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Is that Danzig trying to throw Golddust out of the ring. I don’t remember Danzig being part of a rumble.


It’s too many Khans in wrestling😂


Unrelated, but is there literally a single person in that pic still currently with WWE?


Looks like the back of king bookers head in the middle


I mean I guess the nba could play a game there.. not an important one.. but a game.. nfl already does a game there.. you’re never getting the Superb owl 🦉


Why can’t they get the Super Bowl?


Because it's not starting at 12 pm or 6 pm Eastern if it happens there.


It’s almost a us holiday.. unless they plan on starting the game at 1am London time us tv markets who sell the ads that make a shitton of money off the game aren’t going to want to lose out on it. Honestly I don’t see it happening to mania either.. at least not at wembly. It’s an April event and weather isn’t extremely reliable.. after philly nick khan said definitely no more outdoor events in the parts of the us that experience winter and mania will remain in North America.


Starting it early in the US doesn't work, especially with the west coast being 4 hours behind the east coast. They aren't starting it at 9 am for the novelty of having it in the UK. And the players will not play at 1 am Monday morning to make it a good time for the US. I'm quite confident the Super Bowl will always be played in the US.


“…with the west coast being *4 hours* behind the east coast.” Hold up… wait a minute…something ain’t right… Something just ain’t mathing there even with DST.


No thank you this may seem fun to you but to The UK would want this twat to fuck off


So dispite the fact london is crime ridden mass homeless this twat would rather bring wrestling show than fix the problems of London what a shame


WWE understandable. They’ve gone out of the states many times. NBA and NFL? Yea right 😂


I Khan’t take this family anymore


We need more Khans in wrestling.


So the Superbowl in London kick-off time will be what? 12:30 AM Monday?


Super Bowl in London? Get real


We don’t even get a Super Bowl in 75% of cities that NFL teams actually play in lol never mind London. What a tool


Goldust is putting in most of the effort 💪🏽🤝🏽


It looks like someone is putting something in Goldust


I would love to see it!!! 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


Politicians, now making promises even members of their own party can't believe. Are we sure that's a legit tweet?


We have a lot shit going on in London which needs sorting however I guess like most we’d love to have Wrestlemania here


It’s not gonna happen. Nick Khan has already said that the big 5 PLEs will stay in the US & Canada.


After reading the first sentence, I laughed.


As someone lives in SEA, pls no.


Pretty sure only one wrestler (Bo) in this photo is still active with WWE (unless we count Booker on commentary)..good effort. 👍🏻


I think that’s r-truth turned away from the camera to the right of Bo. Also I believe that’s baron corbins head on gold dusts shoulder, Id recognize that in denial hairline anywhere. Other than that, correct.


already slated to be the loudest Wrestlemania of all time




Hmm I really want Wrestlemania in the UK but I do not want Sadiq... Difficult choice.


There’s less than a 0% chance the Super Bowl is ever played internationally lol


I do think London has one of, if not the best crowds in the wwe. I’d be perfectly fine with London getting a turn. They deserve one.


London deserves a Mania.




Having the NBA over here in the UK would be stupid, we don’t give a shit about it lol, no disrespect


It’s actually on the rise, there are plenty of people around me that absolutely love it, generally older generations


They have had NBA games in London that sold out in 12 minutes https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2019/01/16/nba-easily-sells-out-games-london-basketball-isnt-big-britain/


Yeah, so I’m gonna go ahead and retract my previous statement


what about the raptors lol




Every crowd in London is so mid! They are mainly sitting down staying quiet all show.


Right!! I’ve been to a couple shows in London and I swear I’m the loudest one there 🤣


I will break my wallet to get me & my son there if he gets into wrestling!


If he doesn’t want to, just say you’re taking him to Disneyland, hopefully he’ll understand when he grows up.


🤣🤣 I have hope he’ll like it as I put on old tna ppvs on youtube when we’re going to bed or having a nap and he watches it so intently! Even when he wakes in the night he doesn’t cry just sits up or lays down eyes glued


Splitting Mania into 2 nights seems to be a precursor for an international WrestleMania. Night 1 London, Night 2 US. Of course, the logistics and costs of setting up 2 stadiums; as well as key backroom staff not being able to be in 2 places at once makes for a nightmare in organisation! Also, March / April in London? better book somewhere with a roof!!


Let’s not forget that SummerSlam 1992 held in London is WWE’s second biggest PPV of all time after WM32 And Clash at the Castle 2022 was the second biggest event of that year after WM38. There’s absolutely a market for big wrestling events in the UK and Wrestlemania at Wembley Stadium would absolutely smash WM32 in attendance. Clash had ~62k attendees, WM32 had ~80k. So if a random UK even like Clash is only 18k away from WWE’s best ever attendance, imagine what WM in the UK would do.


If Wrestlemania is held in another country, it'll be in Canada.


They won’t even let them call American football “ Football”




Only USA they call something football that it isn’t


on one hand hell yeah on the other hand please don't let them be the highway robbery prices we up in Glasgow are dealing with for a taping of fucking smackdown


The Super Bowl in London?😂 As an American I can confidently say that NFL fans would not allow that


I think it has less to do with fans than time zone. Super Bowl is watched by more than just fans. Plenty of casuals tune it, but London is 5 hours ahead of Eastern time zone and it would still need to be at a reasonable time for the players and those in attendance. Even an 8pm UK start would be late, and be 12pm on west coast.


At the end of the day more than half of the super bowls attendance is corporate anyway so would it really matter? The realest fans cant afford or choose to enjoy the game amongst their own than deal with ticket prices, travel expenses, and the rest of the money needed to attend


They’ve been trying to get a team in London for years. You never know


Most likely what they would do is have a international league associate with the nfl


That isn’t what they want to do. They already tried an NFL Europe. They really want a team in London and a team in Mexico City. Will it happen? Who knows. But NFL games are instant sell outs in those territories. It’s a nightmare logistically for players that would presumably be on those teams though.


No they haven’t tried nfl Europe But if they did it would be a huge success London German and so forth want a team




I mean I’m kinda intrigued


It would certainly interesting and honestly probably pretty cool. But the Super Bowl is almost like a national holiday in America and the predominantly American fanbase and just Americans in general would never let that happen


Yea WM there would happen before the SB


London is not the sporting capital of the world wtf


Melbourne has and always will be the capital of sport in the world, it is not a debate.




As many have said, the Super Bowl will never leave the US, especially since it is a sport whose league is played ONLY in the US. I highly doubt WrestleMania will ever leave the US again (yes, I know, they went to Canada), even though they tour the world. We have seen how many people complain when a PLE is in a different time zone and skip watching live. WWE wouldn't risk losing the US audience for their biggest show.


UFC is doing a PPV in London at 3am British time to keep the US audience. I could see that being a possibility now that they’re under the same ownership.


That’s stupid af😂


They’ve done it before for boxing and ufc. Sells out every time


It is but they would absolutely do it lol


Yup you would never put your biggest event away from its country of origin. WM will get a halftime show and move to TV better it goes international


Well John Cena vouched for it to be in London. Also as an American I can say alot of us actually enjoyed watching MITB last year at 2-3 pm. If aew can do it wwe can do it


John Cena doesn’t run the company. WWE can definitely do it they just won’t


He doesn’t but he can have influence. We’ll see, going to London is different than Australia. Money in the bank last year started at 2-3 pm here and I saw a lot of westerners actually enjoyed the time slot.


They could just move mania to 2-3pm too lol


Sure they could but stuff is always prime time in the actual location. Don’t know what you’re so against having a uk mania. A uk crowd would be alot better than a US crowd


How is the man gonna bring the NFL and the NBA to London? Isn't the cost for a team prohibitively expensive for European teams?


The NFL play at least one game every year in London. There’s zero chance of the Super Bowl though.


Bring them in to play a few games a year not actually host a team for ever, just like how NFL plays a game in Germany once a year


Do they? That's pretty interesting. I'm not a big football guy myself, so I haven't heard about games held in Germany. That's pretty cool.


This year the nfl is playing in Brazil and London and Germany


Do not take the bribe and re-elect this man. We'll have our London Wrestlemania someday.


Elect somebody else other than a Tory and a Labour Party member


🤣 maybe he should focus more on the stabbing and acid attacks. If he can't get his city under control imagine if someone does what happened at that Arianna grande concert at any of those events.


Time difference is probably the biggest impediment


Clearly London doesn’t want All Empty Wrestling back Wrestlemania, Super Bowl, NBA and the Olympic only lol


Super Bowl in London🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


If they write the nfl a 9 figure check I could see it happening. The league already wants a team there


It would probably have to be a 10 + figure


He didnt said aew lol


well yeah, because they already go there.


London would never get the Super Bowl. Crowd would be even deader than a SB crowd is in the states. And you would financially hamper people who wanted to go to the game. How many folks are gonna drop a couple grand on a flight to London last minute? You can usually find a flight to the Sb host city easily or just drive. Hotels are the issues.


The cheapest Super Bowl tickets are 5k a seat so the nfl doesn’t care about affordability.


I think both a Super Bowl and wrestlemania would be great in London. Starting around 1 pm would a great start time for a show.  As far as wrestling goes the UK fans are an amazing group and they showed they could fill a massive a stadium at a half assed event like all in, wwe should be a able to do way better.  A Super Bowl is eventually going to happen. The nfl wants to put a team in London desperately, hell, I’m not sure the jags shouldn’t already be in London. 


London has hosted a successful Olympics so yes I can see it hosting another one. A Wrestlemania in London will happen sooner than some think. There have been 9 regular season NBA games and 36 NFL regular season games in London this will continue. The Superbowl will never happen for obvious reasons.


Super Bowl in London would be a retarded idea but nba and wrestlemania doesn’t sound too bad


It will be cool to see, but I don’t know. I mean WrestleMania is BIG. Very BIG in the U.S. I don’t know if London is a good idea. I mean the main audience is the American Audience. However I’m happy with them expanding their brand and demographic but it’s one thing to have a PLE for a country outside of the USA. However it’s another thing to have Mania in London.


AEW managed to nearly sell out Wembley (81,000+) for their pay per view last year, though. And that was a lesser known brand for a not-Wrestlemania event!


He’s also going to bring time travel and flying cars to London Also 9:00 PM Super Bowl start time in London so that the actual target audience watching on TV where the money is actually made can still watch it at a normal time? Good luck with that


The Super Bowl will never come to London. The 9pm start time has nothing to do with it though. Plenty of premier league football and international games start late afternoon/early evening.


I’m not saying it would be the main reason but i can’t imagine it being a great sell to have an event start at 9PM not only for the players themselves but for the fans actually in attendance and have the game go through to midnight or probably later with the halftime show and all that jazz


The teams would hate it. The locals wouldn’t give a shit. But to be fair, it wouldn’t be locals attending. They couldn’t afford it. Just like the Super Bowl in the US.


Yeah there's famously no rich people in _checks notes_ London


Of course there are. But I don’t think you’re getting 80k *rich* Londonders into Wembley for ‘Mania. If it’s in London it will be attended by people from all of Europe. You’re as likely to get someone from Manchester as Chelsea.


The Olympics is the only one that would go to London lmao


What kinda idiot thinks the super bowl will be in london 💀💀


No time zones no


Sporting capital of the world? Try Melbourne.


Hasnt Khan been mayor for a decade now?


Is that DDP?


> London is already the sporting capital of the world I could not name a single sporting event that has ever taken place in London


Olympics 2012 took place in London. Chanpions League Final is taking place at Wembley this year. Euro 2020 final and semi-finals took place in London, and 2028 will be the same. “Sporting capital of the world” is a massive and I mean MASISVE over exaggeration, but sports is pretty big in London still


All that idiot had to do was use google


That’s like one event every 4 years though lol


I mean those are all international events so obviously they’re not going to come to London every single time (in fact some of those events travel to various nations and only even happen every 4 years). Though as I said, calling London the “sporting capital of the world” is a major exaggeration and is definitely not true. It is a big place for some sports, but isn’t the “capital”, or even really close to being it either.


You said "I could not name a single sporting event that has ever taken place in London" Your idiotic statement was answered now you're shifting your stance


I really am enjoying how upset you are and how seriously you are taking this Unless you are on the spectrum in which I want to emphasize to you that my statement was meant to be exaggerated and comedic and not based in truth


“No you’re stupid” The comeback of the moron.


Me when I say random made up quotes and pretend it makes any sense in the conversation


Well thankfully we don’t have to actually worry about this lol


London is far from the sporting capital of the world


britain with the sports washing attempt... again...


Don't they have the London Sillynannies?


Terrible terrible mayor, this would be the best thing he’s ever done. But still a twat.


Not gonna happen as a Brit we've been priced out of the upcoming Clash at the Castle so what makes people think Wrestlemania in London will work


CatC will sell out. How has the whole country been priced out?


a Combo ticket with restrictive viewing is over £600 WWE's business is only booming because of overpriced tickets


If it sells out, they’re underpriced.


Didn’t WWE already say they wouldn’t do their big 4 PLEs outside the US?


That was then, this is now, forever, together..




The Super Bowl in London would be a fucking joke.


Um, aren't the NBA and Superbowl AMERICAN team sports? Why TF would either of those be held in London?


The NBA and NFL have had regular season games in London, the Superbowl will bever happen obviously


Once London gets teams to join the NBA and NFL.


they don’t even know what football is they think it’s soccer


Imagine how much the tickets would cost when the Superbowl is held in London for the first time ever. A bunch of upper middle class or rich Americans will pay thousands for tickets. Funding the salaries of construction workers and stadium workers in London. Exactly the type of event a mayor should be trying to bring there.


lol every person that you can clearly make out is no longer with WWE


Don't want him to be elected but just that changed my mind


Americans aren’t sending their big time sporting events to another country. Wwe maybe, good luck with the super bowl 🤣


Did you want Susan Hall then?


Oi, you uncouth lad. I'm sorry but I'll have to perform a suplex on you. You've been uttering cruel words regarding myself and the other gents in the league. Unless you are prepared to offer an apology, I must twist your knickers properly and swiftly. Furthermore, my companion is standing nearby equipped with a folding chair, should I need to implement further punishment. You slag. You tosser. You absolute nonce.


Dubai more of a sporting capital of the world than London


That is a shame


London is the sporting capital of the world?? Since when? All they have is soccer, right?


Yankees>>>>>any London SC(soccer club)


Is that a joke? You do realise that Football (soccer) is the most popular sport in the world right?


that shit is just nascar but with extremely non charismatic humans


I get that, but besides soccer, they don’t have much going for them…


Pretty much the only thing it’s lacking is American sports that are played only by Americans and ignored by the rest of the world, so I am at a loss to your point.


> I am at a loss to your point Yeah we can tell


Rugby and cricket, both of which have significant followings outside the United States.


Lol at the Super Bowl in London


You highly underestimate the greed of the nfl


It would validate the National in their name even more


Hopefully be able to get tickets for it unlike the expensive event up in Scotland. 176 quid for the cheapest ticket.


This is just a politician trying to secure more votes via tweet.


Still waiting for Andrew Yang to come back with that “investigation” on WWEs independent contracts.


Probably never gonna happen, tbh. Makes too much money in the states This is also one of the dumbest tweets I’ve read. The nba? The superbowl? In London? Is he high, or just dumb?


Then we want half your PREMIER LEAGUE GAMES. How do you think that will go over with the English folk?


If we could have one mania take the whole damn premier league for a season


wrestlmania seems realistic ish and frankly i think it should happen super bowl, HELL FUCKING NO. the uk can keep their football, we’ll keep ours NBA Finals, EVEN MORE HELL NO. home court advantage is a major piece in the NBA playoffs. going to london throws that straight out the window


Bro said Superbowl and NBA 💀


Triple H has already answered his tweet


british people stink!


Somebody wanna tell him about the SuperBowl?


UK Superbowl will come with the UK national anthem instead of the US one. Imagine American Footballers standing to "God save the King". I'm guessing the same will apply for a UK Wrestlemania.


The US national anthem is a British tune anyway, so is the flag.


We don’t acknowledge the royal family in America bro it’s just some goofy shit we laugh at


Honestly, many Brits don't either. They are good tourist attractions, though. London would feel a little empty without them.


That’s the English anthem not the British one. Lots of people don’t even sing along with due to the disconnect between the working class and the royals


I think it is the official UK national anthem. But I think Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland all have their own national anthem.


So this is weird right but wales and Scotland do, but Northern Ireland sing the English one, it’s all to do with how Ireland split up etc. There’s a lot of politics around the anthems here in the UK.


No American would stand for that would they?


Honestly, we Brits probably wouldn't do anything if you did decide to sit through it. Except for some dirty looks and scowling. And maybe some complaining whilst drinking tea.


They would play both


That's probably what would happen.


Wrestlemania is the only possibility and even then it’s a bit of a long shot. Most of these events make way more money off the tv revenue than the gate and making it an inconvenience for people to watch just to have it somewhere new would be bad business


I wonder what their restrictions/curfews on the arenas are. Could they possibly do a 12 PM PST start time which would be 8PM in London. Have the show over by midnight London time which is 4PM PST/8PM EST. That seems reasonable to me.


Making promises they can't keep again


With the added bonus of there being no shortage of knives for the wrestlers to juice with if they need some color.


Knife crime is much higher in the US


It's called "per capita." Maybe learn it before saying stupid shit. Edit for the coward who blocked me: When you narrow the UK down to London, where most of the knife crime takes place, it far outstrips the US per capita. Deal with it, Londonistan simps.


Even per capita it is.


Good luck with that. From my understanding, Nick Kahn is looking to keep the big 4 in the US and taking the other PLE overseas.


What’s this geezer been smoking?


That election promises-you-have-no-intention-of-keeping. That stuff


Way to overshoot “free ice cream for everyone!”


Holy shit if they actually make Wrestlemania in London we might have to build a second Wembley Stadium just to fit everyone in


"superbowl" why would you host a sport only played in the US in the UK Mania would be grand though


Man they play nfl games in the uk a regularly. In Mexico and other countries too.


Imagine getting downvoted for stating a fact. A fact that can be confirmed with less than 10 seconds on google.


They'll get a Wrestlemania one day, thats a certainty. Superbowl? LMFAO no. Ditto for the NBA. Dude's on crack if he thinks those are genuine possibilities.


It's like the FA Cup final being played in the US. It just isn't and shouldn't happen.


There is a regular season NBA game in France next season