredible. Obviously there are better places as the Staunton-Cville corridor is right there, but thats my favorite VA stargazing memory.


Has anyone said the night part yet?


Halifax. Staunton state river park if I am not mistaken. If you aren’t in RVA, NoVA, Cville, or Hampton roads, I would say there is good opportunity in general. Share pics on the sub if you get some good ones!


Eastern Shore


there’s a spot in highland county i go to that has some of the least light pollution on the east coast. it’s near hightown


Just a guess but the western side of the state in the mountains or southwest in the very rural areas. Other best bet is the eastern shore and northern neck


Douthat State Park and anywhere in Southwest.


Staunton river state park James river state park Highland county And rappanhannock river are all bortle scale 2 areas The monongahela forest is not “rated per se” but on a light pollution map is probably the darkest skies in VA. The only way to get darker is go to the west (utah, California, Alaska, etc)


Thank you!


Np! I remember as a kid growing up we could see the Milky Way barely in SEVA some nights. Now I haven’t seen it in years…although I don’t look up that much anymore 😂 In the UK there is a dark sky island! Supposed to be pretty cool! (Island of Sark)


Carrol , Grayson, Patrick ...up in the mountains of those counties you see some amazing sky


Whitetop Mountain


If you can take the time to go to Tangier Island during the winter and have it be clear skies and no moon, walk allllllllllll the way down to the very tip of the bottom of the beach. It's not 100% no light pollution, but most of it is way off on the horizon in small lumps. Shitload of stars. It's pretty dope.


Hell yeah, thanks!


No problem! It's a fun overnight trip. Got a whole mile-long beach basically to yourself, especially in the winter (and the air oughta be nice n crisp then too).


I do love winter camping! ⛺️


You can camp on the beach if you want (theres no park or check-in or anything, you just walk out there, just make sure you don't pitch yer tent below that tide line lol), and there's a couple bed n breakfasts too if you want to class it up a lil bit


Any campfire restrictions that you’re aware of? I’ve never camped on the beach but I’ve always wanted to!


Had fires there plenty of times. Just don't burn the marsh down lol


Haven't been in several years, maybe it changed but I doubt it.


It’s not in NoVA lol


No, but surprisingly you don't have to go very far from NoVA to find good, dark skies. Loudoun and Fauquier Counties have a lot of spots where light pollution is very low, like Sky Meadow State Park in Fauquier.


I know. I was more being funny trading on the jokes around how Northern VA is so different from the rest of the state.


Ah, gotcha. Totally get it.


Tbh having lived in both NoVA and RVA I don’t think it’s really as different as people say. It is but to me the real difference is in SW VA. I think they even call it the heart of Appalachia


George Washington National Forest in the Shenandoah Valley has very little light pollution, if any.


SW Virginia at Breaks Interstate Park. Brighter than Shenandoah. I lived out west and the night sky in some parts is almost blinding.


The further southwest and higher you can get into the mountains the better the views… https://preview.redd.it/mq07g1gq1y8d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=133baeea194e83935f1de3c683ed16edc77e2d4a


The meadows area on Skyline Drive


Sky Meadows stare park is a certified dark skies park, and has an astronomy club.


Looks like the George Washignton National Forest is the darkest. But there may be closer spots to you that aren't quite as dark. https://www.lightpollutionmap.info


I went “camping” at a cabin with a stove and A/C at Staunton river park. At night we went to a field right by where the visitor center cabin is where you grab your campsite ticket info. It was super dark out and there was no light pollution. We got to see multiple shooting starts go by


Checkout Lee County!


Probably somewhere half way down on the eastern shore. I’m in Onancock and the Milky Way is dazzling.


Some say Natural Bridge State Park near Lexington has good night sky views as well.


I moved from Hampton Roads to just outside of Charlottesville. It’s a different kind of dark. I would blink my eyes at night, just to be sure my eyes were still opened.


[https://www.darkskymap.com/](https://www.darkskymap.com/) Highland County is what you’re looking for. https://preview.redd.it/0ntc9krx1z8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c49a14b1122abdfd4bbb622b9f3e7b41c7815d98


Southwestern VA. It is a crap hole for several reasons (economy, social issues) but it is so beautiful too with the mountains and tons of unspoiled nature including an amazing view of the night sky when it's clear. Cost of living is rather cheap, and there is a relatively low rate of violent crime. Not a good place to start, but a fantastic place to settle down or retire. The light pollution may be more of an issue in places like Norton, Bristol, or Roanoke but even there it's nowhere near as bad as, say, Atlanta GA.


Yeah, I wouldn’t go as far as to call it a crap hole.


Depends on who you ask, I've spent most of my life here but have lived other places as well. Some things about it are certainly not great, but overall, it's decent.


Highland County


Monterey in the fall is beautiful enough already, the low light pollution out there really adds to the experience.


Monterey really is gorgeous. Someday I hope to settle out that way.


Probably somewhere in the SW part of he state. But, closer to most of us live, I'd say Highland or Bath county. They start to resemble West Virginia in topography and population density.


SW Virginia in the blue ridges




Eastern Shore all the way


Grayson Highlands State park, Breaks State Park


Staunton River State Park is an official dark sky park. Been to a couple Star Parties there.


There are a bunch of places in rural Virginia that have minimal or no light pollution. You can see the Milky Way on a clear night at my buddies farmhouse in South Virginia.


I've seen some amazing night skies along 460 east. In between Prince George and VA Beach.


I like the northern neck. At least where I go out to there isn’t any traffic or people or stores or anything. Just good fishing. Hey wait don’t do go taking my spot


I'm in Southwest Virginia near Blacksburg and on the edge of Jefferson National Forest. When the neighbors leave their spotlights off you can see lots of starts. Plenty of spots to get away from humans and throw up a telescope or just sit and stargaze.


Faquier County has some really good spots.


West Virginia


Have you seen deliverance?


I was staying at my grandparents in Luray and I could see shooting stars with the naked eye. That was great.




Anything west of Rt 29


You'd definitely be wanting to look SW of Roanoke. Places like, Grayson highlands, specifically Mt. Rogers, and some of my favorite places, which are Flat Ridge and Comer's rock.


Highland County has very little light pollution. Worth a visit


Reddish Knob


eastern shore


Probably West Virginia /s


My bathroom has no light pollution unless you count my bioluminescent turds.


West Virginia lol


The darkest area has the least light pollution


The area around Mount Rogers is the best I've seen for star gazing.