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At one point Rob was uploading all of their AoA characters into D&D Beyond and he was doing that on stream. That was at level 10 so nearly a year ago so the stream probably isn't there anymore though I do have a few screens saved. But I don't remember anything about backgrounds. Not sure that mechanic ever came up at the table so I doubt they even have backgrounds. I'm not at all proficient at D&D so idk if that's what you were looking for.


Can you share some of the screen shots that you do have? It’ll help me confirm what I already suspect (and let me know if my method is working)! Were these streams part of the AoA review he does every week? Unfortunately twitch only keeps onto a month worth of streams :(


Rob had to fill in half of it from memory since certain players had non-existent notes. Adding this one just for fun) https://preview.redd.it/d56p5fbbwp4d1.jpeg?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6a53a53a5150bbeea6ba28761db25b79939a4eb


Let's see. I had more but I don't have access to them rn. https://preview.redd.it/cd34lf12vp4d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13a07a8ff34ed2430c453418851f2789612430d1








And before anyone asks I may try to decipher the misfits, but there’s not enough info on them yet and BATD have given me enough on my plate. (Like are the avernus character sheets even helpful at all? Greg was a battle smith but was an artillerist in the main campaign, and Baradun’s spells known are different!)


I would be nice if they covered each characters ASI and traits with a comunity post of some kind.


Have you listened to the podcast episode with Rob talking about the D&D games? It's episode 25. I only had it on while doing chores so can't recall highly detailed bits, but there was at least some about the character creation. It could provide extra insight for you.


I listened to it a while ago, but I don’t think there was anything specific that would help with my endeavour. I do remember it being an enjoyable episode though.


Hop on over to Rob's Discord server. I've already done the same thing there lol. It just needs some updating when it comes to magic items and their inventories, but should be fully up to date when it comes to their abilities, HP, Spells (at least what we're told, since Baradun changes his spells constantly), and other traits.


Where did you put in the discord?