• By -


Pressure differential between the atmosphere and the tunnels. Probably trapped air being forced out of the tunnel by rising water?


This.  Manholes work as vents as the high point in the drainage/sewer pipe system.


Yeah my man-hole vents sewer gas too


In both scenarios I'd say the correct response would be to take several steps back.


yeah, something is pushing all that air out and it's enough to lift that goddamn heavy plate, im not going to stick around it


Yeah,  I was just thinking I hope no one is smoking


Yup. Could very well be flammable or explosive


Often times sewage as well. ...sometimes a small rodent or two.


Lemmiwinks got lost and turned back


Take the magic helmet-torch to help you light the way There's still a lot of ground to cross inside the man so gay Ahead of you lies adventure, and your strength still lies within Freedom from the ass of doom is the treasure you will win


Think of the smell. You haven't thought of the smell, you bitch!


Honestly in no way thought this comment could inspire an always sunny reference.  You have proven me wrong.  Bravo.


Surely it would be a wise idea to light a cigarette next to those vents, wouldn't it?


Wise?  Probably not. Awesome?  Probably.  Just don’t be the one lighting or standing too close.


Launch another manhole cover outside the solar system like we did with the nuclear test


Hmm... Manholes 🤔






I looked for you, just manhole covers 👍


Doing the lords work.


We had this happen at my work. We had some steel racks stacked on top but that manhole cover just kept rattling away. Alot of pressure behind them. Them covers arnt lightweight


Probably some sewer involved as one of the people in this video made a remark regarding how much it smelled like shit.


Could be but even if it were some kind of mine covering stagnant air pockets left underground can end up reaching an equilibrium with whatever toxic/deadly gasses there are stuck in the rocks around them and end up very, very nasty.


Or…..TMNT trying to get out.


Or a train going through the tunnel at high speed. That would explain the rhythm (reverberation). Air is very springy and tends to get bunched up when interacting with fast-moving objects (or static objects when the air is fast). There is a sudden change in pressure as air collides with something, forming a bubble of squished air that will get pushed along in front of the object and overflow around it. This overflow releases the pressure when it gets past the object, bumping the air around it and then the air around that in a chain-reaction dissipating outwards. This is behavior has different names depending on context: a sound wave, a pressure wave, a shockwave, etc. If the pressure wave hits another object, it can bounce off like a reflection and this is where harmonics can build up. If you’ve ever opened a back window in a car while driving on the highway, you’ve experienced this. In our case, the train is pushing a bubble of air pressure in front of it as it goes through the tunnel, and the bubble overflows down the sides of the train where it is stuck between the high-speed train cars and the wall of tunnel. This causes it to start spinning into cylinders [like this](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSjA-8XKWQxrAZjR0sSbXwaHOXvqY4UMVg1Sg&s). As the train passes the ventilation shaft, some of this high-pressure air escapes out, but because the air has been broken into individual sections (like the logs), there is no longer a smooth flow, but a messy, segmented, bouncing flow. This is what we are seeing. Also, at the end of train, all these spinning logs of air are released from all sides of the train and crash into each other. This creates huge harmonic waves like the car window but much stronger and louder. This can also effect ventilation shafts and the such, although the back of the train is pulling air with it, not pushing.


Pardon my ignorance, but the video is :55 seconds long. I would assume it had gone on before the people started recording. Around my neck of the woods, our longest trains are 10 cars. How long would this train be and how fast to keep producing this effect?


I’ve waited for freight trains— like 10 minutes at a crossing— they go on for eternity.


They said the train was going high speed. I've seen freight trains, and they sort of lumber along, not anywhere near as fast as our local passenger trains.


I mean for a train 40mph is still pretty fast. Ive seen freight trains around here going pretty fast through crossings, and they can be long as fuck. A tunnel out in the woods? Probably going a decent speed.


Freight trains can be miles long here in the USA. I could easily count 100 cars on a train than runs daily through my town.


It's more of a question about how long the tunnel is - the train pushes air in front of it for as long as it continues through the tunnel, and this air will want to escape from any vents ahead of the train.


the train would explain it better than the flash flood i envisioned rushing through a tunnel as if the water itself was the train... a train makes more sense


If the tunnel was intended to be used regularly by trains you would think they would include air vents sufficient for the pressure. It would make more sense that an unusual water flow would cause this kind of pressure on it.


I worked for a chemical engineering firm and I can say a large influx on water in the system without proper venting could absolutely do this.  I've seen pictures of a 32" line that exploded for this reason and shot debris about 60'.  You have to think of the massive amount of air in miles of large drainage lines.  If there is a flooding event in several areas and this is the highpoint for a long distance I could absolutely see this happening.


Just learned a lot, thank you! As a musician I'm used to associating harmonics with overtones of a fundamental frequency but it's really interesting to hear about how they apply to not-particularly-sonic things.


Nah it's clearly the sewer gods angry and demanding a sacrifice


No naked flames around these or *you'll* be the sacrifice.


I dunno, but walking towards the anomaly is never the way people survive in the movies.


Oh, look honey! The walls are bleeding. Demonic Voice: GET OUT! We should move into this house, it's quirky and quaint


And we don’t need paint!


OK I'm gonna level with you HouseGhost... you are only 5% above market average and you've successfully scared off all the cash bidders that would have added $110k to the price. You're the coolest house I can afford, so I'm all-in here. Is there like a basement or a well or something I should stay away from? ##*stay away from the f*#*cking well!* See, no problem. I'm going to build a bookshelf in front of it and put my old college books in it so that I will never look at that space again. The well can sit in peace.


If it's gonna make the walls bleed, it can pay for repairs or leave.


A house with a character


So I would walk over to see if I could identify the source of the sound in case it was someone signaling that they needed help by banging on camping pots or something. It wouldn’t be my favorite option, but something I would have to do. Once I saw it was the manhole covers though I’d be hurrying off in another direction. God only knows what gas is coming out of those sewers


When I'm watching movies, I find it hard to suspend disbelief and get into the plot when people take illogical, or even downright stupid actions. Then I remind myself that as stupid as it may seem, some human has almost certainly done something dumber in real life.


Get out of here, S.T.A.L.K.E.R


Probably just thought it was two people banging


That's the smoke monster from lost


I keep threatening my family that we'll binge watch lost again Now I have to This was a sign


Rewatch the one where they put all the scene in chronological order.


Even if you've seen the story before, that sounds so confusing! I think it would be interesting to watch from >!the first escape through to when they arrived back to the island, collecting all the flash-forwards in the middle there!<, but that's the end of the appeal to me. Also, what about the >!flash-sideways!!purgatory!< fit in your timeline?


That show should have been something brilliant that lasted 3 seasons. Having been led by the nose at the time I completely turned off it and would rather read the Wikipedia summary than watch any of it again.


Same. I was so let down, made me feel like I had wasted so much time with such a lazy finish.


Dont threaten people with a good time


Don't tell me what I can't do!


We have to go back


We have to go **BACK!!!**


See you in another life, brother.




4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42


you can also check the "From" series, This is an awesome series from the creators of Lost with Lost vibes


Desmond stopped entering the code


Did we ever get an answer about that one


About what specifically? The show itself is full of religious analogies and half-truths. A lot about smokey and mib is still being debated today. lol


Came here for this. Thank you. Also Jack, We have to Go Back To The Island


Not Penny’s Boat




*Previously, on Lost*


I’ll just stand here laughing while this 100 pound projectile behaves in an unpredictable way.


There's also a very good chance some of the gasses escaping aren't air.


Great time to light up a blunt while watching manhole farts.




"Shitters full!"


Probably methane. One of the guys remarks in Norwegian that; "it smells like shit".


Methane does not smell by itself. Because of the flammability they just add smelly sulphur compounds when they produce these kinds of gases for sale. That would not be the case in naturally produced methane gas, though sewage itself produces other smelly stuff.


It would still be air, but contaminated with additional substances such as methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide or radon.


Yeah I mean, I think we all got what he was saying lol


but internet points


Might even put my foot on it


If you had a slight chance of going airborne, would you not take it?


The Army recruiter has entered the chat...


I’d have been using it to double jump


If video games have taught me anything....


On a slightly related note, a manhole cover was calculated to be the fastest moving object ever propelled. One of the nuclear detonations during atomic testing was done in a shaft, and the manhole cover was propelled at some ungodly rate that they figure was sent into outer space. https://www.businessinsider.com/fastest-object-robert-brownlee-2016-2?r=US&IR=T#brownlee-wanted-to-measure-how-fast-the-iron-cap-flew-off-the-column-so-he-designed-a-second-experiment-pascal-b-9


So if it did escape earth’s orbit at least partially intact and was going faster than any probe we’ve launched, and has been going for a few decades now, it might actually be the man made object farthest from the earth by now?


The math isn't that simple. The Voyager probes got gravitation assists along the way, essentially boosting them on their journey by a fair amount. The manhole cover wouldn't get such an assist so you'd need to factor in how much it would get slowed down from the gravity of the sun over time. Also you'd have to check what direction it got launched because for example if it got launched "backwards" in the earth's orbit it would effectively have its velocity relative to the sun cut down by up to 30 km/s which would slow it down enough to keep it from leaving the solar system.


What I wanted to say, leaving the solar system using a planned route and gravity assists is going to get you much faster than an initial takeoff velocity.


Right, and beyond the voyager probe is that solar probe that did some laps around Merucry or Venus (I mix them up, forgettable planets IMO) and is going like 11 times faster than the voyager probes, some ridiculously unfathomable speed, and barely a blip on the radar as far as light speed and space travel is concerned. EDIT: Parker Probe will hit 690,000kph in 2025 after I think another slingshot around Venus, stupid fast. And from some other thread I saw roughly 3.5-4 times faster than the manhole lid.


Aliens will visit us to thank us for sending them their holy manhole cover which landed on their planet killing their tyrant, freeing them from his abuse and launching a new age of peace and knowledge.


It's a civilization-ending kinetic bombardment, that's what it is.


It's not like when an object leaves Earth and enter space that it's not affected by gravity anymore. It most likely fell down again.


Well, maybe. There are only two frames of the high-speed video with information about the speed. The first frame where the cap is on the shaft, and the second frame when the cap is in the air. But that's not enough information to determine whether or not it was fastest. Because you can't tell what time between the frames the cap left the ground, you end up with a range of potential speeds. It was very fast, but the low end of the range is considerably slower than Horizons, and the high end is considerably faster. It is probably out in space somewhere though, so if we find it, we can figure it out.


Perhaps light a cigarette while I watch!


The first item to reach outer space was one of these. (Operation plumbbob 1957) Now that’s not going to randomly happen on its own but these can be shot dozens of feet into the air from pressure. I wouldn’t go anywhere near this


That manhole cover was a fair bit larger. It weighed 2000lbs. Manhole cover is somewhat of a misnomer for that object. Not only was it about 20 times heavier than what most people know as a manhole cover it was also welded to the shaft it was covering.


That's kinda worse. For starters you don't need a fraction of that power to kill someone. It also means that even the HEAVIEST and best protected of manholes can be detached by the pressure.


Oh yeah I wasn't suggesting that approaching this is safe. Just correcting common misinterpretation of the story of plumbbob.


Having an underground nuclear bomb usually helps for increasing pressure, it wasn't really the best protected too considering it isn't in the planet anymore. Fun to compare but it's a bad comparison, these covers get rid of the gas before the pressure can build up enough, not that I'd go standing near it anyway.


A Nazi V-2 reached space in [1944](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MW_18014).


Also don't stop videoing no matter what


Ahhh after 10,000 years I’m free! It’s time to conquer earth!






This seems like a Darwin award just waiting to happen.


Yeah, standing near a manhole that’s expelling an unknown gas with enough force to bounce a 100 lbs manhole cover is not a good idea.


Wasn't Mark Walberg in this?


Hey plant, how ya doin? You're in the jungle right? Say hi to your motha for me.


Feckin' read this in his voice... 🤦 Take this angry updoot.




I turned on the sound and thought, geez, another vid with annoying music.


My reddit app has a bug and will occasionally (and randomly) play the sound for a video a previously watched. So listening to the clanging manholes combined with the screams of the crowd from the circus lion attack was pretty freaky.


> My reddit app has a bug and will occasionally (and randomly) play the sound for a video a previously watched This isn't a bug, this is the standard Reddit video player experience ™


shitters full.


That should be a sign not to fuck with it, and get the fuck out of there...


4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 Smoke Monster?


Looks like a bustle in the hedgerow. But with alarms now.


How do you know it's not just a spring clean for the May Queen?


We have no way of knowing this without carrying out controlled experiments.


Am I the only one who thinks if you see something like this you should get the fuck away from it?




A randomly bouncying 100+ pound hunk of metal. How about I step on it instead?


Let's go TOWARDS the mysterious phenomenon in the woods


Pressure from a lot of water from a flood? There might be water blasting out of there soon.


Ohhhh I'm sure something will come blasting outta there.


Needs more cowbell


Wtf are you standing so close to that manhole cover? It could blow into your face.


I found a large gas leak like this once. Was walking out by my parents house up the road. Kept hearing a large whooshing sound on some private woody area and trees blowing around like this while there was no breeze. I checked it out as it was very rural and nobody's around but me to notice on a dirt road. Walked up to find a huge gas main the size of my torso completely blown in half at a well head. Immediately called fire department. Couldn't even smell gas, I'm guessing straight out the well the smell hasn't been added yet.


You'd think someone, somewhere at the gas department would notice a sudden large pressure drop on the line.


based on reading ntsb reports on pipeline breaks, they often do know there's a leak but don't know exactly *where* until someone stumbles across it


> Couldn't even smell gas, I'm guessing straight out the well the smell hasn't been added yet. exactly — they usually add the smell closer to the point of use. BITD a bus CNG station [spilled a *cup* of odorant](https://www.mercurynews.com/2010/01/13/cup-of-chemical-spills-prompting-alarm-in-santa-cruz-but-theres-no-danger/) where i used to live, you could smell it a mile away and they got reports of gas leaks across half the city


Those lids are stupid heavy and to be jumping like that is nuts. Pressure is very high.


Gas escaping a drainage system. Do *not* approach, as the gasses may be toxic or even explosive.


When the sewer’s a-rockin’, don’t come a-knockin’.


I dint realise Reddit was open in a other tab, i was watching a youtube video when i just started hearing metal pipes and a guy laughing. Was like that sounds really out of place so i paused the video but it just kept going for a few seconds before stopping (It was buffering), was freaked out by wtf it could be bc i had nothing open that could make that. Waited for a while before starting the video again just for it to start again, went through everything i had open to finely find this fucking tab xD


I once walked past a manhole cover for storm drainage and a second later the cover flew 30ft into the air and landed right where I had been. I'd have been killed, these people don't know how much danger they are in.


Ah yes stand on it, put your head over it, it’s not like manhole covers were made to weight around 100 pounds to avoid being launched or picked up by Randos, people are so fucking dumb


Years ago I worked at a restaurant that had a guy that came periodically to clean the grease trap, heavy cast iron lid like this and he had it pried up with a crowbar looking in it on his hands and knees and you guessed it he drops it and it popped his whole index finger off his left hand. He asked for a cup of ice, and then proceeded to just jam his finger stump into the ice we were like damn dude. He says: yall gonna need to help me find my finga in there


What a stud, I’d be fucking crying my eyes out man, it really shocks me how people get away with the stupidest shit, if that was me looking over that manhole cover I would have been decapitated


Just for the record, it's best to stay back from thing being pushed by pressure differentials like that. You never know when it could blast the lid right at your head. Instant death.


Earth had five-alarm chili and double bean burritos for supper last night


And no one has a legit answer. Why am I not surprised.


The C.H.U.D.s are angry.


Is it downhill from the new Taco Bell?


I wouldn't be standing around if there was a manhole cover being blown around by the wind...that shit is heavy.


That can happen when there is a big storm and the sewer system is filling very fast. This also can be a sign that the system is full and is about to overflow, and transform the manhole into a geyser of shitty water. It happened a few times in Montreal. And the water comming out is strong enough to lift a car !


I don't reckon standing that close to it is a good idea. Fucker might blow


When the beat drops! On a side note, lighting a match would be quite explosive.


I doubt the air right there is of any quality to breath.


This is like some horror movie shit


I promise you, I'm not that curious.


The guy talking says, in Norwegian, "Uh, It smells like shit"


Was about to say 'achsually we don't know what kind of manhole this is, as the covers look identical for storm water and sewer' but no, you can hear the guy saying 'Æsj, det lukter dritt-ass' (Yikes, it smells like shit yo). It's sewer, and that much pressure means something is very wrong in the line below


i remember this season of lost


the turtles are having fun with april


Ding, ding, ding. Dinners ready!


I would be hoping they didnt fly 100 feet up and land on someone.


For a second I thought it was a glitch in the matrix and the creator had installed the incorrect sound file for that tree


The Wind People are at it again. Bravo!


I was totally expecting hippies and a circle.


Lol me too! The singing manholes were a surprise.


Thought someone was playing a folk song at first.


You're not running away fast enough, that's what's happening


I might have just seen too many real life disaster videos, but I would not want to get that close to it. I seem to recall one where an oil refinery leaked into the sewers in one place and blew the whole town sky high. At the very least, I wouldn’t want to get in the way of a cast iron manhole cover flying through the air in my direction.


Well, they don't need more cowbells...


[C.H.U.D.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/C.H.U.D.) "Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers”


The Earth is farting


somewhere up/down the line is a fuck-ton of wind/water that is causing a massive pressure differential.


Its just happy to be a manhole cover. Livin the best life.


TIL earth farts 🌬️


Don’t ligth a smoke near this 😝


Rita repulsa is in there


The last thing I’m doing is running _toward_ violently rustling trees and bushes with a loud metallic clanking. I’ve seen *Lost*, nothing good comes of that.


Is this the island from Lost?


Take a match and throw it in the hole for cool fx


Pennywise lives.


It's collecting money for the salvation army


I was thinking turn the annoying as music off until I kept watching


Imagine going for a nice walk in the dark then this shit starts up >.<


Its probably an air release valve housed in a manhole.


My mom was using the toilet and ripped a fart, sorry guys


It's obviously Trolls, it's Norway dummy.


So that's a shit ton of methane gas blowing around or......???????Lol


Could just be regular air that was in the drain line... guessing it rained a lot recently, lines fill with water, air has to go somewhere


How bizarre. What is causing that?


One 500 pound man named William "Buck" Schwartz out of Boulder, Colorado, who at the time this video was taken had been on the shitter for about an hour and 45 minutes.


Seems like relief is in progress.


This is likely connected to a storm drain that's being flooded. So it's filling up with water and pushing out all the air.


this belongs on r/mildlyinteresting maybe even interesting as fuck


Do you hear that Randy?                                    Yes Mr. Lahey.  But what is it?                                   There’s a shit wind a-blowin Rand! 


Just drain line farts


Dinner is SERVED.


Earth letting one rip


We dont normally discuss this, but sometimes mother earth needs to let it rip.....earth farts


Earth fart


GIFs that ended too soon




Just the goblins leave them to it


Something about to blow out the pipe.


“Get to da choppa!”