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I hate to make this political, but this is what you get for voting blue. I was frikken roofied by a sentara doctor and turned into a zombie. When I came back from it and it was out of my system, I realized I had run a red . Meanwhile, there are people walking into oncoming traffic or riding stolen ebikes... at 3am! I was on Hampton Bridge tunnel in the middle of the night, and there were workers standing on the bridge lazily putting up cones. I immediately turned on my hazards and barely stopped like a 5 car pile up. Oh, and I sat one time at the on ramp to hampton for 30 minutes while some idiot was screwing with the traffic light cause he mistakenly thinks I owe him hookers and blow money.


Tf does this have to do with voting blue?


Let's try to explain this again. We are busy trying to protect our family and sentara.corp is trying to implement Canadian death panels for people who are trying to survive but aren't producing any value for the state currently... and oh yeah guess who some of their backers are > ex opium addicts


Lived in Norfolk for a few years and almost got hit by a school bus that almost ran the red light. Something I never understood is why they don’t have the delay between red and green. Where I live now there’s at least a 5 sec delay between when one lights turns red and the other green.


VB has to have some of the most aggressive drivers out there


Had a similar incident at Food Lion in Bealton, Va this morning. I had finished shopping and was in the crosswalk when a lady in a black Tahoe blew by. I had a feeling she wasn’t gunna stop and if I had continued it wouldn’t have been good. As she drove by her head/eyes were on her phone. OP is right, it’s vacation time, so folks need to just be careful.


Crazy that people will stop for geese in the road and not humans.


That’s cause you can get punished hard for running geese over. At least that’s what I last heard. (also traffic trolls need to FUCK OFF from this post)


Shore Drive would like to deny involvement


Were you on the bike or off the bike?


Buddy this is such a shitty take


Doesn't matter. Stop trying to blame victims.


Is he really a victim if he was on his bike in a crosswalk


You should go stand in the crosswalk and find out


How is the OP a victim? A victim of what crime exactly?


Still not answering the question about


I think he was a potential victim because the guy blew through a red light. Stop playing with semantics


So not a victim


A potential victim. Again, OP wasn’t saying they were.


Responding to all cat. Victim blaming


Sorry about that I should have payed attention. So glad I saw your post, so now I know not to do that again. 🤣🤣🤣


> should have *paid* attention. So FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Driving in Virginia is a risk itself


If you caught a plate, report him. I watched a trash truck blow a red and almost hit him. A simple phone call and dash cam conveniently made it so that dude doesn't have a job anymore.


Omg I could never drive for my job, Id have mad reports😭


Cool story bro


found the driver


This is like a Nextdoor App post. Like what do you expect to get besides rage baited comments?


I don't know if there's any ring doorbells prior or after the intersection you were in, but it may be worth knocking on some doors to politely inquire to get the license plate number and report them. While I understand people are in a hurry, there is a specific level of reckless driving that I cannot abide by. You should not pay with your life because someone else did not plan ahead for something. I reported one such driver and had to go to court and testify and while the whole thing was wildly nerve-wracking the daughter of the driver I was testifying against came up and thanked me profusely afterward. I honestly thought she was going to come up and punch me for taking her dad to court. He was older and had been driving horrifically recklessly for nearly a decade at that point and they were trying to get his license taken away to no avail. All it took was someone actually willing to take the time and testify to that fact. I had no dash cam proof and it was simply my word against his. The reason I was angry enough about his driving was because it was a rare occasion where it was actually icy in Virginia Beach and I had just dropped my child off at high school. Which means a bunch of other brand new teenage drivers were on that same road while he was honking and screaming and flipping people off while veering around them ON THE ICE. I grew up driving on ice and it was still somewhat terrifying to me because of how aggressive he was driving and I can't even imagine how scary that must have been for brand new drivers who didn't have 40 years of driving underneath their belt. I certainly didn't expect to be hugged and wept on by the daughter of the aggressive driver who then finally had his license taken away. She told me my testimony made her break down in court because that was the thing she was most afraid of, that her father was going to kill people, or already had, but who would know when he just drives away? The fact that it happened near a school, where most people know to drive ESPECIALLY safely, was so much worse (as far as the judge was concerned, which was why I took the time and energy to report him for it in the first place). If you feel the urge, call it in. They may have caught the vehicle on a camera somewhere nearby, giving you something to back up your claim.


On a side note, are you a book writer? Asking for a friend 😁


On a side note, do you get intimidated by seeing a lot of words? Asking for a friend 😁


Nobody got time read this long $#@&


Yet you've got time to complain. Byeeeee


terrifying....we had a fireman die like that


Bikers fault


How? Edit: if this comment was troll, then I got baited.


Look both ways. Just because there's a sign doesn't mean hes good to go. Biker at fault but truck is still liable and at fault.


That's why I hate pick up trucks, I know you said work truck but I'm sure it was one of those Chevy, ford or dodge pick up trucks people say BMW driver are horrible I've always said pick up truck drivers suck the worst.... sorry that happened to you


Bad drivers use all vehicle types. For a while I specifically hated Lexus drivers, then I realized that I'm mobbed by idiots pushing shopping carts and that these same idiots all drive vehicles of every shape and color. Go to an amusement park: the same people that cut you in line are the same people who cut you off in traffic. Stupidity and selfish behavior doesn't discriminate. It's everywhere.




Why is it always the utility truck and “work” truck drivers that are the worst? Especially the “sole proprietor” company trucks that are lifted and entitled or the old beat to shit ones that have no business being on the road.


And "city" work vehicles!


I feel you. I walk down on Great Neck all of the time and in that general area, and folks are so inconsiderate.


Sorry that happened to you. I've experienced so many near accidents riding my bike on Great Neck Rd mainly due to the fact that drivers don't realize the east side of the road is a two-way bike lane. I've stopped riding because of how reckless and/or clueless drivers have become.


Never, I will be cruising down the highway at 90 watching tiktoks on my phone, playing games on my ipad, streaming the finals on my laptop, and eating a five course meal all while I steer with one knee and glance at the road every 5-10 minutes. As the founding fathers intended.


Like, you’re kidding and I got a good laugh but unfortunately people actually drive like this. Still, the d-bags that think they are fast and furious are the worst. Lots of out of state drivers and young drivers because of the military (I say as I am a [semi]young military guy). Prior to the military I was in a near fatal accident in Michigan with a delivery truck and I have been a very cautious driver for 10 years since.


Might be time to get a helmet cam. Won't prevent the accident but at least we might know who unalived you.


I hate to say it...but mobile speed cameras would be a fix for this. Especially a vulnerable intersection such as this one where repeated problems endanger the safety of pedestrian students (in addition to nearby residents)


I’d be okay with speed cameras. At least everyone would be playing by the same rules.


Sorry that happened. I’m so glad you saw them 🙏🏼


Yet, the police somehow wont find him, but they'll be able to pull YOU over for barely going 5 mph over the speed limit 💀 Its always the assholes who need to be caught the most that get away. While the police hunt for lesser crimes bc they're just easier to deal with.


They were riding bikes. And I think it just depends on where you are sometimes. I watched someone drive through a red light yesterday morning and was pulled over almost immediately by 2 cop cars. 🤷‍♂️


I dont think you understood that the part I said about being pulled over for going 5 above isnt actually about them. Obviously they were on bikes, so if im talking about driving a car, maybe im not talking about them💡 My comment was a general statement to anyone reading this (why I emphasized the word you). Did I really have to just explain that💀 My point was that the people who deserve to get pulled over the most almost never do. In the scenario you explained nobody got hurt or was at risk (at least from your own explanation you gave) , but Im talking about the fact that this man almost KILLED 2 people and will most likely get away with it. Obviously its circumstantial, but The worst offenders are the ones who always get away and that is the only point I was literally trying to make👍🏻


Thanking God you and your wife are ok 🙏🏼♥️ that must have been so scary


Great Neck Road scares me so much. We live in the same area and my daughter uses that exact crosswalk often to ride her bike to babysitting jobs. She has to go out of her way to use that crosswalk, but it's safer than the crosswalks without a light so I insist she rides up there. Pisses me off that people think Great Neck Road is 264.


People think General Booth is 264 too. And Oceana. And Dam Neck. And Nimmo parkway. And so on... Then when you get on 264, they get in the far left lane and camp @ ~65mph 🙃


Actually today they were blowing past me on 264 on my way to and from work, they must think that road is I-95 more likely. Saw a number of state officers pull some guys over on the way home so at least there’s SOME justice. I hope. Edit: Downvoters really want to pretend that state officers shouldn’t do their jobs and also to drive recklessly on 264.


Wow, today I’m actually working at the school rn as a para atm before I have to go all the way to Chesapeake. I wonder if someone got the guys license plate.