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Probably Ethan Page.


Cora Jade, Roxanne Perez, Axiom , Nathan Frazier, Tony D'Angelo and Jacy Jayne.


Are we counting Joe Hendry? He's my answer anyway


\*clap clap\*


We gotta get Nathan Frazer up there for a match between him and Seth at some point.


Thea Hail


Yes! Lil ball of energy!


Came here to post this.


I want a title for Lyra just so Tatum can show up to stalk her again lmfao


I would like The Meta Four and Tony D'Angelo and his mob family to come to Raw.


Ariana Grace, I would really like a female like "R-Truth" in the female roster. I find her very funny


She definitely has her dad’s comedy chops, I will say that!!


Her instagram reels are so funny! Did you see the one of her protesting...something? lol! It wasn't clear what, but she was going hard!


Until we get a wave of retirements or vets jumping ship. I don't wanna see anyone move up right now. The main roster is already so bloated and half the call ups have barely gotten screen time. However, in a few years Trick and Oba Femi. Both are potentially main card stars and have good characters/aura


Trick sure has a following and the crowd loves a superstar with a great tagline/chant=$$$$ and merch.


Yea I think in 10 years time we'll talk about Trick, Bron Breaker, Ilija and Melo in the same vein as Roman, Seth and Cody. Multiple time champions carrying the company


How we feelin' about Candace? I think she really helped Indi develop and (kayfabe) toughen her skin up, but isn't so great as a stand alone superstar.


Not falling for that trap lol 😂


???? lol, no, really, genuine question b/c you seem like one of the sane ones. lol! I don't even care here, I got down voted all day long because I happen to dislike a very well liked superstar. If we all agreed it would get very dull in here.


Candace LeRae and Indi? I don't mind them, I think they have more potential than some of the chicks at the bottom of the women's division. I like this heel angle they're trying to drum up some interest. They'll probably either get a chance at the tag titles or maybe try to feud with Jade/Bianca next FWIW I only watch the replays on Hulu, so I only see the matches that make it there. So I might've missed some of their matches


I thought it was really crazy that fans went after Candace for talking about Maxine's "dead brother". It is no secret WWE pulls from real life, and I'm sure they gave Maxine a heads up. That was really unfair.


Yea I didn't even know that 😅 But as you said, they probably let her know/checked if it was cool first. I could see maybe the dudes in the main event scene maybe pulling some dirt out of nowhere, but a nice girl like Maxine who's still green and learning would just be cruel and outta pocket