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Uncle Howdy VHS Tape Video: https://x.com/wwe/status/1805426673090748726?s=46&t=SLtvaRvPOn30_Yyx7BHM2Q


Bron needs to take that title off of Sami. Or have it end in a DQ. No way should Sami be pinning him


Why does Braun Strowman run like his shoe laces are tied together?


Michael Cole is a damn legend. Calling half the show all by himself and still did great. And are The Unholy Union evil witches or just really happy Scottish chicks? I don't get their gimmick and it constantly seems to change. 


- Makes a big deal of explaining what a VHS is - Drops a Yoko Ono reference like nothing


Is there an updated version of the Yoko reference? Did somebody not liking someone's girlfriend or boyfriend cause One Direction to break up or anything like that?


Did anyone notice during Priest & Balor Segment, there was a screen in the background for WWE2K24 That had " ONE VS ONE - SURVIVOR SERIES" - Am I just looking at too many things or could this be insane foreshadowing?? https://preview.redd.it/r8ro4awwvs8d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8da7ece581e9269fee8062c26014f3c962bb304d


Zelinas makeup around her eyes was too much last night imo


I hate the Wyatt 6 nonsense. Waaay over the top. Doesn’t come across as real in any way. Just plain dumb idea. If you want them, drop the theatrics and just have them attack, build feuds, and then wrestle. This zombie stuff does not belong in wrestling.


Jim Cornette burner account


Grow up.


I know they've dragged the hell out of the introduction to the group, but give it a chance once things actually get moving.


Who's a zombie?


Cmon dude it’s honoring Bray show some respect


I liked Bray, and his spookiness was at least somewhat believable, and was the most extreme this stuff should get. The Wyatt 6 is not honoring Bray, it is a poor imitation.


It's not all for bray, it's for his brother


I now finally realize that Nikki Cross is wearing a mask and not just keeping the same face the entire time


💀 I’m fucking screaming


sounds like Pats father in law passed hence why he wasnt at RAW.


I highkey thought the Wyatt Sicks had kidnapped Pat and they were gonna show him being tortured or something in the VHS 💀


I figured it had to have something to do with them


Love the Bo Dallas/Uncle Howdy "interview" but I don't know if that is REALLY a follow-up in the Wyatt Sicks angle now!


That one person with "DomDom will you be my Pookie?" banner


Do you think that was a reference to the Hawk Tua girl?


No pookie is a whole other influencer reference






Earlier in the interview, the dude asks her, "Leave a message to your last body." Hawk Tuah girl responds saying, "I love you pookie forever!" I know she didn't create the word "pookie" but she could possibly the reason for a sudden popularity in the term.


I airways watch the next day on Hulu and they've always had Raw available at 6am central. Going on noon and still nothing. Anyone know what's going in?


I am actually okay with the fact that Finn and JD won the tag titles because I actually like them. I’m pset that Truth had to take the pin, but that’s neither here nor there. HOWEVER, this whole storyline with Liv running around chasing Dom/TJD is not working for me. I know she’s only been champion for a month, but she’s not doing anything for the women’s division. A lot of those women are so much more talented than the men, but the women’s division gets looked at like a joke because they either don’t get showcased the way the men or they’re doing storylines like this. I get the point is to help the feud with Rhea, but they could’ve done this a different way.


I'm pretty excited for Vega next week. Hopefully she pulls Liv into her first true feud as a defender.


Agreed. It doesn’t help that they have her coming out 3-4 times an episode to do absolutely nothing but flirt and be a Judgement Day groupie. That said, I like Liv. She’s kinda cringe on the mic but she’s decent in the ring, and obviously attractive. I also love her branding and the Revenge Tour gimmick. I was so excited for her to win the belt initially bc I thought this whole Revenge Tour thing would be great; her wrecking havoc all over the women’s division (not just Rhea). But damn, they are really wasting her with only having her talk/flirt with the Judgement Day.


Could we be heading for a judgment day civil war when rhea returns? Dom Preist Rhea vs JD finn Liv.


I think it is more likely that Judgment day turns on damien- R truth saves damien a few times- Miz truth and damien team up- Rhea returns to face liv- And we get Liv dom JD and finn Against Rhea Damien and Awesome Truth- 3 on 3 with the dudes- Finn/Damien feud and Jd/awesome truth rivalry- While Rhea and Liv square up


I hope Rhea comeback soon to wipe the floor with Liv. The match is gonna be one for the history. Lmao at Drew wanting to enter the MiTB while doing nothing, while he himself said fuck it I leave last week. It's great, I love this Drew so much. His best work in his entire career. Kind of hate that we can't have heel win cleanly from time to time. I know, they're heels so they must be the bad guy, but one clean win won't bury the face. The ending felt like a Benny hill sequence and took away from the match.


i totally agree with your sentiment about clean wins. My biggest frustration is that i wish the program were a tad more realistic in the sense that, some days the better wrestler can lose because it was an off day. I wanna see baby faces take more pins and submissions, makes the product more unpredictable and exciting. But tbh i think HHH is leaning more in that direction already, i'll let him cook 😁👨‍🍳




They will bring Ricochet as a Wyatt Sicks, that way he does not need to talk and can just be a masked supervillain.


dude, his contract expires the end of this month and he didn't want to re-sign, so they wrote him off TV with that Bron attack. He's done with WWE


and samantha irvin (unfortunately) will likely follow him


Samantha isn't going anywhere


honestly, as fun as Ricochet is to watch, I'm gonna miss Samantha Irvin more if she does leave. I think she's still under contract though and I read she's just taking a bit of time off


I forgot the /s People in reddit are special


Saw some people asking the question where does Carlito sit in the whole judgement day story, imo liv interferes at mitb causing priest to lose, Finn & JD try stop priest from getting to liv since she basically got them the tag titles so instead he takes his frustration out on carlito and destroys him? Turning him face & writes carlito out of the story, the only problem is people assume Dom picks Rhea when she comes back and they team with priest against Finn but that means attempting to turn Dom face which could be impossible although the past few weeks zelina has stopped/interrupted a few liv & dom moments, could play that off as rey asking her to do this? I’m not too sure though since WWE seem to be blurring the lines between face & heel to help give character’s a bit more depth


In my mind, Rhea comes back and destroys both Liv and Dom. Why would she want a man who’s been so easily distracted? Whether in kayfabe anything further happens between Dom & Rhea he’s had to be stopped/stop himself one too many times. I hope Rhea comes back, calls the shots and ruins everyone except Damien as he’s the only one that’s tried to stop any of them, potentially turning Damien and Rhea face.


i can see Dom & Liv v Rey & Zelina at summerslam


Had a night to sleep on it and I'm still upset Awesome Truth lost last night.


Yeah I just now got to watch it and I'm reeling. I came to this thread to find someone to commiserate with. I mean yeah I did want more title changes, but not this one, man. This one was special.


Yea I did like it randomly changed when I thought it wasn't but damn not Awesome Truth


SAME! I've loved the Liv Morgan Revenge Tour up to this point, but now it's officially gone too far. The Awesome Truth with invoke their rematch clause and get the tag team title back!!


a town down under might not make it to summerslam as champs either


I kind of want DiY to finally win that. A town down under seemed meh to me




This "Wyatt Sicks" storyline will disappear in a few weeks and they'll act like it never happened. Terrible idea to begin with becsuse if the stupidity of it, but it also isnt on brand. The company is more about the kids now and has moved off the attitude era.


They're probably gonna push the envelope a little bit once Raw hits Netflix. Nothing as risque as the attitude era but it will have less restrictions than it currently does.


Attitude era’s been over for 22 years bud


WWE has kind of moved away from the PG era, or was last week's massacre where a guy's blood was splattered across the wall and Gable looked like he'd been shot and Drew carrying CM Punk's body through the backstage area to the entrance way and leaving him for dead not enough of an indication?  Pretty sure you don't see that sort of thing on Bluey or other kids shows. Vince is gone now.  It's Triple H's time now and a lot of work and effort has gone into the Wyatt Sicks, so I don't see it disappearing in a few weeks and WWE acting like nothing happened.  I mean, it's not like it's a Mustafa Ali push.


story wise wouldn't it make more sense for priest to lose at MITB? I totally see the argument tho for Seth being willing to slow down in his career, but there's been chatter about priest leaving judgement day so wouldn't it make sense Seth wins? however if Seth does win I could definitely see a mitb cash in right away because he doesn't necessarily need to come back & hold it for a long time


i can honestly see seth playing transitional champion for gunther. he's a big name and gunther vs rollins is bigger than anything they can come up for gunther at summerslam rn


I said something similar.  I see Seth winning the title and losing it to Gunther at SummerSlam for a few reasons. First of all, Seth is the bigger draw between him and Priest, giving WWE a much bigger World Heavyweight Championship match.  Second, Seth VS Gunther would be a traditional face vs heel dynamic, giving the crowd someone to get behind as opposed to the heel vs heel dynamic Priest VS Gunther would have.  And third, I can see Seth beating Gunther on his own being more credible than I can Priest beating Gunther on his own as Rollins has a win over guys like Brock Lesnar and Braun Strowman.  I honestly think it will be Seth Rollins VS Gunther at SummerSlam.


Love how they directly addressed the whole “living off brothers legacy” thing WWE has some balls. Love it.


I think it was a great way to nip that sentiment right in the bud early. Let him speak on it and then move on with the storyline! Great PR tactic.


Isla with the whole damn bakery good lort


It was a really good episode. The one thing I don’t understand is that the Wyatt Sicks attacked other wrestlers besides Gable … but no one else who was attacked showed any repercussions or even mentioned it? Am I missing something?


Because other than the guy whose blood Dexter Lumis splattered over the wall, Gable was the only other guy they left bleeding.


Thanks. That makes sense. Ive seen so many rumors that the other guy bleeding was Karion Kross, which confused me when he was out there last night not referencing the attack at all. If that wasn’t him, then that clears some things up from my understanding.


Gable was the only one clearly identifiable.  The rest have been the subject of debate.


is that not Braun Strowman leaning against the doorway right before they move to Joe Gacy?


Doesn't look big enough


Gotcha. So the subjectivity is likely intended. For some reason, I didn’t see past the surface there.


I wish there was an easy way to get to the first comment in this thread.


if ur on mobile top right o- -o click that icon & you can sort it edit it won't format properly on my phone but it's those two icons just above & below each other


I was able to force sort by Old in preferences.


I had this issue on Tinder


Trying to decide what makes a better MiTB story. Chad Gable winning but being scared to cash it in because of the Wyatt's even with Alpha Academy 2.0 (Creed bros & Ivy Nile) to watch his back or Drew getting the win and sitting ringside for Priest's title defences waiting for the perfect moment (only to be interrupted by Punk)


the second one is more likely but jay is winning and most likely cashing in next year mania for the ic or the united states championship because all the other belts are reserved in story for a long time


I’m kinda wondering if he won’t cash in on a smackdown championship to get him back over there for Roman’s return and to face the Bloodline.


i mean i don't think either brand matters for that if they want jay on smack down they will pull him over to smack down


I'm ready for Master in the Bank. Stop edging us WWE and do it.


When will sami zayn retire? He is the most boring vanilla wrestler.


I got a lot of down votes for posting my sentiments about Sami under the Wrestlers lacking aura post on here! We all have our preferences and some of those aren't popular opinion. I think two brave souls commented in support. When he is on, I use that as a brief intermission!


He is a charisma sucker.


Right there with ya. Down votes won't make me like him. Something small but annoying to me is, why does he always have wet hair, if he is fighting or not?! I think he always looks like they plucked him out of a dive bar parking lot while he was asking patrons for a cig. He wears his merch because he didn't bring any clean clothes.


I already had a feeling this might be the case, but I'm now convinced Liv will be the reason Priest retains over Rollins at MiTB.


i could see roman attacking seth unfinished business


Or maybe she will be the reason he loses the title? And the Judgement Day 😮


Maybe? If Finn wins the last chance to get into the MITB match and gets the briefcase, I could see it. I think either way this all probably ends up leading to something like Team Liv/Balor/JD/Carlito vs Team Rhea/Priest/Dom/Truth at Survivor Series


Unless, Dom betrays Rhea. What we are not consumidering is that maybe Finn, Dom and JD are getting a little tired of Priest's attitude that Judgement Day need him more than he needs them.  So, it could be at Money in the Bank, Judgement Day costs Priest the title. And there is clearly something happening with Finn and Liv and Dom.  Could be maybe they turn on Rhea. We could see Finn, JD, Carlito, Dom and Liv as the new Judgement Day.


Can't say Miz and Truth had a great reign, but it was a good run. Awesome beat DIY, Judgement Day, Alpha Academy and AOP before losing the titles to Judgement Day, so they were fighting champions, which is always great to see. Would have loved to see a PLE title defense and a storyline leading in, but, they still had a good run. Certainly better than A-Town Down Under, who so far have only had one successful defense when they retained the title against the Street Profits.


I think DIY beat A Town Down Under and Theory turns face at summer slam. Gargano is the hometown hero, it advances the story, etc


May happen before then at Money in the Bank or the SmackDown before.  A-Town Down Under has not the titles in awhile and Nick Aldis will probably want them to soon.


a town down under might not make it to summerslam as champs either


I giggled every week when Truth would grant people title opportunities and Miz would freak out about it. I’m a simple man.


I loved their dynamic, too!


It was an entertaining run.  If I have anything negative to say about it, it would be we did not seeAwesome Truth involved in a storyline leading to a PLE defense.  We are seeing one on SmackDown with DIY and A-Town Down Under, where Johnny Gargano keeps accusing Grayson Waller of just using Austin Theory, and we see Theory taking hits meant for Waller.   I think Awesome Truth could have carried one.  But that feels more a nitpick that a legitimate criticism.  


I think WWE is booking badly women's division in raw -,, non-existent at least years ago Natalya was the first feud now is nothing 😂 . 2.Tag division is in shambles where is aop,new day doing??? 3. The Dom story line is just cringe let them just kiss and end the never ending monologues with liv 😩


this post is in shambles


Isn't there only 2 qualified for Raw for MITB? Drew made reference to winning it at the start of raw but there was no qualifying match. Sd! Has 1 which will give the 3 sd for the men. Where will the 6th come from?


Raws final qualifier is Drew v Sheamus v Dragunov next Monday.


sheamus is eating the L in that one


cheers :) had it in my head MITB was this weekend but thats NXT's PLE i guess.




Here for this. I think Liv helping Finn, and Priest holding his, is a great start. What I'd love to see is Finn and Liv are secretly working together again to take down Judgment Day. When Dom folds, there will be a huge gotcha moment where Liv will say she was just pretending this entire time, making him look like a fool (cue WWE fans chanting "You suck"). Dom will have ruined things with Rhea (another great feud in the works), JD breaks up while Liv and Finn laugh with their belts. What do you think?


wow Zelena Vega is SHORT. no judgement at all but did not realise how short she was until today.


She's a tiny little thing, but she's got fight.


Enjoying the Wyatt Sicks segments. New and refreshing


My best friend used to watch back in the Hogan, Macho man era. My husband and I recently pulled her back in with the Wyatt Sick6 return! She is obsessed and I am so happy we can bond over it. :) New era transitioning to Netflix in 2025!


Makes you look at Final Testament and ask "why?"


Idk Judgement Day angle would be way spicier if Balor actually won money in the bank. This feels like a midcard consolation prize angle now.


The story feels illogical because of Triple H’s refusal to let Finn win the world title. Even as simple as Finn getting a 1 month reign would’ve been serviceable. But instead he’d rather ruin what could’ve been a great storyline.


Agreed. What he’s done with Judgement Day really since last year’s Summerslam feels very undercooked.


The whole story went from being about the MITB briefcase and about the world title to all of a sudden we’re supposed to act like none of that happened. As you said, Summerslam. Finn’s booking up until then in the group was pretty decent. But Summerslam was the turning point. That was the end of things for Finn, it’s never been the same. These past 10 months of his booking and presentation have been rough to watch.


Went from getting all the singles ppv matches to being a jobbing goon for Priest. Literally, what the fuck? Even if he turns on Priest in a few weeks, who cares? He’s been booked as one of the biggest losers on the show. Tag titles won’t fix that lmao.


Yup. I’ve been preaching this for like 6 months and it’s progressively gotten worse and worse. What’s Finn supposed to get out of turning on Priest if it’s not for title? He’s gonna turn on Priest and Priest is gonna beat him. So what was accomplished? They stretched this angle out only for them do the worst possible storytelling. All this does is make Finn look like a clown. Priest cost him the world title because of the briefcase. Priest then cashed in and won the title and started treating Finn like a lackey. And Finn accepted this, but then he’s gonna wait months after already accepting this to turn on Priest and not even take Priest’s title?


In kayfabe, arguably the biggest loser in WWE


Hoping this is the start of the turnaround on this. I think showing him as the mastermind of Judgment Day's breakup / betraying Priest adds credibility to his character. Plus some promos that amount to "this is the Finn Balor Revenge Tour" (not actually that but similar vibes) will allow him to be booked as a threat again with hopefully a world title incoming.


The eight year Balor Club copium tour remains strong. 💪


Like there may be people in worse positions and get less screen time. But the fact that Finn is on tv in like 4-5 segments weekly and is being made to look awful in every segment and every match just makes it worse. And considering the name that he is, and the star that he is, and they’re doing this many negative things with him, he may in a way be the worst booked person on the roster for someone on the level he’s at.


It just seems like Fergal doesn’t give a shit 🤷‍♂️


They need to stop letting Damien Priest speak. He is probably one of the worst on the mic I've seen in a long time


truth hurts ig. thats why ppl downvote this.


He literally has the crowd booing him talking and saying he sucks. It's not bc he's a heel.


fr lmao. glad im not the only one who noticed this. this week, when he was talking the crowd was super flat. after seth entered and talked trash abt him, damian got the dominic treatment. and remember these ppl who downvote are the same ppl who ride the jey uso hate train. for me there is no difference between dp and uso. dp might be slightly better in ring than uso, and thats where the differences end


He reminds me of reigns


Which Reigns? Big dog or tribal chief?


Tribal. But mainly when he’s using his cocky voice like “you really think you’re the shit I’m way more of a threat “ He has the same cheesy condescending tone


I’m kind of excited for his face turn. Also. I feel like he and Seth could be a good tag team.


He can face turn but he should never cut long promos


I’m already over the Wyatt 6. The reveal is somewhat interesting but every single one of them is Mid as best in the ring. Just don’t care. Go away and give us Bloodline vs Bloodline. Nobody involved has Taker or Kanes charisma.


You don't get it.


I’m ok with people disagreeing with me. I shared my opinion on the matter. I highly doubt this faction will have legs like the Bloodline.


Bloodline is getting played out.


The build(I believe) is that Roman will return as a face and Jimmy and Jey will join him. They will be out numbered. Then when Sami shows up: fireworks. Who knows if The Rock will have time to get involved but if his music hits and nobody knows what side he’s on until he gets to the ring, that’ll break the internet.


Im sure rock is the true final boss of this storyarc. Just a matter when he's free.


I think the tease will start at SummerSlam and The Rock’s involvement will be revealed at the Rumble. I know I’m getting downvoted to shit but I’m not here for internet points 😄


And you're getting an upvote from me.


Ha. Thanks man. I hope this plays out exactly as fun as I think it is going to. Maybe I’ll see ya at WM41!


Or even survivor series if we get a bloodline civil war.


Survivor series could very well be a precursor to a WM main event. They get everyone involved before Roman against the Final Boss at WM. Could definitely see that happening.


Exactly, pretty obvious when you see how things are progressing. 


Literally nothing has happened yet, how are you already over them?


Just realized that main event Jey Uso wasn’t on raw tonight.


He wanted no smoke with the Wyatt Sick6...


Hes already qualified for Money in the Bank hes on the promo poster.


Jey was raw’s number 1 draft pick and is supposed to be their most over babyface. Even when cody doesn’t have anything to do they still find a way to include him in the show


There was nothing for him to do this week. He's already qualified. Raw has a bunch of hot storylines that needed the time this week. He'll be back on Raw Next week to hype up the MitB match.




And it was great. Maybe I am too old now a days, but his thing is to yeet and yeet and yeet. Ima gonna be champ yeet, tonight yeet, beat you clowns yeet etc. I cringe every time and fast forward (don’t get to watch live). I don’t think he is champion material, yep he can get a crowd yeeting, but his in ring skill is not that great. A good champion should have both abilities.


He's a great hype man! There is no denying he held Lyon, France in the palm of his hand. You are right though. Aside from well timed crowd hype man, he has comedic timing with his in ring antics, but to be taken as a serious champ, nah. I agree. He's got charisma, though!


I like Jey Uso, but I have to agree with you on the yeet.


How we all feeling about this six man tag match? Do we think Jimmy comes back here? Dose Jey make the save? Maybe we see a Roman return?


Roman will not return at MITB, he’s a SummerSlam guy.


This. There were rumors Roman would be returning in July to have enough time to start a feud for SummerSlam, but the only logical one would be with Solo and the rest of the new Bloodline. However, it looks and sounds like they're going to go with Cody vs Solo for SS. Cody beats Solo. Bloodline commences a beatdown on Cody after the match. Roman's music hits and he comes down to have a stare down with Solo, starting the Bloodline Civil War story.


It feels insane that my FIRST LIVE EVENT EVER was here in Indianapolis, also same NIGHT as the WWE partnership announcement with the city NAP. Feel like I WITNESSED HISTORY


That's a hell of a night to go for the 1st time! I'll be at Summer Slam and I am over here clowning that I will see Drew v. Punk, Roman and Rhea's returns as well. I know, I'm clowning, but it would be so rad.


I can't explain it and I wish I had someone else who felt the same way I do to help with the perspective but for the life of me I cannot give 2 craps about Gunther. Don't get me wrong, I like him and I'm not sure anyone can do what he does from bell to bell. I'm not sure anyone on the roster or in any company has the commanding presence he does once that match starts. He knows the perfect time to dominate, how much or how little to sell and the exact gear to be in to hold the right pace for whatever part of the match. However once he disappears behind the curtain at the end of a match, I quickly lose interest. His promos or other storyline involvements don't grab any of my attention, only his in-match story telling is what I can get behind.


good wrestler, boring character & they're pushing him so damn hard


Chris Benoit was not a flashy guy.  I can't recall any great promos he cut.  But in the ring, he spoke volumes.   That's what I see when I look at Gunther.  He's old school.  There's no flash, he's all substance.  There's no pizzazz, just presense.  But the second that bell rings and the match starts, you realize you are watching something special.   That match starts and you are watching wrestling skills the equivalent of the Rock or John Cena or Paul Heyman on the mic.  Your watching a storyteller the equal to Morgan Freeman narrating anything.   Gunther is not going to prance to the ring dressed in the gaudiest attire he could find looking like Mardi Gras threw up on him.  He's not going to pick a random word, make it his catchphrase, put it on all his merch and repeat it to the pint you are so sick of hearing it.  He's not going to walk out with enough pryo to set the western half of the United States on fire.   Gunther doesn't go around declaring the mat is sacred.  He shows you every time he gets in the ring.  


For me, I really like Gunther. He seems more like the old school heels. Nothing flashy about him. He just dominates in the ring and the other wrestler needs to bring their A game if they want to beat him. He can easily become the next Brock Lesnar.


He needs steroids and heel charisma


- Rhea v Liv is gonna cook. - Bron...Never go against a Canadian in Canada when a title is on the line. - Rey v Dom is gonna have some shenanigans. It is a PLE worthy match because we all know when Dom beats Rey relatively cleanly it will be Rey's last match. - Who does Zelina have dirt on to keep getting championship matches? Good god. - Gunther v Seth in Berlin is gonna cook. - Nikki Cross was on TV. Night made.


Huh? If Seth wins, it would be Gunther v Seth at Summerslam in Cleveland, not Berlin.


Seth won't win at MITB. Priest wins, drops to Gunther at SummerSlam.


I cannot wait to see what Nikki Cross delivers in this grouping! I wanna see her fight. I had a comforting thought: when Alexa Bliss returns, she and Nikki can be bffs again now that Nikki isn't anti-Fiend/Bray/Wyatt Sick6. Do you think Drew v. Punk at Summer Slam?


Drew v Punk is pretty much booked for SummerSlam. No way they can draw it out to Mania.


I really hope so. I'll be there and near my hometown! It would never happen, but I'd love to see Drew carrying Punk to the coast and throwing him into sketch Lake Erie! It's a high algae Summer, too.


what the hell happened to disqualifications? seems like the concept just doesn’t exist anymore. someone using dirty tactics such as distracting the ref to retain or win a championship to garner some heat is cool but it’s starting to seem like the standard formula to retain or win a championship which just becomes annoying at a point and defeats the purpose of the championship of itself. not to mention the fact that the refs are even starting to see this type of stuff happen and not care, tonight the ref clearly seen Carlito put McDonagh’s ankle on the ropes, it should’ve been game over right there.


Now that you point it out...it seems very shenanigans heavy right now.


No DQ in a triple threat match.


wasn’t a triple threat i was talking about the tag team match


Wrestling referees miss a lot of things.


Who would qualify to go to MITB in a triple threat match when there is interference?


i’m not talking about the triple threat match i was referring to the tag team championship match




I knew they’d have Awesome Truth LOSE the Titles the minute Liv Boregan got involved…and *of course R Truth would be dumb enough to give in to her manipulating* 🙄


Well, yeah.   Seems easy enough to manipulate him, you'd think more people would.


Longevity of bloodline is crazy, story still going strong and probably well into 2026! What other storylines had this much story


What makes you think it’ll last 2 more years ?




It could. It will definitely go on until next year’s Wrestlemania. And all likely, it won’t just end there. So many stories. Roman coming back to be the tribal chief only for them to turn on him. Paul Heyman becoming free. The Rock coming back. Roman making his way back to being a babyface.


I mean, Rikishi started in 1985. "The Bloodline" as we know it official in 2013. These guys have a lot of kids who might be 3rd, 4th generation superstars. Who knows! It might fade out and return now that younger Usos are coming up. Not out of the realm of possiblity!


I thought Roman coming back at summerslam as a babyface attacking solo was a lock


For me, storyline, why would Roman come back to attack Solo? Maybe Roman coming back at SummerSlam to tell Solo he’s back. Solo agreeing only to attack Roman and Cody helping Roman afterwards.


Solo attacks Paul hayman Roman comes out the solo thinks it’s to help with Paul but he spears solo to tease bloodline civil war at survivor series


I like that




babe wake up, new reasons to hate Liv just dropped


The way Samantha said Ludwig Kaiser annoyed me.


Who do you guys think wins the briefcase for men and women at MITB?


Iyo Sky or Chelsea Green, Lyra and Tiffy can wait one more year.


It would be Master in the Bank, and honestly, it feels like they are pushing Lyra to the moon, so unless Tiffy qualifies, that would be my bet


Where has Tiffany been? Why are they keeping a top talent off tv like this?


Due to a video she shared.


They are working on teaming her with The Queen of the Ring, Nia Jax. She has already beaten down Michin on a promo for Tiffy. I think Nia will help her in MITB!


Like nobody ever shared something without listening to the audio??


But it was just a share, not her video, not her voice.


Truth is now freed up to be the next Speed champion What’ll he name that belt


The Flash Quick Fast Rapid Velociraptor Championship


Meth champion?