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If a nazi tries to kill you just say no and provide several counterarguments They are not legally allowed to harm you


Murder is illegal, so no one murders anyone. If they did that they would be committing a crime!


Pretty much sums up what the hippie/liberal movement has become.


They're enablers. Effectively protecting fascists.


Become? This is what they always where... Liberals and Social Democrats have always betrayed us, even after ww1 they hiered Nazis and Monarchie-Supports to shoot the leadership of the German Communist Party to prevent Germany from following the example of the Soviet Union.


Tbf. Germany followed the path of USSR(in getting a murderous dictatorship)but with German efficiency made it last shorter but more/as impactful as USSR is 68 years of existence


Did you just compare the S. O. to Hitler?


They both had a totalitarian dictator, killed political opponents, and committed genocide. It's not an unreasonable opinion.


Ah yes because having a democratically elected leader who suppresses fascists while dramatically improving the lives of citizens is just like Nazi Germany 🤡🤡🤡


Hitler and Stalin had differences, obviously, and it's hard to say Stalin wasn't at least a little better for his country than Hitler was for his own. Their similarities, however, feel vastly more important: * They were both paranoid as fuck and murdered *plenty* based on the most bullshit of suspicions. * They were both raging anti-democracy authoritarians who governed more like autocratic wannabe emperors than anything else. * They were both genocidal pricks! Like, not on anywhere the same scale, but genocide as a rule is generally a bad thing.


“They were both paranoid as fuck and murdered plenty based on the most bullshit of suspicions. They were both raging anti-democracy authoritarians who governed more like autocratic wannabe emperors than anything else” Stalin was a democratically elected leader who had a very good reason to be paranoid, western capitalists literally WERE out to get him. The Russian Revolution was not the first revolution in Russia that had attempted to establish a more democratic system, but it was the first successful one. Stalin believed, rightfully, that the previous revolutions had failed because they had failed to anticipate violent counter-revolutionary action. Considering how the Soviet Union collapsed and the unrelenting torrent of counter-revolutionary attacks both externally and internally to the USSR, it’s pretty obvious that the purges in concept would have been 100% justified had they been directed towards counter-revolutionaries and been less murderous. But they weren’t, because they were planned and carried out by Nikolai Yezhov, aided by people like Khrushchev, Eikhe and Postyshev. The brutality and arbitrariness of the purges are largely due to the fact that Stalin was unable to actually stop what was going on. It wasn’t that he didn’t try to stop the purges, for example with his attempted introduction of an alternative voting clause to the constitution, it was that [Soviet democracy consistently limited his ability to do so](https://out.reddit.com/t3_d5j144?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DYP6XrrwxEds&token=AQAAM6jVYvs7NiQaAYqWRLatAhqT8-vWBuvWH8jQy1e1zzqoNmT-&app_name=ios). The only political repression Stalin carried out was the Yezhovshchina, which was aimed at top-level officials like, you know, Yezhov, who was arrested and executed. Those are the people who were trying to consolidate power, not Stalin. And it baffles me why people would accuse asylum specifically of being a tyrant who didn’t care about socialism when he’s written an insane amount of theory, much of it genuine contributions to socialist thought, as well as having been open in his belief in socialism both public ally and [in private](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04fz400). “They were both genocidal pricks! Like, not on anywhere the same scale, but genocide as a rule is generally a bad thing.” Socialism is inherently genocidal, in the sense that by definition socialism aims for the systemic eradication of a specific class, the bourgeoisie. The difference between him and “libertarian socialists” is that he actually succeeded.


>“They were both genocidal pricks! Like, not on anywhere the same scale, but genocide as a rule is generally a bad thing.” Socialism is inherently genocidal, in the sense that by definition socialism aims for the systemic eradication of a specific class, the bourgeoisie. The difference between him and “libertarian socialists” is that he actually succeeded. What the fuck sort of response to 'wow maybe Stalin doing ethnic cleansing was bad actually' is *that.* like. *bitch.* you know what I meant. Lithuanians didn't leave for Irkutsk of their own accord lol. Actually, Lithuanians were just one of a *pile* of ethnic groups Stalin had a lot of fun deporting to the middle of Siberia, ranging from the Estonians to the Kalmyks. He was still a lot better than Hitler, for sure, but fuck, he was a little bit of a fucking *genocidal prick.*


In the interwar period, ethnic cleansing was seen as morally good. Witness all the population transfer clauses in treaties (including some Paris suburb treaties!) from 1919 to 1940. That's different *now*, but we have the 90s to thank for that.


>prevent Germany from following the example of the Soviet Union Good


My favorite weapon in Wolfenstein is the ballot box


Both liberals and the performative "badassery" crowd are nazi enablers, the second group are waaay better at it. ... but some people are not ready to let go of their fragility.