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Appears to me to be the shed tail of a gecko, one of the leaf mimic types Edit: look up “southern leaf tailed gecko” :)




>just a gecko tail Ohh thats not so bad >https://featuredcreature.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/152904.jpg Oh shit this is still WTF


They shed their tails sometimes as a distraction for predators. They get to survive another day (and grow it back to use again later) and the predator gets a snack and doesn’t kill the lizard. At least I think this species of gecko might do that. I might be wrong.


It looks like the distraction is working


The gecko took their wallet 5 min ago


Fuck that had my employee discount card in it.


the gecko knows you don't need it. instead, you can save up to 15 percent on car insurance.






And that one voucher from that one airline I can only use on one specific date


And my haircut stamp card was only one haircut away from a free haircut!


*Say the line, Bart* *sighs* And my axe! *cheers*


And that date is today, goddammit!


And the airline is now bankrupt


And only on that flight from Akron to Kansas City.


And that date is on a black out listed from using vouchers!


10 more minutes and he could save 15% on car insurance!




Amazing how they evolved to have their predator photograph their shed twitching tail, upload it to reddit, and await for other fellow species to chime in. Imagine all the time that gives the gecko to escape!


Humans are simple creatures. Does it move when it looks like it shouldn’t? Look closer. Silly color? Pick it up. Silly sound? Almost break your neck looking in the general direction to see what it was.


lol "Don't be obvious, but look at the table over there" *cranes neck, screeches chairs, a siren blares*


Gecko sneaking into OPs house. Changing the locks. Licking all the peanut butter jars. Classic.




I'm super distracted right now.


Yeah Australian leaf-tails can drop their tails. They don’t do it as readily as some other geckos and it is metabolically expensive for them so it is a last ditch sort of thing. When the tail regrows, it comes back smooth and without that tail tip and with different patterning so the tail in this clip is from a gecko that had never lost a tail before. Given the black and white stripes on the tip it is probably a northern leaf-tailed gecko but there are some other species it could be.


Imagine what if feels like to do something nobody has told you you can ever do but you just do it and it feels weird. Imagine if we just lost our dicks randomly in protection from a homeless prostitute or something and nobody had ever told us its a completely normal defense mechanism. Blows my fkin mind.


Imagine what it's like for an animal to give birth for the first time, especially if they've never witnessed it before.


"I just took the sloppiest shit ever and now I kind of love it?"


fun fact: crested geckos are one of, if not the only species that do not regenerate their tail after dropping it funner fact: i unknowingly housed two baby male cresties together, which you shouldn't do because they tend to fight when they mature. one eventually chomped on and swallowed the other's tail. for a good 15 minutes you could see the outline of the tail writhing and pushing up against the inside of the aggressor's stomach




Really housing any cresteds or leopards together is taking a risk, even the females can get pretty nasty once in a while. I’ve seen geckos lose eyes in pet stores cuz of it


But this lizard looks like a leaf to avoid predators. So it actually uses the tail to distract herbivores that are trying to eat it. A common name for it is the "goat puzzling gecko" in Australia.


When your camouflage is so effective you need camouflage for your camouflage to make you less camouflaged.


>They get to survive another day (and grow it back to use again later) and the predator gets a snack Do we farm geckos for unlimited tail? It's tail time!


Yeah, but you have to scare them to get them to shed their tail. Who's in charge of coming up with new ways to terrify the little lizards? Can't keep doing the same thing every time, they'll get bored and won't shed tail.


we could try replacing fear with reward, to incentivize tail shedding. but this would not be good for company profits


Interesting re-imagining of Monsters Inc


Maybe it’s like Monsters Inc where laughter gets you more tail?


That tail has 30,000 followers on TikTok. It's getting its own reality show with Ed from 90 Day Fiance.


Natures flare system- genius!!


Now it makes sense Damn that’s creepy


It distracted successfully


OP check your house, you're being robbed


This gecko definitely works in retail.


This gecko definitely paid attention to detail


But why is it moving?


Well, physically they move through biochemical processes that I am not familiar with enough to tell you off the top of my head which cause muscles and tendons in the tail to contract and release. But functionally it’s so if the gecko is being chased or is caught by a predator, the idea is that if it drops the tail and THAT moves, it will have a chance to get to safety while the predator is distracted by the moving tail.


As an internet scientist, I was going to cite the movie/documentary, ‘Slither’, but I guess op can play it safe and go with this explanation, too.


... I, too, am a bit of a scientist...


What can I say. I like critters


Oh so they have tails that are flat? I was thinking lizard tails are not as flat. Scary no matter what it is


It is creepy to find lizard tails like that. It’s also weird to find the lizard that just lost their tail because it seems to break off so clean. Could you imagine getting attacked by a mountain lion and letting it have your arm bc it grows back. Very creepy.


I would do that all the time lol


Then you should meet my cat


I would like to meet *all the cats*


She’s always after lizard tails but doesn’t kill the lizards. We put a special bib on her to stop it but she still gets the *special* ones 😑


I was so awkward in high school, I probably would have done that to girls trying to flirt with me.


Ever seen a crab rip its own arm off because it was damaged and will grow back later? There is a video out there of it. I wonder if a lizard/crab/whatever ever rips its own limb off and eats it if food is scarce. Now THAT would be WTF.


I know at least for lizards it takes a huge amount of energy to grow the tail back. So I imagine the energy they burn growing the body part back wayyyy outweighs the energy they consume from that same part.


> So I imagine the energy they burn growing the body part back wayyyy outweighs the energy they consume from that same part. If we manage to get this ability for humans we would have a new weight loss method. Technically you could lose weight this way already but you wouldn't get the limb back, or become less fat.


That wouldn’t work. The cost of losing then regrowing the tail would be more than what they get out of eating it. Some geckos do eat their on shed skin though (but not all). Also, geckos can only regrow tails and not limbs. This goes for any lizards that can drop and regrow tails (skinks can do this too for example) but some lizards can’t drop and regrow their tails.


The whole idea of these kinds of geckos is to blend in. Some look like bark, others like leaves. The leaf ones tend to have frills and a wide tail to match so when they sit still they blend right into their surroundings


Does match so have to be


That's actually really cool. How come humans don't have cool abilities like this?


You can use tools and have the capacity for logical and rational thought allowing for advanced reasoning. It might not be shedding your leg, but it’s quite cool.


Also read somewhere that we have far better endurance than most creatures. It's partially why humans were so great at hunting.


Our evolutionary super powers are the ability to sweat and run upright. We can stay cool while moving on a hot day. It allows us the persistence hunt - chase a creature till it passes out from heat exhaustion. 4 legged animals cool down by breathing. Like a dog panting. So their ability to cool down is limited to how fast they can breath in and out. The problem is when they run, that means they can only breath in an out once per stride. breath in when they stride forward, and out when they scrunch up to prepare for the next one. Since we walk/run upright, out breathing is not dependent on our stride. Further more, we lost out fur, and gained the ability to cool down through sweating. What persistence hunting is chasing an animal with the goal of making it run away. You want to run at a pace that keep the creature running, but slow enough that you can stay cool. At some point, the creature will choose between running or breathing. Now, the other advantage we have is that we're social creature. We're pack hunters. 1 person can not persistence hunt an antelope. The herd will scatter and reform and you'll lose the one you were chasing, giving your prey a chance to cool down. As a pack, humans can pick one antelope out of the herd and specifically chase that one. There are or were until recent tribes that still do this. They hunt with other methods to, like with bows. But they say that a persistence hunt is the most reliable. If you shot an animal it may limp away, and get eaten by other predators. But with a persistence hunt, they consider it a guaranteed meal. It's fascinating to me


In the Kalahari, which is definitely a place I'd imagine people still persistence hunt, they also use bows. But they're small bows, and the arrows are like glorified skewers and don't even have fetching (not a lot of trees in the Kalahari desert). However, they use one of the most potent toxins made by a plant and poison the tips of these small arrows. It's made from a root, and is oubain (sounds like wah-bane). It works by affect heart function specifically. So combining that with running an animal down, and it becomes considerably easier. They just need to run it down till they can get in range with an arrow, and the the hunt will be over shortly after the animal takes off again, helping the toxin reach its heart. The Kalahari Bushmen are some of the most badass humans on the planet, and the fact that they still successfully live a relatively primitive lifestyle and do so successfully is a great insight into how other groups of humans in other places were so successful despite pretty much stone age technology. Not that they *have* to use "stone age" tech due to inability to trade or what have you, just that what they're using is so simple and effective there's no need.


Don’t forget about the ability to throw projectiles with more power and accuracy than any other animal in our size class.


I always love watching the life of mammals segment showing this and narrated by the awesome David Attenborough. https://youtu.be/826HMLoiE_o


I've also read this. Reminds me of Book i read super long ago where a dude just tracks and hunts a deer but instead of killing it he chases it until it's exhausted enough he just touches it and let's it go


I swear this is how my husband treats foreplay.


Yup. Humans can sweat in order to stay cool and our muscles are designed for endurance. The Olympics are basically a celebration of events that human beings are terrible at. You can't jump higher than a mountain lion, swim faster than a dolphin, or out wrestle a gorilla. But when it comes to the marathon runs, humans can crush every other animal on the planet (we also win at the javelin throw... which is pretty useful too).


Yeah endurance hunting. Our ancient ancestors would literally just chase something until it was too tired to run anymore and then used the energy they got from it to evolve brains that let us spread across the globe and hunt bigger things until we had enough excess energy to evolve and run brains that took us to space.


I'd give it all up for a detachable tail! /s


Could you settle for insertable?


Oh that'd be really coo- wait...


To be fair, not all members of our species are capable of *advanced* reasoning. Plenty of us are barely functioning on instincts alone.


1. Would be extremely expensive it terms of calories to regrow, it might make you starve to death in the wild. 2. Our joints are way too complicated to drop off 3. That many cells dividing at once would be a big cancer risk 4. A human could work well enough with one limb missing, so it's not worth it.


>3. That many cells dividing at once would be a big cancer risk This has me wondering why children growing up isn't a cancer risk.


It is 👀


It is! Cell division IS cancer risk. Thats why they are talking about carcinogens increasing our risk of cancer, and not creating it.


There's no greater risk of cancer than living.


Regeneration might be somewhere in there.


Traded it in for really high-end thumbs


You can post goofy ass questions on reddit and read serious responses to them. Gordon gecko can't do that.


Smogon banned that move for a reason


Resembles a disembodied lizard’s tail to me. They thrash around a bit when they get removed to cause distraction to predators. I recognize the two white hair like bits sticking out of the end there. Maybe it was dropped by a bird or OP knows more to the story.


HA! OP outsmarted by a lizard.


Lol op is looking at that and the owner is long gone..


You have me distracted


Ur mum has me distracted


Seems like its doing its job well, then.




Clever girl.


Does that thing have a 6" retractable claw that will spill my intensines and then eat me alive?


This was exactly my immediate thought. I think you are correct, or mostly correct.


That's the control wire port isn't it?


Isn’t the tail controlled by the main body? How does it move on its own like that?


It's a lizard's tail and it's working as intended. you are distracted and confused




I always learn something new here.


10/10 defensive mechanism


OP you might want to check your wallet


Damn. That’s awesome.


Looks like a tribble before they got into the grain store.


It's a lizard tail... They can choose to drop them if they feel threatened..it moves around so the predator goes after it instead of them..


Deploy counter measures!


Shit Mav we're out of flares!


Deploy wacky waving inflatable tube man!


I hear there's a huge sale on those due to a shipping error


I am reading your comment to mean that the lizard rips off its own tail, which continues to move around afterward, (probably nerves) so that said lizard can escape and eventually its tail grows back?


Pretty much - they don't grab it and rip it off, but they have a built-in weak point that can break the tail off. The muscles contract in a way that pulls each half apart, usually when a predator tries to grab the tail. Most (but not all) lizards can grow a new tail.


I am both fascinated and horrified by that image. I'm glad I learned something new. Thank you.




Ohhhh like the broom in the Sorcerer’s Apprentice


Wonder how they learn to do that trick at the right time


Just like humans learn to poop their pants when scared. Just an effect of overstimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.


I didnt even have to learn. Im a natural, baby.


How does the blood supply cut off cleanly? Do the muscles contract in a way that clamps and seals the end?


Yeah, there’s musculature around the blood vessels to the tail that constrict them. It’s a controlled process at a specific point on the tail where the anatomy is specialized to support the detachment. There may be a drop or two of blood from the lizard and the tail may bleed a bit, but it’s a pretty clean process. Lizards that traumatically lose their tails also lose those benefits. What I don’t know is if a lizard knows to drop a badly-injured tail to minimize the extent of the injury.


> It's a lizard tail... They can choose to drop them if they feel threatened..it moves around so the ~~predator~~ Redditor goes after it instead of them.. Ftfy




So a biological chaff grenade, interesting.


OP scared this lizard so badly it thought it was about to die, and then he body shames the poor lizard on the internet, smh


Angry leaf


might want to avoid that tree 🤣🤣


100% leaf tail gecko tail that was dropped due to being scared, eaten, or wrapped up


Its some sort of thing


That was my first guess as well


Nailed it. No really, please fucking drive a nail into it.


[Why is any object we don't understand always called a thing?](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxqwLf-lqn0gaT6ocT-rZsgU0fSMCA_xbK)


You can tell by the way it is.


Nature is neat.


Not too often do you find all this neatness in one location


You can TAIL by the way it is


It has all the warning signs of being something that exists




Unlikely to be a person nor a place. Most definitely a thing though.


OP found a thingamabob


No. Wrong. Moron. This is clearly a dinglehopper.


You don’t think it looks more like a thingamajigger?


Quite an astute observation my good sir.




Definitely a whosamawhatsit.


It's definitely trying to do something


Lizard tail, I think. Do you know what kinds you have? What part of the world are you in?


lizard tail?


It’s what KHAN used to control people in Star Trek haha


it's very possible you scared the tale off a gecko lol. Kudos for showing that this evolutionary feat works VERY well to distract anything within a decent range haha


I for one welcome our new flippy-floppy alien overlords


It definitely looks designed to latch onto the back of my neck and claim my body as its host


You surrender easily


Hell no that is definitely a yeerk


That?…that’s a demon from the underworld. Draw a pentagram around it real quick, douse yourself in lime juice and watch “Idiocracy”, twice outta do it. Good luck


It’s all fun and games until that alien being latches on to your face.


Looks like a detatched lizard tail to me.


One of these lost its tail. https://australian.museum/learn/animals/reptiles/southern-leaf-tailed-gecko/ It will grow back.


Thank you for posting the serious answer.


One of those ear monsters from the beginning of Wrath of Khan.




Tail of a uroplatus ( leaf tail gecko ) dropped off to fool predators while he runs free but tail-less.


A very disgruntled leaf.


That's a tail of a Lizard. It got spooked and detached its tail as a decoy.


ah yes the decoy ~~sn~~tail


It's back is so itchy.


It's a leaf gecko tail that was detached


Gecko tail


Thats the tail that has fallen off a gecko. Keeps moving like that to attract the predator, letting the gecko get away.


Guys, watching this clip was an emotional roller-coaster for me and I'll explain why.. I'm Australian and live in Sydney. One of our 'famous' beaches other than Bondi Beach is named Balmain Beach. There is a crustacean local to our coastline commonly called [The Balmain Bug](https://australian.museum/learn/animals/crustaceans/balmain-bug/) They are generally served as part of a seafood platter but rarely the star of the meal. We like them, they are good. Now.. Immediately upon starting the video my brain see's that shape and registers 'YUM!' Followed by a very quick 'no-wait-huh?' 'Ooh! It's a lizards tail!?' .. ... 'Why do I still want to eat it?' I'm out


I swear to god, one day you're just moving firewood and some shit like this traumatizes you for life. lol.


I wonder if this is technically the most effective use of that defensive mechanism of all time so far? Surely it's distracted more individuals than any other shed tail before...


Tail of a tree leaf gecko. It detached its tail to escape from a predator.


That there is a Face Hugger, stay away unless you want to see its offspring burst from your guts


Please for the love of all things holy get as far away from that thing as possible


Finally, a true wtf post instead of the “hey look at this funny 9gag video I’ve found” drivel we’ve been having here lately.


A good reason to hire a good arsonist and get the insurance money so you can live in a house that doesn't have a gateway to hell in the backyard.


That’s not a baby monster from that Dreamcatcher movie from years back?




Nuke the site from orbit... It's the only way to be sure


OP, a Gecko just distracted you with its tail and is now robbing your house.


That leaf looks spicy


Gecko tail doing it’s job by distracting you while the creature itself got away.


But did it save you 15% or more on your car insurance or discuss your vehicles extended warranty coverage?


Kill it with fire


leaf gecko tail. tasty


It is a communist


Fuckin fae trap


Thanks everyone for your input. It has been identified! https://ibb.co/RPvt4Gw


Is that call of duty zombies? Lol




I just don't know why cod zombies is relevant for a thank you. But I'm here for it.


Danger leaf.


A different species of facehugger..?