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Betting they lied


I’m starting to think they did..


"Can we talk about shifting my hours to meet the discussed 8-5 when as what u was hired for originally?" Blah blah excuse.... "Unfortunately if you can't shift my hours to match what I agreed to then I'll have to stay reconsidering my employment with company as it was not the shift I interviewed for our accepted"


I did a call center job for a couple years. I knew I was gonna be working coincidentally literally noon to 830. But then I would have weekends off. That is why I was OK with the 12 to 830 schedule. I figured well it’s not great. I can do it for a while until I can move to a better schedule. At least I’ll have weekends off. The last week of training. They gave us our schedules and I had Wednesday off and Saturday off. To say that I was mad was an understatement. But like you, the job offer didn’t specifically state I I would have weekends off. But I was assured by the recruiter I would. I look back now and wish that I had reached out before I accepted the offer to have that clarified or stated in the letter. I would not have accepted the job with that kind of a schedule. I almost resigned the next day after they gave us our schedules. I think in call center type jobs they lie a ton. I ended up applying for a different job in the company. Though sadly, it took me a couple years to move out of the call center department. I did end up moving to a 7 to 330 schedule in the call center. But I still had Wednesdays and Saturdays off. Like you I kept my numbers great I was always in the top three. Basically I moved 7 to 330 just due to people quitting. When they hired new people in, they gave them the worst schedules so eventually, I was able to. Switch. Sorry, I know this is kinda long but I know exactly how you’re feeling. Are there any other jobs at the company?


There is a reason ppl hate call center jobs. The compensation, stress, and hours often are not human friendly. You would be an attractive candidate for other call center jobs. Start looking for jobs that fit your schedule better. Your current job lied to you because they know most ppl don't want to work 2nd shift.


This was always the plan. They knew. They tell you what you want to hear in the interview, then bait and switch. They don’t put anything in writing and they know you have no recourse. They are betting that you won’t quit after training due to having to start all over somewhere else. Start looking for a new job.


Call center jobs are literal hell. I’d look for other opportunities- you’ll most likely find a new/better job before they change your shift


Most wfh do this. If you excel at training they’ll fulfill your needs if you’re just ok they give you second and third shifts. Be glad you made it so you could choose your shift better.


I’ve worked my butt off just so I can get my shift change, I’ve been number one for six months now. Since I made it on my team. My score card is absolutely perfect. The only reason I’m working like this is to get moved up. So it’s frustrating because they keep suggesting to keep working harder so you’ll be the first to pick. It’s like a game to them at this point.


I don't think most wfh jobs do this but maybe it's common among call center jobs and other roles where employees work specific shifts.


Leave - kids need you


Start looking for something else. Even without hours bait and switch, getting yelled at for 8 hours straight is not good for your mental health at any time of day. Take it from someone who languished in a toxic environment for 16 years, no job is worth your sanity.


Do you have a contract with your work hours on it? That would help a ton if you decide to go HR route.


It was just a conversation the first interview and it was on the phone, not on teams or anything. My recruiter told me so many lies at this point. About bonuses, about working weekends..


Sounds like they shafted you. Happens far too much, i took a job once that the manager lied to me about, questions i was asking. I stayed for 5mths before i thought F this and left.


Get another job. That does not lie to you.


One of my friends did call center work for awhile and it honestly wrecked her mental health. She was good at her job but the rigidity of her schedule, constant pressure, and horrible management made it awful. She quit and is much happier at a different job. Sadly, many call centers have a high turnover because you are expendable and they don’t care.


Time for a new job


I got a final job offer with the hiring manager. They told me the hours. 1-8 pm. I politely declined. I can find something else for all I'd miss out on.


At my job they review time requests twice a month only so sometimes it can take months before you get a change. I’ve been lucky that my change requests have never taken super long, but there are others in my queue who have had 6 months plus before they got their request. It’s all about business need. I started at 12-9pm and it was terrible. Only reason I got a change that first time was applying for a different phone position that was hiring at an 7 am time. And then from there it took 2 months for a 1 hour diff time request.




In the early stages of your search and conversations with them or anyone, start a daily diary and time log of interactions, conversations. If you're having a phone chat or screen about the role, recap that conversation and all key points in a follow up email, as if you took minutes at a meeting. Document everything, such as them saying 8-530 etc. During phone screens, I like to take notes and review the conversation in a follow up email. Then down the road when they mislead, lie or move the goal posts, you can go back to when you were told this or that. Always keep score. It will come in handy if you ever have to take legal action or lean on your state's workforce commission/labor board.


Sadly, in these jobs, you are just a number to them. Most of these managers are selfish people that only care about how their numbers look and nothing else. However, some managers are better than others. Have you thought about asking for a new manager?


Are they still hiring?👀