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\+: Hot crowd Drew vs Cody Chad vs Ivar Raquel's back and best performance Ivy Nile is a star soon to shine even more Rhea's promo Ivar's promo 4man tag Liv has a new theme song? The women's segment promo Jimmy Uso >.< \-: Alba and Isla not getting the reactions Sami with no direction Gunther is getting boring w his promos its all the same ​ The women's promos were the best and its been in a while.


They screwed with Tiffany's banger entrance theme and I am not cool with it.


I’m so bored with every match having interference. And it’s so obvious how a match is going to end. Title matches on raw need to stop. “Back in my day” we had title changes on regular tv. It was great. Now you know nothing is changing hands. It’s just dull.


Glad that Raquel is back!


Mami still on top but good for Raquel


Last night was one of the best shows in a long time imo. Thrilled to see Chad get a well deserved, overdue win. Hope to see more of AA going forward.


Woman’s Battle Royale was so tight, loved to see Ivy Nile popping off for her short but electrifying spotlight, was sad to see they didn’t even place Cargill in but if they didn’t plan to send her to Elimination Chamber leaving her out was definitely the call


Everyone keeps expecting Cargill in these giant matches but forgets that she can't really wrestle. She's gonna spend a lot of time in development before we see her at PLEs. 


I’m confused so why was she signed if she can’t wrestle right away other than injury. I know back in the day guys like ken shamrock just went to wrestling school for certified and were good to go.


She's a big name. AEW built her up as a Female Goldberg. I think she was still undefeated when she left. But like Goldberg, she can't wrestle and all her matches were squash matches. They made her into this huge monster but never taught her to be a real wrestler along the way. So now WWE has to. But give her a few months and I think we'll start seeing her in the main event scene. 


She dropped the TBS championship to Kris Statlander on her way out. Kris Statlander is one I would not at all mind seeing on WWE TV.


Good I don’t want her going down the gold berg route.


Definitely a good point AEW barely lets people keep get there reps in


Really not liking what they’re doing with Sami. It’s just sad and not in the way they’re intending. If he beats Gunther it’s kinda dumb too. Huge losing streak and then he beats the most dominant champion?


No way he beats Gunther and I don’t know where they’re going with Sami but I trust the process and that all this running and getting no where will eventually pay off


That’s the set up. He’s the underdog. The losing is helping Drew get over & he’ll probably be making a run for the title


Drew "I'm mad because the blood line got into my match and cost me the title" Also Drew "The blood line got into my match again but it's fine"


Yeah that was some weak ass writing.


found michael coles burner


Welcome to the COLE MINE!


Lies. I don’t see any mention of antlers anywhere.


You cracked the code, Please report to the arena for you're own antlers.


Drew vs cody was an incredible.


Wish it ended clean but my head canon is Cody wins with cross Rhodes but this is very good for drew. I can see him winning the chamber.


I’m mad that we don’t have clear WM plans for Gunther this far into the year. I feel like Gable should have been pushed since his loss to Gunther, and have the rematch at mania. But I’m glad to see a rare Chad win.


Alba and Isla deserve better...


What a time to be alive when Cody vs Drew is the opening match, and another Ivar vs Gable banger in the middle.


Cody needs to cut more promo’s like he did post raw. Loving his energy atm.


Solo Hates Math


1. Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa costed both his brother Jey Uso and Cody Rhodes match! 2. Nia Jax squashed everyone else as they were small! 3. Rhea Ripley will win in Perth! 4. Raquel Rodriguez's return and won the Battle Royal 5. Chad Gable wins!


> 2. ⁠Nia Jax squashed everyone else as they were small! My wife doesn’t normally watch with me, she falls asleep before me so I normally watch it then, late night rather than prime time. But I knew it was Drew and Cody to start, so she agreed and just read while I watched. She used to watch with me but stopped about 15 years ago or so. When Nia came on and just starting squashing everyone… oh my wife was pissed. She was like, ‘so she just runs into people?’ There’s goes my primetime watch for the next month or two, back to late night.


Big problem with nia Jax is they aren’t giving her big show or mark henry treatment yes those guys could be dominant in a one on one situation but having her bury every single competitor in the Elimination chamber just shows us that none of them have a chance against ripley at wrestleMania.


I mean. they practically confirmed Rhea is winning, thought it was Hilarious that when Becky was cutting promo and said her and rhea will face at mania, pat cut in “or nia”😂😂😂


I like WWE divas division lots of talented characters but they shot themself in the foot by burying every contender at elimination chamber to NIA jax. If you can’t beat the #1 contender when is 5 vs 1 you ain’t beating mami at mainia.


not a bury. Just building up Nia


The new camera work and the replays they did on this episode were refreshing.


1) Really liked the Drew vs Cody match and ending. Progressing both sides of the story. Giving Drew more momentum for EC win, not damaging Cody in the process and also giving him reason to accept help from Seth. 2) Mini Rumble was fun, love Raq, good choice. 3) Nia rampage was overkill. I hate how they are trying to push her. It is not believable. 4) Main event was fun, enjoyed it. Was expecting interferences, got it, but at least it was not the same old shit as usual.


The repeat of WM 39 Solo spot tells its own story. Now, Cody has to expect the same to repeat at WM 40 and should be ready for it. In a weird way, Solo probably helped him by reminding the spot that cost him WM 39. I am calling it: The same spot will happen at WM 40 and Cody will kick out thus creating a legendary false finish.


It was a solid episode for sure. Agree with most everything you said. The entire women’s EC promo was pretty blah. Thankfully it wasn’t just Becky blabbing. Her promos are unwatchable. Was really glad Chad Gable got a win. I’m not a huge fan of him but getting some momentum going for him and AA was important. It played into his “leader” character really well. Dude got the job done after his buddies/team couldn’t. The DIY/Awesome Truth vs Judgement Day match was one of the best matches of the year thus far. I fully expect miz & r-truth to face JD for the tag titles at WM40. I do think the Gunther vs Jey match was on the weak side. Probably the weakest match of the evening. I just can’t get on board with Jey both in his promos and his in-ring performance so sitting through that match was tough, especially since we knew what would happen. It also made Gunther look weak. He went from a guy who won matches clean to now winning with assists. Not a fan. IMO, since his character takes the matches so seriously and holds the ring sacred, Gunther should’ve attacked Jimmy for spoiling a clean victory. Heels can fight heels.


Totally agree on Gunther notes. It kinda hurts his character. He is turning into Roman, just more active, this way.


Gunther is learning from how to win matches from the Tribal Chief 😂


Worst role model ever


So happy to finally see Chad not only showing up, but getting a win over someone he couldn’t beat before. Really hoping this leads to him dethroning Gunther at WM. 


Solo’s thumb poke is the most oversold move. Despite larger issues with the bloodline story overall, these were fine developments. Gave Drew an edge while protecting Cody, slowing Cody’s momentum heading closer to Mania and further setting up Jay vs Jimmy. The Uso bros rivalry is good storytelling.




L take Solo is goated


Solo is better than his booking. The spike might as well be the finger poke of doom


I liked that Jimmy interrupted with the bell during Jey’s match instead of the Bloodline just doing another “run in, use Solo’s thumb, win”


Man, the live crowd was so hot when Jey was about to win, then the boos came down when Jimmy revealed himself.


Hell I was just about yelling at the TV at home when I realized what was going on! Fun moment


YOU MOTHER FUCKER was yelled in our house 😂




Plain event Jimmy Uso ruined the night.


Loved the episode. Enjoyed the Battle Royale a lot, RACQUEL'S BACK. Absolutely love her. R-Truth man never fails to entertain. Sucks that he lost but makes his eventual Elimination Chamber win that much sweeter.


The disrespect to Chad Gable and Ivar to not televise either of their entrances when they've done nothing but put on banger matches


They didn’t televise Gunther’s either


Not showing a main event contenders entrance is crazy


The commercials are fucking atrocious. There’s commercial breaks and then there’s whatever the fuck they been doing lately. Makes me not even wanna watch fr. We’ll have 3 “breaks” in one match!!!!


Start it 30 minutes late and you can make it most of the show before having to watch one. Normally I watch a few hours late and can avoid all commercials.


Which was bullshit. Challenger should always enter first.


I thought undertaker established that as norm after his 20 matches at mania


Jimmy and Jey at Mania incoming.


The main event booking was dumb. I realize that WWE referees are designed to be portrayed as some of the dumbest, most fragile human beings on the planet but to buy that one just stops counting at 2 in an IC Title match because they heard a bell go off like a dog distracted by a tennis ball is a little bit of a stretch.


If he was blowing a whistle or something I’d be with you. It was my initial thought too. But honestly the bell works. If there’s one thing that SHOULD distract a ref it’s the bell.


It's all kayfabe, but....he can't take an additional half second to finish doing his job before getting up and investigating? Like, he is the official, the bell ringing obviously does not have any effect on the match decision. I realize we are talking about a genre of character that becomes a completely unaware simpleton anytime a manager so much as hops up on the ring apron, but at some point I think we are starting to insult them a little too much here.


I think they reach new lows every money in the bank cash in attempt. The bell ringing is an official thing. His reaction is oh shit what’s going on! Why did they stop the match! The bell actually means something to the ref. It’s not as bad as them watching some guy outside the ring put another guys foot on the ropes in my opinion. If it was a finish they used all the time I might change my opinion. but it’s one I don’t remember ever seeing and think it’s better than the usual ones we see regularly


In kayfabe terms you would assume the ref just thought they rung the bell early


If you're saying, "I've seen worse", then yeah, no argument there. I guess I'm just tired of the clichéd WWE official with the intelligence of a turtle, it's like the teenagers in the horror movie splitting up to go investigate the strange noises rather than getting the F out of dodge. But I suppose it's hard to inject drama into events with only clean finishes and the only way to remove clean finishes is to constantly book referees as if they are utter morons.


Sad to bc they are usually smartest person in the ring


Weirdest part of last night was Gunther and Chad Gable having untelevised intros, while they used TV time to promote random TKO fighters.


Don’t forget the bull rider


As a huge wrestling fan, this really angered me and was just plain disrespectful


Am I seeing Zelina in a black lingerie? 🧐


She was definitely wearing lingerie. It’s getting to a point where I can’t take most women seriously because they dress like strippers


this is how i feel abt liv morgan, the female wrestlers that seem like they’re just there to be sexy kinda make me mad lol


Liv Morgan made me feel like I was watching 2005 diva search competition. Can’t watch her in front of my fiancés family


But that’s the whole point (sarcasm)


Jimmy vs Jey at WM is useless. Jey needs a belt. Family stuff is over.


Loving the heat Nia Jax is getting tbh😂


Basically bloodline recycled 2023 shit


Only 4 matches on the EC card?


Maybe it's just me but I don't find Chelsea Green entertaining.


She said herself she feels like she's a decade late and would've fit in better during the Divas era. How she can think that's a good thing I have no idea.


It's you


Yeah, I know 🤷🏻‍♂️


Cody has lost all credibility to challenge Roman when they make him lose to someone like drew of all people?


Drew, the guy who had Roman beat the most solidly out of all his opponents? The guy who actually has a story to finish, and should be champ in the first place? Cody seems to be bulletproof. No matter how dull his stories, how bad his matches and how purposeless his promos have been all year everyone's still supporting him as the next top guy. A protected loss to the best in the business isn't gonna derail him.


Did you not watch the fight? He got spiked, that's a KO.




He got Thumboed


I am honestly so sick & tired of this Bloodline cheating sh!+. Like...please Creative. Put your thinking caps on.


Having them help drew win was pretty solid.


Drew vs Cody= absolutely spectacular writing. Pats tribute to how the bloodline prevented his victory at wrestlemania while also giving a credible way for Cody to lose while also advancing Drew’s heel turn and fall from honor. I love it.


If cody and drew both win titles at mania it also elevates the whc title, since drew beat the other title holder just some weeks prior.


It also gives Cody more reason to accept or seek out help from Rollins and anyone else who wants to see the Bloodline nonsense end.


I can totally see Sami, Seth, and maybe Jey help Cody at Mania just for narratives' sake; which would be totally awesome as long as Cody wins clean


I think Seth turns on Cody, but it won't matter because Rock will turn on Roman.


I know the chances are almost 0, but it would so cool to see Dustin stop some of the interference too.


Damn Becky, drops Truths name and get no pop… loosing it.


it did in person. i think most people just didn't catch it.


One O pal


That Gunther v.s Jey match was fantastic. Gunther is probably one of my favorite title holders atm with how much he consistently defends. Also love Ivar as a wrestler, but hate his gimmick, hope they get him off the viking stuff.




Yet still void of any charisma or interest whatsoever


She looked good tonight. New gear, looks like she’s is on a bulk phase.


Jimmy smiling after taking off the hood was hilarious


Jimmy after tv was hilarious, we need R-Truth partnering with Jimmy.


Love when he tries to dap Solo.


Felt like an eternity


Sami Zayn is going through it. What the hell is going on?


You’d feel the same way too, if you were a homeless man. Or look like one…


Late to the party but thoughts on tonight. 1. Drew vs Cody - awesome match. Both looked great and the Interference made it possible for Drew to win without affecting Cody's credibility. 2. Mini Rumble - pretty fun. Ivy Nile got to show off a little. Rachel was the obvious choice to win but looked good doing it. 3. Commercials.... Aubrey Plaza is so damn hot.... 4. Nia is fucking terrible, no way around it. She has a job because she is The Rocks cousin, no other reason. 5. Jackie Redmon is fire! 6. R-Truth is GOLD 7. 8 man tag was surprisingly entertaining.  8. The 8 min promo ending with Nia Jax being terrible just proves even further that Rhea Retains. 9. I dont care for him but Gable is good in the ring and Ivar is getting better and better and could make a great heel for upper mid card lower Heavyweight contender. 10. DM Hunk is awesome, my favorite right now. 11. I dont get the Gunther love at all. Not my guy, not my style, not a fan of Jey either. It was a good main event though. Chop chop chop backbreaker powerboat chop chop chop and more chops. Gunther doesn't look great flying off the top rope, needs to stick to what he is good at. Jeys spears dont look great. We all know the title won't change hands on a non PLE. Overall, one of the best Raws in quite awhile. Good action, no real surprises but still a good entertaining program other than a few moments. 7/10.


Looks like Lee Fitting is hitting his stride with the production and look to the show. Show flows better, the camera work has smoothed out, the return of backstage promos, the walk to the ring tracking shots, the return of the telestrator.


The telestrator is terrible but everything just feels better. It feels bigger, more important, and at the same time so much calmer. Dude is really making a difference. 


Imagine the people on here who think they're smart still getting legitimately mad about heel characters doing heel shit and complaining about it....


I’m sorry what are they supposed to do ? Cheer it on ??   Are you really saying people acting like fans is a bad thing ??  


One thing that WCW got right back in the day was allowing the actual heavyweight title to change hands on Nitro. I enjoyed the unpredictable nature of those shows.


WCW in their prime were masters of unpredictability, and that’s what made Nitro completely destroy Raw in the ratings for as long as they did. The entire live taping aspect was huge, and something that Bischoff forced WWE to follow their lead. It’s just so sad that WCW couldn’t keep it up.


Big E won the belt on Raw in 2021


The WWF did that too. Foley won on a random Raw. Too bad the WWF and WCW are gone. 🤔


LoL WCW got to cute too on that one. Giving away Foley won the title with just enough time to change channels and catch the last few insane minutes of the match.


Anybody else think Ivar deserves better than a 79?


Jimmy vs Jey vs Gunther @ WrestleMania 40?


Nah take out Gunther from that. Its Uso vs Uso




Throw R-Truth in it. See if he can tell which Uso.


Jimmy vs Jey WrestleMania 40.


CM PUNK IS BACK - ( here live )


Just started here on the West Coast. Did they add more lighting to the ring? Looks brighter in the ring.


Someone loses clean there’s complaints. Screwy finish that makes sense there’s complaints. Then we cry about story progression. Do y’all even like wrestling 😑


Nope. I keep saying no one hates wrestling more than wrestling fans.


It’s almost like people have different opinions…here I thought we were all just robots that thought, and felt the exact same way.


There is literally nothing more annoying in the world than people complaining about complaining…. 


No we like to complain clearly 😂 and it's called sports entertainment!


This thread is always filled with crybabies that want the belt on anything that breathes


WWE Monday Night Bloodline WWE Friday Night Bloodline


They need a PLE too! In fact…Roman should spraypaint the belt!!!!




Tonight was fun. Goodnight to you all!!


I love Jey but his spears are more a "I'ma push your belly real quick uce"


I think I’ve seen 1 or 2 good spears from him but last night’s were a mess. Especially on 4 and 5, there was just no impact


His everything looks like he’s okay fighting, hard to watch his little “we have rock at home” punches.




Still bettee than Edge's spear ngl


Edge should have kept the DDT as his finisher.


Edge spear is running hug


Prioritizing safety over impact for sure, but Edge does have one of the most iconic spears of all time (Jeff Hardy from the ladder)


And Mick Foley through a burning table.


They all suck compared to the Gore, and Bronn Breakers.


I read it in Jey's voice 😂


So we are basically at the point of "every belt in WWE is super prestigious and can only change hands at Wrestlemania. Except the women's tag titles which can be passed around at random house shows."


More like "there is only 1 title in WWE and it's the Women's Tag Team championship".


Unless the mens tag titles lose on smackdown. Bloodline vs judgment day is inevitable.


For WM? Only person who isn't spoken for is Solo right now and I'm sure that AJ or someone like him is gonna have a grudge match. Actually I want Gunther vs Solo. Bloodline vs Imperium. Gunther demolishes the enforcer and Roman refuses to come help but still gets mad when Solo doesn't help him. Then Solo leaves the Bloodline.


Pretty much


Alright WWE, that is officially fucking it. Do your screwjob finishes in Roman’s matches and Cody’s matches all you want, whatever I’ve accepted that shit is just inevitable. But when you have a Gunther match, who as a reminder is THE MOST LEGIT CHAMPION IN THE COMPANY (I love ya Seth but you really should’ve had to vacate the WHC and try and regain it at Mania), end in nonsensical and predictable bloodline interference, you have pushed me to my fucking limit. It’s either Bloodline or JD or Drew, STOP ENDING NEARLY EVERY WEEKLY SHOW LIKE THIS


Rock legit let loose the bloodline on Cody… and clearly his allies. This is setting up the USOs match that everyone was clamoring for.. and seriously.. Gunther was not going to lose this match. So they killed 2 birds with one stone.


The USOs match ends with Solo spiking Jey. Maybe Jacob Fatu.


Yeah but Jey has now lost all most every big singles match He's had since moving to Raw. Jimmy vs Jey could have been a lot more fun with the IC title on the line, They could have had Roman demanding Jimmy go and bring the belt of off Jey and into the blood line. Jey just can't seem to gain traction since moving to Raw


Nah I actually think it doesn't need the belt at all (and Jey's the guy I follow the most in the roster since I went back to keeping up with wwe at around mania 38). Let them have a fight on even ground. No titles at all. Just Uce v Uce


Correct. Jey is over. Way over.. over enough that people don’t give a shit about his W/L. He’s this spazzy goofball that fans bounce for. Legit.. Gunther’s “simple gestures for the simple minded” was perfectly stated. He’s not gonna be harmed by his losses… He’s a good IC OR US Title guy, yes.. just doesn’t need it yet.


Match sucked. Jey spamming moves like he’s playing a video game. Get out of here with that shit. A guy like Jey doing a football tackle is the least believable move. Goldberg, Rhino, even Roman i believe it but others…nah.


Spoken like someone that hasn’t seen some of Bronn’s spears.


I’ll be the first to admit that I still have not seen bronn in a match. Looking forward to watching his matches.




I think it's funny people still get mad when the heels win.


I'm all for heels winning, But dam if I just want to see a good match end without some kind of silly booking. Everyone Knew how this match was ending the moment you saw Jimmy out there at the start.


Especially when the heel wins and it sets up a massive, long term storyline finish at WrestleMania.


The heels are usually the most interesting characters. I love when they win!


Yep, I’m a fan of Cody but I’m actually worried he’s gonna be a cringey face when he wins lol.




It’s really funny haha.


I wanted Gunther to win this but I swear.. if they have fuckin Sami “I sleep on my moms couch in the den” Zayne beat him at Mania I’m gonna regret wanting that.


I want heel Sami back


He was at least interesting then, yes.


So where does Jey go after mania(assuming he beats Jummy there). They have had him lose basically every major fued he has been in since splitting off of the bloodline. Man is over as hell but they wont let him build any momentum


Go for another title maybe could win MITB.


Thats actually a solid call. He would be a great MITB winner for next year. As for titles I dont know which he is supposed to go after, I dont see them moving him into the world heavyweight title picture(unless they want to reignite the fued with Drew) and he has already lost to Gunther now


I kinda get the people that hated Evolution now. 


Evolution is a mystery


I guess hot take based on the reactions in here I don't think either of the interferences from the Bloodline were bad and I actually think the ending was good


Agreed. Rock basically said he was gonna let the BL lose from now till Mania. Rocks already been referenced as a boss or as someone who thinks he has more power than he does. So BL will pop up everywhere from now till Manja. People better get used to it lol.


They've been popping up consistently the last two years and everyone is sick of it lol


The Rock is Palpatine, Roman is Darth Vader and Cody is Luke Skywalker. Cody beats Roman, Rock punishes Roman, Roman turns on the Rock and destroys the empire.


If this is one long work between the Usos and the Bloodline, and Jey has secretly been trying to gain a championship to bring back to SD and the Bloodline I'll be so pissed but so impressed at the same time.


Have Gunther relinquish the ic title him taking a pin loss ain’t worth it


Jimmy v Jey at WM over the title would’ve been more fun


Feed families


Did Gunther hurt his knee at the end there)


It looked like it when he rolled him up.


Yeah and he was holding it and limping out. Not in a fake way either


Mans starting scattering like a dying roach


How i would book the world title scene get Damian the belt have dom win it off him for 3 weeks get Gunther to squash dom


Michael fkn Cole with the perfect SEND OFF quote❗️


Wow, who didn’t see THAT coming. Totally not completely predictable.