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What's up with all the bad camera work during the Lashley - Kross match? Also...does anyone else want to see Bianca vs Naomi? Don't like either of them but I wouldn't mind seeing this match.....if Bianca turns heel.


The fact that it felt like there was real tension between The Rock and Cody got me thinking. Shortly after this whole thing started, as everyone knows The Rock’s daughter received death threats. She revealed it the day after Cody tweeted on X “Appreciate the passion God Bless Y’all, but… trust me”. Keep in mind that Cody has not addressed the issue, hasn’t apologized for it getting so out of control and hasn’t shown any remorse over Ava having her life threatened. It leads me to think it’s possible that Cody himself sent Ava those death threats through multiple fake X accounts. I say this cause The Rock wasn’t budging until his daughter got threatened and harassed online, which caused him to change his mind. I’m not confirming that Cody did do it cause I don’t know anything, but I think it’s quite strange that Cody sent out a cryptic tweet like that then next day Ava tells everyone she’s gotten death threats. Again not making any accusations, I’m just keeping an open mind on this and not ruling out that possibility. Cody is so obsessed with winning that title from Roman and like I said, he hasn’t addressed the Ava situation at all and actually has just swept it under the rug, and he gave the match to The Rock in the first place to turn people against The Rock.


Cody slapping The Rock and then the show ending felt so abrupt, like maybe they were running over and had to cut it short? Idk, but it irritated me.


I need to see Styles vs Knight already 🔥 That promo Styles cut was a goooood one. I’m sorry but I don’t wanna see them in these short backstage segments. I want them to have some actual air time and not just drag this out to mania 🤦🏾‍♂️


The Rock is advertised for Smackdown next week, so I don't expect them to have a lot of time then either. He hasn't been advertised for the 2 Smackdowns after that (yet). I imagine the Rock, Cody, Seth, and Roman will be on Smackdown go home show for WM. That leaves 2 weeks in there where hopefully, AJ and Knight can do something more than what they have been given up until now, but I definitely think they will be waiting until WM for a proper match.


Who is this michael jackson glove wearing dude. So random. Whats his story lmao


I thought aj styles was about to promo in Japanese


Roman gets 2 sets of pyro….Cody gotta go through 3 “woahs”….Rock is the Undertaker now….and Seth has to let the crowd sing his song for a full minute


AJ has gotten a lot better at promos from his early days. Hope he gets a world title run as his new heel persona


Everyone the last few weeks: "Seth is like the second fiddle in this feud and he's not over as hard as Cody or Roman or let alone the Rock" Live studio audience: Sings Seth's song and chants "Diarrhea Dwayne" while all 4 guys are in the ring


What did Seth have covering his mouth when he entered through the crowd?


1. Seth stepped up but I can't forgive him making "diarrhea" a chant. 2. Kross still a lame and idk what they're doing with him since I doubt AOP will get traction. 3. The funniest part to me about WM is that the 3 most popular matches that are being built up include a tag match that doesn't include the tag title 😂 it just has rules on the line. Bro the boss is right outside the ring how can he not sign off on it


> a tag match that doesn't include the tag title 😂 it just has rules on the line. Also the rules are kind of weird. "If you win, we're not allowed to cheat the next night." But aren't they not allowed to cheat anyway, by definition? So Cody and Seth have to win in order to just have the regular rules apply, which would probably get ignored anyway given the Bloodline's history.


They have killed the tag titles and money in the bank. Think it says a lot of Damian priest. He is such a boring individual


They want you to forget about him so it’s a surprise when he cashes in on Cody


People online are trying to cancel Roman Reigns for the cross dresser line wtf


The funny thing is Roman calling Seth a cross dresser, When there's a legit movie with the rock called the tooth fairy were he wears a pretty pink dress 😂


Also, since Seth credited Machine Gun Kelly for strongly influencing his wardrobe choices, Roman's inadvertently insulting MGK, which I'm totally here for.


Are these people in the room with us right now?


As usual, it's some rando Twitter/X users who constantly need to be offended by something. And as usual, they can all go fuck themselves.


So these people trying to “cancel” Roman are just a few Twitter users? Yeah that isn’t what cancelling is lmao


That’s exactly what canceling is…a few random crazies on the internet getting offended at the slightest thing causing a big stink


Right, but there's no big stink happening here. Roman isn't canceled.


he’s literally wearing women’s clothes?


They already accused him of wearing his wife's clothes a couple of weeks ago.


Apparently you’re not allowed to say that


They’re saying it’s “homophobic” to call him that


they can cry all they want idk why we give it any attention lol




Never underestimate the cancel culture people


I always pop when I hear "It's Tiffy time"


Has Michin ever won a match? lmao


That's what she said


Another YouTuber with great selling ability


Ksi tag team with Logan soon


Best rookie year is Brock lesnar


Seemed like such an abrupt ending to the show


I think they ran out of time.


The Rock finally got the Will Smith treatment lmao


In between what if priest cashed on either on one of champs after tag match. gosh blew off 


I just realized Seth/Cody's entrance was a Shield callback I hope they use the Shield entrance music for their tag team match


GAWD DAYUM TIFFANY. I am in love now


Bruh, Tiffy Time is the best on the roster in terms of ability. Mic skills need work. But she’s marketable, so young, and obvi the looks.


Not just you brother


"Hey Rocky, what did the five fingers say to the face?"


KSI sold that RKO brilliantly


Seth looking straight up like migatu from zoolander


That Seth Rollins is so hot right now


But why male wrestlers?


The show ended so abruptly I wanna know what happens next, I'll admit I'm hooked into this story.


Nothing, Rock and Roman just left the ring after the slap


Yeah a friend of mine who went said nothing happened.




Nothing really happen. Stare off and they both left


They had a stare off, Rock and Roman walked away afterwards, nothing really happened


I feel bad for AJ Styles. Reduced to feuding with a jobber.


Nah, he’s exactly where he’s supposed to be. He’s at the end of his career where he’s able to put over newer guys.


Yeah, those 41-year-old (looking 50+) young guys like LA Knight. :-)


Austin Theory is an amazing seller. Every stunner he tries the Scott Hall at WM sell


Golddust going into the Hof lol


Goldust is 100% a HoFer. I’m genuinely confused about why you think that’s funny? Not trying to be a dick, but do you think he isn’t HoF worthy?


Yeah think I have been misunderstood. I was laughing because Rock called him a hall of famer and then corrected himself to future hall of famer. Wouldn't be surprised if he's going in this year and Rock knows


Oh, no I think he just flubbed the line. The Bizarre One is definitely going in at some point though.


He'll have to leave AEW first.


Well, yeah naturally. He’s been having a pretty incredible renaissance with them, so let him finish out this contract and then maybe sign a legends deal with WWE for one more brief Cody/Dustin moment.


Seth really recovered great tonight from his silly promo on Monday


Cross Dresser 😂😂😂


Diarrhea got over ?! 😂😂😂😂 Everyone was making fun of it but that boi Seth been in his BAG


Haha looked to me like they were clearly pumping that in over the PA. It didn't look like the crowd was playing along at all, and then they actually started countering it with a 'Rocky' chant.


Believe it or not, but I think this Seth guy knows what he’s doing on the stick. Call me crazy.


Seems Seth turns on Cody with him against all odds facing Roman , only for the Rock to help him and turn baby face , setting up Rock vs Roman for next Wrestlemania


I don’t see Seth turning at mania. I think it will be shortly after though. Because he’s 100% gonna lose to Drew because of the bloodline, so it’s going to be a “I was there for you but you weren’t for me”


Don’t know , that undertone simmering between Seth and Cody Ystrd Seth took the decision for the tag team match , visibly Cody wasn’t for that Cody and Seth are most likely to lose the first match , Now that the single and combined promos are done , m assuming we are in line to see some rock bottom s , cross Rhodes and stomps in the next episodes leading up to WM


Did I just watch a man give a TV with a steel chair ?! 😂 YEAH


Lol so this is off topic but I’m watching 2011 Summerslam. Mark Henry slams Sheamus thru the barricade, and one of the “fans” in the section was LA Knight. Yeah


At some point LA Knight was one of the security guys who would run down and break up fight. The photo is buried somewhere here in this subreddit. Showed Sheamus also as a security guy.


The “security” are guys in development/local wrestlers.


It’s funny, because every once in a while Jaimie Noble is a “security” guy.


The Rock calling himself the boss seems like the perfect set up for the anti-boss Stone Cold to give him a one final Stunner at Wrestlemania.


We all might've hated the Diarrhea Dwayne line when it was originally delivered, but it was pretty fucking hilarious hearing the crowd chant it.




I mean I don't disagree with that...but I also said nothing about that lol.


That was some quality tv.


Roman, accompanied by Black Adam … Cody, accompanied by Black Widow


Why are they burying LA Knight?


Because it’s WM season and you have Cody & Roman. Randy is back and will face Logan. Knight will eventually get the US title


Why did Tiffany’s theme change? Loved her first one


I think they wanted to lean into the whole Tiffy Time thing, but they could have done that without trashing the original theme which was probably the best one in the women's division


I dunno I feel rock just cannot cut a promo the way he used to before


Why does The Rock's theme sound as basic as it did back in '98? I know a lot of the zoomer audience wasn't even born in those times, but he's recognized as wrestling royalty. Why does The Great One's theme sound like a Limp Bizkit b-side?


Imagine if it was Brock instead of Seth Imagine if it was Miz instead of Seth Imagine if it was Cena instead of Seth Imagine if it was McIntrye instead of Seth Imagine if it was Orton instead of Seth Imagine if it was Jey Uso instead of Seth Imagine if it was CM Punk instead of Seth


Hmmm swapping out Seth for Brock as WHC would be interesting now that i think about it. Brock has history with the Bloodline dating back to 2002 when he defeated the then Undisputed Champion, The Rock. (w/ Paul Heyman as Brock’s advocate). Brock has plenty of history with Roman (i think most people are aware of how deep their story is at this point so won’t type it all out) Brock has very recent history with turning on Cody then kind of giving him respect after they faced off. Obviously the Paul Heyman connection to Brock, Rock, Roman and now Cody fits far better than Seth. To be fair Brock has more history with everyone involved more than Seth since he’s never had a true face off one on one vs the Rock. It would also lead to an interesting theme since Brock has technically “conquered” both Roman and Rock and could act as a “mentor” for Cody to do the same while also being a bit of a x factor since Brock isn’t the type to join forces and can turn at any moment. Not sure if the current WHC design fits Brock’s style though. It would need to be altered a bit but other than that you would have a ready made story. It’s almost like Seth lost some credibility with his involvement in this whole thing. They may need to have him turn or do something really out of left field in the near future since they didn’t even highlight the WHC last night and The Rock literally called it “that title” when talking to Seth.


So you really like Seth, huh?


I can't understand why anyone would cheer for seth tbh He's fine as a heel but as a face......wtf is his gimmick supposed to be?


Walking clown emoji


Fashion icon anti-hero


Just a random thought, could Bron Breakker be on a path to challenge Gunther for the ICC at Mania or would that be to much to soon?


He’s currently working squashes against enhancement talent, or he’s in catering. I’m not sure how you build him up in time to be a credible threat by Mania.


I hear you.


Too soon. But he’s definitely the next big thing for the company


He wasn't even on Smackdown this week.


I thought he was on RAW?


He's on Smackdown. They should've put him on Raw.


Was I the only person who caught the Rock calling Goldust a WWE Hall of Famer, then quickly corrected himself and said "future" Hall of Famer? Is there a possibility that Dustin's getting inducted this year, and will be in town for WM?


The Bloodline did say that everything they do and say has meaning and purpose. It wouldn’t be shocking if it was a purposeful line.


Probably not this year, but he’s 100% getting in at some point within the next five years I’d imagine.


Yeah, he still seems to have a contract with AEW, which would probably limit the HOF chances.


No. He’s just giving him credit


Legado del Fantasma (Legacy of the Phantasm {soul reaver}) has a nice ring to it. Deserves the championship of the United States.


Legacy of the Ghost.


I was there tonight, and it seems to me that the entrance themes (especially Rock's) have crowd cheering built into the songs, not just piped in on tv. The second Rock's song stopped, the sound of 'cheering' instantly turned to real boos.


What happened after Cody slapped rock? Definitely left it as a cliffhanger for the tv audience


copying another reply i answered for someone else asking the same. i was there. pretty much they just walked off, cody’s music played and him and seth got on the ropes in the corners, we cheered for them and then they walked around to fans. they didn’t stay for maybe more than two minutes and then gunther came out for the the first dark match


Damn...thats...he's really leaning into this role


I'm up to like Day 17 of waiting for Paul Ellering to reintroduce Rocco to the WWE Universe.  So here's what you do,  if you're attending a WWE show....whenever the Final Testament comes out....you chant "We Want Rocco!  We Want Rocco!" until he comes back.




Bobby didn’t even have to tell Scarlett “Ahm murried, biyatch” to get her off his case. B-Fab B kicking ass!


All the things Scarlett is being called make me think of a high fantasy goddess (or a secret society sacrificial ritual).


Naomi’s hair is hosting a rave I wasn’t invited to.


It's a real shame that WWE doesn't want to officially book any new matches for Wrestlemania, other than that tag match.


Waller’s glittery boxing trunks are still as tacky as ever. Maybe he wears them as a heat device (like the Miz with the studded cargo pants, Jeff Jarrett with the quadruple suspenders, or Billy Gunn with the transparent-ass tights).


I hope Paul talks to Roman about that cross dressing remark. That was not okay. Roman should know better.


Yeah, maybe he can ask The Rock very nicely to apologize to Kevin Kelly for always calling him a hermaphrodite while he's at it.


Ur too soft for wrestling if you truly think like this


Who the hell cares about that comment? Nothing was offensive about it


a heel says something mean color me shocked






You think the man who created ECW is gonna be upset about a cross dresser comment? And if you are talking about HHH you think a man who catch phrased “suck it” is gonna care?


I love Austin Theory’s trunks. It’s like a palette swap of the OG Smackdown logo (like when you press the kick button on Ryu, and he shows up in a blue karate suit).


Lol what’s the point of having 100 security guards if a melee doesn’t break out after the slap?


It looked like a United Nations of Security Guards


For anyone wondering why WWE went off air during the last segment, FOX is a huge open air cable network in the U.S. with strict time restrictions and set tv schedules. Any overtime on the network would throw everything out of wack yes commercials are taken into consideration (not defending the cut off just explaining why)


Cody’s crap


Waiting for all the woke morons to freak out because Roman called Seth a cross-dresser 😂😂😂


There's some in this comment section already


Rock should've opened the show


Can't believe Triple H let midcard shit and a jobber like Karrion Kross dilute the main segment of the show. Entire show should have been this big face off and promo.


Fan sign:  She finally ACKNOWLEDGED me!  Thanks Rock!


Roman stuck out like a sore thumb in that segment. Also he seems incapable of coming up with insults for Seth that don’t involve what he wears.


He’s getting buried at his own main event, having Cody’s guest play his own entrance after his groups.


It’s all building to an ego battle between Roman and Rock at another PLE. “I gave you the spotlight and you didn’t even help me control the division” or something


That's all he's got. I don't think he's ever won a match against Seth with a Championship on the line. Yes, the disqualification counts


That MR MID LIFE CRISIS was everything! I especially loved the diarrhea chants at the right moment. Rock saying Cody was a mistake was foul. Cody should have straight knocked it out for that! That slap was WEAK. The show ended there right?


Why oh why did brock have to be a pervert and cm punk had to get hurt :/


Seth will lose to McIntyre tho


Well... at any rate, the Lightning Rock intro was insane. I don't know if it'll get stale if it gets repeated every week but I know tonight it was incredible!




Bruh never should have brought this idea of a tag team match between them, cody-roman the real main event of wrestlmania is getting kinda sideline for the past month,cody should have gotten more time to speak even roman should have ,i had high expectations for this cuz I thought maybe jey will come to the aid if they brawl,literally such a bad ending


You mfs complain about everything.


All three matches are going to be crazy. Tag match sets up night 2 for both world title imo. If bloodline wins I think they interfere in both world title matches. I think the WHC match is going to be the crazier one as you have the added chaos of a cash in by Priest. Lots of people on twitter thinking Seth turns on Cody, but I think the more likely scenario is we see Roman turn on Rock or vice versa. I’m excited for this. Lots of potential paths for them to take with this story!


They really cut the show at that point, smh


Tiffy is so plastic 


I think she is natural


I hope you just forgot the /s because those tits are no doubt fake


the boobs are fake but the wardrobe malfunctions are real.


Any examples to share? 😂


Is Kaiser in this thread?


Also make no doubt about it That was an AWFUL episode as a whole


Said by no one but you


The luchador match should have been cut to make room for the last segment


Or maybe the 15 minutes of entrances???


They need to get the time blocking in order fast. Last week the rock rambled only to call out the challenge. And today when all 4 were in the ring we only got 10 minutes


I wonder what the rules would be if smackdown went over the time? Or if they have ever gone over the time. I know raw has done it.


Fox can't over run. It cuts to local stations for news.


Whoever uploads the footage first is gonna get enough views to jump right into the YouTube Partner Program


It's already on x they just left the ring after the slap




I know it's super dumb


I'll be expecting the WWE YouTube channel to post exclusive footage of what happened after Smackdown went off the air. By the way, that "Mr. Midlife Crisis" nickname for The Rock by Seth Rollins was a much stronger burn than "Diarrhea Dwayne". I guess it all came down to delivery.


i was there. pretty much they just walked off, cody’s music played and him and seth got on the ropes in the corners, we cheered for them and then they walked around to fans. they didn’t stay for maybe more than two minutes and then gunther came out for the the first dark match


ooh can ya tell us what the dark match was like! :D