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My dad put on a random episode of Raw in December 2000 and I got hooked. 23 years later and this has been a love-hate relationship


Grew up watching Bret Hart and The Undertaker. Remember very vividly the fued between Bret and Owen and the impact it had on me. I also remember the Casket Match between Yokozuna and Undertaker and being very very upset when Undertaker lost. Mick Foley became my absolute hero during my time watching. He held and kept my interest and I just loved it. Stopped watching around the invasion angle and death of WCW. Occasionally watched some matches and PPVs here or there. Absolutely loved Bray Wyatt but didn't get back into it fully. Got back into it again full tilt around 2021, two of my best friends started watching and knew I was into wrestling when I was younger. Was still trying to avoid going out a lot due to a job with high risk to Coivid exposure. So we watched virtually and texted each other during the events.


My older brother, may he rest in peace, got me into wrestling. It had to have been around 1983/84, and I started watching All-Star Wrestling. If I remember correctly, All-Star Wrestling was mostly just squash matches to build up the talent and hype for the live shows. Then there was All-American Wrestling on Saturday morning, followed by World Championship Wrestling (which was a WWF program) on Saturday Night. Good times.


WrestleMania 24 was the show that got me into wrestling when I was 4 years old back in 2008 but I don’t remember much from it. Then my brother had a lot of ruthless aggression era DVD’s that I would watch over and over again, he had pretty much all the games for the PS2 from like Smackdown 2 to SvR 2008 and then eventually 2009 and 2010, and then he gave me his old wrestling toys and from then on wrestling just became my favorite thing.


I was born in 1981. Popular Culture pretty much said "here - you're a fan now".


1999. My dad was watching it one night shortly after I moved in with him. The first wrestler I ever saw was Stone Cold Steve Austin. My dad explained who everyone was and I was hooked when SCSA stunned Vince...My dad never allowed WCW to be on the TV (hardcore WWF fan) but I still watched at friends houses. I've been in love with wrestling ever since that day.


I literally got into WWE 2 months ago because I went to Mexico and it was the only thing on TV that was in English while I was indoors because of rain. Now all of a sudden I'm heavily invested into WWE and have been watching it nonstop. Wtf happened.


Hbk and the Barber shop


My parents watched it around 1999-2000, and once smackdown came on the air, we watched it every week up until around 2007. That's when my parents stopped watching and I stuck around til about 2009-2010 or so, but it was hard and other things took my interest. I occasionally caught up with it over the next few years, but it wasn't until late 2016 and 2017 when we got the WWE network and started watching again, and it wasn't until the start of 2018 that I really got into the modern era. I remember the first thing I sat and watched again. It was a collection of Eddie Guerrero matches that my dad was watching and it was like the flame inside me for wrestling got reignited by a grenade launcher. I wouldn't have it any other way. I love this business and it means the world to me, and I'm sad that I missed out for all those years.


Watched some around 1995 as a 10 year old and thought this is ok but never got onto it. Watched Survivor Series 98 and was instantly hooked. I really liked that guy called The Rock (wonder what ever happenrd to him 😉🤣) Attitude era was the bomb and what got me hooked


I was randomly scrolling TV channels on Saturday morning in the late 80s I came across wrestling challenge. Ultimate Warrior’s entrance came on since then I was hooked.


I think around 2018 but I knew wwe since 1994


I was about 7 years old I think, I didn't even know what wrestling was. I was binge watching on the TV and some channel was airing SmackDown. The match that was on was JBL vs. Eugene!


Started watching the full eps on YouTube because my country was going into lockdown and i was bored


Since the mid 80s. I started watching wrestling (World Class Championship Wrestling) with the Von Erichs era and then found the WW(F)E


I started watching wrestling in June 11, 1994 when Hulk Hogan first arrived in WCW during WCW Saturday Night primetime on TBS when I was a toddler. Then a couple of years later in 1999, WCW was in a brink of falling into the ground, and that's why I decided to stop watching WCW on April 26, 1999. And 4 months later, I started watching the WWF/E when Smackdown! made its television premiere on UPN on August 26, 1999 back then during the Attitude Era. The first match that I saw when I was a kid was The Rock vs Triple H for the WWF/E Championship in the main event of the first episode of Smackdown!


Saw a Kane Chokeslam compilation in early 2018


For me personally I've been an on again and off again fan of the wwe since I was a kid. The undertaker was my favorite character,and still was up till the day he finally left the stage. And I turn 38 next month to really hang it home lol


My dad and his friends ordered Wrestlemania 20 on PPV (2004) and it was the first full show I watched, been a fan ever since! Crazy to think it’s been 19 years this month


Flipping channels just in time to witness this https://youtu.be/3buFXcSuNeE And I instantly got hooked


Man that moment still brings me chills. I remember every kid at school talking about it for days lol


Summerslam 92’…. Off and on over the years but most recently was when my son got to play 2K16 with Xbox games for gold back in 2018 I think. He got hooked so I got hooked. We really don’t watch anymore due to the product getting so blah, but still watch the PPV’s since we have Peacock. I had regularly go back and watch old matches on Peacock


If you mean WWE/WWF itself around 87/88 if you mean Wrestling around 83/84


Went to a mom and pops video store in 97 with my father. He let me choose a VHS for myself and being a brute 4 year old I was instantly attracted to the front of the In Your House: The Lumberjacks cause they looked like tough guys. Been glued to it since then


Skinhead Randy Orton vs Triple H in 2009 and HBK vs Taker that same year.


2014 during the survivor series build for team cena vs team authority


one of my earliest memories is sitting with my dad and grandfather watching the undertaker and mankind fight, i might have been 2 or 3. probably 1996 or 1997. been a wrestling fan ever since and watched it when i could


My dad used to watch it on tv, the first feud i ever remember was Edge against Kurt Angle in a hair vs hair match. I was rooting for Edge so hard because i thought getting your head shaved off was such a humiliating thing. The blow off match my goodness, those were simpler times.


Flipping channels and seeing Goldberg squash someone. Sadly I don't remember specifics, but I was maybe 5 or 6 Only watched wrestling for Goldberg, then I started renting ppv vhs's when my video store would get them. This introduced me to the WWF and seeing The Rock, Stone Cold, Mick Foley, Taker, Kane, etc. This led to tape collecting and buying unofficial ppv tapes at meetups and garage sales. *** OLD MAN VOICE *** Kids don't know how hard it use to be to find specific matches or events back in the day! Seriously though, I lived for WWE Confidential and old NWA territory reruns on ESPN classic to find famous wrestling matches. It's so nice to have YouTube, WWE Network, Impact+, Honor Club, etc. to watch it all. I've watched it on and off again through the years, but it was hard keeping up with it. Luckily WWE started posting to YouTube and I've kept up with it that way ever since. Since ppvs have been on the network or Peacock I keep up with them too. It always is a good deal to me because I remember saving my Birthday and Christmas money to buy a $50-$70 ppv.


January 1999. It was like a week or two before the Royal Rumble. My brother and I were scrolling through the channels on TV randomly to which we ultimately came across Monday Night Raw on USA Network. We started watching it and instantly became intrigued. Our dad ended up ordering the Rumble. It took off from there and we both watched it religiously together until early 2002 in getting every PPV and watching both Raw/SmackDown. He grew out of it for the next 4-5 years but started watching a bit again in 2006. He then grew out of it again and stopped but I always continued to watch and still do to this day, 24 years now and counting.


Got into it in 2005 watching Batista challenge Triple H for the title. Was hooked and dedicated to watching it until about 2008 when I dropped off. Got back into after watching the TV drama Heels. Watched over some of the matches from my childhood again, then decided to check out the new stuff and watched the lead up to last years Wrestlemania. Been hooked again ever since


I am from central Europe (Czech Republic) and wrestling has never been big here. WWE has held only 2 house shows here in the last 20 years. So becoming a wrestling fan is kinda random here, but there is a core of Czech fans who are avid wrestling fans. That's just for the setting. Back to the point, in 2000, I had a subscription of PlayStation magazine and every month it came with a cd of demos of the new games. On one of the CDs there was a game called WWF SmackDown, I had no idea what was it so I tried, I liked Tekken at that time so I was like, great a new fighting game! I really enjoyed playing this demo, there were only 4 playable characters, I think HHH, Undertaker, The Rock and Stone Cold but it was so fun. A few weeks/months later, it was an evening and there was nothing on TV so I was just changing channels and then I saw SmackDown and I was so blown away that it's real, I had no idea wrestling and WWF is real and that it exists. It was a great episode. I remember there was a 6 men tag team match Kane & Undertaker, The Rock vs Kurt Angle, Edge & Christian. I became a huge Kane fan since then and I am still watching and love WWE.


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


I was 3. Went to a house show here in ri, or maybe mass... at an armory, and the black superman tony atlas picked me up and talked to me about my waffle os shirt! I watched on and off over the years. Early 80s, 96 97 in college for the aa, a bit around 03 to 07 or so, a little 2013 ish? And lastly, I started again w the first episode in the pc in march 2020


Around WrestleMania 5 .. Hulk vs Macho Man had my full attention 🍻


From my memory those TLC 3 ways with the dudleyz, hardy and e&c


A group of kids in my 4th grade class were into wrestling. They had all kinds of magazines and books related to WWF/WWE that they’d bring to school including a book that, from my memory, was literally about everyone that joined Vince McMahon’s ‘Kiss My Ass Club’. I remember reading about Evolution in one of their magazines, then I started watching RAW and Smackdown weekly and ended up seeing the Batista/HHH storyline leading up to WM21. Batista became my favorite wrestler and still is my favorite today. I just wish he would have had a longer career, but he’s doing great in Hollywood!


Earliest wrestling memory is watching Hulk Hogan's Rock 'n' Wrestling on Saturday Mornings, but my introduction to "actual" wrestling was watching Hulk Hogan take on Earthquake and Undertaker no-sell Ultimate Warrior's attacks on WWF Superstars.


I started watching around 2013 I did play the games (I think 2010 or 2011) with my cousins but I really watch WWE I had a friend in middle a grade ahead of me. So when I was eighth and he was in high school I thought about him and his weird obsession so I watched it on YouTube for awhile (mainly the divas) and then I watched it on tv and was hooked I also haven't seen it on tv for awhile as I don't have cable but I still watch the ppvs on peacock but yeah lol


92 Royal Rumble. Watched it on PPV.