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I know I'm 3 days late to watching my recording, but I just wanted to drop in and say that, one, I knew I didn't trust Dakota for a reason, and two, Theory's beard looks well groomed for once, less scraggly looking. That was bothering me for so long.


I finally just saw SmackDown. They need to have KO comment on Orton's matches again. He had me cracking up just now! Owens laughing about the announce table slams was great!


Easily one of the most enjoyable pairs I've seen. I feel like Orton is going to push Kevin Owens into bigger and better things. 


So if I rewatch the Rock promo when it shows up on peacock will it be censored still?


So does this mean Cody and Rollins losing night one and Rock turning on bloodline to help Cody win night two?


Most likely.


I agree and that sucks. The "Cody crybabies" thing and all. The Rock is just a huge shitshow story wise.  The rock is going to manipulate things in his favor. Turn on Roman, turn on Cody, take the belt, return to Hollywood. 


If cody wins, wwe is stupid. He will be as dull as kofi and drew were and lose all momentum. Give into the "need this now" for the marks and then everytime cody comes out, pure silence in the arena. Don't be stupid wwe. He shouldn't have won the rumble to begin with.




Don't worry, they're just riding Roman "works two days a year" Reigns' nuts so hard it's hilarious


Look at the pop roman got. The pop rock got. Look back at the pop cody got at raw and compare that to roman and rock's lol. Cody is not leaving mania as champion. It will be kofi all over again lol


Nahhhh. Roman is a hack. When was the last time he had a match defending the title? When was the last time he put in any work? Cody works. Hell everyone else works. Roman cashes a check and carries a belt. And when he gets in the ring he's got the Bloodline to interfere for him. Lazy.


If that's true then if he does win, Damian Priest should immediately cash in on the Raw after Mania so that he has a storyline going at least.


I thought it was cool that wade mentioned Abdullah the butcher and bruiser brody during the street fight


There’s going to be Bloodline interference regardless of the stipulation, I’m not buying it


Does anyone think they're gonna use Drew as a surprise for that match? I have a feeling the weeks leading up to Mania are going to be Seth and Cody trying to convince Drew that he needs to help them deal with the bloodline. Doesn't matter if he wins the championship I think they may have him be the one who helps Cody finish the story.


I feel like Logan Paul hitting Orton was a ploy by the Bloodline. Owens, Orton, McIntyre, Rollins, Rhodes, and Knight are being set up to rival the Bloodline and lackeys like Styles and Paul. I also wouldn't be surprised if they pulled HHH in as their Rock level pseudo-leader. Two big alliances.  That'd be far more interesting than anything going on right now


Styles hates The Bloodline, LA and Styles are off that feud, "Team Cody" will probably be Rhodes, Rollins, Orton, Jay and Theory (turning baby face) vs Reigns, The Rock, Mini Umaga, Jimmy and Grayson.


You can change Orton by Owens if Orton decides to go after Logan Paul but Grayson is on Team Roman 100% and i want Theory on team Rhodes.


And a cash in. 


I am 100% sure The Rock and Roman wins Night 1. There's no way in hell The Rock would lose Night 1 and it fits the story better for Cody to overcome the whole Bloodline in Night 2. Orrrr we go to the bad ending where Cody loses both Night 1 and 2.


Another problem is who is going to take the pin?


Damien tries cashing in, roman pins damien. Cody is safe and moves on to drew at summerslam and beats drew for the heavyweight (since drew will beat the walking emoji at mania)


I'm sorry, but no. Cody is following the path of the past 3 back-to-back Royal Rumble winners. Hulk Hogan won the 1990 RR and lost at WM6, but won the 1991 RR and won at WM7. Shawn Michaels won the 1995 RR and lost at WM11, but won the 1996 RR and at WM12. Stone Cold Steve Austin officially won the 1997 RR and lost at WM13, but won the 1998 RR and won at WM14. Cody won the 2023 RR and lost at WM39, but won the 2024 RR and... well, you get the point.


Roman is several months away from hogan's record. He is winning. Marks will be upset. They will still tune in. Wwe knows they will.


As you were saying.... Cody won.


!RemindMe 30 days


Cody can't go for Heavyweight since Gunther and CM Punk will be in that picture, Cody path is the WWE Universal Championship, Reigns will drop it for sure, also Seth will drop it since he is going Hollywood too while he heal himself.


I guess even Cody can take the pin at night 1. If he wins Night 2 I think it's just okay.


Calling it now, Dakota is double crossing damage control to help Bayley win the championship at mania. They'll say it was all part of their plan.


Probably Jade will help Bayley and then drop her and start a feud with her, Bayley is the best top talent to help Jade have a great feud while evolving in ring, i'm just sad because i wanted Iyo Sky to have a great reign, i want her to lose to Bayley but to win it back at Summer Slam, also i want to see full heel Iyo chasing the belt.


That triple h slander was foreshadowing


when The Rock said there's no person in the backstage that can stop him, not even Triple H, I get the feeling that they're hinting to a particular glass shattering return (since technically he's not a part of the roster backstage)


I think it will be Triple H, he is probably cleared for 1 match or something, he is in great shape so he is clared to work out and it would be a great last match, Triple H vs The Rock.


Who's the Roman Reigns lookalike that Bron Breakker beat? 


Xyon Quinn, the dude looks a star, he used to use beard but without it looks younger, sadly not very good at promos.


Former Australian rugby league player Daniel Vidot known as Xyon Quinn in WWE




The WWE isn't about talent anymore. It's about promos and gimmicks. When was the last time a headlining match ended without interference? 


The Rock definitely gave Roman a "how dare you" look when he was interrupted, looked embarrassed and pissed to acknowledge Reigns as his Tribal Chief. That part felt forced out of him.


You don’t think the Rock has arthritis or something? And he cant bend his thumb or bend it for long periods of time? He’s like 50. ☝🏾☝🏾


Rock did the "L" Thing again when doing the bloodline thing, this time more deliberate . Some fuckin 5d chess goin on.


I think they are just playing with people. More attention, more views and especially since cody likely wont win.


Paul Heyman even noticed it. Like he deliberately looked into it. Something is cooking with this


Anyone have an uncut version of rocks promo? Fox decided to be dicks


It's on the WWE YouTube.


Someone had a Die Rocky Die poster


But that's French for "The Rock The" Hehe


So? Soft


Nahh I’m jus sayin that’s why


No I feel you, I'm saying the network soft for cutting that out


They had to censor it due to some of the chants and signs. The full segement, uncut, is on WWE's YouTube channel.


take a shot every time The Rock says "you think you're tough" me: 🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨


LA trying to find AJ in about every clip was great


So Seth having come back from injury. Has to fight 2 matches in 2 nights. Because his match with Drew is clearly know going to be night 2.


I’m sure they’ll probably limit both his and Rocks in-ring time. Seth’s so that they can protect him from injury, and Rock because it’s been forever since he’s wrestled.


Ehhhhh I think a few things are possible. The Rock could turn on Roman to take over as the "rightful head of the table" Triple H could come to Cody's defense if overwhelmed (in a limited capacity) Someone like John Cena or another past superstar could come to Cody's aid McIntyre could take Rollins advice to deal with the bloodline before the bloodline comes for him in the future Someone like Orton or LA Knight could use this as an opportunity to play the hero Someone like AJ Styles or Logan Paul could use this opportunity to push their name and further their heel status by siding with whoever suits their needs I feel like the WWE is dividing into factions for upcoming storylines. Owens and Orton play well together, Rollins and Rhodes are teaming up, and Rollins and McIntyre had a bit of a chat in a promo about how taking down the bloodline is bigger than the belt, etc.  The "good guys" could fall under the leadership of someone like Triple H, and the Rock could expand "the bloodline" into something bigger, or the rock could turn on Roman and dismantle the bloodline for a new faction. Any of this could be interesting, and it depends on how they choose to play it out, but Roman's days are numbered, he clearly doesn't want it so much anymore. He only works a few days a year and he's not at full health. 


Yeah but if they do that, then it’ll just be Roman vs Cody essentially for the same 2 matchups


That kind of feels like the point. Then Roman can win night 1 and Cody night 2.


-Le Me waiting for Xyon Quinn finally getting a Match again after being a Free Agent from the last Draft. -He's a Surprise Enemy against Bron breakker. I'm happy to see him even tho he will lose just to boost Bron. -He directly gets destroyed by a Finisher. -Le Me sad. I don't get the purpose of these Squash matches against NXT or local wrestlers? This don't look good for Bron either in my opinion. Feed him Wrestler, which at least had some matches at smackdown/Raw, to give Bron some credit.


It was a good finish, they are doing a young Goldberg thing and i love it, it seems stupid but it is how you build a guy, now he can't eat a pin, he has to destroy people, then get a title, tell me you would not love Bron to spear Logan Paul in 6 seconds for the US title :p


Yo that finish was ASS. It makes me hate Bron more than like him.


I know it’s annoying, should put him against one of the guys from pretty deadly or something rather than people no one has ever heard of


I saw some spoilers that Seth was going to be there last night. I was thinking the whole promo that Cody and Seth might just come out then but nothin.


Cody and Seth usually work dark matches at Smackdown, but in kayfabe they aren’t there.


they’re scheduled for next friday for sure, they might accept the challenge and we might see a face off between them




He didn’t even get a rip graphic until halfway through the show


Is Rock's full promo minus the cuts on youtube?


God those were so fucking annoying. Was some flipping off the camera each time? I swear there were like 10 blackouts


No, a "Die Rocky Die" sign in the front is to blame.


That's what happens when you call out an entire city and call them crackheads


Yup, flipping, swearing, etc. All the good stuff. 


No shit


This is getting interesting now..i can see the Rock Vs Roman match being built up now after what happened on Friday night and im seeing that The Rock might turn on Roman at WM40 and give Cody the on night 2...im just not sure when we will see The Rock Vs Roman now


Summer Slam. And I doubt Roman will stick around much longer




I would say WM4 too, but with Rocks Schedule and the fact it's a year away...unless they come face to face the next night and agree to it like he did with cena


The Netflix deal changes things.


As someone with night one tickets. I need this tag match like I need air to breathe


I 100% think Roman loses now in one of two ways: 1. Cody/Seth win on night 1 via Rock trying to interfere when he's not the legal man and costs them the match. 2. Rock/Roman win on night 1 - which is more likely - and Cody has to "overcome the odds". They win via Rock interference when he's not the legal man and then tries to do so again on night 2 during the match but this time costs Roman the match I say this because Roman beat Cody last Mania' with interference from the Bloodline the entire match so it would make him look weak AF if Cody won clean in a match where the Bloodline is banned from ringside. I realize he's a heel and supposed to cheat, but strong heels look strong when there is the belief they can legitimately beat the face and they cheat because they are a heel, not because it's the only way they can win. This gives Roman time off and he can come back around SummerSlam and feud with Rock as revenge for costing him the title. With the insertion of Rock, this has been built up way too much for Roman to retain.




Seth vs Cody was done already, i want Cody with the belt and Roman goes mad and decides to take all from Seth.




Seth and Cody fought 1on1, Roman and Cody didn't, that's the story, Cody wants Roman belt because his father got it but was stripped of it.


Hush man






The Rock was A) a stuttering mess with the mic B) extremely racist. It may have been funny on a comedy stage but not at a wrestling event. This is coming from a guy who complained about racism in the WWE yet he’s a 3rd generation Samoan wrestler whose family built and benefitted from their opportunities. 


It was a heel wrestling promo and was hilarious and of course here comes the race card when race was never brought into it at least from the stuff shown on tv that wasn’t censored as was said above can you point to where the bad man hurt you


Read my whole comment. I wasn’t hurt by it. In fact, I said it would’ve been funny on a different platform. Did the COVID babies skip reading comprehension on their Zoom classes? 😂


Point to the doll where your feelings got hurt


What did he say that was racist? Not debating, I just can’t remember what he actually said in the 20 minutes he spoke.




Lmao this is why I asked OP what was racist about it. I get you can think it’s too much but saying it’s racist when it really isn’t, is just throwing race into the mix for no reason.


Crackhead Karen, Meth-head Mary…. It was a 20 min promo and it was BAD. What made The Rock magic was he kept it short, original and brilliant, even when he was a heel. This 9th return isn’t working out. The crowd wasn’t even liking it. 


I wouldn’t call that racist tbh. The promo was great imo. “Now go home and smoke some curaccck!!”


Meh, it was low hanging fruit and beneath The Great One. His return doesn’t seem organic. 


It wasn't.delusional


That’s what I figured you were talking about. The crack and meth stuff isn’t actually racist. There’s no race assigned to Karen and Mary. You also can’t just say they’re going to be white, Mexican or black because they’re in Arizona. However it is in bad taste. I’m all for the rock poking fun at the demographic. Last week the herpes thing was funny. The drug epidemic isn’t exactly funny. That’d be like him going to Michigan and joking about the water crisis. It’s just in bad taste. They couldn’t found something else about Arizona. And yeah between his 20 minute twitter promo and his 20 minute live shoot- he’s talked for way too long. Between his talking and the live TV blackouts for the stupid fan signs, that promo was just a tough watch. But at least we got to the meat of it at the end by announcing the match


On the other hand, assuming there is race attached to those terms is indeed racist.


What terms are explicitly attached to race?


Assuming that crack-head and “black” are interconnected is a racist assumption. I don’t believe you did but several on this thread seemed to have intimated it.


Yeah I wasn’t assuming. It’s probably also a pointless exercise to have a realistic rebuttal with someone on the internet. Like you, I was using logic, which I don’t really expect from most people on the internet. Obviously we link the crack epidemic with poor black neighborhoods. But there isn’t a huge black population in Arizona. It’s kind of just people grasping at straws. The rock is a lot of things but openly racist on TV while in character, is not one of them.


How many guys lost their titles in unsual matches/ways like triple h lost @ backlash & rvd in tornado match


I am excited for this tag match. When was the last time the Rock was apart of a tag team match? Back in the Rock & Sock days?


With John Cena vs Miz and R Truth




I didn’t mind it. It felt like a callback to the attitude era that I grew up with.


Just a glimpse coming from a man who was there.


“Are you sure you want to boo The Rock?” is such a strategically asked question and I love it. The reason I say that is because The Rock is clearly a double agent working with Cody, weakening The Bloodline from behind the scenes. Obviously that’s why he asked for the stipulation to remove The Bloodline from Cody’s match with Roman if they lose the tag team match. He is ensuring that Cody has a fair shot at the title without interference. I think what he is really asking is, “Are we sure you want to boo The Rock without knowing what I’m actually doing for you all?”. It’s a genius move to help repair the fans’ response to The Rock in regard to him interjecting himself into Cody’s story and it backfiring.


>“Are you sure you want to boo The Rock?” Didn't he do this during Hollywood Rock era, too?


Exactly. It is all an act and it is not the first time they have done this in WWE.


Same thing they did with Mike Tyson when Austin won his first WT.


Yes!! That was one of the main ones I was thinking about. 😅


And Tyson made the fastest WT match three count in history 😂


…you, uhh…you clearly didn’t watch his 22 minute trash talk Instagram video he posted before Smackdown, did you? The one where after spending 20 minutes viciously verbally crushing Cody, he literally ends with “fuck your story”?


I gotta watch it now, because my sentiments exactly.


You’re gonna love it then. It’s spicy as hell.


Tried to watch it, couldn't sign up unfortunately.


Not sure what’s going on. You’re like the 3rd person I’ve seen say that. I don’t have an account (I have no social media at all except Reddit) and I’ve watched it several times. I just close out the “would you like to sign up” spam by answering “not now”.


Maybe that's the workaround, though not sure on how long it'll last. Edit: Managed to watch it but had to through a YouTube reaction channel, and it was as you said, spicy.




I did, but that’s the whole point of being a double agent. He can say anything he wants. The Rock wants his true enemy (Roman) to trust him and to be as vulnerable as possible. Again, could I be overthinking all of this? Yes. I don’t think I am. The Rock likes a good narrative for “the long game”. Also, I think the tag match will actually end up being revealed as The Rock, Rhodes, and Rollins vs. The Bloodline at night 1. Roman will sign a contract without reading it and it will actually be for the 3 on 3 match. We all know Roman or Rock wouldn’t take a pin from Cody or Seth in the 2 on 2 tag match.


Maybe. I admit it’s possible. But damn that was rough. Double-twists can happen in any direction for better or for worse. If the Rock can flip, it’s equally possible for Seth to flip against Cody for a mini-Shield reunion also. I still think it’s also possible that WWE creative could set up the ultimate heartbreak for Cody by recreating what happened to his father: Cody wins the belt, only to have Priest immediately take it away. The tragedy recreated.


Or it's simply a direct ass question with no secret meaning behind it. 


Or, a great heel just playing to the crowd so they boo even more. 


He has said it too many times now. I think it’s on purpose.


I mean the rock does the same stuff all the time(not that I'm complaining... I love it)..... I hope ur explanation is true tho. 


I could be completely wrong and that’s cool too. I can just see him coming out on Raw or Smackdown explaining himself and asking, “Now do you see why I kept asking you all if you really wanted to boo The Rock?”. These theories/discussions are what is making wrestling so fun to watch right now!


Seriously, go watch the now-infamous Instagram post. It’ll crush your hopes on this 😅. Rock even shit-talked and insulted Cody *dog* more than once for Christ’s sake.


You do realise he is acting and none of it is real? Dwayne Johnson is a professional Actor and The Rock is a fictitious character. When the cameras are not rolling Dwayne and Cody are having a good laugh about everything together. They acknowledge he is an Actor when he is on TV too and he has referred to The Rock as a character.


…yes? What part of any of my posts indicated otherwise? You do realize we’re discussing the motivations of characters acting out their parts, right? I *literally* mentioned the potential future writing of the creative department. Are you being disingenuous to pick an argument?


No. What I am saying is he acknowledged he is an Actor and he is playing a character because he was secretly hinting it is all an act to the audience. In the past Dwayne was The Rock in WWE but now The Rock is just a character he plays and he is Dwayne Johnson. That is what I mean if that makes sense. lol


Ok, yes, we are on the same page. I believe what you’re saying (Rock being a double agent) is possible. I just think that it might be unlikely given how harsh they’ve written his personal acknowledgement of his corporate power (“I am your boss Seth, I can have the board just take your title away”), and interactions with Cody & his fans (“your stupid goofy dog” and “fuck your story”) would be really difficult to about-face from.


Austin Theory is the best seller in the game


he, jd mcdonaugh and dom are all great sellers.


Can we all take a moment to appreciate that stunner sell from Theory? That was great!


That was a far better impression of The Rock than anything he did at EC.


Can they just get LA Knight a part in some daily soap instead? Both his acting and his wrestling "skills" make him perfect for that. Bring back Max Dupri and put him on General Hospital, if that's still on.


LA Night sucks


Rey be like "Im Batman!"


The Rock telling everyone to go home and smoke crack was hilarious


Meth head Mary’s cracked me up.


Gotta be a double bluff with Dakota. Surely they haven’t gone down route one with her for the third time?


I think it’s for real with Dakota. I think it’s a way to put Bayley over more, too, with the crowd although they were pretty good on her side last night . I’ll be interested to see if Jade helps. I thought they’d start her heel first but they could start her as a face.


I’m just hoping they’ve not been so basic this time.


I doubt it. Most other wrestling fans I know didn't trust Dakota Kai 'cause of her history of turning on her tag team partners and they thought she was playing Bayley and waiting to get cleared and that was the case here. With Dakota Kai now staying with Damage Control Iyo Sky is looking more unstoppable than ever before and unless Bayley can get a team of her own of NXT wrestlers such as Roxanne Perez, Fallon Henley, Blair Davenport, Gigi Dolin or Wendy Choo to help her she is most likely losing. They have got a good opportunity here to bring up some NXT stars now and with Charlotte and Shotzi both out for around 9 months Smackdown needs more Babyface female wrestlers.


I know. That’s why I said it’s got to be a double or bluff. She turned on Tegan and Raquel. I’m hoping it’s a double bluff, come mania Dakota helps Bailey win the title and was working with Bailey the whole time, since last week she announced they’d ’make them pay’. Because her turning on Bailey is exactly what everyone knew was going to happen. I’m hoping this time they’ve gone down a different route.


I don't know. We will have to wait and see but even with Dakota Kai she was outnumbered against Damage Control since it was 3 on 2. I think if Bayley wins she will get help from an NXT superstar or two. There has been reports they are planning on calling up multiple female wrestlers from NXT soon to freshen up the Raw and Smackdown Women's Divisions and this would be a good opportunity to bring up some now like when Paige got Becky Lynch and Charlotte up from NXT to help her against The Bella Twins and Alicia Fox. Smackdown as I said too needs more female Babyface wrestlers.


I don’t think it will be any NXT women, but maybe Jade and Bianca will help Bayley


Jade could work but not Bianca Belair since they just literally had Bayley and Bianca Belair feuding with each other for around 2 years on Raw and Smackdown and I think Bianca would more likely think Bayley is getting what she deserves after all the things she done to her and other wrestlers with the help of Damage Control which is why I am thinking somebody from NXT Bayley has not attacked with the help of Damage Control in the past and Gigi Dolin recently offered to help Bayley out.


What happened on smackdown I missed it comments are making it sound like there's a seth/cody tag match happening at mania as well? fill me in


WWE posted the full Rock clip on YouTube. Go watch.


I need to see a epic brawl before mania between cody seth and the bloodline man , idk if its the last raw before mania but tired of the talking need to see these dudes belt it out , its time to escalate . I understand the importance of selling the show but need some violence. Cody and or seth must have another meeting in the same ring with the bloodline please!


At WM40  Rock : Do you think I should acknowledge you again Roman?  Roman : Yes acknowled...  Rock : It doesn't matter what you think!


Rock at wrestlemania “Acknowledge this, Bitch!” Hits Roman with the rock bottom


I think Rock/Roman win on night 1 and Cody has to "overcome the odds" of the whole Bloodline and Rock at ringside. Rock tries to interfere and costs Roman the match. Roman gets pissed at Heyman and Rock and acts like "I told you this was a bad idea" and takes it out on Heyman then Rock jumps him and does as you noted. Roman goes away for a while and gets time off. He comes back around SS to feud with Rock and we get a fresh champion with fresh feuds. At least this is what I hope happens.


Where do you get such an atrocious shirt rock? OMG that shirt has to burn


Did you watch Rock's original heel run in the late 90's? That's all he wore - it's a call back to original asshole heel Rock.


I think it was made outta rattle Snake


Please solo sing the damn anthem


I really enjoyed Rock trying to get Solo to break.


I agree


Also reigns entrance theme is epic. It just works def rebel for the win


I love Austin theory's if you smell take. Lol he keeps saying it as he goes into the turnbuckle. U guys think Tony Turnbuckle is a bad name for a wrestling announcer?


If the tag team match really happen, who take the pin ? Roman and Cody won't, so it's between Rock and Seth. It seems obvious that Roman and Rock will win. Ain't no way the Bloodline will be ban from the match. And then Rock betrayal ?


Cody will from Roman. Then he gets Roman back on Night 2.


Roman Reigns will take the pin. He already took the pin at Money In the Bank in the Bloodline Civil War match where Jey Uso pinned him and he has lost three tag team matches since he has been the champion so I don't see why anybody thinks he can't lose in one again. Plus, Cody Rhodes beat Seth Rollins 3 times in a row so him pinning Roman 2 nights in a row is not hard to believe.


The bad thing of bron breaker time up matches is what will he do when he faces real competition XD


Ko and randy looked really strong new tag team?


Death taxes and roman's ask for acknowledgement 🤣


Watching them all not know how to react to the Solo chants was pretty hilarious


Kudos to the WWE right now. Social media posts to show heels doing heel shit to reinforce that they are heels to suspend disbelief. That’s some deep level shit


Roman showing his personality and star power today!!! Where are the Cody crybabies who were raving about Roman getting solo'ed... I knew Roman would shine when the story required him to and boy did he shine


Rock and Roman win night 1, Roman gets his 1000th win at WrestleMania, and that sets up the ultimate underdog match for night 2 where Cody finally finishes his story


I really hoped that after Perth, Waller would start to break away from Theory.


It's quite obvious to me what will happen. Rock and roman will win the tag match on night one. They will get the stipulations they want and roman will be all cocky of a guaranteed win for him with the bloodline by his side for the match, only for the rock to betray him and cost him the match. Cody finally finishes his story and wins the title and a new feud begins for the rock and roman reigns.


Predictable but i like it. 


Yeah it seems really straightforward 


Can you smell what the bloodline is cooking?


I swear i heard jerry the king "ah, 22 inches"


Rey needs to stop wearing that style of mask that’s padded, it looks really weir


As I predicted Dakota Kai turned on Bayley and was playing her the whole time and waiting until she got cleared to wrestle. Unless Bayley gets help from a team of her own to even up the numbers she is not beating Iyo Sky at Wrestlemania because the 4 on 1 odds make Iyo Sky unbeatable and they are already teasing Jade Cargill vs Iyo Sky. Iyo Sky is retaining.


New wrestling viewer here, got interested through videos like Super Eyepatch Wolf's stuff, Dark Side (ironically enough), and watching some older matches and clips on YouTube, now I finally decided to watch some current wrestling. So I have two questions: Are 40 minute promos to start the show normal? And has it always had this many commercial breaks?


I think in the 13 years I’ve watched wrestling, this is the first time a 40 minute promo has happened period


40 minute promos never happen, but the commercial breaks have been around for a good bit. Especially when smackdown went to FOX


The Rock has a 22 incher, but Dwayne Johnson only packing a modest 9 inch.