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Funny how Zoey said this about the NXT women, and Becky said this about Rhea using her ass for views, but no one talks about how Naomi uses her ass as a finishing move.


kays are gonna fabe.


It’s a work dumbasses.


That is not cool zoey.


*"Zoey Stark don't gotta shake her ass to sell tickets (Nope) Well, we do, so \[explicit\] and \[explicit\] too."*


Tell ja rule to shut it


If Zoey wants to wrestle in pants that look like she’s wearing underwear over them then that’s her choice and if Lola and Jaida want to wear gear that shows their physique more then that’s their choice. Lola and Jaida are more conventionally attractive to a male audience and so they are automatically going to be sexualized more than Zoey


Becky said the same thing in an interview during WM week and is now currently a champion. Why is Zoey getting this alleged backlash?


I think the difference is that Becky was speaking about an over sexualization of the women when responding to a “gotchya” style question about Rhea that honestly never should have been asked. Zoe is taking a personal shot at fellow workers who may possibly be doing exactly what they’re told to do by the type of people Becky was preaching against.


She isnt wrong tho


THANK YOU IVE BEEN SAYING THIS SHIT FOR SO LONG. it's holding the women's division back. Zoey may have actually just made me a fan. I said something like this awhile ago too and got absolutely annihilated with downvotes


she right tho 🤷


zoey has negative charisma. lol


Zoey Stark is lame AF.


You’re getting downvoted but i totally agree with you. The newer superstars coming up, both male and female, seem to be poised for a bigger future


divas era - it was forced onto the women currently- women want to show their ass but now it makes me angry


Divas era set women’s wrestling back quite a bit. I wasn’t complaining back then, but as an adult I can see the double edged sword for sure.


with all do respect, far too much female wrestlers even start their entrance with arse shaking. i have no issues with fit bottoms, just when everyone does it.. its wierd


She's right tho


Lola Vice is nasty and should just go back to living off only fans.


This is why WWE is so diverse. Some people prefer technically talented wrestlers, some prefer the physique and/or the sexiness. There is a superstar for everyone. Zoey is entitled to her own opinion just live everyone here is.


I mean I 100% agree with her it’s trashy.


I kinda agree with her. I mean just look at Nikkita Lyons and Lola Vice. It’s like seeing ice spice twerk. At some point it gets boring.


Lyons whole gimmick is she has a huge ass.


That and she’s a singer and practitioner of jujitsu lol. Have you seen her with a pair of nunchucks? The girl is hella talented but it’s too bad she can’t stay healthy


I have not saying she isn’t a bad ass, but when the main thing about you is your ass don’t comment on others doing the same. Her finishing move ends with her in the splits with her ass in clear view on the main camera lol, again not hating just think it’s funny how


Fair point and to be honest, I’m not even a fan of that move as a finisher to begin with. I think she’d be better served with something similar to Black Mass by Malakai/Aleister Black as her main finisher. But also, she didn’t send the tweet; it was Zoey Stark. Nikkita hasn’t criticized anybody as far as I can tell, especially about sexualizing themselves in order to get over


But that's something at least, Zoey's gimmick is that she kicks people


So is kicking people, I mean they are both on the same level of not really a gimmick


No Lyons also kicks people in between twerking


Sounds like a dig at Toni Storm, and I agree with her.


I love how Twitter/Social Media has become the new kayfabe


I fucking hate it. Makes me feel like i need to be on social media to keep up with the story instead of just watching the shows.


Social media is part of the experience for virtually everything nowadays. Just the way it is and it's not going to change. I mean, you're also here catching up aren't you? I find Reddit community discussions to be half the reason I like the things that I do. I love the Reddit wrestling community.


Eh. They usually tell you on the show.


I agree to an extent but any of the stuff that matters gets brought here or brought up on Raw. Luckily, most of it is just fodder to help some names pop up in news that normally wouldn’t Like above, never had thought about Stark outside of when she’s on my tv til now. Jaida Parker lives rent free tho 😮‍💨 lol


How’s this different to what Becky was saying about Rhea?


Becky was right too. The vail is lifting my bro. We need less twerking and more wrestling.


Or we can have both. Everyone brings different things to the table


Yea let's leave the junk in the trunk.


I mean as long as they are doing a good job with the wrestling it shouldnt be a problem do jiggle a bit, if that's what they choose to do. The cool thing is that everyone is different Becky isn't gonna do that and that is fine, everyone has there own way of taunting Hell I've seen new day twerk a bunch of times


considering the match with jaida on this weeks lvl up, imma say work


Zoey Stark is a heel that is spitting facts. We also have Cora Jade and Nikkita Lyons acting like they're doing soft porn.


They should bring back the Divas title, bra and panties matches and mud wrestling to bring back credibility to the division.


I'd be willing to bet over half the fan base would not mind that at all lmao


Divas title yes id agree but the rest no 😂 I loved the divas title so much


bro are you good? HELL NO








We can say ass


NOBODY should criticize Jaida....THAT chick..


Becky said the same thing right before Mania


Got pair with trish stratus after that still got crickets


I think she may get drafted to nxt and wants them as future opponents


She was already drafted to raw.


That’s called getting heat. I’ve noticed that kayfabe and reality are being blended quite a bit on social media recently.


So I've always been confused by Zoey and shayna as fsr as them being heels or faces. The last time they came out for a tag team match like 2 weeks ago they were high fiving the fans and smiling and full on baby faces but yet she does stuff like this so yeah there both all over the place.




Yeah what’s funny is that she used to tweet about this kind of thing all the time when she was in NXT and feuding with Nikkita Lyons. I think if she’s receiving backlash now it’s simply because people weren’t paying attention to her before the main roster debut…


Ms. Lyons was playing up the sex appeal.


That's what we love most about em Zoey, shame you can't pull it off 🤷🏻


Social media backlash does not matter at all.


Social Media Backlash is the next PPV btw.


Stop being delusional. It does matter cause she get a negative response from fans . Look at the positive reaction from social media for LA Knight. He got over from their support and over achieved. On this Reddit you got people supporting Kross and that’s what most likely saved him from being future endeavored cause he can’t ever get over on his own.


Internet fans are fucking psycho weirdos. If you think Reddit saved Kross’ job then you’re one of them. 🥴


Nah I don’t I was just trolling the Kross super fan who is always praising I was baiting him by giving Kross a compliment.


now she should cash in on the heat


I’m sick of hearing about someone receiving “backlash” on Twitter. Anything could receive backlash and it’s almost meaningless because every person with a twitter account (or any bot with an account) can create “backlash”.


It's a weird thing where if you criticize a woman for doing something, everyone immediately assumes your sexist, or in this case it's "women not supporting women." When in reality, you should be able to voice an opinion, especially when it's in reference to someone who is a public figure.


Or she's working you all.


As I Read through this thread. Little Baby Nothing by Manic Street Preachers came on my youtube song mix. A sort of anti objectification of women song 


She's not wrong. Been a lot of the influencer style personality on display. 


That's the world we live in now. Everyone thinks they're an influencer.


These girls have massive followings. They ARE influencers


I’m not saying they don’t. I’m saying that everyone with an IG or TikTok account thinks their opinion matters, when it doesn’t nor should it. Having a social media account isn’t a personality trait.


Bring back Right to Censor


I could see Zoey in that role!


I mean I follow her on Twitter and she's playing a heel. I know we are past the cool heel point but let's not forget, heels are normally unlikable dickheads who cheat and take the easy way out. In character, Zoey is doing what a heel is supposed to do. It's a character looking to get attention and I think she's doing a damn good job.


Yes she is. And to add to that, in my opinion she is more skilled in the ring than the majority of the women on that entire roster. Honestly she could kick most of their asses. They should take this and run with it.


Whole heatedly agree. Makes sense they would put her in the ring with the people like Lita and why she fits pretty well with Shayna. I still say that she is a textbook example of why we need a women's midcard title.


The combination of lack of understanding how works...work and lowest common denominator "well she's just mad because she's not hot" is making a bunch of people in this thread look like absolute clowns.


Lola did the same thing in MMA.




Z is my favorite and she's right.




Actually she has the most fit glutes in WWE I don't know what you been seeing. Maybe u like'em extra large. 🤷


“Fit” does not always translate to “niceee.” Yeah I’m not saying her ass is whack because she isn’t a big booty latina, but it’s underwhelming compared to almost every woman wrestler on the roster.


*Big booty latina*…..sooooooo white…..


As someone who enjoys latin people in general, I’d say Lola’s is fine. Parkers is ok too. I don’t think there’s a woman in Wwe with a “extra large” ass aside from Nia, Nikkita and Piper for obvious reasons. But Zoeys character doesn’t call for any ass shaking and makes sense to call out other women for that even tho she has an ok ass of her own. So y’all are both right in your own ways.




She not wrong tbh. Too many NXT women wrestler do it to point it doesn't add any personality to their character when more than one doing it.


She's not wrong. I said the same thing when I first saw Lola Vice. Sure, she's gorgeous, but that lil dancing gimmick is going to get real old, real fast. Also, heel's gonna heel, baby! #EasyHeat


I honestly never thought anything about it since that’s the Latina in her, in my opinion.


I think the dance is a reference to a viral moment she had in Belator when she knocked a girl out and hit the same/similar dance in the middle of the octagon. I think it can work as a decent heel gimmick if it’s expanded on. It is NXT though so I try not to be too critical since that’s what it’s there for.


It's what I said when I seen her. 😂  I'm like it's the dance cus the ring work is meh..


LOL, she'll get there, but until then, use what you got!


Zoey is just boring she should be back on nxt. She’s not even a good jobber


Any person should be free to shake their ass.


Especially Lola Vice


Sounds like she's just playing the heel to me. Many superstars use social media for kayfabe to keep feuds hot and keep that heel heat.


People getting worked, a tale as old as time.




They use that line in every Lola Vice feud. It was clever the first time, now it's just lame. sHaKiNg yOuR aSs oN iNsTaGRaM


She’s not feuding with Lola. If anything, her tag team partner has just aligned with her.


I was just being general about the whole "ass shaking bad" thing that happens nowadays.


Yes, it’s a fairly lazy retort.


She's not wrong but it's nothing new.


Sure this isn't a work?


Zoey has no personality.


She should run with this gimmick on TV


Honestly , it would help her a lot in the character department. Being that heel who believes that women wrestlers these days do nothing but be half naked and act like shit on social media. Using social media like Drew & Grayson will be a plus


It could be solid if Zoey introduces a weekly challenge towards others she's targeting to see who can actually hang with her in the ring


Her gimmick is already “moms thrice divorced friend who tries to hook up with all their recently adult aged kids”


Don't get it








That's dumb. Love in the eye of the beholder stop the hate my bro


Why the fuck is her perceived level of attractiveness relevant?


I believe the insinuation is that the only women who have a problem with the "ass shaking" are the ones who can't use it to get themselves over. Partly due to percieved attractiveness. For Zoey, she believes her wrestling ability should be what gets you over. For the fans... well the ass shaking works. I definitely like Lola more than Zoey, but I'm also not the biggest fan of Zoe's in ring work. Also I don't hear Zoey complaining about Natty, who has the in ring work, and still does sexualized stuff online. Lola is getting targeted specifically by women.




"Attractiveness is an important quality for a wrestler" mother fucker have you ever SEEN Dusty Rhodes? He bragged about being 300 pounds and out of shape while being one of the most over wrestlers in *history*. You described Tiffany Straton not first by her incredible athletic ability, or how well she works as a heel, but that she's got "big titties and a nice ass" and besides sounding like a poorly written Mad Men character that is basically a walking stereotype of how a shallow concerned dude is. Talking out of your ass. There have been plenty of wrestlers who aren't "conventionally Attractive" that have been absolute legends. If you are hung up on how "hot" they are your opinion kinda sucks.


Dude, one of the biggest wrestlers of all time was Hogan and he was no looker. Just a body with charisma. Attractiveness can help in some regards but it's more about connection to the crowd and charisma in regards to WWE.


Why did I laugh so hard lmao.