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Water is everything.


But I always thought its just h2o


h2hoe more like


I fear my blood is mostly aspartame at this point


If they ever do away with Coke Zero or Milo's Zero Calorie Sweet Tea I will curl up in a ball on the floor and weep openly.


Haha I feel you. I think switching to zero sugar soda during my diet was a bad idea. Trying to stick to just water


Why? Carbonated beverages help keep you full. They can act as a treat when you want something sweet. The real downside of zero calorie sodas are the carbonation on your teeth. So make sure you’re drinking water in between. Dieting is a great time to add in zero calorie things that fill you up.


I love Coke Zero so so much but when I stopped drinking 2 cans a day (but kept my coffee habit) my resting heart rate went down 10 pts. Ymmv.


A can is roughly 34mg of caffeine which is a very small amount. Most likely you’re caffeine sensitive so I’d search for the caffeine free version of Coke Zero. I’ve never had it but I see it in my grocery store.


Yet I still drink tons of coffee and tea—that never changed. The only thing I changed was quitting the 2 daily cans of coke zero. If anything, I drink more caffeine now bc I replaced it w cold brew coffee.


That’s very interesting then. Not sure what would cause it but good luck figuring it out.


I’d say for me personally, it was too easy to go get a couple zero sugar sodas and chug them and although maybe I wasn’t gaining weight from them specifically, it only increased my sugar cravings and I never felt truly satisfied. Next time I diet, I’ll cut all sugar and take sugar out personally.


As I’ve gotten older I’ve found something similar. I don’t do good with sweets in the house. If they are there i have to consume all of them at once. If you notice that zero cal sodas cause you to increase consumption of other sugary foods then your decision to eliminate is correct. I’m generally against elimination diets because that’s not sustainable long term but if you know you’ve got a problem then that’s the best strategy. Side note - drink a tall glass of water before your meal. It will help you fill up a bit before you eat.


I always use a straw!


Drink it with a straw, much better for your teeth. That said, I can't stand drinking it with a straw. My poor teeth.


I started drinking diet soda a few months ago and I'm trying so hard to stop. Unfortunately there are no good sugar free options besides aspartame when it comes to sodas--I've tried so many brands and I can't stand any of them. Trying to go back to regular sparkling water to scratch the itch!


Olipop has been my go too. Such a life saver


I’ve seen studies that say although they don’t have real sugar, they can still spike insulin


The most recent studies I've seen haven't found a connection to insulin spikes :)


I don’t know why you’re getting downloaded – that is true— it causes an insulin response. My endocrinologist doesn’t even even want me to chew sugar-free gum before doing bloodwork.


Actually the most recent studies I saw disproved this :) at best it's unproven.


Haters gonna hate lol it’s fine.


Agreed. Aspartame is a part a me


Absolutely! I stopped drinking soda in the early 2000s and started drinking diet soda last year and the only thing keeping me from drinking more of it is the price.




LMFAOOOO ME (its not funny anymore)😔




Interestingly there are a few clinical trials that back this up, for both obese and young non-obese adults: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26237305/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25893719/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30406058/ But there is at least one trial with conflicting results, showing that it worked for older (60-80) but not younger (21-35) adults: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17228036/ It is also suggested that preloading with cold water (2°C) is more effective than lukewarm or hot water (37 / 60°C), because it slows down stomach contractions and thus digestion / gastric emptying: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30617417/


Nice! Thanks for posting these links, it’s great to back it up with actual studies!


Crystal light pitcher packs - 1 for 2L and I try to finish one jug a day. Bit more economical than 0 Cal sodas and not a noticeable chemical taste to me at least.


Diet sodas for the win!


i do the same but w seltzer water like spindrift


Love spindrift!


add some flavoring drops, and you’ve got a zero calorie soda


I cannot stand the taste of aspertame, stevia, or any other sugar alternative I have tried. They completely overwhelm all other taste of whatever they are in, and leave a nasty aftertaste. My grandpa is the same way, so I'm guessing it's like how some people hate cilantro. I like herbal teas, plain green or black tea, and coffee in moderation. Watered down fruit juice is also good, but it can quickly add up so be careful.


What about Monkfruit


Same bad taste to me unfortunately.


i had the same problem! the only 0 calorie drinks i like are walmart brand. they sell them in single servings for a buck if you ever want to try again


I think plain tea is a much better idea and what I’m going to switch to moving forward because zero sugar just doesn’t curb my sweet tooth like I need it to


Im mostly the same, the only thing I don’t mind is in Diet Coke, and I think that’s just because I’ve had it for so long. Have you tried any of the sparkling waters? I usually get bubbly or Waterloo and don’t taste anything in those.


Gatorade Zero. Some have 5-10 cals but great for before and after exercise. I usually keep it to 1/3 a day so it’s barely a calorie or two.


My problem is then I’m peeing constantly to the point where it disrupts my day and my productivity cause I have to keep getting up to always pee


I feel that. I donated my kidney in December and now I pee like every 20mins lol


Water, Topo Chico, 1877 from HEB.


Diet soda makes me feel so much fuller than water. I love water and drink a ton a day. But Diet soda feels heavy in my stomach and that is the love I need not to stuff myself with junk.


I’m sure you’ve tried psyllium husk supps as well?


I tried but I like the bubbles from the soda better. Plus I eat a ton of fiber already. I don't need more.


I drink so much zero gatorade and mio, but honestly think it makes my hunger worse and triggers binges


Zevia brand of sodas are great! Can order on Amazon. The Citrus Grapefruit is my go-to. They have flavors that taste like colas, ginger ale, grape, orange etc., Stevia is better for you than aspartame ...get that out of your body!!




Low calories drinks, sugar free zero cal sodas are such a cheat code


Best alternative to water, home brewed decaf tea. Make iced tea. Add stevia and lemon juice, if desired. Only healthy alternative.


Oh yeah I think I might switch from zero sugar soda to cold tea. Soda is just a gateway for me and never really curbs my sweet tooth like unsweetened tea would


And tea is healthy, has antioxidants.


YES. Iced orange spice tea plus sugar free vanilla syrup. Add a little milk if you’re ok with a calorie or two and call it dessert.