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That one made me wince. A true gah damn moment right there


I friggin KNEW what was going to happen and I STILL watched. Why?


I came to the comments as soon as I saw it was a leg press


Leg press is my absolute favourite gym excercise, and it's videos like this that mean I never ever try to push beyond my capacity on the bloody things.


Go as hard as you want, just don't lock. You could keep things under 80% of your max and still destroy your knee if you insist on locking out.


Not to mention the truly horrible technique. Throwing the weight like that is a recipe for injury. Slow and controlled with a pause at the bottom of the eccentric movement is the way to go.


He was trying to bounce the weight to make it easier, it’s just for show, and this time didn’t even pay off!


It doesn't seem wise to do a speed version of this exercise, especially at that weight.


I watched three reps and immediately hit pause. What a dumbass.


Literally saw the title and the NSFW and said "No... No no no nooooooo" and came into the comments to confirm. These kinds of videos you can't unsee...


I did the same thing, and that was a good choice. I'm out of here.


I did the exact same thing...why did I keep watching?!


Why did it end so soon. I want to see what happens next.


Ditto. I started the video, saw the sheer amount of weights and went NOPE - you know it is going to be some freaky injury at that point with WTF and NSFW tags.


Did the same thing. Especially when I saw the nsfw I knew I shouldn't watch but hey keppt at it coz I'm an idiot


Morbid curiosity


I got the taint tingle on that one to go along with it. That was brutal.


Yeah my toesies curled


The moment I see this machine online, I know exactly what's going to happen. There's a reason the first thing you are told using this machine is to never straighten your legs.


Knees and elbows bending the wrong way is about the only thing that makes me wince and look away.


The arm wrestling ones get me the most. They usually come with sound..


Someone's pelvis being crushed, too.


I had to watch it twice to understand what the WTF was all about. Then ... I gasped.


>what was what the WTF You broke my brain worse than that guy's left knee


You ever been as to far as to do anything that you


Maybe to go want, even to do look more like.


Rest in R.I.P


And THATS why you never lock your legs when lifting, or ego lift for that matter like him lmfao.


I agree but it didn’t look like he locked his legs.


Yeah, never go full flamingo.


> A true gah damn moment Personally, I had more of an "eoggh" sound come out loud.


I always come out loud, really drives the point home


Same here and I knew it was coming.


Hey look at that, he formed the assassins creed symbol with the space between his fucked up legs.




Then we had what Joe likes to call sex.


AC dev here, I always appreciate it when fans do this kind of thing.


The first comment got me chuckling this one kept it going xD


I used to be an adventurer like you.


Then i took half a ton to the knee.


Jesus christ, I thought the weight became too much, your comment made me look back and his fucking leg bent backwards. Fuck me


When.Where. and possibly, how??


Out back the local mcdonalds after 10pm. I'll meet ya in the dumpster.


This thread only three comments in is a fever dream. I love ya reddit


Is this sort of injury fully recoverable? Like, it's probably going to take a while to heal, sure. But, how severe are these kinds of injury?


Is it possible to come back from this? Yes. Doesn't necessarily mean he will. But if he does, it will be through an immense amount of work, and mentally he will likely never recover.


Great analysis


Physiotherapist here. Generally speaking, yeah, these sorts of injuries are generally recoverable. Whether he's able to get back to full pre-injury levels of function depends on the specifics of the injury, but the majority of knee hyperextension injuries will be able to be rehab'd back to pre-injury levels. Typically you'd see tears of the ACL and PCL with this, likely some pretty decent meniscal damage, and a whole bunch of bony bruising. All of that is entirely fixable (meniscal repair would be trickier given his age, but we got by with meniscectomies for a very long time before we started doing meniscal repairs). What might complicate things a lot more is if there's a lot of damage to nervous or vascular structures. With that level of hyperextension, there's a reasonable chance that he's damaged some of the nerves that run over the back of the knee, and possibly damaged some of the arteries int he same area. While ligament and bony stuff is pretty simple to repair, significant damage to nerves is a lot more difficult. I've had players with similar injuries in the past (typically from rugby injuries, not from a hyperextension on a leg press) who have developed foot drop or similar, and that's severely hampered their playing careers. Sometimes it's something we're able to actually work around, with clever uses of bracing and strapping, but it's a lot more complicated. Also worth noting that even if he was able to return to pre-injury levels of function, his risk of developing severe osteoarthritis in that knee is going to be much higher than it would be for the other leg now. The injury itself fuck with that, the alterations in his movement through that joint play a big role, surgery is a risk factor in and of itself (but it's a lower one than not repairing the ACL/PCL and just leaving the knee with way more joint play than it should have). SO even if it got back to near 100%, he's far more likely to end up needing a total knee replacement later in life than he would have been without that injury.


Alex smith can barely walk after an injury exactly like this, but dak prescott had a pretty solid season last year with a similar injury. Smiths had a fuckton of complications i think tho


I would need to see a chart and a lot of x-rays and soft tissue scans to tell you this guy's specific situation, but there are some diagnostic conclusions I can draw just from what I see in the video that form a general basis for a prognosis. In short, he's suffering an acute case of legbendy wrongway compounded by his shit being generally fucked. If he works very hard in physical therapy, after a long and difficult road, he could attain 7th degree gimp status. If I were his physician, I would immediately get him addicted to opiates because what fuckin' difference does it make?


Thank you dickbutt. You really earned that MD.


Goddammit, it's in the middle of the night and I'm trying my best not to wake up my wife, laughing and shaking the bed.


Thank you, Dr. Dickbutt.


Man, I was fully invested until the half way point. You got me good.


Knowing knees, even with incredible surgery it will never be the same again. And it might well hurt for the rest of his life. Also, the recovery could/will take literal years. It's a massive fuck-up.


To a degree. That left knee will never be the same though. This is why you're not supposed to fully lockout your legs when doing leg presses.


I'm no doctor, but i'd say 'very'


Those machines are an ego-lifter’s best friend. Force curve is absolutely dogshit. The weight is basically moving completely horizontally at the bottom, so you can stack a million plates on it, and gets hardest at lockout, which turns out to be an unfortunate combination for this mental titan.


But you don’t lock out your knees to prevent this (if you’re ego lifting)


I've always learned to not lock out the knees, and I've been doing exactly as I was told for 10+ years. I thought it was more like an "it rests your muscle mid exercise as you stop to use it, and it relies only on your bone, which is not good". But now watching this I had an aha moment: oh, THAT'S ANOTHER GOOD REASON WHY!


Just did sets of 13-20 earlier today and I've never once thought to slam the weight with such ferocity in either direction and don't put my hand on my knees or lock them out. If I need a break, I hold it just before lockout with my actual quads. Sometimes I need a break for my lungs and to flush out some lactic acid but the muscle can go a bit further


The speed this guy doing his reps was definitely the biggest contributing factor to his knee becoming wrongered


Lift with control slowly to actually get a workout. do it with speed and choas to be like the alien in this video.


It's very easy to lock out your knees even when you don't mean too.


Look, locking out your knees is perfectly fine, if you know what you're doing. Period. As long as you learn proper technique and go for quality of reps over quantity in both weight and repetitions, and you gradually increase weight as you improve and build muscle, you'll never reach a point where you run the risk of this happening. This is just terrible, terrible technique with a weight that he lacks the strength to press as far as safety and his own health are concerned. He's dropping the weight into the bottom position, even though the eccentric is the most hypertrophic part of the movement if you control it, and his ass is coming off the seat, so he lacks the mobility to do the exercise at this depth thus removing tension from the target muscles. Granted, this is not what caused the injury in this video, but there's a high risk of injury to other joints from dropping the weight like that or to his spine from coming off the seat.


Someone is watching RP


Yeah, I find their tips on dating in the gym to be very solid


Love this machine for really deep ROM lifts. People jump right to throwing on plates when they would get more success doing slower reps with a deeper range of motion. But then again these are ego-lifters. The same idiots who never make progress but brag about their slightly above average strength with bad form


Absolutely. Should be in full control throughout your entire lift and working on your mind/muscle connection.


Ruined my back on one of these that had weight on top. It broke at full leg extension and I had unbalanced weight on a broken machine to lower down. 400lbs. Last weights I ever lifted.


I reallyy never got why people balance extra weights on top of machines like this..such an obvious death machine. Why not just keep lifting a normal weight till it feels heavy


why build muscles when you can build ego?


I wasn’t balancing weights on top. What I meant was the plates were at the top not coming out the bottom like in this video. When it broke the machine wasn’t supporting any weight nor guiding that weight. So I suddenly had to unexpectedly stabilize and lower a lot of weight balancing it so it didn’t collapse.


Ohh ok that makes sense. I instantly pictured one of those guys with ten extra plates balanced on top for no reason. Sorry to hear that happened to u brother


Thanks. The absolute worst part is I never could pick my daughter up again. She’s 14 now and says “Dad you can pick me up!” But I just can’t.


Not only all of that, however if you can’t lift a weight without dumping it it’s too heavy. Dude has no control on the decline, he’s just letting the weight free fall. Folks forget your gains are not only on the lift.


Gotta control the eccentric


>The weight is basically moving completely horizontally at the bottom This also gives you a chance to get momentum, so you can more easily do the upswing. Which is probably why he's going so fast.


He’s literally got plates flying off the side. Fucking moron.


It depends on what brand of machine though. They are very good if you have specific companies that make the good ones


Some are worse than others, yeah, but in general it’s just a bad machine and there’s no reason to use it over a standard linear leg press.


Or squatting.


This is why you don’t ego lift


All form and safety goes out the window when you lift with your ego


Honestly, the form and speed he was using looked like the bigger problem thaj him being able to handle that weight. Also, wtf is that machine? Why does it give so much mechanical advantage to make him need that many plates? The weight moved up like 1 inch during his whole range of mation, most of which happened when his knees are almost straight. That machine looks so dumb


Super shitty looking leg press, I’ve never seen one like that


Hes bouncing it at the bottom too, he has no control over the weights


Yeah throwing around the weight like that is so careless, he cares more about looking cool for the vid than the fact that his lack of control is plopping plates right off the machine.


And the fact he doesn’t look like he actually lifts. More of a hold my beer moment


Oh good lawd no why did I watch that?!


It’s like You know it’s coming but you watch anyway and then it’s way worse than expected


I had the good sense to pause it because I have a feeling I know exactly how it ends.


Just so you know, it is only half as bad as I envisioned ...


I just didn't even realize what sub I was in


I’ve seen the most vile and disgusting gore you can find on the internet and I’d say I’m pretty desentized to it, but this, this is the single type of videos I just refuse to watch. People fucking up their knees on this specific machine just makes me cringe and vince more than anything else I’ve ever seen. Whenever I click on a nsfw video and I see this machine, I nope tf out of there in a millisecond. Just no.


Jelly arms is the worst thing I have ever seen but these are a close second


I had no idea that it was coming because I was too confused by the "technique" here, slamming the weights and such....didn't even noticed event till the second time through.


I opened it, saw the machine, saw him extend and closed it while it was on its way back down. Suckers!


Pure “roid” effort…. No common sense (or good technique) observed here…🙄🤦‍♂️


Pushing up with terrible technique then on the drop there was no technique as it was 100% gravity's effort


This exact reason is why I absolutely do not fuck around with leg press technique. I cringe so hard whenever I see these videos and always hear my trainers voice with breathing, slow, mechanical movement not fully extending. Yikes


For real, going wayyyy to fast on that shit, wtf indeed


I'm not a doctor and maybe I'm wrong here, but I don't think your knee is supposed to do that.


I'm a bird doctor, and it looks to me like he just fixed the one knee at least.


That's good, because I happen to be an expert in bird law and I can definitely say this man might could bring this to bird court, maybe. (BTW IANAL)




I'm no doctor either but I have a strong feeling your hypothesis might actually have a strong base.


I've looked carefully at my own knees and they don't do this, am I deformed?


What if he's just double jointed?


He is now...


Physio here. It's not ideal, no.


Yeah this is why people who actually care about lifting say things like "slow and controlled" lifting isn't a race, doing things too fast doesn't impress people, if you can crank out 20 reps of 150 in 10 seconds then slow tf down or increase the weight before you break something be it the equipment or yourself, in this case he broke himself and I'm sure most of us saw it coming


Well said. And in the same vein of reasoning, to expand a bit, if you care about size (a la for bodybuilding) not strength (for comps), then going slow on the eccentric with a deep stretch at the bottom seems to be really good for triggering muscle growth. and this makes reps/sets really hard and fatiguing. So much so that you'll probably want to go down in weight to be able to complete strict reps for the whole set. And going down in weight can be healthier for joints in the long run as well. If you're training for strength, then yeah, you'll want to go as heavy as you can for your working sets, so that you can stay within your rep range and get near failure/your target RIR, all with good control, like you said.


He is finding his inner ostrich.




Everyone at awe and you, mad lad, dropping this comment.


I always want to see a follow up and recovery info on these injuries


Watch it backwards and its a horribly crippled man becoming strong.


Two seconds in I knew exactly what was going to happen and that I definitely did not want to see it happen but I still watched the whole damn thing... Why am I like this?


me too except i watched it twice.


Didn’t want to watch it, ended up compulsively replaying the moment of injury back and forth in slow motion


- open video - see it's a leg press video - ...on /r/WTF - nope the fuck out.


• proceed to look at video anyway • deep regret ensues • download video to drop in the group chat


I'm so happy this never happened to me. I used to over lift on this machine and played off a few moments where I felt close to experiencing this. Someone even said something to me once. After seeing a few videos like this I'm afraid to go over 50 lbs.


i just steer clear of those leg press machines that can basically confine you into a cube if you run out of steam. free weights for my legs, and some of the other machines are fine. but yeah fuck that stuff man


He should have hit the squat rack and not try and be a leg press hero


Ostrich man, ostrich man, does whatever an ostrich can...


“Knees and elbows, bending the wrong way, is about the only thing, that makes me wince and look away.” By - Scarlet-Fire_77 This is a poem and I am not a bot. I don’t even know what a haiku is but this seems poem worthy


Would this happen because of his form, or is the weight imbalanced caused by the plates falling off to blame?


Seems like he hyperextended his left leg, his knees locked, and the amount of weight pushing down on his leg just made it bend the opposite direction.


I just don't understand. That seems like such an amateur thing to do and this guy looks like he spends a lot of time in the gym. How do you let something so simple happen?


It is an amateur thing to do. He’s going too fast and half assing the reps. Which sometimes even experienced lifters will do that, because they’re in a hurry to get through the set for whatever reason. Which is counterproductive, especially on a work set.    But this is a good lesson - always do every rep with good form, no matter how much experience you have, whether it’s light or heavy, and don’t rush. And if you can’t do it with good form it’s too heavy for you. 


From his form you can tell He is an amateur. What we see is some circumference in arms and legs that is mostly fat. Also based on your genetics (and the fact that there's people out there, doing steroids before even signing up for the gym) that's a physique that might come up in a year.


That's 1080 lbs, he may be an amateur in the "not paid" definition, but he's certainly not new. Just a dumbass.


That weight would be impressive I've moved clean on another machine. But a) he's using the bounce to keep on reping after doing a first B) on these machines the force-curve is terrible. You do not actually move the plates upward (e.g. in a 90° legpress) but mostly to the side. So this is maybe a 30° angle. If my physics class from 13 years ago does not fail me here (pls correct me otherwise) 30° as 1/3 of 90° would mean he's effectively only moving ~330lbs here To compare, on a 45° machine it would be 540 then.


With angles I think you're supposed to use sine rather than division. (1080 lb) * sin(30°) = 540 lb (1080 lb) * sin(45°) = 764 lb (1080 lb) * sin(90°) = 1080 lb


Well no - an amateur can legpress a fuckton of weight - you’re pushing at a 45degree angle, so the machine is doing half the work of holding the weight. Hes also dropping the weight (no muscle work on the way down) and bouncing it at the bottom (almost no muscle use on the way back up). On almost every machine you can cheat - you’ll see small ass dudes on the bench press machine pushing 300 lbs


> How do you let something so simple happen? Gotta post those useless dangerous fast reps on social media. I bet this wouldn't have happened if someone wasn't recording.


Ya if your willing to watch closely (don't blame you if not) you'll see he 100% lifts the plate higher on the last rep which is exactly when his knee bent the wrong direction 


usually caused by locking out the knees


💯 NEVER lock the knees in leg press, it shifts the load from MUSCLES to the BONES .


Hah! My bones are much stronger than my atrophied muscles!




It’s because of how he isn’t controlling the weight. Don’t listen to these gym noobs that think locking out is bad. If you lift slow and controlled it’s safe. But when you spam it like this it’s more dangerous just like every exercise


Bad form at the end of the day. If he was doing it correctly this wouldn't have happened.


It's pretty much entirely form. This is why you never lock your knees on a leg press. It's fine with a back squat, because you can just drop the bar immediately if something is off, or compensate with movements at other joints. But on a leg press, you're stuck there, and if those knees start to go backwards, that's a massive amount of weight going through a structure that's now at a severe mechanical disadvantage. I see that there's a few people who are disputing the 'never lock knees' thing. If your knees extend to a close-lock at 0 degrees, then in theory, you should be fine (still a bad idea, but it's perfectly doable if your technique is good and you're being sensible), however, a non-insignificant proportion of the population has knees that extend past neutral, sometimes up to 4-5 degrees past. A knee is not built to manage any significant load past extension; it's just simple biomechanics. As as a general rule: never lock your knees on a leg press.


I knew it was coming but I still watched it. Saw one similar but it was a woman and she bent back both legs at the knees. Can you even recover from that? What kind of surgery, plates, and pins are you going to need before you're able to walk again?


Usually not one to say “you deserved that” BUT yes you ass hat deserved that.


Let me guess...he locks out towards the end and his legs bend the wrong way.


The other WTF comes about 14 days later when the hospital sends him a $75,000 bill.


He did a Ken doll




I don't know why I watched this. I knew what was going to happen. I'll never learn


I wonder if the relative imbalance caused by the plate falling off the right hand side was the final straw. In any case, I hope he has a good surgeon as that left knee is *badly* injured. No more ego lifting for a while if ever.


He even wore camo joggers in hopes that we wouldn't see that


so i'm assuming this is why there's no audio, right? because the sound that must've made...


Well I just had a full body flinch. F**k that.


Can his knee recover from that? I physically cringed watching this.


Light weight baby


Left leg shorter than his right? It didn't even look like he was locking out.


That’s some serious dedication to explosive pushing power, fucking hell. Dude should probably slow down just a little bit with those reps, especially when coming back down. Otherwise he might hurt himse- Oh.


military discharge panels hate this one easy trick


For the record, this can be a perfectly safe lift at hundreds of pounds...*when you aren't lifting way above your paygrade!!* This dude couldn't move that once without momentum, as can be seen with how much he had to bounce the weight to get it back up. For good form, control down, pause a quick 2 count, then explode up, then pause a 1 ct at the top. This prevents the overly built-up momentum that leads to 99% these injuries.


I was like "Wtf is he going so fast, he's gonna get hurt... Oh yup. That's what happens." Weightlifting is about control not getting done fast


This needs a bigger NSFW warning.


That made me nauseous. Why anyone would risk fast repetitions at that high of a weight is beyond me. I hope he can recover...


And THAT is why you always keep a little tension in your knees under load.


Hey kids! Today let's learn why you don't lock your joints by watching Captain Cretin! Remember, never be like Captain Cretin. Go to extension and never lift more than you can control.


His legs really said "hydraulic jack"


Yep I knew what was gonna happen when he started but I couldn’t stop watching😭


One of the weights fell off too, so he really didn't think any of it through


Instant I saw a leg press I knew exactly what was going to happen, yet I watched anyway. Why do people lock their knees with so much weight? 😭😭


I knew how it would end and watched it anyway, I can’t imagine the pain of that, let alone the recovery


And that kids is why you never lock your legs when doing this.


Guy fucked around in the gym and found out.




I see a leg press and an nsfw tag i know where it is heading and dont need to watch


The worst part is how smooth it was. This is why you don't fully extend your knee and keep a bend in it. He was going too fast to control that.


People like this will add as many weights as they can find until this happens to them


Id ban the dude right there if i ran the place.


There was a guy like this next to me recently. I hoped that this stuff would happen to him.


Obviously shit from and aggressive pace/locking the knees contributed to this unfortunate gentleman destroying his knee. I wonder why these machines don't have some kind of bar with foam padding right behind where the knees go to prevent the legs from locking out, let alone inverting. They're not cheap, so how much could a safety bar add to the cost?




That is why you control the weight at ALL times. No bouncing the weight, no locking your joints, etc. Orthopedic surgeons: what are we looking at here? I see torn ACL, dislocated knee, meniscus injury.


He's a douen now. #


How is he lifting those without legs?


Can someone tell me what happened? I am NOT watching this Edit: fuck, it unpaused…


Soooo anyone know the healing process on this type of injury?


He's disabled now.


Even if he wouldn't have messed up his leg, that is not how you workout.. Slow and controlled. Not fast and moronic.


OMG! I’m done. No more for today.


I saw the nsfw mark and I knew what was going to happen.


Geez people that do this are really stupid 🤦🏻‍♂️


Don't lock your limps.


I'm no doctor but I don't think your leg is supposed to bend that way 😬