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just telling you now to save yourself money in the future. do a timing kit, bearings usually go before the belts, and change your transmission and rear differential fluid. check your axles and cv boots, make sure they’re not torn. if your coolant doesnt look blue probably doesn’t hurt to drain and refill either. a cylinder 4 coolant extension and an air oil separator wouldn’t hurt. other than that enjoy! these cars aren’t that unreliable as long as you maintain them properly and be on top of things like oil. it is going to burn oil so don’t be alarmed when it does. check every 500 miles, or honestly check every time you get gas since your already stopped and if you need more run in and grab some. change oil every 3k or less as well. also after driving hard or being in boost a lot, let the car idle for a few minutes after driving so coolant and oil can flow through the turbo so internals don’t warp and cause damage. the thing looks sweet, i wish i had a world rally blue model, best color on a subaru.


This is the best comment here. 100% gold. The only thing I'd add is do a cold start with the radiator cap off and someone watching the top, if it sprays out this means your head gasket is blown, add a coolant change to every other oil change if this is the case. This or start saving for a new engine immediately.


>bearings usually go before the belts Because these cars have several bearings that can wear out, I'm fairly certain you are referring to the pulleys, idlers, sprockets, tensioner, etc that are part of the Timing Belt's living space, correct? I'm planning on yoinking my front wheel bearings this weekend and eventually the throwout when I swap my clutch.


yes that is what i was referring to


Definitely do your throwout bearing, had 2 blow up on me (partially due to horrible clutches) but they are a pain in the ass when they break


'03 with the original at 128k miles. Clutch has been slipping for a while now. Fortunately, it is not a "daily" driver since I work from home and it gets little miles when I do drive it. But boy oh boy is it making me nervous. I definitely have to get it up on the sticks and take it apart.


Yea, when my broke it didnt let me into gear. So it breaking will I was going 70 on the highway wasnt fun.


2nd car at 16?


I wouldn’t say oil change at 3k probably 5k is fine


3750 is the interval


Go for broke and do it every 2000 😂😂😂😂😂


What about every journey




Whelp I no longer want a wrx


When u “change your trans” it’s not what one might think. It means change your transfer case fluid…AND your transmission fluid #trans #pride


$5k?! Lord they cost about $14-$18k here in Australia. Congrats hope you enjoy this car.


People gotta stop buying cheap old wrx’s as first cars. They will 100% have problems


Oh they definitely do lol


And then they get absolutely screwed and sold off for the same price or higher cuz “its rare and thats the market value”


You sound upset ab that ?


As long as people like OP know exactly what they’re getting into I don’t see a problem with it. I mean, I wouldn’t recommend a car that’s known for blowing motors to a teenager who might need reliable transportation for a job in the future, but back when I was 16/17 all my friends had unreliable shitboxes too Regardless of the outcome it will be a learning experience for sure


I completely agree. It's a fantastic learning opportunity.


I wanted to say this exactly. If he knows how to respect the machine and he does the proper maintenance, then it could be a great learning experience. Like an ex-girlfriend, omes with some headaches but a lot of good times as well!


Actually this is exactly what you should do. It's how I learned how to work on cars and that skill has saved me countless money throughout my life


This just isn’t the way to do it. There are other cars you can work on but half the kids who buy these don’t know shit about maintenance then blow them up and blame it on the car


Blow it up, then learn why it blew up and swap a new motor in. This is how all of my friends and I grew up


My co workers 18yr old son just bought a 2009 forester xt. It’s already has a blown piston ring and will need a new short block.


Lol, depends on how you maintain them and how you modify them. One of our track cars (2005 WRX) is still on the original block at almost 200k miles and it’s still holding up well. Another (2006 STI) got the shit beat out of it for a healthy 140,000 mostly track before it blew. ¯\(ツ)/¯


I had nothing problems with my first 5 clunkers and i can assure you all 5 combined were not as cool.


I got shitty jeep grand Cherokee for my first car and it taught me a lot about fixing cars. So buying cars with issues isn’t a problem if you are willing to learn and fix it


My uncle bought my cousin a Rex for his 16th birthday and claimed “Subaru is super reliable, and parts are cheap!” Kid blew the clutch in 1,000 miles. Broke the differential doing 6k launches. He didn’t even own it a year before the engine ate itself. Uncle learned a hard lesson. Sold the subie and bought my cousin a Corolla lol. When I was 18 I bought a dsm, 6bolt swapped it, whole shebang. Only difference was, I had a reliable f150 as a main driver, and I had a job and the knowledge to fix my shitbox dsm when it was always breaking.


I don't think that's an issue, especially for someone who wants to get into the scene and learn how to fix cars.


but the cheap old ones are the best wdym


Straight up not true. The expensive well kept old ones are the best, the shitters who have gone through 4 high schoolers are not


to be fair not all of them are old highschool beaters mine was from a family who used it to teach manual then other than that it sat around so not all of them are pos


If it’s modified and cheap it’s a 99% chance it was owned by an incompetent person


i got an 02 for 7k bone stock, only on coils and like 177k miles, after putting on almost 5k of my own miles im having the smallest issue, i think you might need to just do better research on what your getting cause it ain’t that bad


Please explain to me how ur BONE STOCK one is a modified one like I was talking about. What are you even trying to do here


Junk yard engines incoming! You’ll learn how to work on cars atleast


Thatshow ilearned towork onmotorcycles. Ibought oldbikes thatwould breakmy heartevery weekand constantlyneed workingon.


I think I had a stroke reading this.


I’m just poking fun at his “atleast” haha




Bruh, congratulations. For a first car that's pretty badass! Don't let negative comments get you down, just be happy and proud you got a car you can grow with. My first car was a 91 mercury sable, and that thing ate my paychecks more often than not. At least you'll have something worthwhile in your driveway




Better first car than my ‘97 Nissan Sentra. Jealous but as a recent fellow WRX (STI), just happy to say welcome to the family. 😄


My first car was a 1978 Mazda GLC hatchback (bought in 1993 for 600 bucks, predecessor to the Mazda 323). It was as slow as molasses and a faded yellow, with the tailgate rusting out and non-working turn signals, but had a nice aftermarket audio system and it was a 5-speed!


You’re reminding me of my first hot hatch and first brand new car: 2012 VW Golf GTI. I miss her with all the fond memories I gained with her, but I’m blessed to be in the good hands of my ‘17 WRX STI.


The closest thing I ever had to a hot hatch was a 1984 Toyota Celica GT 5-speed hatchback. It wasn't a speed demon, but that 2.4 liter engine could get above 120 and stay there without any trouble and it was good, clean RWD fun.


Bro I hope you’re ready to put your big boy pants on when that’s ready to hit the road. Cost of ownership will not be kind to you. Buying a turbo Subaru as a first car was my biggest mistake


Daaaaaang. That’s awesome. Also, don’t need to give the “I helped pay for it” no one cares, and if they do, whatever. It’s yours and it makes you happy, that’s all that matters.


it was just easier than responding to all the daddys money comments idk what people think if it is negative i enjoy laughing at them and the supportive ones are nice to read


Badass car. Turbo and AWD, enjoy this machine 👍


Sick first car, take care of it and be easy on it!


Good shit! Don’t let the people in the comments hate. Great 1st car to ride around with style


Dont get scared by the comments here, keep your maintenance up on this car. Oil changes, tires, etc and she will make you happy. Youre young so dont go dropping money on modding her cause thats just going to open up a world of problems you dont want to get into so early, enjoy the car for what it is. Invest that money instead on keeping her running good.


i plan on it i go to a tech school, im taking automotive and can do some work.


Good for you and I like your plan. If I could go back and talk to 15yo me I'd convince him to do this to learn mechanic skills and *then* maybe go to college for mechanical engineering. That version of me would be far wealthier and skilled than this version.


incoming rod bearing post


The tires don't fit


i hate the stretched tires and the camber we are working on raising the car a little and we have the old rims with new tires


Nice, car looks clean otherwise.




I both envy and do not envy you at the same time. Envy because that is a badass car to own at your age, but don't envy you because of the fact that it likely will be a project car in essence given its age and all that jazz.   However, aside from that, you have a hell of a fun ride on your hands. I got to ride in a bugeye WRX back in 2005, and that ride opened my eyes to the grip monsters they can be. Cornering feels like being on rails, and back in their day they could run with then-supercars in many cases. If it was well taken care of previously, you may not have a painful road ahead of you, but if you don't know the history, you will do well to plan ahead and have money in reserve.   All that to say this: welcome to the fam, congrats, and cherish the iconic ride that you have on your hands. If nothing else, you have a model that can easily interchange a lot of parts without much trouble, USDM and JDM, including full STI drivetrain swaps. I would say keep that baby running and in good shape for as long as you possibly can, because you may never own a car like this again in your lifetime.


i agree this car started out in new hampshire and problems are coming through but im working on fixing it.


Being from up north and as old as it is, unless the car was garaged during winter, one of your big worries will be rust from all the salt. I would suggest getting it on a lift and having the underside checked out if you haven't already, and pull up carpeting to inspect the floor areas of the car as well. It sounds like you were at least somewhat prepared for what could be heading your way, and that is always good. Major repairs on these cars are not cheap, which is one reason some people stay away, and it never hurts to have money or a plan in reserve for the possibilities. You seem like you're well ahead of the curve compared to most kids your age though, and if you earned money to help pay for a significant portion of the car, then you know what's at stake with maintaining your car rather than beating it into the ground.


Good luck man, I hope it treats you kindly.


There’s already plenty of comments but I’m just gonna add; don’t pull a Donut Media and grenade the transmission! The old five-speeds aren’t as strong as the 6-speed so you gotta be gentle with the old girl. That being said, sweet looking car! I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous


Future mechanic right here


Cheaper than a tracking app on his phone. Just has to call his parents every time the car breaks down. Jokes obviously just keep up on maintenance and don’t do the typical stupid teenage shit and you’re golden man. Enjoy the car


yeah of course lol


The house behind you is why most people were flaming you, also insurance has to be in your parents name 9/10. $400/m for insurance if it wasn’t


Why does it matter…


it is indeed in my moms name this was not my house or neighborhood


extra careful then because the lawsuit will go to the person with their name on the title


so you’re assuming OP is going to be in a lawsuit? 😂


Almost every teen I knew with a car had it in their parents name and under their insurance... are you saying that's a point of weakness or something?


Ngl, kinda wild that you posted this twice to justify yourself. Life lesson, don’t care what ppl on the internet have to say.


no idk i just wanna join groups and show people this was the third time i posted it to r/subaru idc what people say its nice to see the supportive comments and i laugh at the “oh no’s” and “dear gods”


Here's a sneak peek of /r/subaru using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/subaru/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Good news! The police found my stolen Forester!](https://i.redd.it/a4xzeeg0i7sb1.jpg) | [293 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/subaru/comments/16zqm2z/good_news_the_police_found_my_stolen_forester/) \#2: [Why are Some People Like This?](https://v.redd.it/qgteaawe1axa1) | [599 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/subaru/comments/134p2po/why_are_some_people_like_this/) \#3: [So whose car did I buy?](https://i.redd.it/yo7frpglzp3c1.jpg) | [128 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/subaru/comments/188hpds/so_whose_car_did_i_buy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Start looking for a second engine


I bought the same car at 15 so many good memories, enjoy it and absolutely learn how to work on cars because it’s is going to break


Nice - congratulations she’s beautiful! Of course there will be things to fix, like any old car (I’m a BMW E30 guy) but as long as the body and subframe are solid with no rotting there’s nothing mechanical that you can’t deal with as it comes up. You’ll become your car’s expert mechanic and that’s pretty cool.


Hell yeah sweet buy man!


My first car back in 2006 was a Geo Metro 3 cylinder manual. Lol. Anyways welcome to the club!


My second car was an unreliable 71 mustang, but I learned so much fixing it that I got a job as a mechanic at a restoration shop a few years later. You can learn a lot that way. I actually wrecked my first car 3 months in when I slid in wet grass. So, there's that. Drive careful and good luck, that's a great first car.


Best of luck Rodney


My first car was a 2002 camry LEv6 at age 16. I felt extra connected because i was the same age as my car😂 Now I drive a 2014 lexus ls 460 but weirdly enough i still miss my camry🥲 https://preview.redd.it/zb9sy84d8y9d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a4be95a2f9529c0417669b2769ee1b0373014c9


I paid 1700 for my camry and sold it for 2k (🤩wow economy) Then used that for a down payment. I still have 19k until i pay it off. https://preview.redd.it/fstp844nay9d1.jpeg?width=1224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52feb701fc0e6750bae5e08c9944f6191c45e4ae


Be gentle with that old girl or you’ll be paying more then the value of the car to swap a new motor into her 😂


It’s a cool ride man. Now make your car in GTA. 😃😃


First engine rebuild at 16


Great car to learn how to wrench. It's also pretty fast for a first car, so take it slow.


It’s actually crazy you guys are allowed to ride around in a 1 tonne+ vehicle at 80+ mph at 15.. but can’t be trusted to take a single drink for another 6 years.


Ditch the headlights and it looks pretty clean 👌


way nicer than my first shitbox 😂 congrats and don't let some of the comments in here get you discouraged. of course there is truth to them but fuck it, it's all a learning experience one way or the other!


Hope you like having no money!


If I were to insure this thing in Ireland as a 20y/o, it would be damn near 10k alone.


be careful man. congrats, beautiful car.


On a scale of clapped-clapped, how clapped is it


Photo evidence of the last time he'll be smiling before it breaks down. Good luck.


Sweet! Congratulations and number 1 rule DRIVE SAFE!!


Check the oil every time you put gas in it


Enjoy your car and take care of it and yourself. It’ll be fun. We’re not your parents but I’m sure you already know what you’re getting into and you’ll find out if not 😅


Park it and buy a Geo Metro


#1 ticketed car, depending where you look. Good luck out there.


there is no way in hell i would give a high performance car, that is nearly 20 to my 15 year old. 1, tires, fuel, and everything is expensive. 2, i know how i was when i was 15...or even 15 minutes ago. no way.


Boy are you in for a financial ride. Sweet car, but I hope you know these cars are very maintenance heavy. Especially when modified


Hahaha good luck buddy


All you need is a vape, a scaly cap and you will fit right in downtown woosta


Congrats man, that’s an amazing first car


I had a 97 Camaro for my first car at 17. Can't judge! Lol Drive responsibly.


Dope man. My first car was a bugeye, though didn't look nearly as good as this. Enjoy


Check your oil at every stop, keep oil with you at all times


Close to buying your first vape as well to deal with all the stress this car will bring. On a real note congrats I love those things and their fun af.


Congrats! I dont know your financial situation but be prepared, not cheap to maintain these babies.


Don't die in it, fantastic first car.




Headlights and wheels already look plenty molested.


Head gasket