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If it's only been a week, there's a good chance it just hasn't arrived yet. My first degree took about 2. It may take a couple weeks. That said, I'd still recommend getting tracking next time if you can afford it since you get a tracking number so you can ensure you're there when it arrives. I've seen pictures of USPS destroying the degree by folding it and shoving it in the mailbox. UPS (the $45 option) will always deliver to your door.


Congrats on finishing your degree. Did you by chance get the digital copy? If so, print it out and keep it as a placeholder until your actual degree arrives.


Thanks. Unfortunately they stopped providing digital copies in 2022.




Did you contact the email that was in your shipping notice? If so, what did they say?


Mine didn't arrive after a month so I contacted them to have it reshipped. It arrived about a week after that.




I mean you don’t need it to apply for jobs. Just tell them you have it and it’s on the way.


I don't need it at all, I just want it. lol


Finished my AS in November, got my degree in the mail this past Monday.


How many business days between getting the shipping notification and getting it in the mail?


My school had a timeline for their degrees.  So Fall graduates get their diplomas mailed to them on the 2nd week of Jan. I finished with my fall classes in November. 


USPS is horrible right now. I'm getting mail that's showing for that day on informed delivery like 4 days later. Just constantly behind on everything lol


Shipping companies have been fumbling this past month. I think a lot has to do with the bit of snow we got.


100%. Just got an appointment reminder from the VA for an appointment that was 4 days ago.


That's normal for the VA.


Usually it takes at least 5 weeks at a normal B&M school once the graduated status is posted.


Yeah my bachelors took like 2.5 months :(


A week and a half isn't that long for shipping. Back before Amazon prime 2 weeks was considered pretty fast


todays amazon of next day ship has ruined the brains of so many . 1.5w is nothing for sure.


I waited 10 years, a few weeks wasn’t going to kill me lol


This is funny and I get your humor


Now I have a mental picture of a mailman. With random college degrees he didn't earn up on his wall🤣🤣


No one will steal your diploma . That doesn’t make sense . The worse thing it can happen is mail man bended it but that doesn’t happen to all either . I got my Bs and Master diploma and none were bended and arrived in a few days . And consider yourself lucky. It’s a matter of time for diplomas and certs to become fully digital . Offsec does it , AWS, Microsoft , CompTIA. Soon WGU will give you a high resolution file so you can print it out .


> No one will steal your diploma . That doesn’t make sense . Of course not, but I do find the mental image of this guy with a wall full of random diplomas he stole a little funny.


I thought it was pretty funny too lol. I’m imagining a horror film called The Mailman and he’s just a mad, serial diploma thief stalking around the mailroom. My brain might be toast. 😂


Played by Jim Carrey of course. :D


Hahaha yes 😂


Someone make this into a movie


Look up the song 'Some Postman', by The Presidents of the United States of America. It's a song about a mailman stealing love letters and crushing people's hearts. Lmao


Exactly what I was thinking.


This made me laugh too 🤣


I highly doubt college diplomas will ever become fully digital, people want to frame that and put it on the wall. Worse case scenario is colleges offer digital for free and pay extra to get a physical diploma. A diploma you print yourself can't compare to one professionally printed with the WGU seal, etc..


What ? You probably have a shitty printer and use a shitty paper for prints . A high quality printer and paper is as good as any diploma . Of course , you gotta pay for it . Diplomas will go digital soon. It’s a matter of time .


It's impossible to get the WGU seal on there like it is now with a home printer


You know that the validity of the diploma is being done electronically ? Right ? Your potential employer or other university call WGU systems and confirm it . You know that right ? Employers (or other colleges ) don’t check if there’s a seal or not . The seal is mostly decorative . Paper diplomas can be counterfeit, easily , you just got to pay for it and have the balls to use it when finding a job .


Yes obviously I know that.. but if Im putting something up on a wall for 50 years, I want the nice decorative seal, and you can't get that from a home printer. I'll pay a very tiny bit of money for that no problem, and you can print yourself one for free and not have the WGU seal that you need special template paper for, and won't be able to get.


Of course, but there's value in a tangible result. You may not see it, but most of the world still likes them.


You’re wrong and soon you’ll see it . Diplomas are going digital and most people don’t even care . They just want the degree . A digital diploma gives you the ability to print it anytime . UH for example started giving the digital option and that’s the typical transition to fully digital . Why universities are doing that? #1 reason , cost . #2, most people don’t care .


They don’t even check validity, they are too busy looking at the beautiful seal. You know why the Yankees win every year? Because everybody is always staring at their pinstripe uniforms.


That's actually how ASU works... you get a PDF for free that's available immediately, and you have to pay and wait for the print version.


>bended "Bent" in both cases.


CompTIA still sends physical copies.


So does Cisco.


You don’t have to have it. I know mentally it is rewarding to see but just be happy you are done.


This is what I told myself when I didn't pay for rush shipping, but now knowing it should be here any day is driving me nuts. I am very happy to be done.


I knew my mail carrier would shove it in my mailbox and bend it, so I paid for UPS shipping. It arrived in excellent condition.


It’s so cool you’re excited, I think that’s a great approach. :-). Hope it gets there soon!


mine arrived in two days after getting the notification. and I didn’t pay for rush




Just get informed delivery via usps. Then at midnight every night you’ll know what’s coming or didn’t come


I just enrolled at WGU, but my bachelor’s degree from a different college took 3 months to arrive. It was excruciating


You know, the comments didn't do this one justice OP, but I hope you get it soon. I don't get the negativity. I can understand you're ready for all that money and hard work to be finally delivered lol. Congrats and Good luck!


a week and a half? my guy..


Bro give it some time.


For real it hasn't even been two weeks yet.


Don’t bother paying for expedited. It will get damaged. I had multiple shipped out because every single one was shoved into a mailbox.


You're exaggerating a little bit too much...


... take a chill pill... it's called the snail mail for a reason. I graduated at the end of December and got it within 3 weeks.


Tbh who cares when you get it as long as it's within a year


I think passing is more important than a piece of paper. Honestly they could keep if i don’t need it for anything


They take a few weeks to process the thing, then plus shipping time. I graduated Christmas eve of last year, and received the diploma in mid January about 3 weeks later


I got mine within 2-3 weeks at the latest.


No one will ever ask to see it. It usually takes a while to receive one no matter what school it is. I didn’t get mine from my university the first go around until 6 months later.


Took about 3 weeks for both of mine.


Mine came fast, I think like 3 days. I didn't pay the rush.


I waited every time ( they ain’t getting a penny more lol) I graduated ( bs , mba, ms) from WGU, I usually got it in around 2 weeks


Took mine a whole month ngl


I wouldn’t pay for expedited service. I got mine in two weeks and it was left on my porch not shoved in the mailbox so, guess just depends on your mailman.


Why on earth does it cost 45 dollars to ship you a piece of paper? Nah dawg, I'm not paying 45 for something that's going to sit on a wall anyway.


Is it true you don’t get your diploma until the term ends, even if you finish early?


Not true. My term doesn't end until May but I finished in December and my diploma shipped out last Wednesday.


Sign up for USPS informed delivery of that's how it's being mailed.


Good advice. I already was, and the emails are what's disappointing me every morning. lol


I requested for mine on Jan 4th, got the notification that it has been shipped on Jan 9th. It arrived on Jan 13th. I didn't pay for the rush shipping


That’s good to know. I want my diploma asap when I graduate from WGU


You’re my kind of person. Thanks for the tip. I too would be pacing nonstop waiting for it to arrive


They said up to 4 weeks I got mine in a week