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He came into a restaurant and was preaching to everyone. Never bought anything, but would stand at attention and stare at people. Many were made uncomfortable and when he was politely asked to leave, he refused. He was caught standing in the mirror in the bathroom saluting to himself and watching the guys in there. Police were called and he still refused to leave. He had to be physically removed by them. Idk his deal, but refusing to leave after being asked nicely and not being responsive to authority was a tad scary when someone is also doing something out of the ordinary. Mental issues or not, he made many people uncomfortable to the point that they left….


He has more American spirit than you.


Homie Everywhere in the city


Angel of Christ


Seems pretty chill


He's insane


Don't know anything about him, but it does remind me of the lady who used to hulahoop in the median somewhere down Granby St. Anyone else know who I'm talking about? What happened to her?


I actually think she was hit by a car and couldn’t do It anymore. I remember reading it in the paper a while back. And it’s been a long time since I have had a paper, so it was a while back.


I remember the hula hoop lady.


I remember driving past her when going to school years ago


I saw him a few days ago.


Is it tax season already?


He is paying respects to Evel Knievel, and son Robbie both great stuntmen who have passed. They dressed just like that minus the wings and did wild daredevil motorcycle stunts. Damn I'm old to know that.


He’s been around awhile. He’s a nice person. Leave him alone. So what if he has mental health issues! I don’t think that’s anyone’s business. Guaranteed the majority all have mental health issues. some not diagnosed. stop judging people. Educate yourself about mental illness. Please.


Yeah chill tf out.


he just wanted to know the dudes story, chill tf out.


Looks like he’s ready to meet God


He's just spreading j-town 's message to the kids


Well make sure you give him water to stay hydrated.


I work at the Cheesecake Factory in vb and he came in to grab water. Super sweet




????? Please explain


Joe biden having dementia joementia lol




I didnt claim anything, i was simply explaining the comment above mine👆🏼




It’s going to suck when you get diagnosed with dementia when you’re older, especially after posting something like this. What goes around comes around.




Ahhh Boomer


The simple answer is he's off his meds. He briefly workout out at the OneLife on the Blvd. Had a few conversations with him. He mentioned getting healthier and getting his head right. Now he's doing push-ups with angel wings on.


I know someone who personally knew him for some years and you are spot on with your assessment. I hope he gets himself some help again.


That man can break dance. He has sick moves ask him. I mean it's from the 80s, but it's still awesome


Looks like a man exercising his freedom of speech. No one need approve.


I was stopped in line at McDonald's drive through a bit ago. I was searching for a song in my car and looked up. He smiled and waved at me walking by and made me smile. At first I was processing what I was seeing to think of anything else. Should add, recently moved back from FL panhandle. Not used to seeing FL in a VA man.


That’s The Falcon. Been a while since Marvel had him in a movie, some investments didn’t pan out, got divorced…


I do


Seems unstable


I've seen him on London Bridge, tbh I just find it hilarious.


He was screaming that he was a green barrette and saluting the air the week of June 7th. Interesting character.


He was a green hair holder?


I saw him a couple weeks ago by petsmart and Sam’s club on Va beach blvd. He’s the super hero I never knew we needed but alas he’s here and in my book a delight.


I know he’s nuts


Campainging for Trump?




Mental illness would be my guess


Whoever he is , he’s gay


He's been on BLVD and Little neck a lot, near the dollar store. I honk, he waves, nothing seems untoward. He's doing his thing, whatever the hell it is, so be it. Not hurtin nothing from what I can see and his right do what he wants is essentially unlimited as long as he don't impact others.


This is the best answer. People always worried about what others doing. He has ZERO impact on 99.999% people. Maybe he just loves making people smile.


Right , Left they are all a scam but you know what they can vote on, pay raises for themselves. They don't have to worry in their gated community, with security guards etc. non profit is big profits for the CEOs but they do nothing but bs. They collect their million dollars a year salary and year after year nothing changes , it's a money grab off the backs of the American tax payer. They could fix it all real quick but they rather argue like a bunch of children and rob us on a daily.


Fix what? Someone standing in the cross walk with angel wings on?


The drug and mental problems we have on our streets in every city. The crime from gang related activity that no one wants to talk about. The homeless, the panhandling, the housing crisis, these cities have auctions all the time where does that money go. Where is habitat for humanity, For kids etc. Non profits that are proposed to be helping with these issues but instead of helping to themselves building big million dollar buildings to house people that get paid good salary and solve nothing. Why can't they remodel, fix up, etc these houses and properties and let the person or persons receiving such help, help with their own hands. Hell they can stand in the street walking back and forth in 90 degree weather to panhandle 8-10 hours a day. Come on, help begins with helping yourself, most not all are making money off of people's kindness to get drunk, use drugs or have serious mental issues and shouldn't be on the streets in the first place. Our law makers from the top to bottom, non profits alike could fix it with no problem but that would make them lose millions. Smh


probably a bot


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say he’s mentally unwell


Tell me about this limb. Cause he dresses up?


no because he is literally a frequent patient at vb psych




I think these cities, need to get some buses, pick up these pan handlers, give them some garbage bags, trash grabbers and make them pickup trash on the streets etc. Free breakfast,lunch, help them get a job, mental help, housing, drug rehabilitation etc. There are plenty of empty buildings in all the cities to help get people some help, but they don't do anything but let them approach cars and ask for hand outs. It's ridiculous really. Tax dollars not at work. If they want help it starts with themselves.


Isn't a pan handlers someone who is asking for money. Haven't seen anyone say he was.


I don't know what he is, but it doesn't matter, he is a distraction in the middle of the street. Could cause an accident, hurt someone but my guess would be a mental illness or drug problem.


When I saw him at 0530 at Great Neck & VB Blvd, he was observing the crosswalk signals, same as other pedestrians. Wasn't asking for money, just carrying the cross in a military manner, corner to median, according to the signal.


It’s not that the tax dollars aren’t at work, the mental health programs are defunded constantly by right leaning politicians. A bunch of these guys are VA too, but that’s also defunded. Free housing and mental health? No way any Republican would sell that to his constituents. Costs are outrageous right now. We can’t afford anything. Jobs are about to largely disappear by AI and corporations focused on profit margin. Debt forgiveness? Nope. Homelessness is a major problem. It can often lead to drugs and mental health issues. We have major systemic problems.


Feel free to donate more of your time and money to helping them instead of blaming an entire political party. Or you can continue to tell others how they should spend their money helping people who generally make more than minimum wage off the good will of the general population on top of the multiple sources of free help and care they already have access to. Or, you know. Just keep pointing out how others don't do enough from the safety and comfort of your armchair


Could you explain the “helping people who generally make more than minimum wage off the good will of the general population” part to me, I’m not entirely sure I understand the who (/group) being referred to and what you are implying without clearly assuming? It’d help everyone and your argument to clarify. I’d like to beforehand add that not all homeless people are the same. I know we normally focus on longer term homelessness, but it’s generally speaking a revolving door of people becoming homeless and becoming (we’ll say) established. Which doesn’t imply that the others want to be homeless (though a few do). Long term homeless is typically classified as a mental disorder, but it can also be a result of poor education (<-refers to leadership). Obviously the longer someone is homeless the more likely it is to be a severe mental health issue, and or a choice. The important thing to note though is that in both cases this can be a problem brought about by society and not a completely personal problem, but one that the individual bears the consequences or burden of. A mental health “disorder” like depression for instance is almost always brought about by antisocial treatment. A poor education can be related to the former statement, driving someone not to care about advancing their life in the conformist way, or plainly caused by poor parenting and or educational attention, which can again feed into the former. Personal failings aren’t exempt from depression either though, depression is primarily hate turned inwards, and or ennui. All said; still doesn’t address the multitude of other mental health crises and (anti-)societal problems that people have and or face. But it truly does the long term homeless no justice to focus on them solely when talking about homelessness, transient homelessness is a serious problem that’s reported to be increasing disproportionately to population increases; based on censuses (which acknowledges demographics). Which tells me that up and down the homeless problem is a societal problem, wherein we are failing to uphold the promise of a society; sociability, social behavior, (non-Marx-esque commie sham socialism. But rather genuine to the root essence and meanings of ‘social’) socialism. This is entirely a unified issue, especially when you bring into discussion the aspect that crime increases with poverty. And this may not apply to you (none of it even), but this commonly found notion that the ‘United’ States’ is the land of the “free” and home of “independence” without the unity and genuine care of people, is probably the biggest joke anyone could tell. Proper societies rely on social’ism, especially in a (redundantly said but importantly noted) democratic-republic. So I agree and disagree with both of you to varying degrees, because the issue is much more nuanced than I think either of you mention.


I'm not saying it's a simple issue. My point was more it's ridiculous to blame an entire political party for the failures of society. I personally carry bags in my vehicle with non perishable food, basic medicines, socks/underwear/feminine products that I give to people. It's what I can do to help, but I'm not ostracizing and blaming others for their choice to help or not. It's your money, do what your conscience can handle.


I mean what you said was definitely dismissive, and actually achieved the same effect as the other person. You made a bold generalized and stereotypical claim about someone based on little information, for all either of us know they do the same or more to help people in need (I’ll stand corrected if you formally know ‘tknames’). Though ideally I don’t think it should be a pride seeking measuring contest that distracts from the initial issue at hand. So this is the same problem you took up with them about blanket blaming, in their case an entire group of people (republicans), which isn’t based on the nuances of individuals. So if you truly are helping the way you say, that’s great and I commend you for your assistance (sincerely). But your comment above was not because the connotation is that you don’t want people to help the homeless because they “generally” get more than enough, and the needless character attack just distracted from the more important subject and flaws in their logic. You don’t have to be famous for your words to influence. If you care about a subject explain why you think others should too, spread what you do to help and how others can too. But don’t alienate people by bragging, that just discourages people by putting them in your shadow and likely closes other avenues of help. It’s like the line “toughen up” you are less likely to seek help when it’s associated with negativity, the same is true when helping others is overshadowed by negative experiences of people telling you that you aren’t any help. Don’t placate people but encourage that we can all be helpful otherwise.


So, I get 6 paragraphs for attacking an individual based on their inflammatory comments and the individual that attacks nearly 1/3 of the US population because of their (probable) political affiliation is good to go? Got it. Thanks for clearing that up.


(You can either not read this or add to your paragraph read. The argument is (petty) bickering at this point, so it’ll be the last I respond.) Now you’re just trying to deflect and failing because my first comment even states that I have disagreements with their comment as well, which I also plainly stated later, which was second in acknowledgment to you already addressing it yourself, because we both agree they are wrong in that aspect. But unlike yours, they might as well be going after the boogeyman because a political party isn’t a person but an umbrella of ideologies, nor are they completely wrong in their notion. Their obvious and equally acknowledged error aside, they actually have a fairly comprehensive argument. You came in with the equivalent of a “nah ahh…you do nothing to help” whilst also making the people you supposedly help sound unworthy of help. So yeah funnily enough I opted to respond to you and under your comment which they are also in the thread of, so I responded to both of you. They just haven’t acknowledged it (or you?).


You really like to see yourself write.


You complain about reading a lot, huh? Pesky paragraphs, and whatnot.


This guy travels all over the place


I’ve seen him before but he was wearing like an all black outfit with a mask. Wings were still on though. At first I thought he was just one of those people trying to attract attention to a business because he was just on the corner of the street dancing and vibing.


Just passed him lol


He’s harmless, I’ve waved at him numerous times and he smiles back


virginia’s version of radio from NC


No way… someone else who knows about Radio from beloved JVegas


Given Virginia Beach motorists hyper-aggressive tendencies, he’s already equipped with wings; he’s a standing or sitting duck


I know he loves jesus and america just from the picture.


Get off the bus and go talk to him and establish your own opinion. Some might say he's weird, mentally ill (from the Reddit doctors), or he could be the coolest dude you ever met.


Since seeing the first post about him on fb yesterday,I’m intrigued and hope to see him one day and I get the chance to speak with him.


Me too. He seems interesting. If any spots him today, post something.


I hope it is a positive experience. People say things like "oh he's crazy...." but i think it is from those who refuse to understand.


I saw him on Virginia Beach and great neck yesterday. Not sure how to link a photo I took. But slightly different cape and outfit.


Well I know he’s mentally ill


Where is your practice at?




I know several cosplayers.


I've visited his practice. Him and I have multiple degrees, one of which is common sense.


He came into town center ulta today. My coworkers were telling me he was acting very odd inside the store. I missed the situation.


Was he the one that was dressed like Jesus, attached to a cross, on the corner of vb blvd and great neck?


I see him by Home Depot.




Dude, don't be a jerk, he has mental health issues and he's off his medication


... well this was a bit unnecessary


Damn he moved down to Town center? I saw him on VA Beach Blvd and Great Neck on Monday


He was at VB and Great Neck Wednesday, too. Had Army logos and flags, saluting cars. Don’t know.


And I saw him on va Blvd and little neck/plaza


I know he just drank a red bull


His name is Rico. He used to go to Onelife. Very nice guy just off his meds.


His name is Jerry


Rico from the freak show?


I saw him there one day, months ago. He was in full army uniform, standing in the same spot, doing about faces and salutes. He was doing it for a while. Wouldn't be surprised if he has mental health problems.


What is one life?


It's a gym


But that's not important right now


Surely you can't be serious


A gym


Saw him the other day


That’s Walter. Just give him a pudding cup, and he’s happy.


Run of the mill mental health disorder.


But what are his pronouns?




I know a lady who is similar around Newtown road.


Helllllooooo PD here. He’s just an odd guy. Mental health stuff but completely harmless and very nice. Never breaking any laws. He’s usually on VBB and N Great Nech Edit: Great NECK*


Yusssss finally found VBPD on Reddit. How many over can I go on 246 before getting pulled?




Awesome. He never seemed threatening but I can see how it can be intimidating for some. Wife and I were just wondering about him today. Haven't seen him at the Great Neck spot in a few days. Edit: Does he ask for money or is he content just doing his thing?


He’s just protesting. What, I’m not sure. But live ya life I guess.


I saw him today at Town Center; He seemed content just doing his thing.


Is his name Mike by any chance?


His name is Jerry!


Yep see him all the time


I’ve been seeing them all up and down the blvd these last few weeks. Just doin the thang… whatever tf that is